
Xbox 360's neranda 4gb geimams

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Sveiki, noriu paklausti kodel neranda xbox 360's tu 4gb norint rasyt zaidimus?

Redagavo martynukazzz

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Manau, kad per mazai vietos, gi zaidimai tai uzima apie 6 GB.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki, noriu paklausti kodel neranda xbox 360's tu 4gb norint rasyt zaidimus?


ta atmintis skirtas programiniams failams,seivams ir pan.Žaidimu rašyti į ja negalima

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

20 GB (Gigabytes)

The Xbox 360 system reserves approximately 6 GB of space for the following:

Approximately 4 GB is reserved for game title caching and for other hard drive-specific game elements for games that support the use of the Xbox Hard Drive.

Approximately 2 GB is reserved for use by the Xbox 360 backwards-compatibility software that allows you to play older Xbox titles on the Xbox 360 console.

After you subtract the reserved space from the listed total, the following approximate amount of free space remains on the 20 GB hard drive:

Approximately 14 GB of free space for the 20 GB model

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