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Samsung pranese kad nauja Android 4 gaus ne tik naujas Nexus smartas ,taciau kitamet atnaujinimus gaus ir Galaxy S II, ir visi ju Tabletai kurie dabar turi Android 3.


Samsung Italy confirms Android 4 upgrade schedule



Samsung Italy ended a minor amount of doubt Friday after it relayed plans to upgrade its higher-end devices to Android 4.0. The Galaxy Note, Galaxy S II, and every Android 3-based tablet from the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus through to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 would get the upgrade by spring 2012, was told. The original Galaxy S and other models were lower priorities, Samsung said, as the priority was getting the OS on devices it knew would support the OS and then evaluating lower-end devices.


The company may have revealed a true hardware baseline for Android 4.0 after it said that any device needed at least WVGA (480x800) for Samsung to consider an upgrade.


Android 4.0 will be the most help to the Galaxy Note and S II, as both will get the major phone interface changes. On a tablet, the changes are subtler and mostly include updated core apps, face unlock, and others that aren't dependent on the screen size.


While it shows Samsung committed to supporting its older hardware, it still leaves the Galaxy Nexus as Samsung's only known device to be carrying Android 4.0 in the near future. More is likely to surface either at the CES expo in January or at Mobile World Congress in February.

dar naujienu kas anglijoj zada imt naujus smartus su sutartim arba siaip isigyt tai naujas Samsung Nexus pasirodys jau Lapkricio 17 diena.



Samsung has confirmed that its flagship Ice Cream Sandwich touting Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone will be going on sale on in the UK on the 17 November.


Three, O2 and Vodafone have all officially announced that it'll be bringing the Galaxy Nexus to their stores packing the much-awaited Ice Cream Sandwich operating system to expectant customers. While is listing the new flagship phone at £549.99 without SIM.

o naujas Note dar anksciau UK pasirodys jau Lapkricio 3diena.



Samsung has confirmed that it will be launching the Samsung Galaxy Note in the UK on the 3 November, two weeks earlier than expected, and be offering a white version of the miniature tablet, or should that be massive phone on launch day too.


“We’ve had a great response from our retail partners, customers and industry watchers alike following the Galaxy Note announcement at IFA in September and are excited that consumers will be able to buy the device from a wide range of retailers as of next week,” said Simon Stanford, Managing Director, Mobile, Samsung UK and Ireland at the launch party for the event in London.


Those keen to get their hands on the new device will be able to do so from all major networks, specialist phone retailers, key high street, out of town and online electrical retailers, including Carphone Warehouse from Thursday 3 November 2011. Samsung has previously said that the Note wouldn't be available until the 17 November - that is incidentally the new release date for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.


The company also confirmed that the Note would be coming in white from day one.


In related news, Samsung also announced that the number of dedicated apps that now use the company’s “S-Pen” has also increased. New apps demoed include Soonr, OmniSketch, Zen Brush, ComicBook!, and iAnnotate PDF.


It is unsure whether Samsung will be updating the Samsung Galaxy Note to support Google’s new operating system Ice Cream Sandwich. That OS, which will be on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, does come with native pen support so it would be possible. In the meantime Samsung has said that an SDK for the S-Pen so developers can create dedicated apps would be released in December.

..o kam nereikia monstru , o iesko kad pigiau ir kad butu geras vistiek ,tai samsung pristato Samsung Exhibit II 4G uz $199




Following up the original Samsung Exhibit 4G that went live in the US in June, Sammy and T-Mobile have teamed up again for a sequel - the Samsung Exhibit II 4G.


Again, this is 4G fun on a budget. It packs a 3.7-inch WVGA TFT touchscreen and is powered by a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.


No Ice Cream fun yet, the Exhibit II 4 runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread, and packs all the Big G fun such as Google Maps, Calendar, Gmail and, of course, the Android Market.


It has a 3-megapixel rear-facing camera with flash and video capture capabilities and a front-facing camera for video chat.


The Samsung Exhibit II 4G will hit Walmart stores on 27 October costing $29.99 after a $50 mail-in-rebate card with a two-year contract or $199.99 contract-free. No word on a UK release, and don't hold your breath waiting for one.

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Samsung Italy has confirmed that a number of devices will be receiving the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update. And though we figured these would make the list, it’s nice to have it writing.




