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New µTorrent Beta for Mac Adds Remote Web Access




Popular BitTorrent client µTorrent was updated in its beta version for Mac last night adding support for a series of features that have made the app a must-have among Windows users. Namely, the latest beta for Mac adds the ability to control torrents remotely from any desktop or mobile browser, without having to mess with complicated network and firewall settings. It’s quite handy if you’re that kind of user who likes checking on his torrents on the go and wouldn’t mind adding new ones as well. Everything happens with a Web interface that’s completely accessible from anywhere. Together with the web UI, the application’s design has been improved as well.


Other important features in the 1.5 beta include feeds and the scheduler. While the second option is pretty obvious as it lets you schedule start and stop times for µTorrent (so your internet service provider will be happy), the RSS support is interesting. It allows you to subscribe to torrents’ feeds to automatically download them as new ones become available.


µTorrent is a free download for Mac, and the beta version is available here.


• µTorrent Remote: Simple, secure access to µTorrent from anywhere. No complicated network configuration required. Add and manage your torrents from any browser, mobile browser and even an Android native app (but where’s the iOS version?)


• Feeds: Subscribe and follow torrent RSS feeds right inside µTorrent. Set up Smart Feeds to auto-magically fetch torrents and start downloads for you.


• Scheduler: Now you can set µTorrent to start, limit and stop activity at regular intervals throughout the week. This is a valuable feature for those of you stymied by metered and shared networks.


• Advanced controls and info: Want more control and information about what’s happening behind the scenes? Upgraded logging features include much more detail. Also, feel free to access the double-secret-super-advanced preferences (they’re hidden behind CMD+OPT+,). Use sparingly and wisely.



“Secret” Firmware lets Late ’08 MacBooks use 8GB.



Every once in a while, a blip on the radar comes up, letting us know that there’s something not quite right in our little corner of the Mac Universe. This time around, it came in the form of Tweets directed to us, as well as in posting in popular Mac forums.


As it turns out, several other memory vendors—along with some Late 08 MacBook/MacBook Pro users—have laid claim to these machines working with 8GB of RAM. This was contradictory to our testing in December 2009 which quite clearly showed that while these models recognized a full 8GB, if an application addressed more than 6GB, the system would slow down significantly.


Not being the type to just let these sorts of claims to go unchallenged, we went back to our testing lab, grabbed the affected model machines, running 10.6.6. and dropped an 8GB upgrade kit in them.


The results were exactly the same as in 2009, lending credence to our conclusions, but the sheer number of claims to the contrary led us to continue searching—and the trail ended at Apple.


In late 2009, an EFI Firmware Update was released to address the buzzing noises coming from the optical drive. However, it seems that somewhere along the line, Apple changed this update without notating it anywhere.


Whether any other elements were affected by this change is undetermined, but it did change memory addressing; with the later version of the update installed, you could address a full 8GB in Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, Software Update doesn’t show this version as being different from the previous one, so users wouldn’t be notified if they had already updated their firmware to the older version.


The practical upshot of all this is that if you installed the EFI Update when it first came out, like we did, you would have gotten the old code, which meant your computer would only address 6GB properly. Those who didn’t upgrade until after Apple changed the updater got the newer firmware, which allowed proper addressing of 8GB.


Once we manually installed the “updated” version of the EFI Firmware in our test machines, they were able to address 8GB normally, without any crashing or slowdowns.

How do you ensure your Late ‘08 MacBook/MacBook Pro can address 8GB of RAM?

First, you want to make sure you have one of the affected models:


* MacBook 13.3″ 2.0GHz and 2.4GHz

* MacBook Pro 15″ 2.4GHz (All)

* MacBook Pro 15″ 2.53GHz model w/ExpressCard Slot (Late 2008)

* MacBook Pro 15″ 2.8GHz model w/ExpressCard Slot (Late 2008)


Next, check the Boot ROM Version in your System Profiler.


* MacBook Pros with a Model ID of MacBookPro5,1 should have a Boot ROM Version of MBP51.007E.B05.

* MacBooks with a Model ID of MacBook5,1 should have a Boot ROM version of MB51.007D.B03

* Machines with other Model IDs are not affected and don’t need an update.


