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iPhone 5 Leaked Parts Shows 4-inch Display, Thinner Bezel




A purported image of an iPhone 5 part has appeared on a Chinese reseller of Apple parts’ website. Specifically, this part may be the digitizer panel for the fifth generation iPhone’s touch screen. The part’s design appears to be similar to that of the one found on the current iPhone 4 and past iPhone models, but the screen cutout of the panel appears to be much larger than the one found on panels for the current generation of iPhones. No measurements for this cutout have been posted, but it could be the cutout is for a four-inch display, and this matches up with reports from Apple’s production lines in Asia.


Apple is said to be working on a “completely re-designed” iPhone for debut in Summer 2011 with a four-inch display to take on the larger screens found on some of the latest smartphones running Google’s Android operating system. Apple’s next generation iPhone is said to cost less and might feature a new integrated SIM card to be easily configurable on any supported carrier. The iPhone 5 may also carry an upgraded A4 processor, already dubbed the A5 chip, in addition to a new Gobi WWAN chip already found in the Verizon iPhone, designed to work on both CDMA and GSM networks.


The purported iPhone digitizer (above) also appears to have a thinner bezel on all sides: right, left, top, and bottom. This matches up well with a well-sourced report claiming that the next smartphone from Apple will feature an edge-to-edge display. This would allow Apple to increase the display’s size, while keeping the actual device’s size the same or even smaller. Information about this rumored display’s resolution is yet to surface, but one concept pegs the rumored 4 inch display to stay “Retina” with the new bottom portion being a stationary control switch bar for iOS multitasking.


We have a lovely mock up below:




Net nežinau. Kažkokia nesamonė būtų, jai jis taip atrodytu... :huh: Bet kaip ir rašo, kad ta ekrančiką padarė Kiniečių resseler'is, visiek kažkas neto. -_-


Norėčiau, kad Apple dizaineriai sukurtų kažką tokio, kas dar gražiau ir geriau už iPhone 4 būtų... :)

Redagavo Moo

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galetu buti turetu buti manome kad bus. tik burbulas kolkas... o kad cia pamate kazkai tai ir kinieciu fake gali buti :huh:

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Puiku,kad didesnis ekranas,zinoma ir galia didesne bus,bet ko daugiau reik nu zinoma pigesniu kainu

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Ašh manau, kad virš 3.5" tikrai ekranas tūrėtų būt. :huh: O dėl kainos, tai nemanau kad jau labai ji pakils. -_- Maximum kokį £50 manau. :)

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leakas gana patikimas,iki siol jis to saltinio viskas buvo realus leakai,taigi toks ekranas ir bus ,na leakinitas yra tik ekranas daugiau nieko,tai pagal ekrana nesunku isivaizduot kaip atrodys pats,ka ir matom sukombinuotam pice.

na greitesnis,galingesnis,ir brangesnis aisku. o jei rimtai nezinau kam ta galia ant smarto naudot? zaidimam,nelabai su touch valdymu,fotkinimui,filmavimui? na tikrai apple nededa per geriausiu kameru jau i juos. tai visa kita tik del akiu kaip sakoma. o ekranas aisku smagiau didesnis. bet toli jiem iki samsung vieno naujo zveries 5' ekranu smarto, ten jau i kisene netelpa :) ar mum tikrai reikia kad telefonai vis didetu? patys gal ir ploneja ,velgi samsungo pats ploniausias kol kas irgi atrodo, bet plonas ir didelis vistiek turi kazkur tilpt.

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leakas gana patikimas,iki siol jis to saltinio viskas buvo realus leakai,taigi toks ekranas ir bus ,na leakinitas yra tik ekranas daugiau nieko,tai pagal ekrana nesunku isivaizduot kaip atrodys pats,ka ir matom sukombinuotam pice.

na greitesnis,galingesnis,ir brangesnis aisku. o jei rimtai nezinau kam ta galia ant smarto naudot? zaidimam,nelabai su touch valdymu,fotkinimui,filmavimui? na tikrai apple nededa per geriausiu kameru jau i juos. tai visa kita tik del akiu kaip sakoma. o ekranas aisku smagiau didesnis. bet toli jiem iki samsung vieno naujo zveries 5' ekranu smarto, ten jau i kisene netelpa :) ar mum tikrai reikia kad telefonai vis didetu? patys gal ir ploneja ,velgi samsungo pats ploniausias kol kas irgi atrodo, bet plonas ir didelis vistiek turi kazkur tilpt.

Geresnis tikrai tūrėtų būt. Mačiau yra gerų video, kaip filmuoja kad ir taspats iPhone 4. O kaip mačiau bandymus, ten su Samsung'ais, iPhone 4, tai nu žinai, tokios kokybes tikisi iš jų, kad nufotkinus ir pritraukus matytus įdealiai... :) Uber nesamonė kažkokia... :)

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Aii, mačiau tą tokį samsung'ą (nežinau ar tiksliai toks modelis), mačiau kaip jį rankoj nešėsi ir klausė muzikos. Net juokas suemė. :) Iš rankos vos vos ir kristų, neee, nešiojas, kažką vaidina. :)

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iPhone 5 Leaked Parts Shows 4-inch Display, Thinner Bezel

Net nežinau. Kažkokia nesamonė būtų, jai jis taip atrodytu... :) Bet kaip ir rašo, kad ta ekrančiką padarė Kiniečių resseler'is, visiek kažkas neto. :)


Norėčiau, kad Apple dizaineriai sukurtų kažką tokio, kas dar gražiau ir geriau už iPhone 4 būtų... :)


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Jaigu taip atrodys tai geriau palaukciau iPhone 6. :)

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Didesnis ekranas smagiau,vistiek zaidimams ir pns... Tik standartiniai plocio,ilgio vientetai nelabai galetu pasikeist.

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Gaila,kad stevas nebegales pristatyt,nes vistiek applo galva buvo
:) Redagavo mikizs

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Man tai irgi gal net geriau butu, jei toks ekranas butu, toks didelis, ryskus aiskus, mmm.... :) (nors ir 4 netruko to dydzio)

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[off]Jaigu taip atrodys tai geriau palaukciau iPhone 6. -_-

Na tu labai neskubek. Taigi ir iPhone 6 gali nepatikt, geriau palauk kol 7 iseis <_<

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Who Will Provide the iPhone 5′s Camera Upgrade?




The iPhone 4 is no slouch when it comes to taking decent point and shoot snapshots, and 720p video, but it definitely falls behind dedicated point and shoots.


Recently, we’ve heard rumblings that the iPhone 5′s camera sensor could be bumped up from 5 Megapixels to 8 Megapixels.


As it turns out, OmniVision — provider of many of the previous iPhone camera sensors — has come up with an improved method of gaining higher pixel density while taking up the same amount of space.


That would make it a no-brainer that Apple would use this upgraded sensor in the iPhone’s annual refresh, but it looks like there may have been a slight change of plans…


In the past week, shares of OmniVision stock took a hit amidst rumors that the company has lost the bid to supply their sensors for the iPhone 5.


The fallout apparently occurred due to the fact that OmniVision won’t have enough supply of the new sensors to meet what Apple is demanding.


In light of these recent revelations, Apple looks like it could be linking up with an unlikely partner in Sony to supply its iPhone 5 camera sensors.


Sony already makes high-end 8 Megapixel sensors for their Xperia Pro phones, and word on the street is that they go toe-to-toe with OmniVision’s offerings.


The good news for OmniVision is that there stock did indeed recover quite nicely due to its strong Q3 results.


Unfortunately, if the news surrounding the iPhone 5 is true, the company could be in for some rough waters ahead.

Whaaaaattt??? 8mpx? :thumbsup4:


What do you think about the possibility of Sony supplying the iPhone 5′s camera sensor? :D

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Who Will Provide the iPhone 5′s Camera Upgrade?

Whaaaaattt??? 8mpx? :thumbsup4:


What do you think about the possibility of Sony supplying the iPhone 5′s camera sensor? :D

Daaats veryyyy gūd! Nes manau kad praėjusiu iPhone trukumas ir buvo fotikas, nes kai palygini sakykime xperia x10 nuotraukas ir iPhone tai... Jeigu bus 8mp, tai manau bus jau tableto lygio iPhone... Na kagi - laukiam tolimesnių žinių. ;)

Redagavo AfroManX

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Leaked iPhone 5 Dock Connector Reveals Minor Changes from the iPhone 4



Taiwanese website has allegedly leaked the dock connector and cable of Apple’s next iPhone. If the images are true, not much has changed from the current dock setup.


There have been rumors that Apple will change the connection architecture of the next iPhone to something like MagSafe. But, according to (which is usually very reliable with Apple supply chain rumors), the same 30-pin connector that we all know and love will remain in the iPhone 5.




MacRumors reports,


“The part is nearly identical to the corresponding part found in the current iPhone, with the main exception of a slightly narrower connector and cable where the part connects to the device’s main board. The connector carries a part number of 821-1300-02, compared to 821-1281-A for the Verizon iPhone and 821-1093-A for the original iPhone 4.”

So, rumors claiming a major redesign of the iPhone 5′s connector have been debunked. Apple will stick with its current standard and possibility shift to a new architecture in the coming years.


It is worth noting that Apple (if these images are authentic) has ignored the European Commission’s new USB charge standard.

“The European Commission recently implemented a micro-USB universal charger standard, leading to some speculation that Apple would have to include such a port in addition to or instead of the existing dock connector, but Apple can meet the new requirements by simply including a dock connector to micro-USB adapter.”

AppleInsider mentions other details from’s report,


“The report claims Apple has built a new iPhone model with a “sliding cover.” It notes that the alleged device has a “frame shape” similar to the current iPhone 4, though the device is “slightly thicker” than the current-generation iPhone.


Though the roughly translated report does not specifically indicate that the “sliding cover” would involve a keyboard, the same site earlier this month said that Apple was evaluating three prototypes for the iPhone 5, and one of them allegedly has a slide-out keyboard. In that report, it was said that a “sliding cover” would conceal a keyboard on the handset.”

As far as a slide-out keyboard is concerned, this report seems quite vague. also claims that the leaked iPhone 5 bezel from this past weekend was a fake.


It is worth mentioning that the report also references a 3D screen. So, take what you read with a grain of salt.


Apple may tease a preview of the iPhone 5 at its iPad event this Wednesday, but the odds are slim. We’ll most likely have to wait till WWDC this June to actually see anything concrete about the device.

Nu ką, reikia tikėtis, kad trečiadienį paskelbs ir ką nors apie iPhone 5, ne tik iPad 2. :lol:

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Radau truputį žinių lyg ir apie iPhone 5 korpusą... :D


Is This Apple's 5th Generation iPhone Prototype?



Now that 2011 has arrived, there's only another six months or so until the 5th generation iPhone likely debuts. Does this mean the tech blogosphere will be buzzing with iPhone rumors, pics, and vids for the next 180 days? Unfortunately, there's a good chance the answer is yes. It's a process that they may have gotten underway today, as the "leaked photos" shared by SmartPhone Medic are reportedly those of Apple's 5th Generation iPhone (or possibly the long-awaited Verizon iPhone).


Here we have both images and video (each from different sources) showcasing the goods. The video comes courtesy of Global Parts Direct, a company that is clearly trying to promote itself while dishing on the alleged iPhone 5 prototype. SmartPhone Medic, on the other hand, is already a well-known and somewhat credible source for leaked iDevice info. As Apple Insider reminds us, last August SmartPhone Medic got its hands on a genuine front panel for the forthcoming but still top secret fourth-generation iPod touch.



The newest photos portray the next generation iPhone design, which suggests Apple has improved upon its flawed antenna design that resulted in the so-called "Death Grip" phenomenon. Additionally, the professed 5th generation iPhone frame reveals a retained spot for a micro-SIM card, the obvious implication of which hints at a long-awaited "world" phone design - both GSM and CDMA. While CDMA doesn't use a SIM card, Verizon's 4G network does. So if, in fact, this iPhone 5 panel is a legitimate prototype, it can clearly be deduced that Apple will be expanding its carrier relationships (likely in the US) with the release of the next generation handset.

Real or fake? :D




iPhone 5 To Revert Back To Aluminum Back And Internal Antenna?



A Chinese source has told Economic Daily News (translated by Macotakara) that Apple is abandoning the glass backing of the iPhone 4 in favor of an aluminum casing as well as ditching the external antenna design. According to the source the:


Decision to design similar to iPod touch instead of using glass is supposed that Apple seems to stop problems which are told widely damages from scratching, difficulties of painting white and weight of glass.

The source also reported that Apple is abandoning the current external antenna design that was plagued with controversy over the “death-grip” signal loss and attenuation issue. Although unclear, it seems that the translation implies that the “antenna will be designed to penetrate cellular and Wi-Fi waves via resin made Apple logo” which Apple actually does have a patent for.


Finally the source noted that Apple will include the new A5 processor in the fifth iteration of the iPhone, the same processor in the new iPad 2. As with all Apple rumors, including those regarding the iPhone 5, take them with a grain of salt. In particular when the source has a shaky record in previously predicting a 7-inch iPad by Christmas 2010.

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Vienas gandas pries kita :( Manau, kad jie pasilinks prie iPhone 4 dizaino, gal tik kiek antena patobulins

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    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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