
Sony VS Hackers (Pirates)

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tai matyt cia dauguma nesupranta kas cia yra kas.jie hackeriai, mes geimeriai,nieko bendro nera. jei as naudosiu CFW tai dziaugsiuos ir tylesiu o neplesysiu gerkle kaip mane cia nuskriaude, kad negaliu dar kuom nors nemokamai naudotis. per slabnai mastai tikriausiai. biski logiskai pamastyk kam jam reikejo tu pinigu cia.

jei jis laimes tai ne mes laimesim, ir ne geimeriai, ir ne sony konsoliu vartotojai tuo labiau,dar daugiau apsaugu ant savo galvu turesim,dar maziau laisves ir maziau galimybiu su konsole daryt.

nuimtu ji kas nuo vaizdo ir nereiktu kapotis daugiau cia niekam.

Del to reikia naudotis kiekviena proga, o ne purkstauti tipo kad as legalus perku legalius zaidimus, tai as kietas, o jus piratai niekas ir galiu ispardyti uzpakali, bet pamirstate viena, kad tam kuriam spardote uzpakali ar bent jau bandote spardyti uzpakali jis stovi priekyje faktas kaip ir su Killzone3. Piratai pilnu zaidimu megavosi jau vasario 12d kai jus legalus seiles varvinote tol kol pasirodys numatyta diena.

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The Alyona Show talks to Geohot about his legal battle with Sony over the PS3 jailbreak.


Vistiek gerai, kad tokių žmonių, nulaužinėtojų yra (mums, vartotojams). Iš manęs respect'ą gauna tik dėl to, kad sugebėjo hackint tuos pačius iPhone, iPad, ir tuos PS3. Dar vat galvoja Sony Xperia hackint kai tik atsiras... :rolleyes:

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Jis toks, you know.. Keistas :rolleyes:


Bet kad SONY dar uzsimano kazkokiais budais isimti tai jb is interneto tai jie grynai nusisneka.

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Nu jojo, keistuolis. :o O dėl to išemimo, vistiek keistai. Nu okok ten beveik metus (ar metus? :o) nieko nedarė sony, dabar sugalvojo išimt... :o Nesamone kažhkokia. :o

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Sony hiring for a new anti-piracy team


Recent job listings for Sony suggest that the company are trying to bolster their defences against hackers. SCEA’s recruitment site posted the ads that requested a senior corporate counsel and senior paralegal to aid in “developing and implementing an anti-piracy program”.


The former will need “Deep knowledge of trademark and copyright law” and “knowledge of online investigative practices, online databases, anti-piracy and DMCA tracker products and services”.


The listing stated that “the program to be developed will require a strong strategic online component” and will take input from a variety of SCEA’s departments.

taigi tie kas nera sony juodam sarase gali laisvai toliau daryt ta pati,ir gaut pinigus nebut gaudomi mentu :huh:

arba tie kurie nori irodyt kad yra geresni uz kitus gali pereit i kita puse ,gales tada pasirungt kas ka. ir uztai koki statusa turetum: Antipiratas -_-

Redagavo scalman

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taigi tie kas nera sony juodam sarase gali laisvai toliau daryt ta pati,ir gaut pinigus nebut gaudomi mentu :)

arba tie kurie nori irodyt kad yra geresni uz kitus gali pereit i kita puse ,gales tada pasirungt kas ka. ir uztai koki statusa turetum: Antipiratas :)

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Nesenai baigus ziuret "Summer Wars" kazkaip idomiai vaizdas pasikeite i visa sita delema :DDD Atrodo viskas imanoma ;D

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taigi tie kas nera sony juodam sarase gali laisvai toliau daryt ta pati,ir gaut pinigus nebut gaudomi mentu ^_^

arba tie kurie nori irodyt kad yra geresni uz kitus gali pereit i kita puse ,gales tada pasirungt kas ka. ir uztai koki statusa turetum: Antipiratas <_<

Nesupratu ka tu tuom norejai pasakyti, vienas asmuo su megztuku, buvo pagaves piratus uz rankos del neteiseto duomenu dalinimosi-siuntimo, bet nieko negalejo padaryti, nes pas mus tobuli istatymai -_-

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Microsoft Donates to Geohot’s Cause Against Sony



Take that Apple! Microsoft has allegedly donated money to the famous iPhone hacker Geohot for his legal battle against Sony. In case you didn’t know by now, George “Geohot” Hotz is in a legal skirmish with Sony because he jailbroke the PS3.


Since Geohot represents the jailbreak community, he obviously isn’t on Apple’s good list. Perhaps Microsoft wanted to take a little jab at Apple by supporting one of the most famous iPhone hackers…


About a week ago, Geohot asked for donations from the community towards his legal fees for the trial with Sony. He had a successful first round, and rumors are that he raised $10,000+ in funds over one weekend. Apparently, Microsoft may have had a big part in raising such a large figure.


