
Sony VS Hackers (Pirates)

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Buitines technikos parduotuvėje yra laikotarpis po pirkimo kada pirkėjas gali per tam tikrą laikotarpį gražinti prekę jeigu ta prekė jam nepatiko ir atgauti savo pinigus.


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Tas pats įstatymas galioja visoms pirktoms prekėms Lietuvoje, tik turėk čekį. Jei pardavėjas sakys kitaip, kreipkis į atitinkamas institucijas ir bus apgintos tavo teisės. Jei žaidimą perki užsieny, beabejo tu netenki tų teisių. Galbut apie tokį dalyką nežinojai?
Redagavo Epikus

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Tas pats įstatymas galioja visoms pirktoms prekėms Lietuvoje, tik turėk čekį. Jei pardavėjas sakys kitaip, kreipkis į atitinkamas institucijas ir bus apgintos tavo teisės. Jei žaidimą perki užsieny, beabejo tu netenki tų teisių. Galbut apie tokį dalyką nežinojai?


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O prie ko čia užsienis?



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Už informaciją minusus deda. :notworthy: Parodo kai-kurių vartotojų protą. Stuff that minus down your throat :)
Redagavo Skeith

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Už informaciją minusus deda. :notworthy: Parodo kai-kurių vartotojų protą. Stuff that minus down your throat :)


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O tu būsi iš tų kurie verkšlena dėl minusų. Kaip pradedi rašyti kad gauni minusas už tą ar aną, specialiai kiti uždeda. :)


Tokie vadinami "karai" niekam į naudą neišeis. Nes nematau kas galėtų pasikeisti į gerąją pusę, va blogoji tai aišku, bus visokie dar turbūt apribojimai, taisyklės t.t. ir t.t. ... Beprasmiška.

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Gyvenime pries pirkdamas kazkoki tai daikta gali ji isbandyti ir paskui tik isigyti, ko ne pasakysi apie zaidimus, tik keliem zaidimam yra isleidziamos demo versijos ir tai ne visi gali juos isbandyti. Ir baikite metytis tokiais kaltinimais, vagi ir tt, kol teismas neirode kaltes, tol visi turime nekaltumo prezumpcija, siulyciau administracijai i tokius svaidymus kaltinimais atidziau ziureti,

Pats gyvenime rades pinigu, nesi juos i policija ar isideti i kesene ir skaitaisi vagimi?


Ne į temą

Kur kas kaip? As uzdaviau tik klausima, i kuri norejau gauti atsakyma, geriausia butu: taip ar ne. Tiek vienas tiek kitas mane tenkintu, nes abiem atvejais tu nusizengtum bent jau moralinems normoms, (o vienu atveju ir juridinems).


O del isbandymo tai tik nereikia. Daznai buna demo versijos, kruvos review, tiap pat draugai. Vagimi taves niekas nevadino (nebent tu cia jau atsakei i klausima "taip"), o kad piratauji tai faktas kaip blynas.

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Greetings, Sony Customers And PS3 Users. We are Anonymous.


During the last few days, Anonymous has been targeting Sony for their outrageous treatment of not only PS3 users and jailbreakers, but also of the general public. Their propaganda regarding jailbreaking implies that it encourages piracy and thereby makes people lose their jobs, whereas jailbreaking actually just means you are making YOUR device do what it should do. Imagine if Microsoft forced you to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox or Chrome. Imagine if they denied users from using any other web browser than their own. Many people would obviously be pissed... but then, why aren't you pissed at Sony?



The fact that their litigation demanded information on everyone who had viewed the material, was completely unacceptable. This is a threat not only to the gaming community, but to freedom of information in general. The fact that the privacy of individuals can be violated, simply for accessing information, and legal action can be taken for doing something with something you own, are steps far beyond the line. Anonymous decided it could not allow this to stand. If jailbreaking a phone for use of legal (unsigned) apps is found legal, why would this be any different for the Geohot case, seeing as Geohot explicitly states he does not support piracy?


Anonymous is not attacking the PSN at this time. Sony's official position is that the PSN is undergoing maintenance. We realize that targeting the PSN is not a good idea. We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers.


Anonymous is on your side, standing up for your rights. We are not aiming to attack customers of Sony. This attack is aimed solely at Sony, and we will try our best to not affect the gamers, as this would defeat the purpose of our actions. If we did inconvenience users, please know that this was not our goal.

This operation is a response to Sony's attempt to deprive their customers of products they bought and therefore own, wholly and completely. Anonymous will not attempt to fight this by following the exact same course of action. We have plenty of tricks up our sleeves.


As a last point, we would like to point out that different operations are "run" by different people. Those who are involved in the organisation of OpSony, are not necessarily those involved in that of SonyRecon. Anonymous Operations are generally independent efforts, and it would be a mistake to assume that the same individuals are responsible for every action taken. Anonymous is comprised of people with diverse points of view, of which not all coincide with one another.


That being said, our campaign against Sony and others that would trample on the idea of free information will continue, until we are satisfied with the outcome.


We are Anonymous,

We are legion,

We never forgive,

We never forget,

Expect us.

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Sony And GeoHot Lawsuit Has Been Settled


Sony Computer Entertainment America (“SCEA”) and George Hotz (“Hotz”) today announced the settlement of the lawsuit filed by SCEA against Hotz in federal court in San Francisco, California. The parties reached an agreement in principle on March 31, 2011. As part of the settlement, Hotz consented to a permanent injunction.


Both parties expressed satisfaction that litigation had been quickly resolved. “Sony is glad to put this litigation behind us,” said Riley Russell, General Counsel for SCEA. “Our motivation for bringing this litigation was to protect our intellectual property and our consumers. We believe this settlement and the permanent injunction achieve this goal.”


“It was never my intention to cause any users trouble or to make piracy easier,” said Hotz, “I’m happy to have the litigation behind me.” Hotz was not involved in the recent attacks on Sony’s internet services and websites.


In the action, SCEA accused Hotz of violating federal law by posting online information about the security system in the PlayStation 3 videogame console and software that SCEA claimed could be used to circumvent the security system in the console and allow the playing of pirated videogames. Hotz denies any wrongdoing on his part. Hotz’s motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction was still pending before the federal court in San Francisco but a preliminary injunction was issued requiring Hotz to take down the postings challenged by SCEA.


“We want our consumers to be able to enjoy our devices and products in a safe and fun environment and we want to protect the hard work of the talented engineers, artists, musicians and game designers who make PlayStation games and support the PlayStation Network,” added Russell. “We appreciate Mr. Hotz’s willingness to address the legal issues involved in this case and work with us to quickly bring this matter to an early resolution.”

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Bet aišku kad kovoti prieš tokį gigantą kaip SONY tikrai yra sunku.

Tačiau aš galvoju kad tai didelis laimėjimas vistiek nes jam tik buvo pasakyta (Nestovėk mums ant kelio :) )

Bet kur vienas hakeris - ten jų šimtas :)

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After Sony’s announcement that George Hotz, and they’ve come into an settlement regarding their case, George has published a new blog post where he shares his views on the matter.


The blog post doesn’t give much away with George announcing that he’ll be boycotting Sony products starting today. Well, he doesn’t have any other option, in any case, as the court’s passed an injunction against him which prevents him from using any Sony products ever.


Here’s his statement:


As of 4/11/11, I am joining the SONY boycott. I will never purchase another SONY product.


I encourage you to do the same.


There is much more to come on his blog.


However, a few interesting facts were revealed in the comments section where Hotz responded to several questions from readers:


So you settled according to Sony. Did you live up to this?


“What if SCEA tries to settle?

Lets just say, I want the settlement terms to include OtherOS on all PS3s and an apology on the PlayStation blog for ever removing it. It’d be good PR for Sony too, lord knows they could use it. I’m also willing to accept a trade, a legit path to homebrew for knowledge of how to stop new firmwares from being decrypted.”


To this, George replied:


@MX The terms of the settlement agreement are “confidential” and the matter requires that they be “confidential”.


He was also asked, what he’s going to do with the donation money and he had this to say:


I will address the donations in a forthcoming post, and I think people will be happy.


@BricksLamp The terms of the settlement agreement are “confidential” and the matter requires that they be “confidential”.


Hotz also explained that he isn’t allowed to discuss his views regarding the matter, and if Sony will be bringing back OtherOS or anything as such:


By contract, I cannot discuss the Action or my views regarding the Action. I am bound by a permanent injunction.

.. "I will never purchase another SONY product."

Redagavo scalman

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If you missed out on the Sony vs. GeoHot saga, let me quickly fill you in. GeoHot (real name George Hotz) was one of the first people to jailbreak the iPhone years ago. He’s been in and out of the jailbreak scene since then, but had recently turned his attention to Sony’s PS3.


After hacking the console, GeoHot released the code to the internet. Sony caught wind of this and took the infamous computer wiz to court. Hotz hopped online and asked for donations to help him in litigation, and received overwhelming support. He told supporters that he had received more than enough help to survive the first round of legal fees…


After what seemed to be a short court battle, a surprise out-of-court settlement brought the entire fight to an uneventful halt. This prompted a lot of questions from the supporting public. Why did he settle so quickly after all the aggressive comments he made like, “Help me own Sony in court.”


What seemed to irk people the most were the donations he received. What was he going to do with all of this left over money that was donated to him to support his fight against Sony? Would it be right of him to keep it? Many readers recommended that he give the money to charity.


Well apparently he was thinking the same thing. Yesterday, GeoHot posted on his blog that as promised, he gave the leftover donation money to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He even posted this screenshot of the PayPal transaction for the $10,000.00 contribution.




He notes that he is donating the left over donations (plus a little extra from his own pockets) to the EFF in hopes that one day America can be a shining sample of freedom. When asked if he would continue to work on Sony products he replied, “Nah, as much as I don’t respect the goons at Sony, I do respect the court.“

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A few days ago, we posted here that representatives for Sony visited graf_chokolo’s home, this morning graf updated his blog to state that he has been forced to remove all PS3 related technical items from his blog, or face six months in prison, here is a quote from his blog:


graf_chokolo says:

April 18, 2011 at 9:19 am

SONY forced us to remove all PS3 technical stuff from this blog guys. I wonder how did they manage to “convince” the judge to allow it. Our law system is practically “eating” from hands of SONY, very sad. Many guys are making money with USB dongles for PS3 and i’m not allowed to put MY PS3 into service mode, it’s hilarious.


graf_chokolo says:

April 18, 2011 at 9:29 am

They claim that my OtherOS project supports piracy. I never had anything to do with piracy. Everyone knows it, make it clear to those judges who gave SONY those TROs against me. It would be interesting to know what kind of person those judges are and what they look like.


graf_chokolo says:

April 18, 2011 at 10:22 am

Guys, i’m a tough guy and won’t give up without a fight. I’m ready to stake my life. So, you support me with money for LEGAL FIGHT and i stake my life.

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Net neysivaizduoju kas kaltas o kas teisu siuo atveju, nekiskit nagu kur nereikia ir viskas bus gerai, bet aisku kekvienas nori kovoti uz save ir yrodyti nekaltuma

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Lol, kvailesnio dalyko seniai nemaciau. ;)


"Why aren't you pissed at SONY?"

- Juk visi zinojom ka perkam ir zinojom kad negalesim paleisti savo scriptu. Jei jum tikrai reikia tik paleisti savo homebrew, o ne siustis zaidimus, tai galit tiesiog eiti naudotis PC. Ten galit paleisti visas savo programas. ;)


Pakolkas tie jailbreak'ai mano manymu padare tik blogiau. Nezinau kaip dabar, bet vienu momentu MW2 buvo neimanoma lost. Vien cheater'iai.

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If everyone can remember, Sony were in the process of suing a company named “Zoomba” who were supposedly responsible for the original Jailbreak Dongle, well after 6 months of nothing. The Giant Crab has filed new papers to the court according to psx-scene.





SCEA is submitting its own statement since none of the defendants have appeared in this action.


The Court has entered a Preliminary Injunction. Since that time, counsel for SCEA has conducted extensive third party discovery and has been engaged in settlement discussions with certain of the defendants. Thus far, defendants Tom Nooker, individually and doing business as buyps3jailbreak and Thanh Nguyen, individually and doing business as USATechCity, Ltd. have entered into settlement agreements with


SCEA and have agreed to entry of consent judgments and permanent injunctions. SCEA will be filing those documents with the Court shortly. SCEA is currently awaiting responses from the other defendants regarding settlement.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that in the event that Defendant violates this Judgment or assists others to do so, Defendant shall pay to SCEA $5,000 as liquidated damages per violation of this Judgment no later than forty-five (45) days from the date on which SCEA notifies Defendant of the violation. Such liquidated damages shall be an optional alternative to demonstrating actual damages. This optional alternative may be elected in SCEA’s sole discretion. Both liquidated damages and actual damages are supplemental to obtaining equitable relief to which SCEA may be entitled as a result of Defendant’s violation.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that this Court shall retain jurisdiction for the purpose of making any further orders necessary or proper for the construction or modification of this Judgment or the Settlement Agreement and Release, the enforcement thereof, or the punishment of any violations thereof.

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Neisivaizduoju tokio dalyko kad sony laimetu, kas tada, microsoftas, nintendo, del game, nokia del symbian lauzimo ir ngage zaidimu, ir t.t o tada su savo minimaliais atlyginimais pamirsim tokias prabagas kaip koncole!

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