
WRC2 (WRC 2011)

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Kūrėjas: Milestone
Leidėjas: Black Bean
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: rally racing
Režimai: single, multiplayer
Išleidimo data: 2011 spalis
Metacritic įvertinimas:
Platformos: PC , PS3 , xbox 360


WRC 2, the official 2011 FIA World Rally Championship game, will release in October, publisher Black Bean games has announced.

The game's being made by Italian racing specialist Milestone for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

WRC 2 packs all the proper real-life drivers and cars, plus has 90 stages, 15 locales and 25 different terrain and weather combinations. Let's reiterate that: 25 different terrain and weather combinations.

There are nine car categories, ranging from vintage 1960s models to modern day monster motors, 16-player online races and a revamped Career.

taigi tyletas ir sleptas isdygo naujas WRC, tu paciu kureju ir tu paciu leideju bus isleistas, kaip sako daug patobulintas ir aisku oficialus,kas reiskia visos masinos ir komandos bei pilotai bus jame oficialus ir tikri.
pirma dali is pradziu nepatikus ,po to tikrai itrauke mane kai ismeginau lost Championshipa su WRC masinom. tai tiesiog viska pagerint ir kas nelabai gerai buvo pakeist ,ir bus tikrai geras WRC geimas. tikiuosi toks ir bus. Redagavo scalman

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Kadangi sis zaidimas tu paciu kureju ir leideju kaip pirmo WRC, kuris mane labai nuvyle, tai praleisiu si zaidima. Geriau zaisiu kokybiskus zaidimus, tokius kaip Dirt 3 :D

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Kadangi sis zaidimas tu paciu kureju ir leideju kaip pirmo WRC, kuris mane labai nuvyle, tai praleisiu si zaidima. Geriau zaisiu kokybiskus zaidimus, tokius kaip Dirt 3 :D


na dirt ir WRC jau neturi beveik nieko bendro. mane irgi buvo nuvyles WRC 2010, bet pasemiau veliau as ji, po visu Shift ur ir Dirt3 losimu ir pradejau lost visa cempionata ir negalejau atsitraukt. gal supratau kaip valdyt ji ar pagavau kazkoki tempa geimo, ir pamaciau koks geras ir valdymas ir kaip damage gerai atrodo jei padarai ka, ir kaip masina graziai apdulkeja ar apsipurvina. siaip labai nedaug jam reikia pasikeist ir bus isvis geris.aisku gali paimt ir pakeist ji drastiskai,kas ten zino. tikiuosi geriausio,nes WRC nor vieno tikro ralio tikrai reikia.

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WRC 2: 'Realistic and enjoyable can be in the same sentence'


WRC 2 is set to feature 90 tracks across 15 locations, 25 different types of terrain and weather conditions and nine car categories. But beyond the numbers the developer is aiming to take full advantage of the license which it exclusively holds to create an authentic, deep but user friendly rally effort.


We sat down with the Black Bean's communication manager Davide Latina to talk about the changes, new additions and the competitions it faces...


interviu ..

What have you done since last year?


In 2010 the game was pretty good in terms of gameplay. The driving model was probably the best feature but the graphics, generally speaking a bit generic according to some critics and consumers. So what we've done is collect all the feedback from them, from you guys and across all of Europe in order to make a list of features to deliver the ultimate licensed off-road racing game.


There are three main areas of improvement, which are the graphics, the contents and the gameplay.


In terms of graphics, we changed it completely. We changed a lot of stuff both inside and outside of the car starting from the cockpit models which are more detailed in terms of polygon levels, the environment, the crowds, the marshalls waving yellow flags and the photographers. All the side effects.


In terms of gameplay, the cars this year are completely different from last year. For example the C4 is now the DS3 by Citroen, the Ford Focus is now the Fiesta and there is the Mini. So it has a smaller engine, a 1.6 litre engine, different weight - so the reaction of the car on the track is completely different than last year - we needed to change all the parameters of last years cars.


