
Medal Of Honor: Warfighter

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Tuoj parodys Xbox 360 gameplay ir dings visas grozis, jau su BF3 tas pats buvo.

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Tuoj parodys Xbox 360 gameplay ir dings visas grozis, jau su BF3 tas pats buvo.


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o tau BF3 ant x360 blogai atrodo ? :thumbup: ir bet kokiu atveju nieko nereiskia tas kaip jis atrodys ant kazko,svarbu kaip atrodys maxintas.

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Kurejai rode apie 6 min demo uz uzdaro duru per GDC 2012 , ir na tie laimingieji kas mate tai buvo tikrai isvirte is klumpiu..

cia vieno is ju ispudziai is to ka mate..


As the demo began, we get the skinny on the mission, which takes place during a monsoon in the Philippines. The team is sent in to rescue a group of hostages from a rogue military faction, and they have to act with precision and care to get them out alive. Of course, this is Tier 1, one of the most effective military groups in the world, so they’re used to such a task.


The first half of the demo was a huge firefight taking place in an indoor facility. The lighting in this part of the stage is simply fantastic, with lots of explosions and dim little details to really make it feel like you’re in the heat of battle. The destruction was equally impressive, with walls chipping away to pieces from the bullets and little things sticking out, like the smoke rising from a recent grenade drop and a lone chandelier swaying about after you’ve managed to destroy pretty much everyone – and everything – in the room, clearing your way to the next area.


What’s more, the audio is just as remarkable. There’s plenty of intense chatter between the Tier 1 reps, and the gunfire and explosions sounded superb from what we’ve heard thus far. Environmental effects make a huge difference too, like creaking floor boards and the impact made from breaching your way through a door.


Though we can’t speak about how the game feels (it was a hands-off demo), we can say that the level of combat is right up there with the previous Medal of Honor. In fact, with the new Frostbite 2 technology intact, it goes beyond it, with improved shooting action and plenty of chances to take out someone by shooting through objects. You also have additional breach options available, as you can choose to either kick the door in, plant explosives to go through it, or have an ally toss in a disorienting flash bang, depending on what’s waiting on the other side of the door.


The first half of the demo was sweet, but the second half truly makes use of the Frostbite technology. Rather than running and gunning, this part of the stage takes place on a boat, putting you behind the helm of a turret and letting you shoot at enemies taking pot shots at you from atop buildings. It’s here you really see how much work went into the sequel’s design, as you literally fight through the storm while shooting at enemies, watching explosions and collapsing signs reel from the damage you deliver. Though it’s somewhat tricky to spot them in dark weather, taking them out is still quite effective. The stage almost reminds us of the harbor battle in Modern Warfare 3, moving at a fast pace but still providing lots of detail. The demo concluded when the boats were able to hook up with waiting helicopters, taking the Tier 1 reps and hostages to safety.


dalykai vykstantys uz uzdaru duru sucks.. :D

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Na šiais metais tutbūt naujo Battlefield neturėsim, COD, jei bus, tai toks pat, kaip pastaruosius metus, tad ši šaudyklė šiais metais yra mano laukiamiausia. :D

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Na šiais metais tutbūt naujo Battlefield neturėsim, COD, jei bus, tai toks pat, kaip pastaruosius metus, tad ši šaudyklė šiais metais yra mano laukiamiausia. :)


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Aš ir nenorėčiau, kad jau šiais metais naują Battlefield sukurtu, nes tai būtu vos ne kaip su COD serija. Geriau viską išlaiko, pažaidi tą BF3 ir po dviejų metų naują BF išleidžia, man taip labiau patinka. Aišku norėčiau BF Bad Company 3, nes su tais keturiais "kareivukais" linksma žaisti... :D

O šiaip MOH tikrai daug ką žadantis žaidimas, žiūrėsim, kaip viską seksis išpildyti... Laukiam.

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Aš ir nenorėčiau, kad jau šiais metais naują Battlefield sukurtu, nes tai būtu vos ne kaip su COD serija. Geriau viską išlaiko, pažaidi tą BF3 ir po dviejų metų naują BF išleidžia, man taip labiau patinka. Aišku norėčiau BF Bad Company 3, nes su tais keturiais "kareivukais" linksma žaisti... :)


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Jo, būtų fainai, jei išeitų Bad Company 3, nes man BC2 turbūt didesnį įspūdį paliko nei BF3.