Galaxy S II

Galaxy Note

Galaxy Tab 10.1

Galaxy Tab 8.9

Galaxy Tab 7.7

Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus



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tai kaip cia gaunas tik nauji telefonai gaus 4.0 atnaujinimus? jei pvz pas mane nepopuliarus huawei modelis su 2.3 tai as galiu pamirst apie ice cream sandwitch? ar galimi kaskokie neoficialus irasymo budai nurootinus ar kaip ten nelabai zinau?

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tai kaip cia gaunas tik nauji telefonai gaus 4.0 atnaujinimus? jei pvz pas mane nepopuliarus huawei modelis su 2.3 tai as galiu pamirst apie ice cream sandwitch? ar galimi kaskokie neoficialus irasymo budai nurootinus ar kaip ten nelabai zinau?


gaunas tai ka pranese kol kas. cia tik samsungas paskelbe savo irenginius siaip. bet ir taip aisku kad senesni negaus atnaujinimo. lyg jo reiketu.


Galaxy Y Pro



na cia smsininkam geris bus sitas.kaip tik ieskojau kazko tokio,nes nera is ko rinktis beveik.

be to aisku kad nori patraukt blackberiu fanus irgi.tik ba geriau kad ir specai butu geri juose.

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Android Market v3.3.11 APK now available, adds auto-update by default and other new settings




kas nenori laukt autoupdate i smartus gali pasimt update is cia:

Download Android Market 3.3.11


kas naujo? kol kas pastebetos tokios naujoves:


New setting: Auto-update apps (presumably, sets all apps to auto-update mode, woohoo!)

New setting: Update over Wi-Fi only

New setting: Auto-add shortcuts (automatically adds homescreen shortcuts for new apps, a la Honeycomb)

Smaller font

New app drawer icon

Microphone (voice command) button in search menu

Star rating chart on app pages

Minor UI tweaks

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Galaxy Nexus gets rooted




To root or not to root -- that's never really been a question for Nexus owners. Google's purebred Android phones are by nature developer-friendly and ship with a painless ability to unlock their bootloaders. So, it comes as no great surprise that well-known modder Modaco has achieved this very feat on the Galaxy Nexus, although it is nice to this Ice Cream Sandwich flagship upholding tradition. Whatever your personal computing OS choice, the superboot image file provided at the source will work for you, pushing the superuser APK to your handset and granting you administrator privileges. Retail versions of the phone will likely come locked, so be prepared to wipe your data if you choose to go down this route (pun definitely intended). As always, tinkering with high-end mobile toys comes with the usual associated risks, so proceed with caution. And remember the cardinal rule -- friends don't let friends root their phones.

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naujas Sony Xperia serijos smartas pastebetas. su 720p ekranu ir kaip spejama 1.5ghz dual core CPU.

taigi Sony irgi neatsilieka nuo dual core monstriuku


Sony Ericsson XPERIA Nozomi LT26i


- 1.5 dual core CPU

- 4.3 inch 1280x720 screen (320 DPI)

- 1 GB RAM

- front facing camera

- running Gingerbread 2.3.5

- unique leds that glows in the front and back of the phone










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Ne į temą

Wow, va čia tai aparačiukas :whistling: bet ant telefono vis dar rašo Sony Ericsson, įdomu nuo kada pradės rašyt tik Sony.
Redagavo GYNGA

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HTC Edge may be one of the first quad-core smartphones




Neseniai buvo pranešta apie Asus Transformer Prime tabletę su quad-coru, o štai dabar nutekėjo informacija apie galimą pirmąjį Android telefoną su Nvidia Tegra 3 keturių branduolių procesorium - HTC Edge.


Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

4.7" 720p ekranas

1.5GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 procesorius


8MP kamera su 1080p filmavimu



Skamba tai įspūdingai, reikia dabar laukt oficialaus anonso :thumbsup4:

Redagavo GYNGA

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HTC Edge may be one of the first quad-core smartphones


Skamba tai įspūdingai, reikia dabar laukt oficialaus anonso :thumbsup4:


Ne į temą

man ispudingiau tai butu 3 ar 4 kart ilgiau laikantys akumai, o ne CPU ir ekranai didesni. po to ziuri kad jau krauni tlf po 2 kart i diena. :thumbsup4: bet kaip zaisliukai tai ispudingi tikrai.tik mazai praktiski, kol akumai bus tokie fail.

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Ne į temą

man ispudingiau tai butu 3 ar 4 kart ilgiau laikantys akumai, o ne CPU ir ekranai didesni. po to ziuri kad jau krauni tlf po 2 kart i diena. :thumbsup4: bet kaip zaisliukai tai ispudingi tikrai.tik mazai praktiski, kol akumai bus tokie fail.


