
iPhone 4 Unlock

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Dev Team Confirms Existence of New iPhone 4 Unlock

Following up on the report we brought you last night concerning the status of an iPhone 4 Unlock, the Dev Team has essentially confirmed those reports today.

@MuscleNerd, an integral member of the Dev Team, tweeted today that along with an iPhone 4 unlock, an unlock might also be possible for the 3G and the 3GS on some of the newer basebands.

The good news is that he went on to say that “[the iPhone 4] is 1st priority…



Judging from the tweets listed above, it looks like the rumors are true, and that we can expect an unlock on the horizon any day now for iPhone 4′s running basebands 3.10.01 or 2.10.04. They are even working on an unlock for 04.10.01 basebands for 4.3b3 firmware.

As you’ve probably heard, the unlock will likely come after the release of iOS 4.3, as @MuscleNerd stated earlier in the year.

It’s getting closer and closer to reality folks, all of you with iPhone 4 paper weights will soon be able to rejoice!


Is an iPhone 4 Unlock For Basebands 3.10.01 and 2.10.04 Right on the Horizon?

If you’ve been using an iPhone 4 on basebands 3.10.01 or 2.10.04, your inability to unlock has undoubtedly been an issue of great concern.

Time and time again, we get our hopes up, only to come away disappointed.

Let’s give Apple credit, they’ve done a decent job with keeping these basebands locked down for a significant amount of time, but the gates could be breached in the very near future…


Self proclaimed iPhone baseband hacker, and neurosurgeon (quite the combination) @sherif_hashim says he has an unlock working for both basebands.

Although there has been previous reports that an unlock was being worked on, it was stated by @MuscleNerd and others that said unlock would not see the light of day until iOS 4.3 was released.

Since iOS 4.3 might be available as early as Wednesday, this bodes well for those of you who have been salivating over an iPhone 4 unlock for these particular basebands.

Remember, if you have an iPhone 4 and your baseband is still on 1.59.00 (unlikely, but certainly possible), you can unlock today using UltraSn0w.

Yes, pagaliau. :rolleyes:) Taip ilgai laukta, ir žinių jokių nebuvo. Dabar BAM, ir jau žadą unlockint. :D Smagu labai. ;) Redagavo Moo

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tikekimes greitu metu atlockinsim savo telefonus :o

Redagavo Moo
Necituojame ilgo, prieš tai esančio pranešimo su nuotraukomis!

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As tai dar turiu vilti kad jie sutaisys 06 15 00 glicha su gps ir battery :). Bet naujienu apie tai niekur nerandu.

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As tai dar turiu vilti kad jie sutaisys 06 15 00 glicha su gps ir battery :). Bet naujienu apie tai niekur nerandu.
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Jai apie 3G kalbi, tai čia tavo kaltė. :) Laisvai galima unlock'inti ir nesuvarant GPS. Tiesiog daryt kaip reikia reik.

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Jai apie 3G kalbi, tai čia tavo kaltė. ^_^ Laisvai galima unlock'inti ir nesuvarant GPS. Tiesiog daryt kaip reikia reik.
Ne į temą


Mano yra 3gs ir viena karta atnaujinau i 4.1 ir pasikeite i ta nauja baseband, o vienintelis atrisimas buvo sitas... Tikuosi jie isleis koki fix.

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Mano yra 3gs ir viena karta atnaujinau i 4.1 ir pasikeite i ta nauja baseband, o vienintelis atrisimas buvo sitas... Tikuosi jie isleis koki fix.

Ne į temą

Tai vat. ^_^ Reikėjo be baseband downgrade'inimo daryt ir fsio. :D Plačiau PM jai nori.

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kokios naujienos del atrisimo? :) ar iseis iskart po kovo 11 iOS atnaujinimo ar reikes dar savaite laukti taip ilgai laukto atrisimo? :)

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Na oficialiu ziniu ner kada jau zada tikraji atrisima. Kaip matai, oficialos zinios yra tik tiek kad jau beveik 3sav. Hackeriai dirba prie atrisimo. :) Gal ir isleis ta atrisima po tos Kovo 11, niekas nezino. :)

P.S. Kai bus ziniu, bus ir mano postas su jomis. :)

Redagavo Moo

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Unfortunately, MuscleNerd the well-known iPhone hacker has announced some bad news about iPhone 4 unlock status, he mentioned that it will take longer than they want to finished unlocking task for iPhone 4 basebands above 01.59.00.


Ultrasn0w unlockers should know the drill! Don't let iTunes trick you into installing today's 4.3 iOS. Just say no!



Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock for those who lost 01.59 (or never had it). It's taking longer than we wanted :D


So if you rely on ultrasn0w to unlock your device, don't upgrade to iOS 4.3, and don't let iTunes trick you into installing it, just say no!


Diffidently, this news should disappoint who are waiting eagerly for unlock their devices on 2.10.04 , 3.10.01 basebands, but for who have unlocked devices, we hope that dev-team will be able to upgrade PwnageTool to be able to upgrade to iOS 4.3 with preserving the unlockable baseband. let's wait and see.

nieko gero :D

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nieko gero :)

Kadangi supratau, kad jie megins Unlock'inti iOS 4.3, tai dar geriau. :D Dar jai jailbreak'as išeis, išvis iOS belekokio gerumo bus. Hotspotas dar +... :D

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paskaicius ivairius straipsnius, isvis susidaro ispudys kad unlock'o 3.10.01 isvis nebus ;) o kur tu perskaitei kad iskart iOS 4.3 padarys unlock :) ? as tik apie jailbreak'a gyrdejau, jau tai atsibodusi ta plita, ta prasme kaip ipod'a nauduoti, laukiam atrisymo ir tikekimes kad bus, o tai numirsim ;)

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Na kaip suprantu, jai nori jie daryt su baseband preseivinimu, tai nori unlock'inti. :)

we hope that dev-team will be able to upgrade PwnageTool to be able to upgrade to iOS 4.3 with preserving the unlockable baseband.

Ne į temą

Na man problemų kaip ir nėr, su savo iPhone 4'tu dar 2metus ant to pačio tinklo sedėsiu. ;)

5000sms į visus, 2000min į visus, neribotas 3G internetas... ;)

Redagavo Moo

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jl nesulauksim unlocko 30,10,01 jau viskas, ir isvis skaiciau kad sklando gandai dew,team net nebeuzsimines, nes jiem apple pamokejo tiek kad jie mete visus reikalus, nes is trikruju jau turejo ir ant baseland unlockas ir ios 4,3, bet jau nieko rimto ta tema nebegirdet o jau ios 4,3 galim atsinaujint, tik idomu atnaujinus i 4,3 koks baseband palieka

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Parodyk, kur rašoma, kad Apple sumokėjo? :) Kekvieną diena žinias tikrinu, bet nieko nemačiau dar tokio. :)


Tai nebus? :)

Dev Team Investigating New Permanent iPhone Unlock Method



Shortly after breaking the bad news about the iPhone 4 carrier unlock for iOS 4.3, iPhone Dev Team member @MuscleNerd announced that they aren’t giving up just yet and are currently investigating a new method to unlock the iPhone 4.


This method, called the “NCK”, is the key generated by Apple if they were to officially unlock your iPhone. Basically, it’s similar to an IMEI unlock code, which permanently unlocks the phone…


MuscleNerd tweeted:


if turns out to be true, it’s unexpected surprise for those w/vuln BB’s. All the data is there for 40-bit brute force


To those patiently ignoring all the chatter from “promises” we never made comes a jewel: NCK unlock code is just 40 bits!

his new method will try to Brute Force the 40-bit NCK unlock code. For those of you unaware, brute forcing is trying all possible ways which will ultimately find the unique unlock code for your device. This “NCK-unlock” method has been known for over a few years now, when infamous iPhone and PS3 hacker, GeoHot started working on unlocking the iPhone 2G. The program GeoHot developed could “crack” this unique 15 digit long key for every device.


For more info on this permanent unlock solution, we’ve posted a FAQ courtesy of @veeence:


Since there is a lot of confusion out there, and since I’m repeating myself all the time (which I do not really like), I made this little write up of questions that are continuously being asked (my personal FAQ). Please not that this is a global explanation. Don’t try to argue with me on specific details.


1. What happened?! I thought the unlock for basebands 02.10.01 & 03.10.01 would be released within the next 2 weeks?

As you know the Dev-Team (MuscleNerd) have been working on the unlock for quite a while now. They were making great progress on the unlock, but they found out that they (accidentally) unlocked “one particular SIM card” instead of the baseband itself. Which means that the unlock would only be an unlock you could use with MuscleNerd’s T-Mobile SIM. So, useless. If the unlock would unlock the baseband instead of “the SIM”, it’d probably be out within 2 weeks (reasonable timeframe which they had hoped). But things turned out to be different. Basically these <2 weeks predictions were a lack of information.


2. What is this NCK-key cracking? How does it work?


The NCK-key is the key generated by Apple if you’d officially unlock you iPhone, and with officially I mean, via your carrier. This “NCK-unlock” method is known over a few years now, actually since geohot started working on unlocking the iPhone 2G. He developed a program that could “crack” this 15 digits long key and unique for every device. Geohots NCKBF program could do around 100,000 keys/second which would produce a hit in many years, or complete a search in 317 years. To get to a point where this is actually doable we would need many orders of magnitude of improvement. Even if you use a PS3 (would we still want to use this??) or special hardware (within 1,000 US$ range) you will only get an improvement of 20-100 times.. which doesn’t help much.


Now, luckily, with the exploits they have now, they can’t unlock your baseband, but they *can* capture more information from the baseband to speed up this cracking process. Since the NORID and CHIPID (unique for every device) are known, you’d apparently only have to check 40 more bits (5 digits). A 40 bits key is theoretically crackable on “home hardware” within a week (24/7). The downside of this approach is that you’ll have to keep your computer turned on, and your iPhone has to be connected. And that is the reason why they never tried it before. Please note that this method is completely theorical and has been NOT tried at all till this moment.


3. Now what? Should I sell my locked iPhone 4?


I’d wait for more information on this “NCK-unlock”. Right now it’s pretty vague what timeframe we’re talking about. If the Dev-Team can pull this method off, it’d be very promising for those waiting for an unlock. If this method turns out to be not doable, I’d consider selling your iPhone 4 and save up for a factory unlocked iPhone 5.


4. Do you think there is every going to be an unlock?


Of course. But that’s unlikely to be any time soon (with soon being <1 month).


5. If the NCK method fails, how long do you think it will take for the Dev-Team to unlock the iPhone 4?


No ETA at all. Could be a few weeks, but it could easily be a few months as well.

Hahahaha! Normaliai... :) Na šiaip geriau dirbtų prie iOS 4.3 geriau dabar, visgi ji tikrai geresnė... :)

Redagavo Moo

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As galvoju kad geriau dirbtu prie unlock, visgi butu permanently unlock :) Mane tas suzavejo.

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    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stremingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažiau. Todėl aš labai smarkiai pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvalaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reikia praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
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