The approach is totally different from other racing titles. We start from a simulation and offer some parameters to make it accessible to everyone. So it's not an arcade game with a chance to remove some assistance etc, the approach is totally different - realistic driving model but enjoyable. Realistic and enjoyable can be in the same sentence in my opinion.


It can be realistic but not too difficult and frustrating, it has to be enjoyable in my opinion.


In terms of content there are around 90 stages, which is up 15 percent from last year. 15 different locations - the locations of the real championship, 25 different types of surface, 16 players online and many game modes; the championship, the super special stages - a one vs. one competition with two cars at the same time - the traditional time attack and single stage that you can play online as well, including the super special stages.


Dirt 3 scored massively well. What do you think about that as competition, as a game and is it still purely for arcade fans?


Obviously the competition is there but as I mentioned the approach is totally different. I think DiRT is an arcade game that wants to involve the WRC and pure racing approach whereas our approach is to make a simulation and make it more accessible so the driving model is totally different.


Also there is a big difference in that WRC is the official game so it's the only game featuring all the WRC content of this year.


How confident are you in the size of the market out there for a really hardcore rally sim?


It's a good question. We realised last year that the market is not full so there's room to improve, innovate and introduce a new IP in the racing genre. It's probably the second or the third genre in the gaming industry behind football and the FPS.


The game last year sold very well especially in France and the UK and Italy, so all the major European countries. The competition - the WRC Championship - is going up thanks to new revelations led by the FIA to make the Championship more accessible. For example, VW will enter the competition in 2003 so in terms of content for the manufacturers, it's worth participating in the Championship and that makes the Championship more popular for the followers.


What do you think of other racing titles like Gran Turismo and Forza? Do you think you can get the attention of racing fans, not necessarily rally fans?


There's a difference because WRC - and F1 as well - have a license so first of all in terms of improvement you can make a revolution when you have a licensed game. You change the liveries, you change the gameplay modes, you can introduce some specific features, but you can make a revolution.


On the other side in games like Grant Turismo, even if they have some licensed cars and trucks, that there's still room to improve on massive games to a collection of one thousand cars. I personally am a WRC follower and a motorsport fan so I usually buy all the racing titles but I think WRC is dedicated to the WRC followers as well as to the motorsport fans because its fun, it's innovative, it's a real driving experience and it's accessible too.


Have you had any experience with the Vita and the Wii U at all for this?


We are starting some stuff for the future yeah.


What were your impressions?


What I think is that the use of Kinect and other devices on racing games, their implementation isn't easy because their use must be justified by a real gameplay improvement. You can go for a technical demo because the publisher, generally speaking, must offer a good gaming experience not just a technical demo in order to say "Ok I can use Kinect for this title, I can use the Wii U for the other title."
























pirmi gameplay video ir zmogaus nuomone ka jis mano apie busima WRC






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WRC 2: Revealing all the facts


Key Features:


The Official WRC Game:

All the teams, circuits and manufacturers of the 2011 season in one game.


More Content Than Ever Before:

Play with more than 30 different car models in 13 official tracks and 5 Super Special Stages in 4 offline and 4 online modes.


A Wide Variety Of Game Modes:

In the Official Championship, race in all the rallies of a single season to become the WRC World Champion.


In the Super Special Stages, get a chance to challenge your favourite driver on any of the available tracks.


In The Road To WRC, build your career, select your events based on time and budget and manage your own team (engineers, co-pilot, mechanics…).


Finally, improve your driving skills through entertaining targeted sessions in the WRC Driving School


Improved Graphics For A More Immersive Experience:

Enjoy the real thing with official car liveries and improved graphics which make everything from the cockpit to the vegetation, weather and impacts more realistic.



Compete with your friends in 4 game modes (Single Stage, Single Rally, Championship and SSS Tournament) with fully customisable features, leaderboards and statistics.

