
Binary Domain

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Pavadinimas : Binary Domain

Zanras : Veiksmo

Kurejas/Leidejas: Amusement Vision/Sega

Konsoles : PS3 , Xbox360

Isleidimo data : 2012 02 28


Sega's Yakuza series has been met with critical praise throughout the world, but its commercial success has been limited to Japan. That pattern could be coming to an end -- but not with a Yakuza game. Japan's Weekly Famitsu reveals this week that the team that brought us Yakuza is working on Binary Domain, a new multiplatform PS3 and Xbox 360 title that targets the world market.


First details on Binary Domain have leaked out ahead of the magazine's Wednesday release. The magazine's first report on the new title is limited to an interview with overall producer Toshihiro Nagoshi (considered the father of the Yakuza games -- and Monkey Ball too) and a few plot details.


Binary Domain is set in Tokyo in the 2080s. Tokyo is separated into rich and poor sides, and all facets of human life have been permeated by robots. The game tells the story of a battle between man and robot.


Nagoshi and crew are aiming to deliver deep human drama with the game, which is why they selected the Tokyo setting. In Nagoshi's mind, for someone born in Japan, it's easier to make a dramatic story if the setting is in Japan.


The setting was apparently an area of contention with the overseas development staff who are contributing to the game. The overseas staff felt that if the game will truly be targeting international audiences, a setting outside of Japan would be more appropriate.


Strangely, Nagoshi also confirmed that the game will have an overseas voice acting cast rather than a Japanese one. Maybe in the year 2080 Japan has finally managed to improve its English education system?


Nagoshi wouldn't share too much about the gameplay side of Binary Domain, but two concepts seem to be central: AI and Online. Enemy robot AI will be at the highest level, Nagoshi said, leading to the possibility for some interesting gameplay. On the online front, he said players will feel strong connections with other players.


So what type of gameplay experience will Binary Domain deliver? We've read a few reports indicating that the game may offer a third person shooting experience. This wouldn't be too surprising, given that the new Yakuza game, the zombie-themed Yakuza of the End, has a third person shooting combat system.


Our first look at Binary Domain will come on December 1 as Sega shares first video footage. Be sure and check back!

Redagavo ViPeRkillz

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“One of the key elements of this is the pursuit of strong and differentiated human AND robot AI. Aiming to have the world’s best AI was essential to bring a true realisation of the concept of life to the players, through the story and the action within the gameplay. The inclusion of online modes has allowed us to transform the game from a mere battle field into a field of survival.


Additionally, the game is set in Tokyo in the year 2080. This was important to realise the theme of life as it’s where we (the development team) are actually living as we tell the story of this drama. I decided to combine this with a deep human drama with science fiction, despite most science fiction games being cold and clinical.


Finally, and best of all, I am working with the Yakuza team who are all excited to take on this new challenge and we are hoping that the technique and pride developed on the Yakuza series will move up to a new level.


That’s all I can tell you now, but I’m sure the game will amaze you in the near future more than you could imagine.


Don’t miss it!” – Toshihiro Nagoshi










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Čia vienas žaidimas kuris tikrai sudomino.

Jo pateikimas buvo tikrai originalus.

Aišku, didžioji dalis dešimtečių geimerių tik skundžiasi grafika ir, kad ne žmones reikia šaudyti, o man atrodo reikia juos pasiųsti toli.

Humoras padaro šį žaidimą su "siela".

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LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO (28 April, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today released the first gameplay trailer for Binary Domain™, the immersive and atmospheric squad-based shooter due for release in early 2012.


By introducing the story of Binary Domain the trailer shows how the evolution of machines has left humanity redundant in its wake. In the heat of battle, players must motivate and build trust with their team, adapt under pressure and make real time decisions knowing there will always be consequences that affect the squad and future missions. Humans must regain control of 2080 Tokyo and give the machines an unexpected ending.


Binary Domain is being developed for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system and the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. For more information about Binary Domain visit the official website






..Hasta la vista, baby..





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Yakuza kūrėjai,tai jau daug žada,screenai irgi geri,jau jaučiu kaip iš X'o "bėgs sultys" ji bežaidžiant...norėtusi gameplay pamatyti ir realiau įvertinti,smagu,kad Yakuza kūrėjai kuria multiplatforminį geimą,o ne dar vieną PS3 exclusivą...

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Binary Domain Coming to PC


Binary Domain is out now on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will be out in April for the PC. It supports four player online co-op, but that's one of its weaker features.

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geras zaidimas patiko demo noreciau pilna pazaist, jai bus ant pc butinai reiks pereit

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