Ne į temą

nu jo tokiam žaislui kokių 2000 mAh mažiausiai reiktų, kad nors parą atlaikytų. Bet aš manyčiau kad tiek ir quad-core, tiek ir 720p ekranas jau yra riba bent jau kokiem 3-4 metams į priekį, tai gal dabar gamintojai labiau susitelks ne į skaičius popieriuje, o į galios ir baterijos efektyvumo gerinimą :thumbsup4:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ne į temą

nu jo tokiam žaislui kokių 2000 mAh mažiausiai reiktų, kad nors parą atlaikytų. Bet aš manyčiau kad tiek ir quad-core, tiek ir 720p ekranas jau yra riba bent jau kokiem 3-4 metams į priekį, tai gal dabar gamintojai labiau susitelks ne į skaičius popieriuje, o į galios ir baterijos efektyvumo gerinimą :pirate2:


Ne į temą

ribu nebus niekad..tikrai ne dabar bent jau. sukure 720p , sukurs ir 1080p ekranus po puses metu jei ne anksciau.gerai bent jau yra tame kad nauji CPU nors ir galingi bet neudoja mazai energijos, tai realiai gal netgi butu dar taupesni negu senesni is tikro. kazkaip viskas tobuleja. o akumai laiko vis trumpiau ir trumpiau.turiu omeni realu tokio zaislo naudojima kai pajungi wifi ir panarsai ,ar paziuri video is neto..krenta kai lapai isvis per valanda.. :whistling:

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All 2011 Sony Ericsson Xperia phones getting Android 4.0


Sony Ericsson promises Android 4 for 2011 phones


Sony Ericsson​ made a pledge Tuesday that all of its 2011 Xperia phones, and the Live with Walkman, would be getting Android 4.0. The company planned to adapt its custom interface to the new OS regardless of size, ranging from the Xperia minis through to the Xperia arc S. It didn't yet have timing.

trumpai aiskiai. visi 2001 gamybos Sony Xperia smartai gaus Android 4 updeita...kazkada veliau




kol kas tik gandai bet apie nauja CPU jau gandai is seniau buvo,taciau dabar realiai jis gali buti netolimoj ateiti jau ir HTC smarte pasirodyt. kaip jum smartas su Quad-core 2.5ghz ... :whistling: jau naujas Tegra 3 nebeatrodo toks galingas kai pagalvoji.

HTC Zeta rendered, rumored to pack 2.5GHz quad-core CPU and Ice Cream Sandwich




Ready for today's grain of salt? We just got handed imagery and specs of a possible HTC device in the works codenamed the Zeta. It's a quad-core handset, much like the Edge that was leaked last week, but it has a much faster 2.5GHz APQ8064 CPU along with 1GB of RAM running the show, on a 4.5-inch 720p HD display. According to our source, the uniquely shaped smartphone will come with Ice Cream Sandwich pre-installed with Sense UI (version 4.0 wasn't specified, but we'd be surprised to see it any lower on an ICS device) and have 32GB of internal storage space, an 1,830mAh battery, Beats Audio, Bluetooth 4.0, an 8MP rear camera with dual LED flash, 1080p video capture and a 1.3MP front-facing cam. Dimensions? We have those, too: the Zeta is said to measure at 109.8 x 60.9 x 9.8mm (4.32 x 2.4 x 0.39 inches) and weigh 5.15 ounces (146g). Pricing and availability aren't known, and we're still digging for more info. It certainly has an intriguing look; the sharp corners would be a huge departure from HTC's recent design choices, though it appears to have HTC's signature unibody build in the back.





Ne į temą

mmda..tuoj laptopai jau nebespes paskui smartus ..kam i tuos vargsus netbookus kisa tuos Atom vis dar , ten kokiu 1,2 -1,6ghz ideda ir jau naujesni netbookai gauna dual corus AMD naujus su GPU 6250, tai gerai nors tiek gerai..
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naujas Gametel Bluetooth gamepadas visiem iki 4.2' smartam kurie turi Android 2.1 ir aukstesne.

galima ant pultelio uzsidet pati smarta ir lost, arba smarta pastatyt per atstuma kur nors ir valdyt per atstuma, o jei dar yra HDMI out tai galima visa tai ir per HDTV pasijungt.

kaina bus nemaza palyginus , apie £50 . pasirodys UK prie kaledas.