If your Boot ROM version does not match the numbers above, download the appropriate firmware updater for your model machine and install according to the instructions:


* For MacBook Pros (MacBookPro5,1)

MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.8


* For MacBooks (MacBook5,1)

MacBook EFI Firmware Update 1.4


Once you have ensured that the Boot ROM is the correct version, make sure your Operating System is updated to OSX 10.6.6. You must be running Snow Leopard to address 8GB on these systems, and our testing was done with 10.6.6, which is the only version we’re currently supporting for this.


Pardon us for our initial skepticism on this larger memory capacity finding. We had some pretty good reasons for it. First, this is the first time in our recollection that an EFI update and a dot version OS update both combined to affect memory addressing. Secondly, this reminded us of when after we were the first to qualify 2007-2009 Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro and MacBook models supporting 6GB max without experiencing a dramatic system slowdown, certain memory resellers pushed the same idea about 8GB compatibility.


Or in other shorter words, if we can’t prove either benchmark performance gains and/or system stability, we’re just not going to market a memory upgrade just to pad our MaxRAM credentials.

Lucky again... :lol:

Redagavo Moo

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Bet čia kaip suprantu mano modeliui (late 2010) netinka?

Netinka. :thumbsup4: Tik 2008m.

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Google Chrome 10 Release Brings Tabbed Settings, Flash Sandboxing


Google Chrome has a new stable release you can download today (which should arrive automatically or manually via the ‘About Google Chrome’ pane), which offers a couple new features for faster & more secure Internet browsing, and a significant update to Google Chrome settings. Google Chrome’s new settings interface has been overhauled, placing your settings in a new open tab while enabling a new search box so you can find settings (like bookmarks) quickly and easily. Settings have also been extended to the Omnibox, where you can share direct URLs to jump to a specific settings page so you can quickly help mom & dad enable or disable browser options. You can preview the new features via a video after the break.

Javascript in particular is improved with a 66% performance boost in this latest release, and with added speed also comes added security. The integrated Flash Player is now also sandboxed, helping protect (Google calls out Windows specifically) your computer and other open tabs from malicious code.

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Twitter To Developers: Enough With The Twitter Clients


With an official announcement on the Twitter Google Group, head of platform and API at Twitter Ryan Sarver has told developers to stop building third-party Twitter clients that “mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience”. Basically: no more unofficial Twitter apps that look just like the official iOS, Mac, Android or BlackBerry apps and don’t add any value to the experience. Instead, focus on different areas of the whole Twitter experience. Uh oh.

The move is quickly causing a reaction among developers on Twitter that didn’t expect such a response from the company. Basically, although in a subtle way, they’re telling everyone to stop wasting time trying to emulate the official Twitter apps because 90% of users are already using Twitter through the officially provided tools. On top of that, though, it’s not only a matter of choice: it seems like Twitter is really going to force developers to stop building apps by “holding you to high standards to ensure you do not violate users’ privacy, that you provide consistency in the user experience, and that you rigorously adhere to all areas of our Terms of Service”. Some key parts from the announcement:

With more people joining Twitter and accessing the service in multiple ways, a consistent user experience is more crucial than ever. As we talked about last April, this was our motivation for buying Tweetie and developing our own official iPhone app. It is the reason why we have developed official apps for the Mac, iPad, Android and Windows Phone, and worked with RIM on their Twitter for Blackberry app. As a result, the top five ways that people access Twitter are official Twitter apps.

Developers have told us that they’d like more guidance from us about the best opportunities to build on Twitter. More specifically, developers ask us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience. The answer is no.

As we point out above, we need to move to a less fragmented world, where every user can experience Twitter in a consistent way.

This announcement from Twitter is very surprising in my opinion, mostly because Twitter’s expansion and success happened thanks to third party clients for the desktop, iOS and Android that brought the Twitter platform years ago where it wasn’t available. Today Twitter has its own apps, but years ago it was only the API. And now they’re kindly telling everyone to stop building new “regular” clients because there’s no reason to do so. Whether or not they’ll go after every single new client that comes out and “reproduces the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience” is unclear at this point. Will they run quality control for every single new app they find and block its API access? Or is this just an announcement to instill fear and discourage developers? We don’t know yet, but devs surely aren’t appreciating the news. And we understand them.

Of course, Twitter has confirmed the existing apps can keep serving their users as long as they maintain ”high standards”. But for new developers, the focus should be put into data, social publishing tools, curation. What happens when Twitter expands to those areas, though? We don’t know.

As long as the Mac and iOS are concerned, we are surrounded be great third-party apps like Twitterrific, Echofon, Hibari — and dozens of new Twitter clients come out every week, both for iPhones and iPads and Macs. Perhaps some of them aren’t great, many of them are actually terrible, but to each his own, they say. From now, at least from Twitter’s point of view, it’s all going to be about quality control, rather than choice.

Surprisingly, or maybe not, this announcement comes a few days after the implementation of promoted tweets (read: ads) into the official Twitter client for iPhone.

as many readers suggested on Twitter, here are some third-party clients you should try:


* Twitterrific
* Weet
* Hibari
* Seesmic
* Kiwi
* YoruFukurou
* Echofon
* TweetDeck
* Socialite
* Destroy Twitter
* HelTweetica


* Twitterrific
* Osfoora
* Friends
* Tweetlist
* Weet
* Echofon
* Twittelator
* Tweetings

Na nebloga tokia programėlė. :)

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Apple To Sell Around 3.6 Million Macs This Quarter


At the Q1 2011 earnings call in January, Apple posted record revenue of $26.74 billion with 4.13 million Macs sold. That was a new record for the company, which sold 3.36 million Macs in the Q1 2010 quarter. Piper Jaffray’s analyst Gene Munster believes, basing on data from research market firm NPD, that in the fiscal quarter ending this month Apple will sell between 3.5 and 3.7 million Macs — somewhere below the expectations following last quarter’s results.

For January and February, Apple is trending up 16 percent over the year-ago quarter. That would put Apple at about 3.6 million Macs for the quarter. The street consensus is for Macs to be up in the 22 percent range year over year. The 16 percent gain would put Apple within, but at the low end, of Munster’s expectations of 15 percent to 25 percent.

The fact that Apple was readying its new line of MacBook Pros in February might reflect in slowdowns in sales as consumers were anticipating the new products. But, then again, that could lead to an increase in sales in March — although the figure won’t be included in this fiscal quarter’s results.

One thing is for sure: in the past quarters, Apple usually surpassed analysts’ general consensus on unit sales and revenue, especially thanks to the explosion of iOS devices outside and in the US. Whether the new MacBook Pros and Airs could lead to similar surprises is still to be seen.

Na planų turi turi tikrai... :thumbsup4:

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DropBook Integrates Facebook With Your Desktop: Review & Giveaway


DropBook is a little more difficult to show off than most apps in part because of its deep integration with your desktop and menubar. It isn’t an app that traditionally sits in your Object Dock, rather, you get a translucent Facebook icon that sits in the lower left corner of your screen which you can drag pictures and favicons/URLs into to instantly share content to your wall. As content is dragged into the Facebook icon, a window appears that shows you the attachment or link to your content. If it’s a picture, you can send it to your album of choice including your profile pictures. On your Mac, a lot of content is bound to be bundled in iPhoto, and you can drag multiple selected photos for a multi-upload. You currently can’t add tags to photos, which might be a deal-breaker for those uploading lots of pictures.


iTunes integration is built right in, so if you want to share your favorite song you can simply click on the menubar icon. You can also share pics from your Mac’s built in camera if you and your friends want to pose for a quick picture, and you can easily log out at any time to let someone else log in.


The ability to quickly share content with DropBook is appealing if you’re a heavy Facebook user. The app costs $2.99 in the Mac App Store, and offers a way to quickly drag & drop content in your favorite social network. We wouldn’t want you to walk away from our recommendation, however, without having the opportunity to try it yourself and spread the word. We’re giving away five copies, and you can find all the details below.


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A Backup Dream: WD My Book Studio Edition II Goes 6 TB,
Time Machine-ready


I’m a proud owner of a WD My Book 750 GB edition with FireWire 800 — a trusted system when it comes to storing my media and using a second partition for Time Machine — but I guess I’ll be making the switch to the newly announced My Book Studio Edition II pretty soon. Western Digital has, in fact, revealed this new My Book product that goes straight to 6 TB of storage in RAID, has a quad interface, and it’s compatible with Mac and Windows. The best part? Western Digital touts the model as “Mac-ready” with HFS filesystem out of the box and full Time Machine compatibility.

The My Book Studio Edition II comes with the usual FireWire 400, FireWire 800, eSATA and USB 2.0 connections — no, there’s no Thunderbolt or USB 3.0 here. Still, you should get pretty decent transfer times with FireWire 800 — I truly recommend you consider FireWire for your next Time Machine or SuperDuper backups.

The My Book Studio Edition II can be yours for “just” $550. You could get a new iPad for that price, I know, but if you’re serious about backups and external media storage (hello, iTunes) you should consider this.

WD Introduces 6 TB External Hard Drive to Support Increased HD Content Creation by Creative Pros and Mac® Enthusiasts

New My Book® Studio Edition™ II Offers FireWire® Performance and Huge Storage Capacity for Today’s HD Content Productions

IRVINE, Calif., March 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Western Digital® (NYSE: WDC), the world’s leader in external storage solutions, today introduced its My Book® Studio Edition™ II dual-drive storage system with a massive 6 terabytes (TB) of storage to meet the capacity needs of today’s creative pros and Mac® enthusiasts who create, store, edit and archive large HD video and photo files. The new capacity provides users 33 percent more storage than the previous capacity, while maintaining the same footprint.

Combining its extended 6 TB storage capacity and compatibility with Apple® Time Machine®, the new My Book Studio Edition II drive becomes an instant storage solution for a variety of professions including art and design, photography, legal and medical, and a host of other small businesses.

The system offers a quad interface providing maximum performance and flexibility including eSATA and FireWire® 800 when maximum performance is essential, and FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 when system flexibility is most important.

“Thanks to advancements in HD video devices including digital SLR cameras and HD video cameras, the quality and quantity of video content being produced by professionals and enthusiasts alike has grown at an astounding pace,” said Dale Pistilli, vice president of marketing for WD’s branded products group. “The My Book Studio Edition II drive now available with 6 TB of storage provides creative individuals with the expanded storage and bandwidth they need to effectively shoot, edit, and safely store their video productions without the need to compress their videos or reduce the overall quality of them for the sake of available space.”

Extra-fast Performance and RAID Supported Configurations

Fast eSATA or FireWire 800 interfaces, combined with RAID-supported configurations, will yield the speed and responsiveness users need for a variety of tasks including fast, smooth video editing; rendering complex 3D objects or special effects, and saving/transferring enormous blocks of data in a fraction of the time it once took.

Formatted for Mac computers(1), these new storage systems feature:

Massive 6 TB capacity;

Extra-fast performance with four interfaces (FireWire 800/400, eSATA, USB 2.0);

Cool, eco-friendly operation with WD’s drives with WD GreenPower Technology that consume approximately one-third less power than standard dual-drive external storage systems and efficient convection cooling architecture and power-saving mode and designed without a fan to run quietly;

Automatic and continuous backup software;

User serviceability, enabling the user to open the enclosure and replace the drive inside;

Capacity gauge to see at a glance how much space is available on the system; and,

5-year limited warranty.

Pricing and Availability

My Book Studio Edition II dual-drive storage systems are available now at WD’s online store ( MSRP for the My Book Studio Edition II 6 TB drive is $549.99 USD.

Nu joooo... :) Nebuvo nebuvo, baaaammmm 6TB į "klyną" kai kalė... :)

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Battle of the Ever-Slimming Gadgets: iPad 2 vs. MacBook Air 11-inch

We all know that the Macbook Air is incredibly thin. But the question is: how thin is it?

Statistically speaking, iPad 2 has a thickness of 8.8mm whereas the Air is 17mm at its thickest, and 2.8 at its thinnest.

Now feast ye eyes on a couple of photos Taimur has snapped comparing iPad 2’s thickness to the 11-inch Macbook Air’s:

Front View: Apple iPad 2 on top, MacBook Air 11-inch on bottom

Side View: Apple iPad 2 on top, MacBook Air 11-inch on bottom

The Macbook Air definitely looks thinner… thanks to the tapering design Apple has used. But overall, iPad 2 obviously is more handy and portable to use when on-the-go.

Žiūrint į kainas, tai aš tikrai mieliau Air'ą pasimčiau, negu iPad'ą 2'ą. :lol:

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Some Thunderbolt MacBook Pros Cause Cinema Display Flickering

In a world of sophisticated electronics these days, there's always risks to being an early adopter. Alas, it appears that our latest victims are owners of Apple's Thunderbolt-laden MacBook Pros. Since launch, a number of frustrated customers have been reporting that their new unibody laptops -- of all three sizes -- are causing random flicker on both 24-inch and 27-inch Cinema Displays when connected via their Mini DisplayPort / Thunderbolt combo port, and now we have video proof to share the pain. Some also confirmed that even replacement machines from Apple are exhibiting the same behavior, though a source of ours says this doesn't seem to be a widespread issue, and that the company's hardware engineers are already looking into this. Either way, we're likely to see a firmware fix for this bug soon -- it's no good having a large monitor constantly blinking at you. One more video after the break.

Gražiai gražiai atrodo. Mmmmmm Mac'aiii... ;) Redagavo Moo

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MacBook Airs To Generate $2.2 Billion In Annual Revenue


Since the official unveiling at Apple’s “Back to the Mac” event in October 2010, the new MacBook Air family has seen a terrific success among consumers: the incredibly thin design, combined with the durability of aluminum and faster performances have turned the new MacBook Airs into affordable, yet powerful machines that retain the small form factor of the previous line. Moreover, the new 11-inch model has set a new trend with several users considering the machine as a tablet-sized device with the capabilities of a classic desktop computer — such as a physical keyboard, trackpad support and USB connectivity. We knew the Air was selling very well, but J.P. Morgan analyst Mark Moskowitz believes the MacBook Air family could become a $2.2 billion revenue business for Apple if the current pricing model and design is maintained.

Digital Daily reports today that, according to Moskowitz, the “quasi-tablet” MacBook Air is just the beginning of a trend, and if Apple manages to keep “pricing stable” and a 420,000 sales per quarter rate (as seen in Q4 2010) the possibilities for the company to turn this line into the most successful one among Mac computers are huge.

C4Q10 was the first quarter in which the MacBook Air accounted for greater than 10 percent of total Apple PC units. More importantly, the MacBook Air accounted for 15% of total notebook unit sales during the quarter, versus 5 percent in the prior year. Even with the MacBook Air’s strong performance in C4Q10, it represented only roughly 5% of total Apple Mac units and revenues for C2010. We see ample opportunity for this percentage to increase over time, given the improved tech specs and more attractive pricing of the second-generation MacBook Air.

A report by Cnet in February hinted at an upcoming refresh for the MacBook Airs in June to include new Intel Sandy Bridge processors, which should dramatically boost performances of the MBA. Since the release of the new MacBook Pros five weeks ago, many are also speculating Apple will implement the Thunderbolt technology in the next-generation MacBook Airs. A refresh in June would play nice with Apple’s WWDC announcements, although a number of reports in the past week suggested Apple won’t announce new hardware at its developer event, focusing on Lion and an iOS 5 preview. On April 20th, Apple will release its Q2 2011 financial results.

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New virus for iOS 4.x spreads on the web May Damage your iPhone

Send this alert to everyone you know!

The distribution of the destructive virus happens with a App from internet pages about Fake Jailbreak presentation called: “UNLOCK NOW FREE”. DON’T go to this page from iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), if you do this, however, you’ll see -10-15 seconds of an animation followed by the text: “DOWNLOAD UNLOCK 2 NOW FREE”. Then it’s already too late and your information will be cleared (SIM and idevice information).


If you search information about Jailbreak or Unlock for iPhone or iPad –> search this information from Mac or PC, but don’t do it this from iOS device.

To stop this virus it is necessary to inform all internet users as soon as possible so this virus gets NO chance to survive…

Atsargiai! :)

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Newer MacBook Air Models Now Appear to be Using Faster Samsung SSDs


When Apple refreshed the MacBook Air line last October, one of the most notable new features was the use of new blade type SSD drives. Taking the memory out of the old enclosures proved to be a great way to save space inside the cramped MacBook Air case, however, Apple did not use the fastest drives available at the time.

ifixit conducted a detailed teardown of the 11-inch MacBook Air and they concluded that Apple has been using Toshiba's Blade X–Gail SSD drives in the refreshed models. It now appears that Apple has replaced the Toshiba drives with models manufactured by Samsung instead.

It's currently unclear when Apple made the switch, but a quick look at that SSD model number clearly indicates that a new drive is now being used. It's really not too unusual for a company such as Apple to use components from a variety of sources, however, parts from different manufactures usually share the same specifications.

The SSD drives now being used in current MacBook Air models appear to be manufactured by Samsung instead of Toshiba. One benefit of the switch is that these new drives are considerably faster than the previous models used. The older Toshiba SSD drives were cable of read times of 209.8 MB/s and write times of 175.6 MB/s. The newer SSD drives now have read times of 261.1 MB/s and write times of 209.6 MB/s. As you can see, the newer drives are considerably faster than the previous SSD drives that originally shipped with the refreshed MacBook Airs. I currently use a 13-inch MacBook Air that I purchased about a month ago, and the SSD drive model number is in fact SM256C, presumably manufactured by Samsung.


In recent years, Apple has become less and less forthcoming with the exact technical specifications of the components they use in their products. Apple now prefers to promote features rather than technical specs when advertising their products. This does make sense, however, as apple now markets products to a wider audience than at any other time in the companies history.

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App Store Down , iMac Release Today?

iMac may be coming ? These days we read so many rumors that Apple is about to release the new iMac today. Apple Store has just gone offline so it's highly expected that the new iMac is coming.


This may due to some maintenance, anyway let's wait and see.

Nejaugi? :notworthy:

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    • Nekyla net menkiausios abejonės. Kalba kad pačios architektūros parengimo darbai baigti. Prasideda testavimas. 
    • "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip is konsoliu ir exlusive zaidimu "išeina iš konsolių excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip konsoliniu exlusivu. na bet cia gal neteisingai supratau.. tiek to o kas del naujos konsoles tai visai  tiketina data yra 2026. nes jei paziuret i praeiti tai konsoles ir leidziamos mazdaug kas 6-8 metus. garantuotai ir sony jau senokai tyliai dirba ties ps6
    • @WirmiS, aš taip ir nesakiau. Skaityk tiesiogiai - "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų", o ne "iš konsolių". Aišku kad Microsoft pasilieka konsolinių žaidimų rinkoje, tik jau nebekonkuros su Sony tiesigiai geležimi kas daugiau parduos konsolių exclusive pagalba. Ir ištikrųjų gali būti kad naują XBox išleis jau 2026 metais. Žiūrėsim. 
    • MS nepasake, kad iseina is konsoliu, netgi priesingai jie yra pasake, kad  jau dirba ties nauja, o taip pat experimentuoja su handheld'u. del isejimo is exclusivu tai kaip ir logiskas sprendimas. vienaip ar kitaip MS dabar vienas is didziausiu leideju.
    • Na lyginant su Civ V ir VI reikėtu pirmiausia pamimėti kad Firaxis jau kurį laiką niekuomet iš karto neišleidžia pilno žaidimo. Ne tą prasmę kad jis yra nefunkcionalus, bet dalis papildomų mechanikų dar bus ateity, būsimose expansion pakose. Be to visada išleisdama naują žaidimo iteracija paprastai apie 60% core mechanikų palieka senas, bet ~ 40% keičia. Ir tai imho yra gerai, nes priešingu atveju po n metų laukimo gautum seną žaidimą, tiesiog su nauja grafine išvaizda. Iš dalies Firaxis toliau stebi žaidėjį reakcija ir gali pastumti žaidimą ar į vieną ar kitą pusę kiek tai dar įmanoma. Na pagal tai ką dabar turim. Žaidimas yra pasikeitęs. Jis nėra labiau sudėtingas, sakyčiau tam tikra prasme kiek paprastesnis, negu ankstesnės versijos (ypač Civ 6) ir toks visas labiau tiesmukas. Kaip jau buvo ra6oma yra tik 3 epochos (kol kas) - Antika, Atradimų laikotarpis ir Modern. Manau ateittį tikrai bus dar ketvirtą epocha, pvz. Information Age, nes verrinant visą žaidimo eigą akivaizdžaii matosi kad truksta dar gabalo. Unitai baigėsi ties II Pasaulinio karo lėktuvais ir tankais - taip niekuomet nėra buvę, visada budavo Modern armor, reaktyviniai lektuvai ir t. t. Aš jau nekalbu apie Giant Death robots. Kaip jau sakiau tu iš esmės pasirenki lyderi su kurio eisi per visas epochas, o nacijos keičiasi. Bet tai atrodo tikrai organiškai ir savaip žavi. Keičiant epochą dalis nacijų pasirinkimų būna defaultiniai, dalį galima atrakinti, dalis lieka neįmanoma dėl pasirinkto lyderio. Bet kurio atvėju atrodo gan organiškai ir gerai padaryta. Šiaip žaidimas dabar toks vosas labiau atitinkantis "istorine realybe" taip pasakykikim. Iš dalies tai yra smagu iš dalies ne. Antikoje pvz tu gali rinktis iš riboto civilizacijš skaičiaus, kurios iš tikrųjų ir buvo Antikoje. Logiškai mastant JAV civilizacija nuo Antikos atrodo keistai. Bet tame buvo savotiškas prieš tai visų buvusių Civilizacijų žavėsis.  Bet pvz. jeigu lyderį pasirinksi Jekateriną Dydžiają, tai Rusija automatiškai atsirakins Modern Age pagal lyderį. Esu baigęs viena pilną patija. Tai atrodė maždaug taip - pasirinkau Cezarį ir Romenus, Exploration pavirtau Ispanija, Modern prancūzais. Laimėjau Domination victory. Buvo savotiškai linksma. Visas pirmas amžius yra praktiškai mokomasis.  Tave už rankos vedžioja aiškinant žaidimo mechanikas. Tikras žaidimas prasideda II etape. Bet ir pirmoje epochoje po senovei kokią vieną civilizacija (t. y. lyderį) galima išnešti iš žaidimo. Kariniai unitai negauna patirties, tik generolai (kurie pasilieka) ir nusiresetina su kiekviena nauja epocha, todėl kaip ankšęiau sutikti pirmikšti karį su kuoka prieš tanką jau neįmanoma. Religija dabar "išpjauta" dar labiau negu V serijoje. Religinės pergalės nėra. Veikia tik Explaration Age ir dingsta Modern. Tą prasmė kad miestai su religija pasilieka, bet ji nebevystoma ir jos negalima palatinti. Domination Victory jeigu teisingai žaisti dabar tikrai gan paprasta. Pirmame žaidime buvau ją pasiekęs, nepastatęs dar nei vieno lėktuvo, bet aviacija jau atidariau. Nereika užkariauti viso pasaulio, užtenka sukurti Atomine bombą. Kas liečia grafika, tai žaidimas atrodo praktiškai tobulai. Įsivaizduokit tą ramesnį V serijos istorinį styliu + graži 3D grafika iš 6. Dėmesys detalėms milžiniškas - pvz. Rusijos modern age pėstininkai ir atrodo kaip jos rodo su WW2 filmose - su durtuviniais šautuvais ir Maxim kulkosvaidžiais. Pranc0zų tankai atrodo kaip jų tikri WWI tankai ir skiriasi nuo kitų civilizacijų. Reziumuojant dabartinėje savo versioje yra tam tikra prasme supaprastintas, bet vistiek labai smagiai žaidžiasi. Manau kaip ir ankstesnės serijos būs n metų vystomas, sulauksim expansion pakų su mechanikų praplėtimų ir bus super. Tiesa labai gerai optimizuotas. Mano vaiko gan sename i5 ir GTX1070 pilnai veža 4K su vidutiniais/aukštais grafikos nustatymais. Vienintelio ko jam tikrai reika, tai SSD. Kol kas tiek.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos