
Dashboard Update 2011 Ruduo

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

The new Dashboard is expected to be released this Fall.


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Cloud Storage and more coming to Xbox LIVE


Following the E3 Briefing earlier today, we also announced the following features coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE Members later this year:


The New Dashboard. Simpler. Cleaner. Easier to navigate. With the addition of new entertainment content on Xbox LIVE and our commitment to continuously improving the overall Xbox experience, we’ve updated the dashboard with a new look and feel that makes it even more open, inviting and intuitive to navigate. All of your favorite content is categorized in a way that is easy to browse and find what you’re looking for, plus you can use voice anywhere in the dashboard to effortlessly navigate and get to what you want.

Bing on Xbox. We are bringing Bing to Xbox. Bing on Xbox searches Netflix, Hulu Plus, ESPN, as well as our music, video and Xbox LIVE marketplaces to find exactly the entertainment you want to enjoy. With Bing on Xbox and Kinect, you can effortlessly find the games, movies, TV shows, sports and music you want by only using your voice. You say it, Xbox finds it. The experience is now simpler than ever before.

Expanded Kinect Voice Support. We want Xbox LIVE members around the globe to experience the magic of Kinect’s voice recognition technology so we are committed to bringing voice to eight additional markets by the end of this year with a total of 13 markets that will have Kinect voice. We are also exploring some innovative new ways to enable the LIVE community to help us accelerate the refinement of voice models in new markets, and look forward to sharing developments on that front soon.

Beacons. We want to make it easy for you to connect with friends over your favorite games on Xbox LIVE, so we are introducing Beacons to the service. Beacons are a way to tell your Xbox LIVE and Facebook friends that you want to play a game on Xbox LIVE. By setting a Beacon, you tell Xbox LIVE what you want to play. Then, Xbox LIVE lets you know when friends are playing or want to play the same game. With Beacons, no matter what you’re currently doing on Xbox LIVE your friends know that it’s ok to ask you to play your Beaconed games. Imagine sending out a Beacon to let your friends know you’re interested in playing “Halo,” while watching a movie on Netflix. It’s about making it easier for you to share and discover games and multiplayer opportunities with friends on Xbox LIVE.

Cloud Storage for Game Saves and LIVE Profile. Here at Xbox LIVE we listen to your feedback. We are making it easier for you to sign into your Xbox LIVE account from any console at any time to access your game saves and full profile, including items such as Microsoft Points to make purchases, Achievements and friends. Cloud storage will allow you to enjoy the same great Xbox LIVE gaming experience even when you’re not in your own living room by giving you the option to store your “game saves” securely in the Xbox LIVE cloud instead of on a portable memory unit or your console’s hard drive. Gone are the days of “gamertag recovery.” Now all you need to do is sign in, no matter where you are!


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Nežinau kaip jums, bet man tai žiauriai gražiai atrodo, jau reikėjo kažko naujo dashboard'ui.

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Same here... Visalaiką reikėjo tokio DB būtent kaip šito.

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Manau daugeliui turetu patikti. :whistling:


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Yra panasumu i Windows Mobile 7
Redagavo martynukazzz

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Manau daugeliui turetu patikti. :whistling:


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Yra panasumu i Windows Mobile 7


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Dar panasiau i windows 8.

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Tai čia buvo tik laiko klausimas kada MS pakeis dashbordo interfeiso išvaizdą. Šitas dizainas "Metro" prasidėjo Zune HD pleijeriuose, poto WP7. Matėm ir Win 8 filmuką su šituo dizainu. Čia jau bus MS braižas. Ir išties, sakykit ką norit, bet atrodo tikrai neblogai.

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Nu man ta išvaizda nelabai rūpėjo, bet čia labai gražu, kažkas naujo po dviejų dash'ų. Tik tikiuosi ten neprikiš mum nenaudingų dalykų... :whistling:

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Labai jau buvo isliaupsetas per Microsoft konferencija:)

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Idomu, ar sis update vel neperflesins FW,tikiuosi nesukels nepatogumu.


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Man kazkodėl atrodo,kad MS gali stipriai užsivesti su tais visais ateities dašbordais pradėti dėti tą perflešinimo funkciją,bet I hope,kad visgi to nebus :whistling:

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Kaip manot, kai iseis LT1.9 bus verta i ja flesintis ar nelabai?As dar esancio update nepasidariau,zadejau persiflesinti i LT1.9 ir toliau losti online,kadangi turiu gold, bet dabar nebezinau.

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Kaip manot, kai iseis LT1.9 bus verta i ja flesintis ar nelabai?As dar esancio update nepasidariau,zadejau persiflesinti i LT1.9 ir toliau losti online,kadangi turiu gold, bet dabar nebezinau.


Tai aišku,kad apsimokės,visgi tik su naujausiu fw gali + - saugiai online lošti (na bent jau tikrai turi daugiau šansų būti neužbanintas,nei su senesniu fw) :whistling:

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Bet jeigu su siuo update iseis apsauga, gali reiket vel i nauja FW flesint, o sis update pasirodys mazdaug uz pusmecio, nera didelis laiko tarpas. Gaila pinigus svaistyt, jei taip daznai flesint.

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Man irgi butu idomu, kaip manot, kai grisiu liepos gale jau bus isleista ar dar teks kentet?

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