
Dashboard Update (2011m. pavasaris)

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Nu ne, nes jiems reikia live. O be update neprisijungsi prie live.

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O tarkim jei update nedarysiu tai galesiu vistiek žaisti naujus žaidimus kurie išeis po upodate ?

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Jei tie žaidimai neprašys naujo dashbord tai tada galėsi.

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O tarkim jei update nedarysiu tai galesiu vistiek žaisti naujus žaidimus kurie išeis po upodate ?


Galesi zaist offline jei iseis cfw kuri paleis tuos naujus zaidimus.

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o tai gerai, buvo diskutuojama ir kalbama, kad jei pasidarysi update tavo cfw perflashins i ofw, bet kaip skaiciau plm forumuose tai bus galima vel persiflashint atgal i cfw (LT+) jei turi issisaugojes dvd key ir viskas normaliai, ir taip logiskai mastant nereik naujos firmwares nes juk persiflashinus atgal i cfw dashbordas liks tas pats naujausias... ir taip pamascius, tada galesi ziasti visus naujausius zaidimus net ir reikalaujancius sito naujausio dashbordo... tai as cia teisingai suprantau ar kazka ne taip?

Redagavo Sharasi

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Visi žaidimai veiks išskyrus žaidimus kurie turi AP 2.5 apsauga tokie kaip: Fable3, Black Ops, Mw2, Brotherhood, Halo Reach, Hot Pursuit. Dėl to ir reike naujo fw, kad veiktu žaidimai su AP 2.5 apsauga.


2. I reflashed my Xbox 360 with LT+ v1.1 firmware after that update : - Burned games work again except all AP25 games we have known ( black screen remain till you reset the console ). I just tested with those AP25 games and some games I am playing, here is result : + Fable 3, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, NFS Hot Pursuit, Halo reach, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops don't work anymore since they maybe have new AP25 check ( 6 AP25 games had been pre-patched with latest AP25 through current abgx software ( v1.0.5 ). For some reports before, people said Black Ops and Modern Warfare AP25 were removed on new dash, but sorry this is wrong, they have new AP25 and we have to wait till new AP25 patches release. + Super Street Fighter 4, Fifa 11, L.A. Noire still work as normal. These are games I'm currently playing. + Non-JTAG things wont work anymore, even you reflash your console or not, these incredible things are completely gone for now.


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Visi žaidimai veiks išskyrus žaidimus kurie turi AP 2.5 apsauga tokie kaip: Fable3, Black Ops, Mw2, Brotherhood, Halo Reach, Hot Pursuit. Dėl to ir reike naujo fw, kad veiktu žaidimai su AP 2.5 apsauga.


2. I reflashed my Xbox 360 with LT+ v1.1 firmware after that update : - Burned games work again except all AP25 games we have known ( black screen remain till you reset the console ). I just tested with those AP25 games and some games I am playing, here is result : + Fable 3, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, NFS Hot Pursuit, Halo reach, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops don't work anymore since they maybe have new AP25 check ( 6 AP25 games had been pre-patched with latest AP25 through current abgx software ( v1.0.5 ). For some reports before, people said Black Ops and Modern Warfare AP25 were removed on new dash, but sorry this is wrong, they have new AP25 and we have to wait till new AP25 patches release. + Super Street Fighter 4, Fifa 11, L.A. Noire still work as normal. These are games I'm currently playing. + Non-JTAG things wont work anymore, even you reflash your console or not, these incredible things are completely gone for now.




tai jei pasidarysiu dasho update per siflashinsiu ir galesiu zaisti visus isskyrus su AP2.5 apsauga, tai ju ne tiek daug ir tera, tai nebus didelis nuostolis nebent naujausi zaidimai tures AP2.5 tada jau bus ne kas... dekoju uz info :)

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Bet, kad ir turės nauji žaidimai palauksi kol išeis naujas fw, isirašysi ir toliau galėsi žaisi.

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Na jei dar nematėt:


For many weeks a dedicated team has been hard at work in preparation for the release of the new dash which started to roll out today (2.0.13146).


Although we have been quiet in recent weeks, work has been ferocious with a large group of talented, and very well known scene individuals, busting their asses to make sure that the work of the 360 scene keeps on rolling.


So now that the rollout has started, the team can actually start to implement much of the work into releases for public consumption.


Here are some things of note so you have a clue of what’s coming:

* After the update the drive fw is also updated with a new stock fw, rendering the drive unable to play backups (for now).

* When the drives are flashed back again with LT fw the previous AP2.5 patched titles are no longer booting (expected and will be updated with new XBC and 0800)

* It seems that the first update has only been sent to Liteon DG-16D2S and Liteon DG-16D4S drives (Unconfirmed)

* The key location on phat models is now in a different area, so a new JF will be released to accommodate this change which was already anticipated in advance.

* There has been EXTENSIVE progress with all the new AP2.5 challenges. New 0800 BENQ fw is almost ready.

* There is a new XBC (Xbox Backup Creator) that has been designed alongside the new 0800 ripping fw – you’ll love it :D

* There will be new LT fw’s for all of the new versions that have been released.

* XGD3 progress is being made and there will be an update on this soon.

* We have received unverified reports that after the update to a 9504 slim drive the write protect was enabled like the 0225 drives (Unconfirmed)

* All the slim key read and slim write routines have changed also (again fully anticipated). Easily fixed with new JF


We will also confirm that we have a solution to all unlock all 0225 drives so you can write the firmware. This has been 100% verified and working and we are producing the addons as we speak and will have them available as soon as possible. We will release 2 versions, a kit for pro modders to offer as a service and also a DIY mod type device that users can install themselves. There is a LOT going on so we are working as fast as possible on all projects.


So in the next few days/weeks you can expect new Lt firmwares for 0225 and others, a new Jungle Flasher, a new 0800 fw with new Ap2.5 support, a new Xbox Backup Creator and an addon to unlock 0225 and 0401 Liteon DG-14DS drives (which will also work on 9504 drives too if they become locked out)

Trumdai drūtai: atnaujini DB, persiflash'ini atgal į LT+ (su sąlyga, kad tą galima padaryti) ir gali žaisti turimas ne AP2,5 kopijas. Čia patiems nekantriausiems.

Šiaip džiaugsmas begalinis, kad update išėjo.


Tik piratai turės šiek tiek lukterti.

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aš tai biški nesuprantu, tai vieni gavo update kiti ne? ar dar niekas negavo?


Eis etapais. Kokie tie etapai - nieks nežino. Pvz gal šitaip:


* It seems that the first update has only been sent to Liteon DG-16D2S and Liteon DG-16D4S drives (Unconfirmed)


Tad tie, kurie gavo update, tegu parašo, koks jų DVD ROM'as ir bus aiškiau.

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JTAG FTW. ;D ne siaip tai pasidziaugt galim kad dirbama prie naujo fw, kaip ir sakiau atflashinus veiks senieji geimai, bet cia tik pradzia ;] neaisku kas gludi giliau to kernelio viduje. ;]

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  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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