We must clarify that it is not confirmed by either two parties involved that Microsoft did in fact give money to Geohot for legal fees. But someone close to the situation has claimed that Geohot did indeed receive considerable financial support from Apple’s arch rival.


“The information comes from a source close to the matter who must remain anonymous that in an attempt to help George win his case, and thus making it legal to hack the PlayStation 3, the company anonymously donated a large lump of cash so he could cover his court fees; remember: only 2 days had passed after Hotz requested the money and then received all of the money.”

This wouldn’t be the first time that Microsoft has reached out to Geohot. The tech company also invited him to develop for Windows Phone 7.


We wish Geohot the best in his legal battle, even if the funding is coming from Apple’s nemesis.


Ahahahahah. :) Tuoj bus karai Microsoft vs Sony. :) Įdomiai klostosi čia viskas, įdomiai. ;)

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Sony Vs. Geohot Case – New Dispute Over Forensic Investigation Of Geohot’s Hard Drive Data

The current Sony vs. George (Geohot) Hotz saga is really turning into a soap-opera, and now according to PSX-Scene, it shows no sign of letting up. The latest drama revolves around computer hard drives a judge made Hotz hand over to investigators – it now appears the company charged with handling the data want to take clone images of both seized drives.


Not just one copy. TWO!

The issue here is that the original paperwork only gives the third-party, TIG, the right to take possession of the drives "for the purpose of isolating, segregating and/or removing the information on those devices related to Defendant Hotz’s circumvention of the TPMs in the PS3 system." No mention of cloning there!

Unsurprisingly, Geohot’s attorneys have been quick to point the finger.

"SCEA is not entitled to inspect the impounded drives under the impoundment order, nor is it allowed to create and preserve additional copies of the impounded drives, but this is precisely what it seeks to do."

Sony’s response is to ask the judge to order Hotz to comply with TIG’s request.

For the foregoing reasons, SCEA requests that the Court order that Mr. Hotz comply with TIG‟s recommended impoundment protocols and that those protocols be supplemented to ensure that preservation requirements are met as follows:

(1) TIG create and preserve two forensically sound images (e.g., bit stream images) of each impounded storage device in its encrypted form: One to be maintained by TIG in a secure vault for preservation purposes and the second to be used for decryption and/or any other necessary analysis by TIG;

(2) TIG create and preserve two forensically sound images (e.g., bit stream images) of each impounded storage device in its un-encrypted form. One to be maintained by TIG in a secure vault for preservation
purposes and the second to be used for TIG‟s necessary analysis; and

(3) TIG maintain and preserve all of the forensically created images for the duration of the lawsuit.

SCEA further requests that the Court order Mr. Hotz to: (a) provide TIG with the tools and keys necessary to decrypt the impounded storage devices and the keys and passwords necessary to decrypt or unlock any protected files contained on the impounded storage devices;

( B ) identify for TIG all virtual machines or hard disks stored or at any time run on the impounded storage devices.3 Furthermore, to verify compliance with the impoundment order, SCEA requests that the Court order Mr. Hotz to provide a declaration setting forth: (i) verification that all storage devices on which any circumvention devices or any information relating to Mr. Hotz‟s circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System are stored have been delivered to TIG; (ii) why the storage device used by Mr. Hotz in the January 7, 2011 YouTube video entitled “Jailbroken PS3 3.55 with Homebrew” was not delivered to TIG for impoundment; and (iii) the identity of any remote storage of the circumvention devices or any information relating to Mr. Hotz‟s circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System.4 Finally, SCEA seeks fees and costs in relation to this motion.

Sony originally sued Hotz for releasing the PlayStation 3 jailbreak into the wild, and despite trying to plug the holes ever since, Sony has had little luck in shoring up its gaming system.

Where things will go from here is anybody’s guess, and the only certainty is that this story will run and run. We’ll bring more as and when we get it!


PS3 hacker's house raided by the German police

When Sony will stop this aggressive situations ? Sony is still continuing its war against PS3 hackers and it looks like it won't stop that. They've already sued Geohot & fail0verflow team for jailbreaking PlayStation 3. Now they have the German police on their side. PS3 hacker graf_chokolo's house was raided by the German police.

As many of you already know, 2 days ago his house was raided by the German police. Talk about a guy who clearly had no involvement at all with piracy, cheating, or the things Sony claims to care about. Do you want to know what he has that enrages the suits at Sony so much? Talent.

So, he had no involvement at all.. PS3 hackers are still fighting Sony and oh! Geohot has Microsoft on his side. Let's see what'll happen!

Pamenu Scalman'as sakė kažką apie voketijos hackerį, va ir tikrai toks yra, aš netikėjau... ;) Redagavo Moo

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GeoHot (Sony Prison Break)





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Judge Lets Sony Unmask Visitors to PS3-Jailbreaking Site


A federal magistrate is granting Sony the right to acquire the internet IP addresses of anybody who has visited PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz’s website from January of 2009 to the present.


Thursday’s decision by Magistrate Joseph Spero to allow Sony to subpoena Hotz’s web provider (.pdf) raises a host of web-privacy concerns. Bluehost, which maintains Hotz’s site, received a subpoena as part of Sony’s lawsuit against the 21-year-old New Jersey hacker.


Respected for his iPhone hacks and now the PlayStation 3 jailbreak, Hotz is accused of breaching the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other laws after he published an encryption key and software tools on his website that allow Playstation owners to gain complete control of their consoles from the firmware on up.


Sony also won subpoenas (.pdf) for data from YouTube and Google, as well as Twitter account data linked to Hotz, who goes by the handle GeoHot.


The Bluehost subpoena requires the company to turn over “documents reproducing all server logs, IP address logs, account information, account access records and application or registration forms” tied to Hotz’s hosting. The subpoena also demands “any other identifying information corresponding to persons or computers who have accessed or downloaded files hosted using your service and associated” with the website, including but not limited to the “ file.”


Sony told Spero, a San Francisco magistrate, that it needed the information for at least two reasons.


One is to prove the “defendant’s distribution” of the hack. The other involves a jurisdictional argument over whether Sony must sue Hotz in his home state of New Jersey rather than in San Francisco, which Sony would prefer. Sony said the server logs would demonstrate that many of those who downloaded Hotz’s hack reside in Northern California — thus making San Francisco a proper venue for the case.


The DMCA prohibits the trafficking of so-called “circumvention devices” designed to crack copy-protection schemes. The law does not require Sony to prove that Hotz received payment for the hack, which was designed to allow PlayStation 3 owners the ability to run home-brewed software or alternative operating systems like Linux. It builds on a series of earlier jailbreaks that unlocked less protected levels of the PlayStation’s authentication process.


Jailbreaking a console is also a prerequisite to running pirated copies of games, which Sony emphasizes in its lawsuit.


“I think the these subpoenas, the information they seek, is inappropriate,” said Corynne McSherry, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In a letter to Magistrate Spero, she termed the subpoenas “overly broad.” (.pdf)


The judge also signed off on a Google subpoena seeking the logs for Hotz’s blog,


A YouTube subpoena, also approved, seeks information connected to the “geohot” account that displayed a video of the hack being used: “Jailbroken PS3 3.55 with Homebrew.” The subpoena demands data to identify who watched the video and “documents reproducing all records or usernames and IP addresses that have posted or published comments in response to the video.”


A fourth subpoena is directed at Twitter, demanding the disclosure of all of Hotz’s tweets, and “documents sufficient to identify all names, addresses, and telephone numbers associated with the Twitter account.”


Sony has threatened to sue anybody who posts the hacking tools or the encryption key. It is seeking unspecified damages from Hotz.

trumpai sakant Sony gavo teismo leidima gauti visu IP sarasa kurie buvo apsilanke GeoHot saite nuo 2009 iki sios dienos. na sony dar gavo teise ir i google,youtube bei twiter zvilgtelt irgi kas buvo pas ji lankesi per ta visa laika. taigi siaip ne veltui jie to sieke. nes pasieke ko norejo manau.

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trumpai sakant Sony gavo teismo leidima gauti visu IP sarasa kurie buvo apsilanke GeoHot saite nuo 2009 iki sios dienos. na sony dar gavo teise ir i google,youtube bei twiter zvilgtelt irgi kas buvo pas ji lankesi per ta visa laika. taigi siaip ne veltui jie to sieke. nes pasieke ko norejo manau.

Na tikrai jų nebus daug... :) OMG ir aš lankiaus, kas man dabar gresia? :lol:

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Oho, tuoj bus uz apsilankyma saite dedamos baudos :)

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Na tikrai jų nebus daug... :) OMG ir aš lankiaus, kas man dabar gresia? :)

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Nieko nebus, cia sony kai nezino ko imtis, bando isgasdinti tokiais veiksmais, gal atsiras kurie issigas taip pat kaip ir su siustais laiskais :)

Beje toks pastebejimas, sony pati "apsivoge" neseni ivykiai su LG, ir dar bando sutramdyti piratus ir dar itraukdama daugeli PS3 vartotoju, kurie naudojasi BD rom'ais :) kuriozine situacija tiesiog mirk is juoko.

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