
Sony VS Hackers (Pirates)

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tiek kreditine tiek debitine galima pirkti interentu,telefonu ir t.t. is kur tu cia nukopinai sita teksta bbz

vienu zodziu nera tikslo gincitis su tavim, nes tu net neturi maziausio supratimo kaip kas veikia


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Toki aprasa rasi kiekvieno banko sutarties formoje ar reklaminiame lankstinuke, kuria pasirasai pries pasiimdamas kortele, ar tevai tau nedave paskaityti? As nesigincyju, o diskutuoju, nes nera tikslo irodineti vaikam kas yra gerai, kas yra blogai.
Redagavo Fake

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Aš labai nesidomiu naujienomis, bet šits Sony vs Hackers karas turi dvi puses: gerąją ir blogąją. Blogoji yra tai, kad dabar tenka sėdėti be PSN. Geroji tai, kad turėsime atnaujintą ir saugesnį PSN tinklą. Ir tikiuosi, kad bus pradėti ban'inti nulaužtų konsolių vartotojai (jeigu tai dar neįvyko).

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US State House Of Representatives Wants Answers From Sony



It has been almost two weeks since we have had PSN, whilst Sony gave us some answers, they didn’t give much away and the weren’t completely honest either, the FBI is investigating, senators asking for answers and now a United States House Of Representatives Sub Committee has sen a list of questions to the Chairman of SCEA, Kazuo Hirai:





Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Aš labai nesidomiu naujienomis, bet šits Sony vs Hackers karas turi dvi puses: gerąją ir blogąją. Blogoji yra tai, kad dabar tenka sėdėti be PSN. Geroji tai, kad turėsime atnaujintą ir saugesnį PSN tinklą. Ir tikiuosi, kad bus pradėti ban'inti nulaužtų konsolių vartotojai (jeigu tai dar neįvyko).


Pritariu tau.

Kada prasidėjo Jailbreakai ir t.t. Apmažėjo žaidimų skelbimuose, žaidimų niekas neperka. Anksčiau ir aš nespjaudavau į piratinius žaidimus, bet tik todėl, kad niekad neišmėginau originalaus malonumų (privalumų). Gaila, kad pagrindinis legalus dalykas PSN pas mus neveikia (ta prasme - apsipirkinėjimas per STORE). Neturiu laiko domėtis kaip apgauti SONY, kad naudotis PSN (registruotis UK ar pan, pirkti PSN korteles). Būčiau visai patenkintas, kad tiesiog nuo kreditinės kortelės nuskaitau kelis svarelius ir turiu žaidimo papildymą ar patį žaidimą...

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Millions of gamers and PS3 owners have been without PSN service for over a week now. As of today May 1st they held a press conference that started at 1 am EST and the topic of that conference was the much anticipate return of the PSN. Among the things detailed in this conference tonight was what the loyal PSN users would get in compensation for going with their online gaming.

So what is my compensation for PSN downtime? For starters all PSN members will get a free month of PSN+ (current PSN+ members will get an extra month of service for free) and they will also be giving out “selected PlayStation entertainment content” for free downloads. More details to come at a later point this month. Current Music Unlimited subscribers will also be getting a free month of service.




The PlayStation network should be making a partial return next week, with it being fully restored sometime by the end of the month. A firmware update will of course greet you when the network comes back online. And of course you can expect that Sony did a complete revamp of their security so your data should now be “safe”.


Some other points of interest are:


* They stated again that they don’t believe any CC numbers were taken but they said you should keep an eye on your credit card statements.

* They will be working with the FBI to conduct a full criminal investigation

* Out of 77 million users, about 10 million had active credit cards (ONLY 10 million?) - Mano manymų todėl 10 millionų tik nes protingieji pašalino visus savo duomenys kai tik sužinojo kaip Sony juos laiko neapsaugotai. Aš irgi tai padariau :)


Still no explanation on what happen and no apologies for not securing your data properly. Do you think Sony is doing enough with what they have promised?