Costing around £50 and expected to be available in the UK before Christmas, the new accessory works with over 50 games in the Android Market at the moment; however it will, the company tells Pocket-lint, work with more in the future including Cordy, Asphalt 5 HD, Reckless Getaway, Guns’n’Glory, MotoX Mayhem, Happy Vikings and Zenonia.


You will be able to connect up to four controllers to any one phone to play four-player games at the same time, although we aren’t sure there are any out there at the moment.


Nvidia has announced that its Tegra 3 powered tablets like the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime will allow you to pair Xbox 360 or PS3 controllers, however that will only work with the newer devices on the market. The Gametel controller, says the company, will work with virtually all Android phones on sale today.








dar naujos zinios del Flash palaikymo nutraukimo androidam. iki metu galo dar iseis paskutinis Flash update Android 4.0 , bet Android 5.0 jau negaus Flash. Taigi Samsung Nexus dar gaus Flash, ko dabar neturi.


Adobe: Flash for Android 4.0 before end of 2011, no Flash for Android 5.0


Adobe has confirmed to Pocket-lint that it plans to release Flash for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich by the end of 2011, but it will be the last update going forward. That means that there will be a Flash-free future for Android beyond ICS.


"Adobe will release one more version of the Flash Player for mobile browsing, which will provide support for Android 4.0, and one more release of the Flash Linux Porting Kit - both expected to be released before the end of this year," a company spokesperson told us.


That's going to be good news for Samsung Galaxy Nexus owners who currently don't have Flash installed on their new phone. It will allow them to also enjoy the "full web experience" as promoted and promised by Google for it's Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) users.


Adobe's statements however, also mean that future updates to the Google Android OS - Android 5.0, for example - won't be getting Flash support:


"After that time, Adobe will continue to provide critical bug fixes and security updates," the company added.


Google Android 5.0, expected to be called Jelly Bean, has yet to surface, although, given the fast release schedule of the platform in the past (Android 3.0 was released in February 2011), it could appear even as soon as Google's I/O conference held in April 2012. At the latest, we'd expect it to hit December 2012, which is the month the company has released new flagship phones in the past (Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S being the last two).

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    • Kad šiek tiek pagyvinti forumą, norėčiau padiskutuoti su forumečiais ką manote apie XBox apskritai kaip gaming platformos ir pačių konsolių kaip tokių ateitį. Asmeniškai manau kad tą ateitis yra gan niūri ir kad ji tokia būtu nenuilstamai visos šios konsolių kartos laiką padirbėjo XBox vadovybė. Kodėl taip galvoju. Jeigu dar net XBox One (PS4) laiku, Boxas labai didėliai daliai žmonių (XBox nuo 360 laiku tikrai turėjo visą stiprią fan auditoriją) buvo geidžiama konsole, ne ką mažiau negu Playstation, tai dabar laikai pasikeitė kardinaliai. Xbox praktiškai neleidžia exclusive žaidimų, nemaža dalis žaidimų atsiduria GamePase Day1, GamePass yra tiek stumiamas per visus galus ir nori būti visur, kad žmonės realai neperka Microsoft žaidimu išvis - jų nereikia. Kam pvz. pirkti STALKER 2 , jeigu gali atrasti pati pigiausią GamePass  1 mėn.  (ar net gauti nemokamai) pereiti ir pamiršt. Žmonės visiškai nėra prisirišę prie XBox ekosistemos, nes ji sugriauta pačios XBox vadovybės dėka. Jie neturi nupirktų žaidimų bibliotekos, neturi sėkmingai bėga į Sony stovyklą. Aišku jus argumentuosit kad panašiau daro ir Sony. Taip, bet ne visai. Sony pradėjo leisti tam tikrus savo žaidimus Windows platformoje, bet ne XBox, nes iki šiol nori ir norės, kad žmonės būtu jų fanai, pirktų jų konsoles, jų geležį, įskaitant ir PS5 Pro už ~ 1000e ir liktu su Sony. Bet ne Microsoft. Manau net jeigu Microsoft ir išleis kitą konsolių kartą, jų niekam nereikės. Pats GamePass kažkaip tai gyvos, bet jau dabar kaip servisas yra pasikęs piką ir nesiplės. O reziumė būtu paprastas. Manau kad Microsoft tikrąją tą žodžio prasmę išdavė ir metė savo žaidėjus.           
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