
Sony VS Hackers (Pirates)

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sony vs hakers pan kaip antano vestuves, reklama siekiant naudos, t.y. pelno! o jiems neblogai sekasi....

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o kodel ne? kaip ir linkomanija iesko "hackeriu" testuoti saugumui.

paziurek i hackeriu puse: ar jiems gyventi is centu surenkamu per donate ar is diziules korporacijos mokamo pastovaus atlyginimo? as asmeniskai gaves toki laiska ta pacia diena skambinciau jiems klausineti kas kaip.


beto hackeriai irodo paprasta dalyka:


paprasti zmones > sony darbuotojai. taigi sony nori pagerinti gyvuju resursu baze ir iesko nauju talentu :D

Super argumentas, lyginti linkomanija su legalia korporacija B)

Nei vienas save gerbiantis hackeris, nedirbo, nedirba ir nedirbs legaliai, nes paprasciausiai jis nebebus hackeriu, o eiliniu samdomu pilieciu.

Redagavo Fake

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Super argumentas, lyginti linkomanija su legalia korporacija B)

Nei vienas save gerbiantis hackeris, nedirbo, nedirba ir nedirbs legaliai, nes paprasciausiai jis nebebus hackeriu, o eiliniu samdomu pilieciu.

Bet gal geriau nebebūt hackeriu ir užsitikrint pragyvenimo šaltinį tikrą?

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Sony to Get PS3 Hacker’s PayPal Records

A federal magistrate said Sony may subpoena the PayPal account of PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz, as the gamemaker ratchets up its civil lawsuit against the man who released the first full-fledged PS3 jailbreak in the console’s four-year history.


Tuesday’s order came two weeks after Magistrate Joseph Spero in San Francisco granted Sony the right to acquire the internet IP addresses of anybody who had visited Hotz’s website from January of 2009 onward. Sony has also won subpoenas for data from YouTube and Google, as well as Twitter account data linked to Hotz, who goes by the handle GeoHot.


Respected for his iPhone hacks and now the PlayStation 3 jailbreak, the 21-year-old New Jersey man is accused of breaching the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other laws after his website published an encryption key and software tools that allow PlayStation owners to gain complete control of their consoles from the firmware on up. Hotz has complied with a court order and removed the hack.


The latest development allows the Japanese console maker to acquire “documents sufficientto identify the source of funds (.pdf) in California that went into any PayPal account associated with for the period of January 1, 2009, to February 1, 2011,” Spero ruled.


The information sought is part of a jurisdictional argument over whether Sony must sue Hotz in his home state of New Jersey rather than in San Francisco, where Sony would prefer.


Regarding the PayPal account, Sony claims Hotz has accepted monetary donations for the hack from people residing in Northern California — an argument that, if true, might make San Francisco a proper venue for the litigation.


Hotz denies he accepted donations. Sony, which has threatened to sue anybody who posts the hacking tools or the encryption key, is seeking unspecified damages from Hotz.


The DMCA prohibits the trafficking of so-called “circumvention devices” designed to crack copy-protection schemes. The law, however, does not require Sony to prove that Hotz received payment for the hack, which was designed to allow PlayStation 3 owners the ability to run home-brewed software or alternative operating systems like Linux.


It builds on a series of earlier jailbreaks that unlocked less-protected levels of the PlayStation’s authentication process. Jailbreaking a console is also a prerequisite to running pirated copies of games

Hotz cia gali iklimpt ..

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What the ****... Ką jie dar sugalvos... Prikolus mėgsta... :thumbsup4:

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What the ****... Ką jie dar sugalvos... Prikolus mėgsta... ;)

kur tu cia matai prikola. gavo teismo leidima ir paziures viska dabar jau.

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nusiperku nauja ps3

moku programuoti, ir susikuriu programa kurios pagalba galiu paleidineti backup zaidimus, bet turiu tu paciu backup ir org versijas, svo programa neprekiauju

tai jau tipo as piratas, tipo sony keldama byla kazka laimetu, kiekvienas advokatas isvartys kad as neesu piratas, t.y. ne taip paprasta sony kazka irodyti! o ir aplamai nedaug piratu yra nuteistu!

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nusiperku nauja ps3

moku programuoti, ir susikuriu programa kurios pagalba galiu paleidineti backup zaidimus, bet turiu tu paciu backup ir org versijas, svo programa neprekiauju

tai jau tipo as piratas, tipo sony keldama byla kazka laimetu, kiekvienas advokatas isvartys kad as neesu piratas, t.y. ne taip paprasta sony kazka irodyti! o ir aplamai nedaug piratu yra nuteistu!

Taip, tau nieko nepadarytų, kadangi tu pasakytum, jog ta savo programa nenaudoji komerciniais tikslais ( nesidarai pinigo iš to), o geohotas, priešingai gi išleido savo jailbreaką ir turbūt gavo nemažai pinigų.


