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Place Clock Combines iPhone Alarms and Location


Sometimes, you don’t want to be reminded of something you have to do at a certain time during the day — rather, you’d like to be notified of events and tasks you need to take care of in a specific location, say pick up the laundry at home or meet Mike at the office. But as the default iPhone clock application doesn’t allow you to attach location info to alarms, you’re forced to assign a “time” to everything.

Place Clock, a new app by Ocoomo, aims at fixing these issues by providing a solution that combines both time and location to create the ultimate alarm clock application that’s aware of where you are in the world, yet can rely on time-based alarms as the native Apple software can. What’s cool about Place Clock (I have been testing the app for 2 days now), is that it completely works in the background without draining too much battery (at least on the iPhone 4, might be different on the 3GS) and it continuously keeps track of your location as a possible way to initiate alarms. The app doesn’t need to be open all the time, but it can fire off an alarm when you arrive to, depart from a location or get in a specific range. This, combined with classic time-based features, makes for a very solid app that’s, at least for me, something new on the iPhone.


When you first open Place Clock, you’re given a blank screen for your alarms, and a + button to add new ones. Hit it, and you can choose between time alarm and place alarm. The place alarms is where Place Clock is really good at, with the possibility to add a new place either by manual address lookup or current location through GPS, which will open an embedded Google Maps view. You can switch from map to satellite, set a “place size” in feet or meters, enter a name or an additional address to further refine your location data. Places alone don’t make this app great though, and that’s why I think the “Trigger” features will convince many users to switch over to this app. Not only you can set an alarm to go off on arrival, departure and “within” range, you can also set a delay so you have time to enter or leave a building, for example. That’s cool. Advanced snooze options (again, not available in Apple’s clock app) allow you to adjust the snooze length from 3 to 30 minutes, auto-shorten on each press of the “snooze” button, set a max snooze count.

As for the standard time-based alarms, Place Clock offers all the options seen in the Clock app, but adds snooze and location restrictions to the mix. For instance, you can tell the app to play an alarm only at a specific location, like Home.

There’s one thing I don’t like about Place Clock, and that’s the lack of standard Apple sounds for alarms. The custom selection is good, but I miss my morning Marimba to wake me up without too much noise. As for anything else, this app is really cool and the location features definitely work, now it’s your call whether you need something like this or not. It’s available at $0.99 in the App Store.
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Pagaliau parodė, kaip atrodo ant iPhone tas su permatomu korpusu... :lol:

Transparent iPhone 4 kit has us drooling



Here is new look on a nine month old iPhone. A Chinese parts manufacturer offers up a kit to replace those iPhone glass panels with transparent ones. Click below to see the finished project and twice click on images for full sized glory. Downsides include possible “less than Gorilla” glass strength and transparent glass letting in light for degraded picture quality (same issue with orig. white iPhone 4).





Noriu noriu noriuuu! Taaaip gerai atrodo... ;) Redagavo Moo

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Pagaliau parodė, kaip atrodo ant iPhone tas su permatomu korpusu... :lol:

Noriu noriu noriuuu! Taaaip gerai atrodo... ;)

o tiesiog iphone temoj negalima det visu naujienuapie iphone ? jei tokios nera sukurk. dabar kiekviena detale tures savo tema ? ;)

nu va tvarkingai dabar. viska greit surast galima. ;)

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My bad. Sujungiau. :)


TruPrint Brings iOS Printing To Most Network Printers

Apple gave iOS 4.2 printing. But they forgot that not everyone has one of 8 printers. With TruPrint, you can print to most network printers! Simply install, and use Apple's built-in print menu. New printers will now show up thanks to TruPrint!



- Autodiscover your printers!

- Print to most network printers!

- Advanced CUPS platform

- No setup required


Requires iOS 4.2+. Works on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touches!



3-Day Free Trial via Jailbreak your iPhone and install via Cydia!



Gaila, kad tik trys dienos trial'o. :) Bet jaigu kainuoja Cydia'oje $9.99 tai tikrai verta dėmesio programa. :)




Unreal Engine 3 To Power Four Gameloft Games In 2011 And 2012



Gameloft has today announced that they have partnered with Epic Games to bring four games to mobile devices using Unreal Engine 3. The game engine will power two games this year and two aimed for release in 2012.


