
Dashboard Update (2011m. pavasaris)

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Kaip ir kiekvienas ateinantis, esminius pakeitimus įnešantis Dashboard atnaujinimas (pvz Kinect), turi atskirą temą, tai panašu, kad ir šis atvejis (naujo disko formato palaikymas) irgi neišimtis.




Žemiau pateikiama "oficiali informacija" pasirodžiusi internete iki šios temos sukūrimo. Visas vėlesnės naujienos - tiesiog pranešimuose šioje temoje. Sėkmės!!!


New Beta Dash 2.0.13141.0 Stops All Non AP2.5 Games From Booting:



We tested the new Beta Dashboard 2.0.13141.0 and can confirm that all games that are NOT AP2.5 patched fail to boot to a black screen (Previous LT+ Non-AP2.5 symptoms) – there is still a lot more testing on really old games (Pre Fifa 09) so we will keep you posted.


So (as suspected) AP2.5 will be activated across the board once the new dash is released, and also as suspected, LT+ has shown to still work by protecting the system from a flag and bypassing the AP2.5 check. (Naturally we expect the AP2.5 checks to get harder and deeper so this is just the beginning)


C4E has confirmed that there WILL be a public method to rip your own AP2.5 data from titles thanks to all the new AP2.5 Table information that was discovered a few weeks back.


C4E also looks forward to receiving the new Halo Reach XGD3 disc


A fun summer ahead for sure.


…..Also standby for a number of HUGE releases by C4E, Team Jungle & Team Xecuter very shortly…….


Edit: Reports of 2.0.13142.0 also but we’ve not got our grubby hands on that yet



More about New Disc Format (xgd3) and C4Eva Comments:



A highly placed development source has confirmed to Digital Foundry that the new disc format being beta tested in a new dashboard upgrade adds 1GB to the storage of Xbox 360 game discs.


The maximum space allocated to game data on the current disc format is just 6.8GB out of a maximum of 7.95GB on a standard dual layer DVD, with over 1GB dedicated to a DVD-Video partition that also contained anti-piracy security sectors. It seems that this video partition has either been drastically reduced or omitted completely in the new format Microsoft is looking to roll-out.


Beta testers of the new dashboard get a free copy of Halo: Reach once they are accepted into the new preview programme. We can assume that this isn't just a generous gift on Microsoft's part - more likely it is a disc pressed using the new format, and Microsoft is looking for data on performance on as many different systems as it can.


From C4Eva on EFnet via

[Z****] so what do u think about new disc format []?

[c4eva-] MS will introduce xgd3 – this will add more ap checks, cvi (content integerity) checks, increase the disc size and adds a new layer for protection issues – all in the 20500 sdk! bring it on! :)

[J*****] C4 will this effect the launch of Slim lt? will it be delayed for some reason?

[c4eva-] j*****:No

[c4eva-] will know more once we get one of these new discs!



Xbox 360 System Update Preview -Updated:



I am happy to announce that we’re doing an Xbox 360 System Update Preview program for our next release, and the opportunity to sign up is now available. We are conducting an open call for US based participants* for a public preview to help us prepare for an updated Xbox 360 disc format. This is an important update as we continually strive to improve our products and we could not do so without the help of our great Xbox community. As part of the preview program, you will receive a copy of Halo: Reach along with other possible rewards.


Much like we did last year, you’ll need to visit the Microsoft Connect site from this link and sign in with your Windows LIVE ID that is connected to your Xbox LIVE Gamertag. Once you complete the survey that is presented to you, the Connect site will provide program related updates and you will receive a mail once the selection process is completed.


A couple of points before you head off to register:


* We’re looking for multiple thousands of participants, so your chances of making it in are good.

* This opportunity is open to Xbox LIVE Members in US region only*.To avoid any problems, read the survey carefully and double check all the information you provide.

* While both Xbox LIVE Gold and Silver members can sign up, priority will be given to Gold members in the selection process.


*Due to disc distribution limitations, this beta it will be limited to residents of the United States only.



I’ll be sure to update this post if the program fills up.


Sign up for the Xbox LIVE Update Preview Program




Update: This preview will not impact voice messages or party chat.


Update: Thank you for your interest in the Xbox LIVE Update Preview Program! Sorry, at this time we are no longer accepting registrations for the program as we have reached our target audience volume. Please be on the lookout for additional opportunities in the future to participate in Xbox LIVE Update Preview programs. For those of you that have successfully completed registration we will be reaching out to you once we have completed the selection process for participation – within the next 2 weeks. You can check on your status my referring to your Connect Dashboard page and the icon in the upper right corner.

If you see Xbox LIVE Update = Pending then you have successfully registered and now you just need to wait for a follow up mail.