Tavo konsolė-daryk ką nori, tik neplatink.

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Geohot And Lawyers Claim Sony Is Misleading The Courts

When George ‘Geohot’ Hotz first starting jailbreaking the Sony PlayStation 3, we’re sure the hacker didn’t expect the circus that now surrounds both him and the civil lawsuit brought by Sony.




The latest installment of this never-ending drama brings news from Ars Technica that Geohot and his lawyers believe Japanese giant Sony is misleading the courts in their quest to ensure proceedings continue in their home-town of San Francisco and not where Hotz resides.


Sony insists that Hotz agreed to the terms of using the Sony SDK, which is in turn linked to Sony’s US offices in California. The link? Sony’s US offices are named as the place to look to for SDK support. A bit of a stretch, no?


After receiving permission from a Judge, Sony will also be looking through Geohot’s computer hard drives along with his PayPal dealings in the hope they can link the hacker to California.


Sony is also dragging its heels when it comes to providing a copy of the PS3 SDK to lawyers, insisting that they must visit Sony to see it – and only then under an NDA:


Trying to lock this down may be trickier than it seems. Hotz’s lawyers would like a copy of the SDK to look through to determine the exact wording included, while Sony is trying to limit access to the SDK by arguing that the lawyers can only see it under NDA, at Sony’s offices. Moreover, Sony is arguing that they should be able to look through the entirety of Hotz’ hard drives and search his e-mail looking for evidence of communication with parties in California.

Many are now starting to lose patience with Sony’s persistence in trying to link the case with California, with no sign yet as to an end to the madness.

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Taip, tau nieko nepadarytų, kadangi tu pasakytum, jog ta savo programa nenaudoji komerciniais tikslais ( nesidarai pinigo iš to), o geohotas, priešingai gi išleido savo jailbreaką ir turbūt gavo nemažai pinigų.


Tavo konsolė-daryk ką nori, tik neplatink.


Pradzioje jeigu jis butu sustojas po to kaip rakta istrauke is PS3 jam dar nieko blogo gal ir neprikabintu, bet dabar po jailbreak ir dar itarimas jog gavo pelno is to jam jau nekazkas...

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Geohot's Legal Team Fires back At Sony


The hacker being sued for altering the firmware on the PlayStation 3 has fired back at Sony Computer Entertainment America's attempt to get the case heard in California.

SCEA's original lawsuit says George Hotz, aka geohot, violated copyright and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by publishing a "jailbreak" for the PlayStation 3 that allows the console to run other operating systems. Sony's complaint also says Hotz acted to circumvent the copy protections built into the device and "trafficked in circumvention devices and components thereof." The trafficking refers to Hotz publishing the code on his blog.

Hotz and his legal team say it should be in New Jersey, where Hotz lives. If Sony can show that Hotz's actions were aimed at SCEA, the arm of the company that sells the PS3, then the judge could grant its motion to have the case tried there. But the company has to tie Hotz to California, either by showing concrete harm aimed there or by tying him to such activity in the state. (SCEA is located in Foster City).

Hotz's lawyer, Stewart Kellar, has argued against hearing the case in California because it would be a hardship for Hotz to travel there and it would set a precedent for companies being able to sue anyone, anywhere, on relatively flimsy grounds.

In the latest filings, Kellar says SCEA isn't even a subsidiary of Sony Japan, which is the actual producer of the PlayStation 3 and the entity that should be suing. Also, Hotz wouldn't have known that SCEA even existed, unless he read the manuals carefully and even then, the PlayStation's system, software and packaging all point to Sony Japan as the producer, according to Hotz's lawyers. Therefore his actions weren't directed at SCEA.

Hotz, in a declaration to the court, says he also didn't use the PlayStation Network to obtain the firmware he modified, so he isn't bound by the PSN's terms of service. In arguing for moving the suit to California, Sony cites the terms of service that say anyone who uses the PlayStation Network agrees to have disputes with Sony brought to court in San Mateo County.

Sony also says a large number of people downloaded Hotz's jailbreaking software live in California. Therefore, the company argues, the case should be heard in California because the harm Sony suffered (the jailbreaking) occurred there. Hotz's lawyers say the web site was a "passive" one, and Hotz wasn't selling the software. He also didn't solicit traffic. While thousands in California downloaded the jailbreaking software, just as many from other jurisdictions did as well.

The legal briefs also spar over who was complying with the discovery process, or not. Sony says that Hotz has thwarted discovery, removing vital components from the hard drives of the PS3 systems he delivered. When the company asked for the components, "Hotz's counsel responded that Hotz was in South America." Hotz's lawyers fired back, saying that Sony itself has abused the process by issuing frivolous subpoenas and filing under seal documents that are available publicly on the web.

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Sony Fights Back: is Live Again; Trying to Get Back Other Sites

After a group of hackers took down as well as the PlayStation website, Sony has responded by putting back live again as well as continuing their efforts to get back the other affected websites., as you can see, is live again. Sony are also getting their technicians to bring back; a ping test reveals the site is working but the DDoS attack has taken effect quite hard so it’s struggling to come back online. The news comes after Sony’s main websites were taken offline by an attack from Anonymous – a group who recently declared war with Sony.


The news comes after the group said:


Congratulations, Sony. You now have now received the undivided attention of Anonymous. Your recent legal action against our follow hackers, Geohot and Graf_Chokolo, has not only alarmed us, it has been deemed wholly unforgivable.”


You have now abused the judicial system in an attempt to censor information on how your products work. You have victimised your own customers merely for possessing and sharing information, and continue to target every person who seeks this information. In doing so you have violated the privacy of thousands. This is the information they were willing to teach the world for free. The very same information you wish to suppress for sake of corporate greed and complete control of the users.


Now you will experience the wrath of Anonymous. You saw a hornets nest, and stuck your p*nises in it. You must face the consequences of your actions, Anonymous style.


Knowledge is Free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Redagavo scalman

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Tai jau panasu nebe grasinimai,nes siandien kita grupe sonyRecon "apsarino" sony kompanija ty ju vadovus ir informacija pateikineje internete skaitome daugiau. Laukiam atsako is Sony

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deja bet nukencia sony konsoliu vartotojai labiausia cia. nice job tik galima pasakyt,arba pradet headhunting. taigi del saitu ir kitu shh darymu tikrai ne sony ten tiesiogei kencia. bet va vartotojai tai kencia tiesiogei. o hackeriai daugiau nieko nesugeba jau padaryt su ps3 nulauzimu kad puola interneta matyt.

labai teisingai vartotoju/geimeriu puse ,bei mano nuomone manau atspindi sis straipsnis


So, this hacker group called Anonymous threatened Sony due to the latter suing Geohot and Graf_Chokolo. They say Sony will have to pay for this insolence. I can’t help but laugh at these childish people with a self entitlement complex who think, they can do anything they want. It’s okay we get it, you don’t like what Sony did but there is a simple recourse to that. Just don’t buy their products. Why in the world do you have to DDOS their websites? It won’t prove anything and probably makes Sony’s case stronger. It’s a very childish thing to do but of course, it’s the internet and we know how bad things can really get.


So what exactly is their problem? Sony bullied the hackers? Well, they had it coming when hacking the PS3 and violating Sony’s intellectual property rights. I am not saying what Sony did by removing the Other Os was a right thing to do; it was a terrible move but they have all the right in the world to do it and they did nothing out of the law, by doing so.


So, back to this Anonymous group. They recently threatened Sony with consequences because suing Geohot and Graf Chokolo made it ‘personal’ and currently as we speak some Sony websites are down causing inconvenience to legit consumers. Am I the only one that sees how stupid these people are?


How can you fight for consumer rights and fuck them over as you do it? It’s not like Geohot and Graf Chokolo are so innocent. As I said earlier they had it coming. By DDos’ing Sony websites, it only sends a message to Sony that will make them lock down the PS3 and future Sony products even more. They aren’t going to drop the case against Geohot just because you bring some websites down.


And that’s not it, reports are coming in that many users are also experience problems accessing PSN. Now, how uncool is that? Make the consumer suffer, for whom all these hackers were claiming to be fighting for. And why? Because to prove a point. By carrying out such appalling activities, it only proves that these guys are only here to cause chaos and show how l33t they are, and don’t give a damn about the consumer or their rights.


But what can Sony do? They inform us that they’ll be working round the clock to ensure average user’s PSN experience isn’t affected in any way.


They informed this via a tweet:


PSN currently undergoing sporadic maintenance. Access to the PSN may be interrupted throughout the day. We apologize for any inconvenience.


This shows their dedication to the community and how badly they want to offer them unmatched service, even in times such as these.


So, Sony’s suing their fellow hackers and hence, the entire Playstation community should suffer? If that’s their mentality, we dare say it’s much worse than Sony’s


They are just playing into Sony’s hands, and this makes Sony’s case even stronger. In my opinion, Sony should take all of them head on. It’s about sending a strong message that they will protect their partners, third party publishers and legit consumers.

Redagavo scalman

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Štai laiškas, adresuotas Sony.




Sony dabar bandys aišku apstatyti viską taip kad hakeriai blogesni ir t.t. .

Jie jau prisidengia Access to PSN.


Beto dar viena hakerių komanda pranešė kad prisideda prie atakos ant Sony serverių.

Ir tikrai taip jiems ir reikia. Pakentės vartotojai vieną dieną be PSN, nepažais COD online.



Redagavo Skeith

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