    Phased Global Rollout of Services to Begin Regionally;
    System Security Enhanced to Provide Greater Protection of Personal Information

    Tokyo, May 1, 2011 – Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) and Sony Network Entertainment International (SNEI, the company) announced they will shortly begin a phased restoration by region of PlayStation®Network and Qriocity™ services, beginning with gaming, music and video services to be turned on. The company also announced both a series of immediate steps to enhance security across the network and a new customer appreciation program to thank its customers for their patience and loyalty.

    Following a criminal cyber-attack on the company’s data-center located in San Diego, California, U.S.A., SNEI quickly turned off the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, engaged multiple expert information security firms over the course of several days and conducted an extensive audit of the system. Since then, the company has implemented a variety of new security measures to provide greater protection of personal information. SNEI and its third-party experts have conducted extensive tests to verify the security strength of the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. With these measures in place, SCE and SNEI plan to start a phased rollout by region of the services shortly. The initial phase of the rollout will include, but is not limited to, the following:

        * Restoration of Online game-play across the PlayStation®3 (PS3) and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems-This includes titles requiring online verification and downloaded games
        * Access to Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3/PSP for existing subscribers
        * Access to account management and password reset
        * Access to download un-expired Movie Rentals on PS3, PSP and MediaGo
        * PlayStation®Home
        * Friends List
        * Chat Functionality

    Working closely with several outside security firms, the company has implemented significant security measures to further detect unauthorized activity and provide consumers with greater protection of their personal information. The company is also creating the position of Chief Information Security Officer, directly reporting to Shinji Hasejima, Chief Information Officer of Sony Corporation, to add a new position of expertise in and accountability for customer data protection and supplement existing information security personnel. The new security measures implemented include, but are not limited to, the following:

        * Added automated software monitoring and configuration management to help defend against new attacks
        * Enhanced levels of data protection and encryption
        * Enhanced ability to detect software intrusions within the network, unauthorized access and unusual activity patterns
        * Implementation of additional firewalls

    The company also expedited an already planned move of the system to a new data center in a different location that has been under construction and development for several months. In addition, PS3 will have a forced system software update that will require all registered PlayStation Network users to change their account passwords before being able to sign into the service. As an added layer of security, that password can only be changed on the same PS3 in which that account was activated, or through validated email confirmation, a critical step to help further protect customer data.

    The company is conducting a thorough and on-going investigation and working with law enforcement to track down and prosecute those responsible for the illegal intrusion.

    “This criminal act against our network had a significant impact not only on our consumers, but our entire industry. These illegal attacks obviously highlight the widespread problem with cyber-security. We take the security of our consumers’ information very seriously and are committed to helping our consumers protect their personal data. In addition, the organization has worked around the clock to bring these services back online, and are doing so only after we had verified increased levels of security across our networks,” said Kazuo Hirai, Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation. “Our global audience of PlayStation Network and Qriocity consumers was disrupted. We have learned lessons along the way about the valued relationship with our consumers, and to that end, we will be launching a customer appreciation program for registered consumers as a way of expressing our gratitude for their loyalty during this network downtime, as we work even harder to restore and regain their trust in us and our services.”

    Complimentary Offering and “Welcome Back” Appreciation Program
    While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, the company is committed to helping its customers protect their personal data and will provide a complimentary offering to assist users in enrolling in identity theft protection services and/or similar programs. The implementation will be at a local level and further details will be made available shortly in each region.

    The company will also rollout the PlayStation Network and Qriocity “Welcome Back” program, to be offered worldwide, which will be tailored to specific markets to provide our consumers with a selection of service options and premium content as an expression of the company’s appreciation for their patience, support and continued loyalty.

    Central components of the “Welcome Back” program will include:

        * Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.
        * All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service. Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.
        * Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.

    Additional “Welcome Back” entertainment and service offerings will be rolled out over the coming weeks as the company returns the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services to the quality standard users have grown to enjoy and strive to exceed those exceptions.

    SNEI will continue to reinforce and verify security for transactions before resuming the PlayStation®Store and other Qriocity operations, scheduled for this month.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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... * They stated again that they don’t believe any CC numbers were taken but they said you should keep an eye on your credit card statements.

* They will be working with the FBI to conduct a full criminal investigation

* Out of 77 million users, about 10 million had active credit cards (ONLY 10 million?) - Mano manymų todėl 10 millionų tik nes protingieji pašalino visus savo duomenys kai tik sužinojo kaip Sony juos laiko neapsaugotai. Aš irgi tai padariau :)...



ka cia pezi, niekas nezinojo kaip sony saugo ju duomenis iki vagystes, todel nieks nieko nedare, o jau po vagystes niekas negali nieko pasikeisti ar pashalinti , nes NULUZES PSN, tai man labai idomu kaip tu pats pasalinai savo cc duomenus....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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... * They stated again that they don’t believe any CC numbers were taken but they said you should keep an eye on your credit card statements.

* They will be working with the FBI to conduct a full criminal investigation

* Out of 77 million users, about 10 million had active credit cards (ONLY 10 million?) - Mano manymų todėl 10 millionų tik nes protingieji pašalino visus savo duomenys kai tik sužinojo kaip Sony juos laiko neapsaugotai. Aš irgi tai padariau :)...



ka cia pezi, niekas nezinojo kaip sony saugo ju duomenis iki vagystes, todel nieks nieko nedare, o jau po vagystes niekas negali nieko pasikeisti ar pashalinti , nes NULUZES PSN, tai man labai idomu kaip tu pats pasalinai savo cc duomenus....



Visų pirma siūlau kalbėti normaliai.

Antra - kada Graf_chocolo pradėjo tyrti reikalą kaip atstatyti OtherOS palaikymą, keli hakeriai pamatė kad SONY siūnčia visus duomenys neapsaugotai (saugo juos tiesiog paprastame tekstiniame formate). Hakeriai perspėjo visus forumų bei hack svetainių vartotojus kad dėl tokios apsaugos mums geriau pašalinti savo išsaugotus duomenys iš PSN sistemos. Tas perspejimas buvo kažkur sausio mėnėsį ar net ankščiau man atrodo.

Informacija apie creditines bei debetines korteles (numeriai, apsaugos kodas - VISKAS buvo laikoma be jokios apsaugos. Grynas tekstas) CVV apsaugos kodas laikomas atskirai bet irgi be encryption.

Duomenys galima pašalinti, prisijungus prie savo profilio SONY website. Iš PSN tiesiog iš SONY konsolės man atrodo irgi galima, bet nesu tikras.


Kai tik sužinojau kad ankščiau ar veliau tai tikrai bus taikinys atakai kokio nors pamišelio - iškarto pašalinau visas duomenys.

Tuo labiau kad jau planuodavau instaliuoti CFW kadangi PSN man nereikalingas.

Redagavo Skeith

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Notes handed out before a Sony press conference today (timed so conveniently at 1am EDT in the US, and noon on the Sunday of Golden Week in Japan) reveal that Sony plans to offer free downloads of unidentified "content," 30 days of free PlayStation Plus access to new and existing members, and 30 days of free Qriocity service. The paper also says that PSN service will be restored "soon."


Two days ago, a PlayStation Blog Q&A post mentioned that the company was considering a "goodwill gesture" to PSN users (and sure, why not Qriocity users too) put out by the two-week outage. The company will likely have to provide much more dramatic gestures to appease all the government organizations who have taken interest in the case (and, you know, that enormous data leak).


Sony "Executive Deputy President" Kaz Hirai has yet to take the stage, so there may be more details forthcoming, like the exact date of PSN reactivation. Follow along after the break for pseudo-liveblog coverage.


Sony guesses that hackers got into the network through an "application server," through which they were then able to get into the database servers and grab data.


Hirai estimates about 10 million PSN users with active credit cards tied to PSN. Security measures will include moving to a new physical data center, more firewalls, and a new "Chief Security Officer." And, of course, a PS3 firmware update. Passwords will only be changeable through the same PS3 that the account was started on, or through a verified email address. Hirai asks you to "be vigilant" and check your credit card statements. Good advice!


Sony will not contact you under any circumstances asking for your credit card number or other personal info. So if someone claiming to be Tom Sony asks for your credit card verification code, you're getting scammed!


Sony is "considering" covering the costs of credit card replacement for affected users. The company is instituting a "welcome back" program including free downloads of selected content, 30 days of free PlayStation Plus for new and existing users, and -- for Qriocity members -- 30 days of free services.


Hirai just called out Anonymous as having attacked Sony by releasing personal info about executives and family members. Sony will cooperate with law enforcement and other organizations to secure data and ensure safety. The fact that this note came right after the Anonymous thing suggests that they'll work with law enforcement to track those kids down too.


Nikkei just asked if all 10 million credit cards got out. Hirai said "we can't rule out the possibility" that credit card info was compromised, but Sony hasn't received any reports of illicit card info usage. Another exec on stage said that all Sony knew on April 20 was that there may have been an intrusion.


Hirai just reminded us that it's not really 78 million people whose info got stolen, because some of those 78 million accounts are duplicate accounts for the same person. He refrained from providing details of the investigation, because the case has just started. But he did say that "not to his knowledge" has Sony been working with law enforcement agencies out of the US, but they have brought "inquiries" to Sony.


The vulnerability in the web server was a vulnerability known about that particular type of server, one of the execs on stage said.


Hirai defended the long response time by saying that Sony took the PSN down as soon as something was shown to be wrong, but analysis took time. "Once we became aware of the situation, we moved promptly to warn customers."


A reporter asked what the purpose of the "intrusion" was. Hirai: "For the past month and a half, we've experienced attacks on various Sony systems. We have yet to identify a direct relationship with a group." Speculation about the objective: "We are not in a position to say one way or the other." That same reporter asked if passwords were encrypted. I believe (translation not being perfect) that Hirai said they were not.


If customers wish to cancel their services, Sony will cooperate in good faith.


Sony has to "keep the integrity" of its system to continue to encourage content creators to create products for PlayStation, Hirai says. Protection of customer information has always been part of the plan since the PS2 network. But now Sony has to "review" its system.


Another exec says Anonymous has attacked "repeatedly," but Sony doesn't know who is behind the recent attacks.


A reporter just asked why Sony Japan was slower to disclose the news than SCEA. Backhanded pat on the back, PlayStation Blog US. Hirai said SCEJ is looking into deploying a PS Blog for Japan.


Because the freebie content will be different by region, Sony was hesitant to put a price on it, but Hirai estimated "a few thousand yen" worth of free downloads. So like $20-25 or so?


In response to a question about install base, Hirai said 37 million PS3 systems are connected to PSN, and 16 million PSP units, but the total install base is larger. Sony isn't disclosing the userbase for Qriocity yet.


Why not hold a press conference on April 27, when the announcement was made? That's the question we all want answered ... according to Hirai, Sony wanted to have an estimate about resumption of services before holding a conference.


In response to concerns about future security, Hirai pledged that Sony will "do its best" to ensure secure data. If that helps.


"If there are, in the days ahead, damages suffered by customers, they will be dealt with on a case-to-case basis," Hirai says.


The evening's final question: what is Hirai's view about the relationship of this case to Anonymous? Hirai says there's "no certainty" of a connection. "It's not intended that they were implicated in any way" regarding this intrusion.


And that's the show! Go to sleep.

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Dont Be Fooled By Sony’s So Called Offer Of Compensation



Complimentary Offering and “Welcome Back” Appreciation Program

While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, the company is committed to helping its customers protect their personal data and will provide a complimentary offering to assist users in enrolling in identity theft protection services and/or similar programs. The implementation will be at a local level and further details will be made available shortly in each region.


The company will also rollout the PlayStation Network and Qriocity “Welcome Back” program, to be offered worldwide, which will be tailored to specific markets to provide our consumers with a selection of service options and premium content as an expression of the company’s appreciation for their patience, support and continued loyalty.


Central components of the “Welcome Back” program will include:


* Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.

* All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service. Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.

* Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.


Additional “Welcome Back” entertainment and service offerings will be rolled out over the coming weeks as the company returns the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services to the quality standard users have grown to enjoy and strive to exceed those exceptions.




While an offer of 30 days free PS+ itself is a nice gesture, are sony about to make the mother of all screw ups under the veil of compensation?


Lets think about this for a minute, PS+ allows its subscribers to gain PS+ exclusives, and free content on a monthly basis. When you subscribe to PS+, it is made clear that any content downloaded that is PS+ exclusive may be subject to expiration at the end of the PS+ subs period, unless that subs is renewed (basically you lose the content unless you renew the subs in time).


Sony have stated that it will be offering Sony exclusives as compensation for the recent PSN downtime. Does this mean sony are about to rip its users off yet again? Combine this with the 30 days free ps+ offer and what do you get? A big compensation trick to fool you into effectivly trialling the service, and to tempt you into subscribing for a longer period.


Theres also those users that will use the online saves feature ps+ offers, will those users be able to grab their saves, after the 30 days free has expired? No they will not, they will have to subscribe again to PS+ withing 60 days to be able to obtain their own content. Nice.


All in all, it seems sony have some dirty tactics at play here… and maybe this offer should actually be avoided at all costs.

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nesupykit bet as nesuprantu kam cia angliskai straipsnius keliat,juk cia lietuviskas saitas ir nevisi supranta angliskai?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ne į temą

nesupykit bet as nesuprantu kam cia angliskai straipsnius keliat,juk cia lietuviskas saitas ir nevisi supranta angliskai?


Nes Copy + Paste yra lengviausia padaryt, nei laiko užtrunki nei pastangų ir po to dar jauties padaręs didžiulį darbą arba paslaugą :whistling:


Dabar sarkazmo gaidelę prigesinam. Pritariu, tų šudinų beletristikų tiek padaugėjo forume, kad net koktu darosi. Įeini į giją, 20 postų iš kurių 15 anglų kalba šūdo primalta, jei jau taip, tai, manau, užtektų įdėt nuorodą į puslapį, iš kurio yra paimta informacija. Geriausia išvis būna, kai viskas būna vien angliškai ir dar paveikslėlis koks, tai bent savo komentarą kokį prirašytų, nuomonę apie tą informacija, dabar... Svarbu papostint, kad tavo postu skaičius padidėtų, o ką ir kaip dzin, svarbu tik į tema, jog administratoriai neprisikabintų. Didžioji dalis žmonių forume net neskaito to teksto. Gudragalvis koks tau iškart pasakys, nepatinka - neskaityk, nusisuk ir pan. Ir nieko tu napadarysi, kol toks rašymas yra toleruojamas.


Vienintelis dalykas ką dar gali padaryt, jei tau kas nepatinka, tai uždėt minusą. Jei kam tokie tekstai yra prie širdies, dedi pliusa. Nebijokit savo nuomonės išreikšt būdais, kurie yra suteikiami visiems.


Asmeniškai aš kuo dažniau stengsiuos atitinkamai įvertint postą, kur vien užsienio kalba atmestinai viskas nukopijuota bei žmogų, kuris deda pastangas ir rašo tekstą lietuviškai ar bent jau moka suformuluoti ir išdėstyt pozicija gimtaja kalba.

Redagavo Epikus

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isvis primale shh cia del to PSN dabar, imeta kazkieno rasyta posta is kazkur tai paimta, tai labai nesunku rast postu kur vieni nepatenkinti ,kiti gal patenkinti buna. normalius faktus galiam nukopint ir parasyt savo nuomone apie taias jau PSN temoj rasiau apie tai. prie ko hackeriai ir PSN jei ka.

del to ka siulys sony kai atsistatys PSN cia viskas yra normalu ir gerai:

gausim 30 dienu PSN plus pasinaudot

zada ir nemokamai kazkoki download contenta duot pagal gandus uz kazkur $20-25. kad ir neduos nieko baisaus.

PSN atsistatys per savaite, bet visos paslaugos menesio begi

nauja FW, su naujom apsaugom ir pan. taigi iseis update ir PSN ir iskart prasys keist passworda. viskas cia gerai ir pagirtina kad sony atstovai taip normaliai pasnekejo per konferencija is tikro.

prie ko cia isvis dabar tas PSN naujienas i sony vs hackers tema det?

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dar kaskas minusa uzdejo :whistling: tai gerai kodel pvz prancuziskai nededat ar vokiskai,rusiskai dar minusus deda gudruciai :)

Redagavo danila666

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Nebukite apgauti, tikėdami kad gausite taip vadinama kompensaciją


Neversiu pirmą tekstą nes matau kad visi tik į haliavą žiuri.


Naujienas talpinu iš oficialios HACK svetainės ir tiesiog neturiu laiko versti. Galiu išvis nieko netalpinti jeigu norite. Deja nesu Leituvis - todėl man labai sunku išversti tekstą.





Išverčiu viską, ką pažymėjau raudonai.


Nors 30 nemokamų PS+ dienų įdomus pasiųlymas, ar Sony nenori padaryti didžiausią klientų apiplešimo akciją, prisidengiant compensaciją?


Pagalvokime minutelę apie tai. PS+ duoda galimybę savo pirkėjams gauti exclusive žaidimus ir kitus dalykus už mėnėsinį mokestį. Kada perki PS+ - aiškiai matome kad jeigu jus neperkate toliau PS+ pasibaigus galiojimo laikui, visi jūsų gauti "nemokami" žaidimai bei PS+ specialus dalykai tiesiog nustoja veikti kol jus vėl nenusipirksite PS+ (praktiškai jus prarandate viską kad buvo PS+ , jeigu nenusipirksite jo vėl. Panašu į narkotiką :whistling: )


Sony pasakė kad duos Sony exclusive kaip kompensaciją už PSN neveikimą. O reiškia galbut tai kad Sony planuoja apiplėšti vėl savo vartotojus? Sujunkite šį pažadą su 30 dienų PS+ ir ką jus gaunate? Didelią apgavystę, kuri apgauna jus kad jus pabandytumėte PS+ servisą ir priversti jus paskui už jį mokėti (tapti pirkėjų).


Dar tie vartotojai, kurie pradės naudotis PS+ servisais, tokiais kaip online storage - o galės jie atsiimti savo seivus ir t.t. kada nemokamo PS+ laikas baigsis? NE. NE GALĖS. Jiems reikės iš naujo nusipirkti PS+ 60 dienų begyje kad atgauti savo duomenys. Neblogai, jo?


Aplamai pažiurėjus - visa tai panašu į nesažiningą taktiką čia... ir galbut reikia saugotis tos taip vadinamos "kompensacijos"

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Man asmeniškai, tai negaila, kad deda angliškus tekstus, bet užtektų galų gale pačią nuorodą įmesti, o ne visą temą sušikti angliškai tekstai, vien tik įėjus i šią temą akys apkraista pamačius, kiek čia visko yra sumalta.. O čia su tuo kovot, tai tas pats, kaip ir prieš vėjo malūnus.. Visi tyli, reiškia visiems yra gerai, o kad keli forumiečiai reiškia pretenzijas, tai nerodiklis kitiems...

P.s Danila, pradėtumėme dėti rusiškus tekstus, tai būtume minusais "sušerti" tą pačia akimirką ir kiltų skandalas.Nors man asmeniškai "nusišikt" ant tų minusų, ar pliusų, nesu kokia auka, kad spam'intau forumą vien tik todėl, kad gaučiau pliusų, iš kurių nėra jokios naudos, o tik, kad pasirodyt, koks aš kietas...

Redagavo Rolazz

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Prisijunkite prie pokalbio

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
    • Šito laukiu. Jeigu patiko Returnal (o man patiko), patiks ir šitas.  Mūsų dabartinėje remasterių ir remaikų eroje vis kažkas tai naujo. Be to Housmark gerai daro😀 
    • Na šitas gali būti visai nieko, bent jau man asmeniškai patiko. Pačios kovos gal ir nestebuklingai, bet exploringas jau bus toks kaip žada (be jokių markerių, pagalbų, viską pats turi sužinot) visai veža. 04.09.2025
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos