
Darkness 2

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Four years after his tremendous video game debut, comic book anti-hero Jackie Estacado returns in The Darkness II, and this time he's bringing all four of his arms to bear at once.

The Darkness is one of the greatest comic book video games of all time. The first-person shooter told the story of mob kid Jackie Estacado, who upon turning 21 discovers the unholy power of the demonic Darkness lurking within him. Using a combination of firearms and demonic powers, Jackie cuts a bloody swathe through mob bosses and otherworldly forces as he struggles with both the literal and spiritual darkness inside him.

The Darkness II picks up two years after the events in the first game. Now the Don of the Franchetti crime family, Jackie hasn't kept the Darkness bottled up for two years, but visions of a lost loved one and the coming of a full-blown mob war stir the creature lurking within. Outside forces are at work, and Jackie will journey to hell and back to unravel the secrets behind those forces.

Jackie faces this new challenged fore-armed with the power of four arms, finally able to dual-wield pistols and use his two demonic limbs to take down enemies at the same time. 2K is calling it quad-wielding. I can live with that.

"The Darkness II is a well of dark and imaginative violence, and it's a stylized and beautiful nightmare," said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. "The Darkness II continues the 2K Games tradition of delivering quality, innovative games that are filled to the brim with atmosphere and deep storytelling. The game takes a unique stance on fighting in the dark versus light. Combined with the arsenal of weapons at Jackie's disposal and the gruesome attacks of the supernatural Demon Arms and Darkness powers, we're proud to announce another title that delivers on our core values of creating games for gamers."

While award-winning comic book writer Paul Jenkins is handling the words. The Darkness co-creator Marc Silvestri has seen the game and is quite pleased.

"Sometimes that whooshing sound you hear is that of comic fans holding their collective breath," said Marc Silvestri, founder and CEO of Top Cow Productions and co-creator of The Darkness comics. "So often disappointed when a favorite character gives birth to a lame movie or video game, us fans have come to expect the worst. And sometimes we get it. But not with The Darkness II. Yeah, call me biased, but this second installment of Jackie Estacado's epic saga is – in my humble opinion – one of the most brutally cool games I've ever played. 2K Games hammered this one out of the park."

Silvestri would be the one to know. Hopefully his enthusiasm isn't unfounded and fans of the comic and the video game will find something special in store for them this fall to the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 from 2K Games and Digital Extremes.

And in case you haven't had the pleasure, the original Darkness game is available at GameStop used for a mere $4.99. Do yourself a favor.

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The first proper Darkness 2 details have arrived, and the game's set to feature an "emotional" story, a "graphic noir" art style and acid-urinating demons.

The sequel - announced by new dev Digital Extremes last week - is set to continue the original's focus on a moving narrative, and the second game's aiming to expand on the character of Jackie by making him more "well rounded".

This means showing both his emotional side and his hardnut, nailing-gangsters-to-the-wall-with-demon-arms scary side, Digital Extremes told Games TM.

Though Starbreeze has no involvement in the sequel, Digital Extremes promises it's learned lessons from crafting both Dark Sector's single-player game and the multiplayer side of BioShock 2.

The Darkness 2 will feature both "balls out action" and a complex story, the dev says. It's drawing more on the original TopCow comics and we should expect more "playful, black humour". Comic writer Paul Jenkins is also returning to pen the plot.

As previously confirmed, Darkness 2 is also set to adopt a cel-shaded, comic book-style art direction that looks brighter than you'd expect.

Gameplay wise, there's little revealed so far, but Digital Extremes has confirmed that the Darklings will be returning and one of their new moves will involve urinating acid. Oh yes.

The Demon Arm ability is also seeing improvements and Jackie now has the ability to rip lamp posts out of the ground to use as weapons, slice and dice through scenery like a samurai sword and pull off car doors to use as mobile cover.

Digital Extremes is also promising to "refine" the light-hunting gameplay from the original game, which we didn't mind personally.

[ Source: Games TM ]

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Developer Digital Extremes (Dark Sector, Bioshock 2 multiplayer) has taken the reins from Starbreeze with the intention of amplifying the good parts and fixing or all-out cutting the bad.

The debut demo of The Darkness II begins with hero Jackie Estacado nailed to a cross with large metal spikes in a small, dark torture room. A disfigured villain dubbed "The Crippled Man" is drawing the darkness powers out of Jackie into a lantern-like device and toying with him.

The perspective cuts back and forth to a seemingly brighter times when Jackie is visiting a fancy, bustling restaurant. It's been two years since the last game and in the meantime he has become the don of his crime family. Patrons go on about their business and some nod in respect. He sits down at a table with a pair of ladies for a good time. All of a sudden, one of them gets sniped through the back of the head and the whole wall of the restaurant explodes behind them.

Jackie's laid out stunned and one of his legs is completely mangled. His mob soldiers are well aware of his powers so a trusted lieutenant drags him towards the back alley for a fresh dose of darkness. What follows is an atypical rail sequence with the player fires off gunshots while he's being pulled backward, leaving a trail of blood behind.

Once he's outside, Jackie can finally start using the darkness. Attacks are fundamentally different this time around. Of the two tentacles onscreen, one is now reserved specifically for slashing while other handles grabs. The slash can instantly slice off limbs and heads and is cleverly controlled by holding down the right bumper and flicking the right stick in any direction. I didn't get to try it myself, but this seems to allow a great degree of flexibility. The grab mechanic results in even more close up graphic attacks that are customized to specific body parts. Aim for the chest and the tentacle will wrap up a goon and burst through his chest and eat his heart. Go for the legs and the tentacles will rip the poor sap in half like a wishbone.

Back in the torture room, Jackie gains strength in desperation and rips his own hand out of the spike. An enemy moves to subdue him and Jackie grabs the other stake and jams it into the guy's head. The disfigured villain escapes Jackie's wrath before vowing that he will do whatever it takes to take the darkness for his own.

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2K Games has just announced the release date for The Darkness II, bringing its unique quad-wielding shooter gameplay this October, as Jackie Estacado returns with his loyal tentacle appendages and his mischievious Darkness minions.

With two years passing since Jackie last used the Darkness having taken up the mantle of Don at the head of the Estacado family, the Darkness is tired of being bottled up and wants out. In The Darkness II, Jackie will be at the centre of a full-scale mob war and will have to embark upon a journey to hell and back to unravel the motivations of the Darkness and a seemingly unmotivated attempt on his life.

Check out the debut trailer for The Darkness II and then prepare to embrace the darkness when the game releases on October 4th, 2011 in North America and October 7th, 2011 in the UK and Europe.

O taip ,šiū metų antroji pusė bus "derlinga" :D

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Kad žaidimai atidedami jau nieko nebestebina. Gerai būna, kai atidėjimas išeina į naudą žaidimo kokybei. Dažniausiai tai ir būna pagrindinė atidėjimo priežastis.

Šį kartą atidėta pirmojo asmens šaudyklė "The Darkness II". Kai dar metų pradžioje buvo paskelbta apie Džekio Estakado nuotykių tęsinį, vienas jo kūrėjų pranešė, jog žaidimas pasirodys šių metų spalio 7 dieną jei nepasikeis "2K Games" planai. Bet kompanijos planai pasikeitė ir dabartinė žaidimo data tapo kitų metų vasario 7 diena. Teks luktelėti keturis mėnesius.

Pirmąją "The Darkness" dalį 2007 metais sukūrė studija "Starbreeze" ir išleido jį tik X360 ir PS3 konsolėms. Antrosios dalies kūrimo ėmėsi "Digital Extremes" darbuotojai. Žaidimu mėgautis galės ne tik minėtų konsolių savininkai, bet ir žaidžiantys asmeniniais kompiutariais.

Naujiena pakopinta is LT puslapio (solidarumo vardan puslapio pavadinimo neminesiu :thumbsup4: )

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  2011-07-23 17:47, 'G1edrius' parašė:

Man vienam atrodo kaip pusiau piestinis? Na kaip Crackdown

Skaityti daugiau  

jo jis toks ir bus , na kurejai patys norejo tokio stiliaus jau buvo kalbeja pries tai. bet atrodo cool, bent jau man tai patinka ka matau. :kede:


.. handpainting every texture in the game .. :)


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vuhhh tos velnio gyvatės tai tiesiog žavi. jau dabar netgi galės mėtyt įvairius daiktus ir prisidengt kaip skydu, o ir tie finishing move tai įspūdindai atrodo. nu ir kaip visados tas kramsnojimas širdies, jei neklystu, ten tai topas :) taip seniai žaidžiau pirmą dalį bus įdomu vėl prisimint šitą žaidą su gyvačių fintais :)

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Pre-order The Darkness 2 and you'll be automatically upgraded to the Limited Edition, 2K Games has announced.

That's while supplies last.

So, what's inside the Limited Edition?

* Alternate darkling outfit: Crazy Abdul.

* Two character ability upgrades:

* Gourmet Hearts: provides bonus for eating hearts.

* Relic Hunter: locates collectible items in the world.

* Custom illustration by Marc Silvestri.

* Free digital download of The Darkness Origins Volume 1 and Volume 2 comics.

Yep, that's a bonus for eating hearts. Lovely

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    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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