March 29th 2011 at 11:26 am | Preview, Xbox 360, Xbox Live By Larry Hryb, Xbox LIVE's Major Nelson

Redagavo bullka

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Mmmm,MS nenori kapituliuoti ir vietoje to,kad draugiškai atlaisvintų 1GB vietos,tai ne jie dar daugiau apsaugos ruošiasi pridėti :) na išleis,apkartins mums gyvenimą mėnesiui-antram,o paskui mes jiems pusmečiui kai pistelsim ir vėl galės naujas apsaugas kurt :)

Ne į temą

Dabar man svarbiausia,kad tik Mortal Kombat be šių nesamonių išeitų ir viskas bus zjb...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

O tipo šitas update jau buvo ar dar bus?


tai kaip suprantu šiuo metu šis dašbordas,dar kol kas yra tik beta versijos stadijoje ir vis dar testuojamas,bet manau,kad gero mėnesio bėgyje teks su juo susipažinti :thumbsup4:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jau kažkas įdomesnio. Pasirodo naujasis DB sugeba flashinti Liteon'us. Gera žinia tame, kad galima persiflashinti atgal.


[2011-04-09 06:53AM UTC] #maximuslizard <c4eva> beta dash flashes drive!

[2011-04-09 06:58AM UTC] #maximuslizard <c4eva> you can flash it back again!


Nepatvirtintais duomenimis, tai galioja tik Liteon'ams. BenQ lyg neperflashina:


Also I didn't re-flash the drive. Mine was modded with LT+ on a ben q and updated, put in GOW 2 works fine. GOW 2 does not have AP 2.5.


Now My other Console is a lite=on drive and it seems that it re-flashed my firmware. None of my backups work, ap 2.5 or non ap 2.5 (Play DVD when inserted).


So my guess is Lite-on can be re-flashed by system updates. I will re-flash the drive to LT+ and let you all know. biggrin.gif

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

As zadu flesintis uz savaites i LT+,bet ar verta dabar?Gal kas zinot?

Redagavo Wolwerine

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

As zadu flesintis uz savaites i LT+,bet ar verta dabar?Gal kas zinot?


Labai priklauso nuo to, ką turi dabar ir ko tikiesi iš flashinimo. Bendra rekomendacija: visada naudok naujausią FW. Visa kita - Tavo reikalas ir konkreti situacija.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tai jei dabar nusiflesinsiu, nereiks vel po menesio flesintis?Ar neisleis naujos FW?


Nėra nei paskelbta naujo dashboard'o išleidimo data, nei niekas nežino, kaip tas dashboard'as elgsis.

Todėl niekas Tau ir neatsakys, ką reikės Tau daryti po mėnesio.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Cia toks keistas klausimas, bet ar man labiau apsimoketu dabar nusiflesinti i LT+, ar geriau pirkti gold ir zaisti BC2(cia taip laika prastumt iki naujo dashboard ir suzinot ar reikes flesint dar i naujesne FW ar ne)?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Cia toks keistas klausimas, bet ar man labiau apsimoketu dabar nusiflesinti i LT+, ar geriau pirkti gold ir zaisti BC2(cia taip laika prastumt iki naujo dashboard ir suzinot ar reikes flesint dar i naujesne FW ar ne)?


O kas trukdo ir nusiflešint ir pirk Gold'ą? Nebent flashinsi ne pats ir tai yra finansinis klausimas.





Šaltinis: xbox-scene



What is new in these dashboards?

Many changes, I will focus on the parts relevant to the CFW scene - a DVD drive firmware flash update and a new AP25 challenge table.


1) The physical DVD drive is flashed with new firmware


Some drives are being flashed during the initial update process. This is overwriting your current drive firmware, whether it is custom or original. This is the reason why all backups are failing to boot for some people after the update, because you no longer have custom firmware. Re-flashing back to a CFW will allow current backups to start working again, except for the 4 AP25-active titles listed below that have a new challenge set in 13141.


Flashing back to a different drive firmware could result in unknown consequences as the kernel/hv may be expecting to be communicating with a drive with updated OFW.


In the newly flashed drives, you may find that you can't retrieve your drive key. More information to follow...


The new OFW flash files from the $SystemUpdate are in the $flash_oddupd<x>.xex files.


The new firmware versions are as follows:


Slim LiteOn: PLDS DG-16D4S 0272

Phat BenQ: PBDS VAD6038 04421C

Phat LiteOn: PLDS DG-16D2S 02510C


Please don't post speculation about other drives, PM me if you have verifiable information.


2) A new AP25 challenge table


Data from 13141 dash:


- 4 known games are in the table - all known language versions of AC:B, Fable III, NFS:HP and Halo Reach.

- These 4 games each have a new set of challenges so the current available patches will not work with a LT+ CFW.

- Call of Duty MW2 and Black Ops have been removed from the table so unpatched and patched backups should work with a LT+ CFW. Confirmation to follow.

- Read my AP25 FAQ for more information about the table.


AP25 continues to be a successful anti-backup measure. Do not dismiss it.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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