Unreal Engine 3, which was released late last year, was the game engine that powered the tech demo of Epic Citadel as well as Epic Games very succesful Infinity Blade. The Unreal Development Kit is free for developers to download and try, but if used they must pay a $99 licensing fee and a 25% royalty fee after the first $50,000 in sales.


Gameloft and Epic Games didn’t elaborate on what the games using the engine would be or whether they brokered a different licensing agreement, however Gameloft’s vice president of production, Julien Fournials said that:


Gameloft is very pleased to partner with Epic, especially with their ability to stay ahead of the curve and continually place the best game engine technology in developers’ hands at any given point in time. Using Unreal Engine 3 allows us to push game visuals with remarkable lighting and high-fidelity environments. We are confident that players will enjoy the games powered by Unreal Engine 3.

With the 2011 Game Developers Conference underway, Gameloft writes on their blog to “stay tuned for more”, hopefully we’ll get a taste of what these new games will entail.

$99... :) Beeet žaidimukai kokie... :lol:


Epic Citadel

Enter Epic Citadel, the dynamic fantasy setting of the award-winning Infinity Blade.


From the circus bazaar to the sweeping cathedral in the center of town, Epic Citadel dazzles with a visual parade of special effects, as only imagined by Epic Games and powered by the critically acclaimed Unreal Engine 3.


Are you ready to explore the realm of the Epic Citadel and all the beautiful secrets it holds?


Epic Citadel was created using the same tools and technology used to develop high-end console games, now delivered for iOS devices!











Hahahah, iPod touch 4G 25% baterijos per 15min. nueina... :)


This honestly blew me away, it's amazing that this is even possible on the

iPad/iPhone/iPod touch. However, I have a brand new iPod Touch (4th gen),

and it took about 25% of the battery life after just 15 minutes of play.



Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade is one of the most anticipated games for iPhone and iPad to hit the App Store this holiday season. Demoed on stage at Apple’s event back in September and released as a tech demo known as Epic Citadel back then, the game is built on top of the Unreal Engine 3 for iOS devices and it shows impressive graphics and animations. Apparently, Steve Jobs couldn’t believe the game was running on an iPhone when he first saw it either.


As previously confirmed in November, the game changed its name from Project Sword to Infinity Blade and was set to come out in December. TouchArcade also revealed that the app would be released on December 9th at $5.99, but we just took a look inside the New Zealand App Store and found out that, as usual, iTunes started propagating the app on its own due to time zone differences.


Infinity Blade is available at $8.29 over there, and you can take a look at the screenshots and full description from iTunes below. The app isn’t available in other stores for now, but we believe it’ll start propagating in European ones in 10 hours. The app is universal and runs on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3, or iPod Touch 4 — with Retina Display-ready graphics optimized for the iPhone 4. From what we can read in iTunes, it seems like there will be customization possibilities, a “dynamic single player campaign” and support for Game Center leaderboards and achievements.






From Epic Games’ award-winning studio, ChAIR Entertainment, comes Infinity Blade, a new title developed exclusively for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.


Universal App – Play Infinity Blade on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3, or iPod Touch 4 for a single low price.


Optimized for iPhone 4 – Includes high-resolution graphics that fully utilize the Retina display on the iPhone 4.


**IGN: “A surefire Game of the Year contender. It just may be the best iPhone game of all time.”

**TouchGen: “This is the best game I’ve played on my iPhone. This is the game we’ve been waiting for!”

**Slide: “A unique and enthralling experience from the start.”

**Ars Technica: “It’s one of the few games on the iPhone that if I were to get an e-mail tomorrow saying that it’s available, I would stop everything I was doing, find my iPhone and buy it.”


For untold ages, the God King has ruled with an iron fist – his power is incalculable; his followers, legion. Now you must journey to the Dark Citadel to battle his Titans, one by one, until you face the tyrant himself. As it has been for all in your bloodline, this is your birthright – to free your people from an endless legacy of darkness. The immortal can be vanquished – but only if heart, mind, and steel are one.


