
Sony VS Hackers (Pirates)

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Neisivaizduoju tokio dalyko kad sony laimetu, kas tada, microsoftas, nintendo, del game, nokia del symbian lauzimo ir ngage zaidimu, ir t.t o tada su savo minimaliais atlyginimais pamirsim tokias prabagas kaip koncole!



"Right you are motherfucker..."

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Lol, kvailesnio dalyko seniai nemaciau. ;)


"Why aren't you pissed at SONY?"

- Juk visi zinojom ka perkam ir zinojom kad negalesim paleisti savo scriptu. Jei jum tikrai reikia tik paleisti savo homebrew, o ne siustis zaidimus, tai galit tiesiog eiti naudotis PC. Ten galit paleisti visas savo programas. ;)


Pakolkas tie jailbreak'ai mano manymu padare tik blogiau. Nezinau kaip dabar, bet vienu momentu MW2 buvo neimanoma lost. Vien cheater'iai.


Nu naciort is cia cytu yra, net nebuciau kaskaip pagalvojas, sakes...

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Youtube bans Anonymous from posting videos against Sony


World’s largest social video uploading website, Youtube has decided to restrict Anonymous from posting videos against Sony. This was confirmed by the group itself via new video which they uploaded to Youtube.


They’ve now promised to keep their followers updated by posting videos on another popular video website, Dailymotion. The group also told Youtube that they have messed with the wrong guys and they can expect a response.


This will definitely prove to be a blow for the group as Youtube is the biggest channel through which they could have conveyed their messages.

pries tai bande ten kazka blokuot parduotuves tai juos is ten isvijo ..vel failino..b* jei atakuot reikia rimtai o ne vaikiskai eit i parduotuves ir ten kazka duris uztvert ar gult ant kelio kad nieks neitu i parduotuves... ;)

those guys are so much fun realy.. :thumbsup4:

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For several hours now, PS3 users from all parts of the world, have been unable to access the Playstation Network(PSN), the error code 80710A06 pops up




The official US Playstation site has an error code checker and this is what they state the code means:




According to PSX Scene, ‘spint’ and ‘prod-qa’ are also non functioning, so is this the work of Anonymous or is Sony fixing PSN once and for all ?


Source PSX Scene


Official statement via US PS Blog.


We’re aware certain functions of PlayStation Network are down. We will report back here as soon as we can with more information.


Thank you for your patience.


Official statement via EU PS Blog.


As you are no doubt aware, the current emergency outage is continuing this afternoon and all Sony Online Network services remain unavailable. Our support teams are investigating the cause of the problem, including the possibility of targeted behaviour by an outside party. If the reported Network problems are indeed caused by such acts, we would like to once again thank our customers who have borne the brunt of the attack through interrupted service.


Our engineers are continuing to work to restore and maintain the services, and we appreciate our customers’ continued support. For further information, please refer to updates on, here on PlayStation.Blog and via our @PlayStationEU twitter feed.



















Via EU PS Blog


While we are investigating the cause of the Network outage, we wanted to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we’re able to get the service completely back up and running. Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we’ll update you again as soon as we can.


For further information, please refer to updates on our @PlayStationEU twitter feed.


Update 2


Via (Thanks to facanferff for the tip via Twitter)


PlayStation Network Service Outage 4/21/2011 (21/4/2011 for non Americans)


We’re aware certain functions of PlayStation Network are down. It may be a full day or two before we’re able to get the service completely back up and running. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we’ll update you again as soon as we can.


Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter.


During this time you may:


Not be able to access the PlayStation®Store

Have difficulty signing in to the PlayStation®Network

Not be able to play online games

See a maintenance page when attempting to access the PlayStation®Network


Note: When you log into the PlayStation Network, a message may appear which states, “the PlayStation Network has been suspended”. This does not mean that your account has been suspended; it simply means the PlayStation Network has been taken offline. Please wait until the maintenance window has passed before attempting to connect to the PlayStation Network again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Redagavo Skeith

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Sony has finally admitted why PSN has been down for days, and it is what everyone has been assuming. A group or possibly even a single hacker brought down the giant. Down time for PSN was reported to be “1 to 2 full days”, but after this update it is certain that is not the case, here is a quote from the PS Blogs:


An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th. Providing quality entertainment services to our customers and partners is our utmost priority. We are doing all we can to resolve this situation quickly, and we once again thank you for your patience. We will continue to update you promptly as we have additional information to share.




Many have thought hackers from within “Anonymous” have been behind this. An official post from Anonymous’s website reports that “For Once We Didn’t Do It”. If thats the case, who is and are they “brave” enough to come forward, here is a quote from them:


For Once We Didn’t Do It


Sony’s Playstation Network, its online service for Playstation 3 and its Playstation Portable consoles, suffered from a major outage today; which is on going as of this writting. According to Son’ys blog, the interruption in service may last into the long weekend – for at least another “full day or two”. Sony released a statement through its EU blog, saying that the network outage may be a result of “targeted behaviour by an outside party”, brining in the possibility of cyberattacks. Adding to the confusion is the fact that the message has since been removed.


While it could be the case that other Anons have acted by themselves AnonOps wa not related to this incident and takes no responsiblity for it. A more likely explination is that Sony is taking advantage of Anonymous’ previous ill-will towards the company to distract users from the fact the outage is accutally an internal problem with the companies servers.




Sony is incompetent.

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del to psn neveikimo tai cia gerai ispute burbula ;) ;) ;) kada vaziuodmas namo zinias isijungiau paklausiti ,o ten apie ps3 i psn suda mala,tipo nebera apie ka daugiau kalbeti ,ziauru kur pasaulis ritasi

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Sony have updated their PS Blog, this is what it says:


We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.


We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Neisivaizduoju tokio dalyko kad sony laimetu, kas tada, microsoftas, nintendo, del game, nokia del symbian lauzimo ir ngage zaidimu, ir t.t o tada su savo minimaliais atlyginimais pamirsim tokias prabagas kaip koncole!


Ne į temą

Jo,95% lt geimerių konsoles tik sapnuotų....
Redagavo FUZA

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Well it looks like the PSN has been “suspended” by sony. As we all know the PSN has been out for a long while due to it being “hacked by an external source”. Sony want to right this wrong and completely remake and rebuild the PSN or Play Station Network from scratch. That’s right Sony are now taking measures and actions to secure their network to the highest level to avoid it getting “hacked” or otherwise.


To quote:


Originally Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Mediapsn/qriocity services


We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.


We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available.



It looks like Sony don’t want any more intrusions or outsiders on their network, and it will be gone for a very long due to these updates.

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Playstation Network users have been left in the dark for days now, and Sony has acknowledged that the shutdown has everything to do with hackers. However, they've made no mention of who's to blame or what the hacking hoped to accomplish. Web group Anonymous previously announced intentions to attack PSN, but are denying involvement with this incident. Today, a user on Reddit claims to have knowledge of the specifics.


User chesh420 says he's a moderator at, and the shutdown can be traced to a custom firmware that allowed users to validate fake credit card numbers on what PSN deemed to be a secure network. Here's the entirety of his post (all spelling in context):


Ok, I've seen a bunch of speculation of why people think PSN is down, and I thought I should just post what the community knows in comparison to what Sony is telling everyone. The truth is, there was a new CFW (custom firmware) released known as Rebug (link omitted). It essentially turns a retail console into a dev console (not fully, but gives you a lot of the same options that usually dev's only have access to). Anyway, this new CFW was quickly figured out to give CFW users access to the PSN network again via the dev networks. With a little manipulation of the URL's through a proxy server you could get your hacked console back online. Not that big of a deal, right? Well, it also turns out that some people over at NGU found out that you could provide fake CC# info and the authenticity of the information was never checked as you were on Sony's private developer PSN network (essentially a network that Sony trusted). What happened next was extreme piracy of PSN content. Sony realizing the issue here shut down the network. Now, before you go freaking out about the latest information posted about Kotaku, no ones personal information was accessible via this hack. Not to say they couldn't get it, but no one is admitting to it being available. Anyway, that's the real reason for the PSN downtime. Sony is now rebuilding all of it's PSN servers to be more secure and (hopefully) make sure the CFW users cannot get online anymore.


It would take something major for Sony to shut down the entirety of their network, and a custom firmware that allowed for rampant pirating is obviously reason for concern. Take this with a grain of salt, as we have no way of verifying whether this Reddit user has an inside track or not. We've reached out to Sony for comment and will let you know if we hear anything.


Tai va, kaip kalbėjom, taip ir atsitiko. Dėl kreivarankių dabar kenčia eiliniai PS3 naudotojai. Ačiū jums, hakeriai...

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Na ir kur tie "išprusę" žmogėnai dingo, kaip rėkė kad, kaip kenčia legalūs vartotojai nuo hakerių?


kazinak---> Gerai kad kalba. O tai tik apie kriminalus ir sugeba varyti, bent Lietuvoj... Atrodo kad nėra ką gražiau ar įdomiau parodyti.

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Ateme hakeriai is jusu konsoles, zaidimus ir negalite ju zaisti? Cia neizvelgiu nieko smerktina, jei sony nesugeba susitvarkyti su savo serveriais ir apkaltina hackerius, nes jiem nera ko daugiau kaltinti, o forumuose kalbos eina PSN luzo po ju bandymo paleisti atnaujinta playstation home

PS O kodel jus nesijauciate nuskriausti, kai privalote PSN registruotis kitos salies adresu?

Redagavo Fake

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Ateme hakeriai is jusu konsoles, zaidimus ir negalite ju zaisti? Cia neizvelgiu nieko smerktina, jei sony nesugeba susitvarkyti su savo serveriais ir apkaltina hackerius, nes jiem nera ko daugiau kaltinti, o forumuose kalbos eina PSN luzo po ju bandymo paleisti atnaujinta playstation home

PS O kodel jus nesijauciate nuskriausti, kai privalote PSN registruotis kitos salies adresu?


Per juos atėmė priėmimą prie PSN, kas įtakoja jog negali žaisti online. Aš pvz. turiu žaidimų, kurių reikia eiti SP, bet tingiu ir noro neturiu, noriu kokį BC2 MP pakalti bet negaliu.


Esi ant tiek patriotiškas? Nejuokink, man atrodo tu tik tokį vaidini rašydamas čia... O jeigu esi patriotiškas Lietuvai, bent kažkiek (proto ribose) džiugu.


Kodėl nesijaučiam? Kalbėsiu tik už save, tokiai mažai šaliai niekas nekurs atskiro PSN. Tuo labiau kad net Sony atstovybės čia nėra. O jeigu būtų Lietuva, ir tarkim lietuviškas PSN (nekad nebus....) Kainos bus tokios kad visi registruosis kitose šalyse, norėdami gauti ką nors pigiau. Tą jau ir taip darom turėdami kelis acc skirtingose šalyse.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Ateme hakeriai is jusu konsoles, zaidimus ir negalite ju zaisti? Cia neizvelgiu nieko smerktina, jei sony nesugeba susitvarkyti su savo serveriais ir apkaltina hackerius, nes jiem nera ko daugiau kaltinti, o forumuose kalbos eina PSN luzo po ju bandymo paleisti atnaujinta playstation home

PS O kodel jus nesijauciate nuskriausti, kai privalote PSN registruotis kitos salies adresu?


Ateis vagis ir nuvarys tavo mašina. Atvažiuos policija ir pasakys, nieko čia smerktino neįželgiam, juk vagims irgi gyvent reikia... O kodėl turėtų kas nors jaustis nuskriaustu, juk niekas neverčia pirkt konsolės ir registruotis PSN kitos šalies adresu. Viską pasirenki savo noru, o jei netenkina paslaugos, atsisakai jų ir ieškai kitų, o ne eini ir pažeidinėji įstatymus tuom prisidengdamas.


P. S. Žinoma, liūdna, kad SONY žemėlapy nėra Lietuvos, bet tai suprantama, nes čia nėra nei žaidimų rinkos, nei realaus potencialo jai išsivystyt, nes mūsų šalis pernelyg maža, plius piratų čia pilna kaip žiurkių grudų sandėlį, o tam vėl yra krūva priežasčių.

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