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Matyt bus labai rimta simuliacija, kad taip gerai vaziavo :thumbup:)

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nu nežinau pažiūrėjau ir pasijuokiau smagiai, toks iš manęs specialistas bet jeigu jau ir mano akys pastebi tokias nesąmones tai.....Abiejuose treileriuose mašinos valdosi nu kažkaip neįprastai, toks jausmas kai suka mašiną į šoną tai ją suka galiniai arba visi ratai arba sukasi taip kaip koks robotas. nu tas garsas, kuris ten turėtų vaizduot akmenis iš po ratų tai man priminė popcorno spragsėjimą mikrobanginėj :D nu ir pabagai antram treileryje kai atsidarė bagažinė, tai čiut nedribau iš kėdės....kaip nori atsidaro, užsidaro jokios fizikos toks jausmas kaip koks metalinis žandikaulis čepsėtų..... nu karoče :thumbup: next game please

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nu nežinau pažiūrėjau ir pasijuokiau smagiai, toks iš manęs specialistas bet jeigu jau ir mano akys pastebi tokias nesąmones tai.....Abiejuose treileriuose mašinos valdosi nu kažkaip neįprastai, toks jausmas kai suka mašiną į šoną tai ją suka galiniai arba visi ratai arba sukasi taip kaip koks robotas. nu tas garsas, kuris ten turėtų vaizduot akmenis iš po ratų tai man priminė popcorno spragsėjimą mikrobanginėj :D nu ir pabagai antram treileryje kai atsidarė bagažinė, tai čiut nedribau iš kėdės....kaip nori atsidaro, užsidaro jokios fizikos toks jausmas kaip koks metalinis žandikaulis čepsėtų..... nu karoče :D next game please


jo susifailinau ir as savo nuomone apie si nauja WRC realy ..bent jau butu vaziaves nuo cockpit, nu nzn irgi gal daugumos geimu nepalosciau nuo galo vaizdu , nes esu iprates is cockpit na kazkaip negeras jausmas del to visko..nors is tikro as ismokau ir ta WRC 2010 lost veliau . pagalvojau na reik vistiek rali koki nors p* palosiau as ir nenumiriau ...jau kai cia vairavo masina tai ... :D:D

eh tikrai kaip gaila kad taip gavosi viskas..tikriausia nebus ralio artimiausius metus jau tai tikrai jokio kito..tai is kur gaut rali.. :)

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Mano akimis, vėl su trasom pasišiko. Skelbia, kad bus "13 official", bet iš tų "official" tik pavadinimai tikri lieka. Kaip ir 2010 žaidime, stage vėl po ~7 km ir bijau, kad jokio panašumo su realybe. Dar vienas pastebėjimas - antram video, rašo, kad pasirenka Hirvoneno Ford Fiesta, bet kažkodėl tai vairuoja Subaru. Šiaip pagal filmukus didelio skirtumo tarp 2010 ir 2011 nematau. Bet žinoma, būtinai išbandysiu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Mano akimis, vėl su trasom pasišiko. Skelbia, kad bus "13 official", bet iš tų "official" tik pavadinimai tikri lieka. Kaip ir 2010 žaidime, stage vėl po ~7 km ir bijau, kad jokio panašumo su realybe. Dar vienas pastebėjimas - antram video, rašo, kad pasirenka Hirvoneno Ford Fiesta, bet kažkodėl tai vairuoja Subaru. Šiaip pagal filmukus didelio skirtumo tarp 2010 ir 2011 nematau. Bet žinoma, būtinai išbandysiu.


Bičę, pažiurėk iš naujo pasirinko su subaru ir važiuoja su subaru, taip ir turi būt, o pats apie žaidima irgi nieko gero negalvoju, nepanašus nei į simuliatorių, nei į įdomią arkadą.

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Bičę, pažiurėk iš naujo pasirinko su subaru ir važiuoja su subaru, taip ir turi būt, o pats apie žaidima irgi nieko gero negalvoju, nepanašus nei į simuliatorių, nei į įdomią arkadą.


Ne į temą

Užpauzink 0:56. Ekrane Subaru, o kairėj viršuj Hirvonen pavardė. Dešinėj apačioj rašo, kad Ford Fiesta pasirinkta. 6:05 kai split time'us rodo, irgi parodyta, kad Hirvonenas važiuoja. Realiai Hirvonenas tik 2004 metais subaru vairavo.

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