The first mobile game powered by Epic’s cutting-edge Unreal Engine 3 technology, Infinity Blade takes handheld gaming to new heights with gorgeous visuals, adrenaline-fueled battles and advanced character progression in a fully 3D castle realm.




Spectacular 3D characters and environments powered by the award-winning Unreal Engine 3 bring to life the story of a lone knight’s pursuit to save civilization.




Attack, dodge, block, and cast devastating spells – all with the simple swipe of a finger.




Easy to use, tap-to-move controls enable players to effortlessly navigate and explore the castle realm while searching for collectable items such as treasure, swords, shields, armor and other magical objects.




Dozens of Swords, Shields, Helmets, Armor, and Magic Rings to acquire and master – leveling up your character and increasing Attack, Health, Shield and Magic skills.

Na žaidimukai sakyčiau amazing... ;)




Apple Tinkering with Scratch Resistant Metal Device Coating



With scratches and dings more than just commonplace in iDevice ownership, Apple may be tinkering with new technologies that will reduce the unsightly blemishes that adorn our ubiquitous mobile gadgets. According to information made public this week, The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has awarded ownership of a "scratch resistant metal device coating" to Apple.


U.S. Patent No. 7896981 is described as "Nitriding stainless steel for consumer electronic products." According to the patent's "abstract" summary, the coating represents a "cost effective system, method and apparatus adapted to provide a nitride layer on stainless steel used for the manufacture of consumer electronic products."


"In addition to providing a durable, hard surface that is both scratch and impact resistant," the patent description reads, "the nitride layer allows for the natural surface color and texture of the underlying stainless steel to remain visible to the user. It is this natural surface color and texture of the stainless steel that adds to the aesthetically pleasing appearance of the consumer electronic product thereby enhancing the user's overall experience."


The invention is credited to Douglas Weber and, as of the current published status of the patent, ownership is assigned to Apple Inc., effectively giving the Cupertino, California tech giant the green light to begin slapping this scratch-proof coating all over our cherished iDevices. Although the coating, for example, won't make the iPhone indestructible, it will all but certainly preserve the just-out-of-the-box look that often quickly disappears with the device's prolonged use.

Nu ką, dabar jau iPhone korpusai pradės eiti įvairūs? :) Smagu smagu. ;)


There was a guy who lived at Hong Kong who thought it’s cool to have transparent iPhone 4. So, he took the chassis off and applied thinner inside of the glass to remove the black paint coating. So much for geekgasm, eh?




The Chinese neighbor next door learnt about it and thought this guy is cool but he is such a waste. If he wasn’t, why wouldn’t he make these cool transparent panels available in market. He did what our friend from Hong Kong didn’t and now you can buy the transparent back panels for your iPhone 4.




Now available at M.I.C Gadget for the price of $23.90, this cool panel is available in three frame colors: Silver, Black and White. It may look classy and all but it comes at a cost of degraded results of camera. You might have heard of the light leakage problem in the white iPhone 4 that degraded the camera performance which is why it never came out. With transparent panel, things of course will get worse.




If you think a transparent geeky phone is more aesthetically pleasing than the photos you take, this is made for you.

Nu ką, jau yra. ;) Meginsiu sakytis jau, šendien ar rytoj. :)

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End Of The Line for iPhone 3G : No iOS 4.3 Support



Taking a close look at the details released about iOS 4.3, it is understood that the iPhone 3G will no longer receive further iOS updates. Apple's website Apple - iOS 4.3 Software Update, lists the compatible devices as the 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G and 4G. This means no support for the verizon phone either.


With all the complaints about iOS 4.x on the 3G, it makes sense to see them drop the support, but it could leave many users displeased.


Any 3G owners that are not happy with this move? We want to hear from you!

Ehh, net nežinau. Na ir taip tie 3G vos 4.2.1 tempė, ką kalbėt apie 4.3 ar iOS 5 vėliau... <_< Jau galit megint savo 3G parduot kas turit. Aš nebematau reikalo jį laikyt. :)

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Ehh, net nežinau. Na ir taip tie 3G vos 4.2.1 tempė, ką kalbėt apie 4.3 ar iOS 5 vėliau... ;) Jau galit megint savo 3G parduot kas turit. Aš nebematau reikalo jį laikyt. :)

Na, pats turiu 3G ir nesiruosiu dar parduot. Kodel? Nes man pilnai uztenka 3G, mini zaidimus sumest galima(Angry Birds, Canabalt, Fruit Ninja etc) , tam kad prastumt laika, muzikos paklausyt galima, visas funkcijas telefonas puikiai atlieka. O jeigu jau noriu sumest koki zaidima, tam yra PC.

Aisku mano nuomone, yra mano nuomone ir gali neatspindeti kitu 3G turetoju :)

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Na taip, bet dar pasens, iOS 5 išeis, tai išvis vos ne kaip iPod'ą liks. ;) Siųlyčiau dabar parduot, pasitaupyt ir pirkt iPhone 4 kokį nors. :)

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iPhone Clock Bug Resurfaces With Daylight Savings Time Glitch


The iPhone’s internal clock has been notorious for having glitches with Daylight Savings Time. This morning (2 A.M.) marked the Daylight Savings Time “spring forward” of one hour, and there have been numerous reports of the iPhone’s clock falling back an hour instead of falling forward.

Complaints starting streaming in via Twitter this morning from users who were not woken up properly by their iPhone’s alarm. While complaints vary, the general consensus seems to be that the iPhone’s clock fell back an hour at midnight instead of falling forward…

While this glitch has not affected most iPhones, it seems that the glitch is prevalent on multiple networks and iPhone models. iPhones on AT&T, Verizon, and Rogers have all been confirmed as having experienced this iOS glitch with Daylight Savings Time.

There is currently no information as to if this glitch is time-zone specific or not, and the symptoms of the glitch seem to be equally as varied.

This is not the first time the iPhone’s internal clock has had a problem with DST. The last bug reversed the current situation by pushing the iPhone’s clock an hour forward instead of falling back. The iOS alarm clock app also experienced a pretty nasty bug last New Year’s Eve.

If your iPhone’s clock is still not correct, a restart should fix the problem and reset the clock to the appropriate time.

Sugalvojo jie vasaros laiką atsukt... :thumbsup4:

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iPhone Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Other Smartphones


For the 5th time in a row, Apple is ranking #1 in a customer satisfaction survey conducted by JD Power. The iPhone scored 795 out of 1,000 points, which is slightly lower than the 800 points it had scored in the same survey a few months ago.

Closely followed by Motorola (763) and HTC (762), the iPhone performs particularly well in ease of operation, operating system, features and physical design. This score is obviously not a surprise to anyone who owns an iPhone…

Palm, Nokia, Samsung, and BlackBerry scored below the industry average, which makes me want to point my finger at them and say “ha ha”

Ha ha! -_-


Yes. :D

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Investigation into Gizmodo iPhone 4 Case Almost Finished


Not only did the investigation into the Gizmodo iPhone 4 leak last well past the actual launch of the iPhone 4, it's come pretty close to lasting until the release of the iPhone 5. But word broke late this week that the seemingly unending investigation into what really happened with the iPhone 4 leak may finally be drawing to a close. San Mateo, California district attorney Stephen Wagstaffe admits the case may actually conclude in early April. Investigators scouring through loads of information and interview testimony will then turn over their findings to Wagstaffe.

For now, all we know (or think we know) is that last year an Apple employee working on the forthcoming iPhone 4 mistakenly left a prototype of the device at a bar while partying it up for his birthday. Subsequently, the device was located and identified by a local college student who allegedly employed back-channel communications to sell the device to Gizmodo for $5,000 (see leaked image from Gizmodo posted above).

All along, of course, something has appeared fishy about the supposedly leaked iPhone 4 debacle. And although it isn't clear if we'll ever get all the gory details, it does appear certain that Steve Jobs' summary of the controversy at last year's All Things D conference was spot on: "So this is a story that's amazing: it's got theft, it's got buying stolen property, it's got extortion, I'm sure there's some sex in there. The whole thing is very colorful. The DA is looking into it, and to my knowledge they have someone making sure they only see stuff that relates to this case. I don't know how it will end up."

Dabar ir į UK privežkit, noriuu! :D

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Apple Looking to Build Rechargeable Battery Pack


According to a recent patent, it appears that Apple is interested in making its own external, rechargeable battery pack. There are plenty of portable batteries for the iPhone on the market already, but it looks like Apple might introduce a new charging cable with its own rechargeable battery.

A future charging cable from Apple could supply multiple charge cycles when disconnected from a power source…

AppleInsider reports,

“The filing for “Power Adapter with Internal Battery” describes a wall charger with an integrated battery pack, allowing users to charge a device at home and give that device extra juice when on the go.

Apple’s application acknowledges that rechargeable external battery accessories do already exist. However, it notes that such accessories are not as advantageous as one that might be integrated with a standard charging cable.”


The patent describes a “smart” charger that would have the ability to determine the needed charge between the external battery and the device. This battery pack could theoretically be used for MacBooks and iDevices.

The patent description seems to be rather vague. AppleInsider speculates how this type of hardware could be implemented,

“Such a device could be augmented by a “trickle source” for power, such as solar. And it could also include a USB port for charging a device like an iPhone or iPod. The accessory could also include a wireless adapter, allowing a MacBook or other device to access the power adapter even when it is not physically connected.

Apple’s application also notes that its external battery solution could employ current power adapter features, such as its patented MagSafe connector.”

Nieko prieš aš... :D Daugiau - geriau. :D

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Potentially Leaked iPod Touch Has Capacitive Home Button


Although I’m tending towards skepticism on this one, it could be that these blurry-cam photos of a potential iPod Touch with non-physical home button show an example of some sort of aborted trunk on the iPod Touch family tree with to a seamless, button-free face. Talking heads have been touting this button-free model for a while now and so these images lend credence to that direction in Apple iPod/iPhone trade dress.

Marked with the “DVT-1″ badge found on the earlier examples of the iPod Touch discovered in 2010 that sported front and back cameras, this model has 128GB of memory, is running firmware 4.2.1MC14 and is marked model MC550LL (zoom in here) which points to a Mac Pro model as well as a permutation of the 4th Gen iPod Touch.

The device also has an aluminum back, the same back rumored to exist on the unreleased iPhone 5. Considering the firmware is so old on this test model, it’s clear that it’s been floating around somewhere for a while now, possibly a testing room or recycler. I’m not sure what I think about a non-physical home button, either, although a capacitive one would reduce possible wear and tear on the device over time.



Neblogai, ir kaip padarė tą atmintį... :whistling:

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Wiimote and iPhone Make Beautiful Music Together


It seems like you can never get enough high-tech innovation, especially when it involves using ordinary products to accomplish extraordinary things. We’ve shown you 3D graphics on the iPhone 4 in the past and even lenses that give the iPhone 360-degree video capturing abilities. What could they possibly come up with next?

Let me introduce you to Tim Soo. On top of being a medical student, he also happens to be a hacker/musician. His Kickstarter video asking for donations to fund an interesting project has really been making its rounds on the internet recently…

The idea for the “invisible instrument” is very simple. Soo has taken an ordinary Wiimote and a standard iPhone and paired them both via bluetooth to a computer. With their built-in accelerometers, computer software can read the devices’ movements and translates them into different sounds.

Soo wants to release an application for the App Store that will turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a motion-based instrument. When this app is used in combination with a Wiimote and complimenting desktop software, a user could recreate a variety of instrument sounds.


This, like other innovative demonstrations we’ve shown you, is not currently available for download. Tim Soo is currently trying to raise money to fund this project. The final date for donations is May 5th and he has only achieved half of his $10,000 goal.

If you would like to use this app in the future or just want to donate to the cause, head on over to Soo’s Kickstarter page. If you donate $10 you will receive the iPhone/iPod touch app and software bundle. If you donate $50 or more you will get an exclusive album of cover songs performed on the “invisible instrument.” Those that donate $1000 or more will get to choose an instrument for Soo to incorporate into his Invisible Instrument app.

Although I don’t possess any musical talent, I love messing around with apps like GarageBand. This, however, seems a bit too complicated for me to piddle around in. Nevertheless, the technology behind this is pretty impressive.

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iPhone 4 Soon to be Top Camera on Flickr


Currently, the most popular camera used to upload pictures to Flickr is the Nikon D90, a fine DSLR that costs over a thousand dollars. But in about a month or so, if trends continue, Apple’s iPhone 4 will take the lead as the most popular camera on Flickr. The Nikon D90 has been out for about three years now and has sold very well, but the iPhone 4, which has been out for under a year and is considerably less expensive, is about to take the top spot on Flickr.

It’s really not too surprising, however, as many people keep their iPhone’s with them most the time. A big, heavy, DSLR, may take much higher quality photos, but they can’t compete with the convenience of a smartphone. The iPhone’s camera has progressively gotten better and better over the years. Now the images produced with the iPhone 4 are really quite good, especially for a camera with a microscopic lens.

You would think that regular point and shoot cameras would be right at the top of the list on Flickr as well, but this is not the case. Point and shoot camera sales have actually been on the decline in recent years and the majority of camera manufactures may one day stop producing them altogether, if this trend continues.

The iPhone also takes the top three spots when it comes to the most popular camera phones, as well. The HTC Evo 4G and Droid Incredible round out the list at number four and five. Surprisingly, the older model iPhone 3G is in second place ahead of the 3GS model, even though it only has a two megapixel camera.


With so many cameras available today that are capable of taking great looking pictures, it’s not too surprising to find that convenience has trumped quality. Just about any point and shoot camera will deliver better image results than a smartphone, but who wants to carry an extra electronic device if you don’t have too. Professional photographer Chase Jarvis recently published a photography book where the only camera that he used was an iPhone.

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Black iPhone 4 Thinner Than White iPhone 4

A Difference between the newly white iPhone 4 and black one has been spotted by one of MacRumors readers, he noted that white iPhone 4 is ever so slightly thicker than black iPhone 4.


white iPhone user :

Just picked up the white iPhone 4 and realized it doesn't fit into my Incase slider case. It appears that Apple has increased the size of the plastic that borders the glass on both sides by about 1mm.

The folks at Tipb have calculated the difference at 0.2mm. They also tested some cases which seemed to worked for both white and block iPhone 4.



Va taip va ir su tomis spalvomis gaunasi... :)