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Nu kai nebeturiu jau PS3 teks apseiti be jo, o seip turbut nusimato neblogas zaidimas

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Padarytu didziule klaida jei jie isleistu seis metai koki nors BF serija

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MOH Story visa buvo geriausia ka isvis losiau tais metais shooteriu story ..ten galima buvo galima kaip geram filme isijaust i viska ir pazliumbt ant galo ..nes ten epic nu sugalvota viskas ..misija po misijos ..viska supranti ir jauti kodel darai taip o ne kitaip .. Danger Close :whistling:



joa, zaidimelis unreal buvo, story man taip pat labai patiko, geriausia is visu kaskur skaiciau kad sitas story buvo paremtas tikrais faktais, tai del to taip suzavejo dauguma...

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nauja info apie zaidima is nauju PSM3 zurnalu scanu...tai bus tikra..verta paskaityt ka raso , nes na apie zaidimo story yra info, apie Preacher, ir apie jam brangius zmones..skyrybas..jau jaucias kad emocijos ten liesis per krastus.. :thumbsup4: kiekviena zaidimo misija bus paremta tikrai ivykiais, tikra gresme, tikrais priesais, vietovem. pirma karta MOH serijoj veiksmas vyks ne vienoj vietoj, bet bus ismetytos misijos po skirtingas vietas, bus susikoncentruota i viena priesa, o ne vietove. vienos is BF3 engine patobulinimu bus lietus ir vanduo.


PSM3 scanai..

















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zaidimo detales apie story ir kelios daug kas zinoma bet cia na viskas aiskiai ir trumpai sudeta i viena vieta:


EA has updated the official website of Medal of Honor: Warfighter with FAQ and as a result unveiling new details about this highly anticipated shooter of 2012.


Medal of Honor: WarfighterThe new details revealed by Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ are about location setting, story and many more. You can check out the full FAQ below.




What setting/country will Medal of Honor Warfighter take place in?


Medal of Honor Warfighter takes place in multiple real world locations. So far, we’ve only talked about the Philippines and Somalia. But, for the first time in the franchise, the game is not based on one historical event. Instead, it focuses on a global threat called PETN, so you can expect to hear about more in the coming months.


Does the story from MoH 2010 continue in Medal of Honor Warfighter?


Medal of Honor Warfighter tells the story of U.S. Tier 1 Operator, “Preacher” as he returns home from overseas only to find his family torn apart from years of deployment (including his time spent as a member of AFO Neptune in MoH 2010.) Trying to pick up the pieces to salvage what remains of his marriage, Preacher is reminded of what he’s fighting for – family. But when an extremely deadly explosive (PETN) penetrates civilian borders and his two worlds collide, Preacher and his fellow teammates are sent in to solve the problem. They take the fight to the enemy and do whatever it takes to protect their loved ones from harm.


How does the game relate chronologically to the other Medal of Honor games? Is this a prequel, sequel, remake or relaunch?


Medal of Honor Warfighter follows Medal of Honor 2010 and focuses on key characters from that story including Preacher, Mother, Voodoo and others.


Is Medal of Honor Warfighter based on a real military operation?


For the first time in our franchise history, Medal of Honor Warfighter is not directly based on a single historical event. Instead, the story is inspired by multiple real world events connected by a single terror threat. The Medal of Honor Warfighter story waswritten by Tier 1 Operators while deployed overseas. We follow a very personal story of “Preacher”, a Tier 1 Operator from the U.S. Navy as he returns home only to find his family torn apart from years of combat deployment.




How did you choose the 12 global Tier 1 Operator units in Medal of Honor Warfighter?


We spoke to our more than two dozen consultants from the Special Operations Community and we asked them who they fought alongside and most respected in the global Tier 1 Operator community.


Which Tier 1 Operator units can you play as in Medal of Honor Warfighter?


The global Tier 1 Operator units featured in Medal of Honor Warfighter are:


GROM (Poland)



JTF-2 (Canada)


FSK/HJK (Norway)

S SOG (Sweden)

SASR (Australia)

ROKN UDT (South Korea)

KSK (Germany)



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sraigtasparnis+valtis=geras derinys :D pirma karta matau toki derini.idomu,idomu...

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