
iOS 4.3.x

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iOS 4.3.3 Untethered Jailbreak Completed - Release before Weekend?

i0n1c has just confirmed via his Twitter account that now he is running iOS 4.3.3 untethered jailbreak on his iPod touch 4G.


Few hours ago, Comex also has confirmed the same, Apple didn't fix i0n1c's exploit on iOS 4.3.3 frimware. So that iOS 4.3.3 untethered jailbreak (Redsn0w 0.9.6rc15 - PwnageTool 4.3.3 - Sn0wbreeze 2.7) should come very soon, most likely you will get it before this weekend.

If you can't wait or have updated your device to iOS 4.3.3 mistakenly, you can follow the video guide Posted Here to get tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.3

Good news. :whistling:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

cia man vienam po 4.3.3 daugiau vietos telefone atsirado? :D keliu appsus seniau puse vietos uzimdavo, o dabar tiek vietos laisvos :D matyt dideli dali uzimdavo tai kad issaugodavo musu veiksmus apple :)

Redagavo enzas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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cia man vienam po 4.3.3 daugiau vietos telefone atsirado? :) keliu appsus seniau puse vietos uzimdavo, o dabar tiek vietos laisvos :D matyt dideli dali uzimdavo tai kad issaugodavo musu veiksmus apple :)


Man taspats... :)


Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak Now Available For iOS 4.3.3



This week’s release of iOS 4.3.3 may have patched some of the location log concerns people had, but it did nothing in the way of patching the exploit used by the Dev-Team that allowed them to release PwnageTool and redsn0w, both of which can jailbreak nearly all iOS devices on 4.3.3. The key exploit, discovered by relative newcomer to the jailbreak scene, Stefan Esser (@ionic) was originally used to deliver an untethered jailbreak, but surprisingly still works despite two iOS updates.


The small work that is required to get the exploit to work on the new iOS version has been done and as a result there is a new PwnageTool and redsn0w available for download. Like the versions made available for the 4.3.1 jailbreak, it uses geohot’s limera1n bootrom in conjunction with Esser’s exploit. Unfortunately the iPad 2 has yet to be jailbroken by the team, but they do note on their blog that development is currently going ahead. However apart from that, every other device capable of running iOS 4.3.3 can use the 4.3.3 untethered jailbreak – this includes the iPhone 3GS and 4, iPod Touch 3G and 4G, iPad 1 and the Apple TV (2G).


For those curious, it is presumed that the first iOS update after the jailbreak was made available, 4.3.2, didn’t fix the exploit because it was compiled the day before the release of the jailbreak. Finally, a note of warning to those ultrasn0w unlockers to stay away from redsn0w and use a custom IPSW to update to 4.3.3.

Gidas soon. :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man taspats... :D


Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak Now Available For iOS 4.3.3



Gidas soon. :D


laukiam ir is anksto dekojam :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Has your Battery Life Improved in iOS 4.3.3?


Ever since Apple released iOS 4.3, many iPhone users have been reporting a noticeable decrease in battery life from iOS 4.2.1. While further releases tend to help battery life a little bit, users state that their iPhone battery life still doesn’t last as long as it did on iOS 4.2.1 and earlier.

Apple released iOS 4.3.3 earlier this week, and in addition to rectifying the infamous location tracking bug, the update was also supposed to bring battery life improvements. We conducted a similar poll a few days after the release of iOS 4.3.1, and the poll results still showed that iOS 4.3.1 battery life had not improved.

Now that you’ve had a couple of days to test out the new iOS 4.3.3, we’re curious to know how the battery life has been treating you in the new firmware. While I, myself am still running iOS 4.3.2 (due to the unlock status of my iPhone 4), I plan to test out battery life on the new OS soon.

Additionally, from my own experience, I have noticed battery life isn’t as bad when you restore your iPhone and set it up as as a new device, instead of restoring all your content back. Have you tried this?

Na nežinau, man ir lyg taippat. Beeeet tas Wi-Fi tetheringas tai ryyyyja, oj ryja. :idea:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Oba, matėt? :)

Apple Releases iOS 4.3.4



Apple has just released iOS 4.3.4 in iTunes. The new firmware should be available now if you check for updates, and it is supposed to fix an issue that allow jailbreaking on iOS 4.3.3 with a PDF security issue. Apple describes the technical fixes in a support document:


Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted PDF file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution


Description: A buffer overflow exists in FreeType’s handling of TrueType fonts. Viewing a maliciously crafted PDF file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.


Users who have jailbroken their devices using JailbreakMe will obviously need to stay away from the update if they want to keep Cydia and other installed jailbreak tweaks — Apple had already confirmed a fix was coming to patch the PDF security hole that could allow for other exploits, not necessarily related to jailbreak.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Taigi palauk kol atsiras ta iOS 4.3.4 JB ir atsinaujink. :unsure:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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O kam tu JB gidu milijonas? Uztenka vieno. Ten viskas tas pats, tik failu pavadinimai skiriasi.

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    • Ar galima pajungti isorini hdd?
    • @Mldc Bus tikrai gerai. Aš irgi to nesuprantu jeigu veikėja moteris viskas jau woke ar juodaodis žmogus-voras (Miles Morales) nu tai b** pasidomėkit prieš rašant, pasiskaitytų knygas raganiaus atžvilgiu o juoduko voro komiksus tegul paskaito kuriems irgi n metų. Anksčiau nifiga niekam nerūpėjo, o dabar jau verkia nat kiekvieno kampo kaip ir dėl naujo Naughty dog žaidimo. Man kaip tik smagiau žaisti už moterį protagoniste visur kur tik galima imu moteris tiek AC tiek CP2077 ir pan.  
    • Dar kas keisčiausia, jog yra žmonių, kurie skundžiasi, jog The Witcher 4 pagrindinis personažas bus moteris ir dar netradicinės ji tokia knygose  šiaip aš toks esu labiau anti woke pažiūrų ir už žodžio laisvę, bet kartais, kai kurie anti woke žmonės nusivažiuoja ir žiauriai. Apskritai moterys kaip main personažai niekam netrukdė kaip Portal žaidimuose, trukdyti tik dabar pradeda, kai woke studijos užkrauna žaidimus ar filmus woke mintimis, vietoje stipraus personažo ir istorijos, ir kai dirbtinai kūrėjai savo pažiūras bando įpiršti, ko niekam nereikia, tada tai problema, o čia bet čia knygose taip, kurioms gal 30 metų...čia kaip tik respectina OG material. Tad kiek nesuprantu interneto liaudies, nes kai perspaudžia kur nereikia yra irgi blogai, nesvarbu kurioje pusėje woke ar anti woke. Dėl knygų tai gimtadienio proga gavau visas 8 knygas dovanu, tai kai rasiu laiko per pusmetį ketinu visas perskaityti būtinai. Dabar kaip tik The Wicher 3 per naujo pradėjau žaisti, nu tai ką...šedevras. Manau ir šita dalis neatsiliks, nesugadins kaip serialas visko, kur tik pasityčiojo iš knygų, žaidimų, vis tiek lenkai kuria, manau bus gerai.
    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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