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    • Nekyla net menkiausios abejonės. Kalba kad pačios architektūros parengimo darbai baigti. Prasideda testavimas. 
    • "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip is konsoliu ir exlusive zaidimu "išeina iš konsolių excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip konsoliniu exlusivu. na bet cia gal neteisingai supratau.. tiek to o kas del naujos konsoles tai visai  tiketina data yra 2026. nes jei paziuret i praeiti tai konsoles ir leidziamos mazdaug kas 6-8 metus. garantuotai ir sony jau senokai tyliai dirba ties ps6
    • @WirmiS, aš taip ir nesakiau. Skaityk tiesiogiai - "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų", o ne "iš konsolių". Aišku kad Microsoft pasilieka konsolinių žaidimų rinkoje, tik jau nebekonkuros su Sony tiesigiai geležimi kas daugiau parduos konsolių exclusive pagalba. Ir ištikrųjų gali būti kad naują XBox išleis jau 2026 metais. Žiūrėsim. 
    • MS nepasake, kad iseina is konsoliu, netgi priesingai jie yra pasake, kad  jau dirba ties nauja, o taip pat experimentuoja su handheld'u. del isejimo is exclusivu tai kaip ir logiskas sprendimas. vienaip ar kitaip MS dabar vienas is didziausiu leideju.
    • Na lyginant su Civ V ir VI reikėtu pirmiausia pamimėti kad Firaxis jau kurį laiką niekuomet iš karto neišleidžia pilno žaidimo. Ne tą prasmę kad jis yra nefunkcionalus, bet dalis papildomų mechanikų dar bus ateity, būsimose expansion pakose. Be to visada išleisdama naują žaidimo iteracija paprastai apie 60% core mechanikų palieka senas, bet ~ 40% keičia. Ir tai imho yra gerai, nes priešingu atveju po n metų laukimo gautum seną žaidimą, tiesiog su nauja grafine išvaizda. Iš dalies Firaxis toliau stebi žaidėjį reakcija ir gali pastumti žaidimą ar į vieną ar kitą pusę kiek tai dar įmanoma. Na pagal tai ką dabar turim. Žaidimas yra pasikeitęs. Jis nėra labiau sudėtingas, sakyčiau tam tikra prasme kiek paprastesnis, negu ankstesnės versijos (ypač Civ 6) ir toks visas labiau tiesmukas. Kaip jau buvo ra6oma yra tik 3 epochos (kol kas) - Antika, Atradimų laikotarpis ir Modern. Manau ateittį tikrai bus dar ketvirtą epocha, pvz. Information Age, nes verrinant visą žaidimo eigą akivaizdžaii matosi kad truksta dar gabalo. Unitai baigėsi ties II Pasaulinio karo lėktuvais ir tankais - taip niekuomet nėra buvę, visada budavo Modern armor, reaktyviniai lektuvai ir t. t. Aš jau nekalbu apie Giant Death robots. Kaip jau sakiau tu iš esmės pasirenki lyderi su kurio eisi per visas epochas, o nacijos keičiasi. Bet tai atrodo tikrai organiškai ir savaip žavi. Keičiant epochą dalis nacijų pasirinkimų būna defaultiniai, dalį galima atrakinti, dalis lieka neįmanoma dėl pasirinkto lyderio. Bet kurio atvėju atrodo gan organiškai ir gerai padaryta. Šiaip žaidimas dabar toks vosas labiau atitinkantis "istorine realybe" taip pasakykikim. Iš dalies tai yra smagu iš dalies ne. Antikoje pvz tu gali rinktis iš riboto civilizacijš skaičiaus, kurios iš tikrųjų ir buvo Antikoje. Logiškai mastant JAV civilizacija nuo Antikos atrodo keistai. Bet tame buvo savotiškas prieš tai visų buvusių Civilizacijų žavėsis.  Bet pvz. jeigu lyderį pasirinksi Jekateriną Dydžiają, tai Rusija automatiškai atsirakins Modern Age pagal lyderį. Esu baigęs viena pilną patija. Tai atrodė maždaug taip - pasirinkau Cezarį ir Romenus, Exploration pavirtau Ispanija, Modern prancūzais. Laimėjau Domination victory. Buvo savotiškai linksma. Visas pirmas amžius yra praktiškai mokomasis.  Tave už rankos vedžioja aiškinant žaidimo mechanikas. Tikras žaidimas prasideda II etape. Bet ir pirmoje epochoje po senovei kokią vieną civilizacija (t. y. lyderį) galima išnešti iš žaidimo. Kariniai unitai negauna patirties, tik generolai (kurie pasilieka) ir nusiresetina su kiekviena nauja epocha, todėl kaip ankšęiau sutikti pirmikšti karį su kuoka prieš tanką jau neįmanoma. Religija dabar "išpjauta" dar labiau negu V serijoje. Religinės pergalės nėra. Veikia tik Explaration Age ir dingsta Modern. Tą prasmė kad miestai su religija pasilieka, bet ji nebevystoma ir jos negalima palatinti. Domination Victory jeigu teisingai žaisti dabar tikrai gan paprasta. Pirmame žaidime buvau ją pasiekęs, nepastatęs dar nei vieno lėktuvo, bet aviacija jau atidariau. Nereika užkariauti viso pasaulio, užtenka sukurti Atomine bombą. Kas liečia grafika, tai žaidimas atrodo praktiškai tobulai. Įsivaizduokit tą ramesnį V serijos istorinį styliu + graži 3D grafika iš 6. Dėmesys detalėms milžiniškas - pvz. Rusijos modern age pėstininkai ir atrodo kaip jos rodo su WW2 filmose - su durtuviniais šautuvais ir Maxim kulkosvaidžiais. Pranc0zų tankai atrodo kaip jų tikri WWI tankai ir skiriasi nuo kitų civilizacijų. Reziumuojant dabartinėje savo versioje yra tam tikra prasme supaprastintas, bet vistiek labai smagiai žaidžiasi. Manau kaip ir ankstesnės serijos būs n metų vystomas, sulauksim expansion pakų su mechanikų praplėtimų ir bus super. Tiesa labai gerai optimizuotas. Mano vaiko gan sename i5 ir GTX1070 pilnai veža 4K su vidutiniais/aukštais grafikos nustatymais. Vienintelio ko jam tikrai reika, tai SSD. Kol kas tiek.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos