
Kas ta AP 2.5 apsauga? Diskusijos apie ją

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Kam tuos bandymus čia visokius atliekate,norite,kad per neapdairumą konsoles užflagintų.Išeis naujas firmware ir bus rami galva,nereikės kinkų drebint...čia dabar kažką konstruojant. :)

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Kam tuos bandymus čia visokius atliekate,norite,kad per neapdairumą konsoles užflagintų.Išeis naujas firmware ir bus rami galva,nereikės kinkų drebint...čia dabar kažką konstruojant. :)

Patikek manim. Turbut cia 80% sedinciu nusispjaut ant to live ;] O kam ne, tai zinoma neapsimoka issikalinet su tais update bugais.

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Patikek manim. Turbut cia 80% sedinciu nusispjaut ant to live ;] O kam ne, tai zinoma neapsimoka issikalinet su tais update bugais.

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su tais procentais tai nusisnekejai

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su tais procentais tai nusisnekejai

Ammm kazin. Nemaza dalis cia sedi jau su seniai banintom konsolem, kitai daliai nusispjaut ant to live. anyway manau tikrai didesniai daliai is serijos whatever...

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tai ziurekit, jei pas mane dabar yra 12416, tai sumetus situs du update'us ir updatinus i tarkim 12611 viskas suveiktu? :]

pd: it only works with people have dashboard 2.0.9199 or earlier

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ok niekur nepastebejau atsakymo i toki klausima. jei jau tas AP25 toks baisus tai ant ixtreme LT pasileidus originalu zaidima viskas turetu but normaliai? ar vis gi uzsiflagins konsole?

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ok niekur nepastebejau atsakymo i toki klausima. jei jau tas AP25 toks baisus tai ant ixtreme LT pasileidus originalu zaidima viskas turetu but normaliai? ar vis gi uzsiflagins konsole?

Su orginaliu viskas normalei :] Pasileis bet ar uzciokins kad xbox modintas xui znaet :x Neturetu :]

Redagavo Deadalus

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ok niekur nepastebejau atsakymo i toki klausima. jei jau tas AP25 toks baisus tai ant ixtreme LT pasileidus originalu zaidima viskas turetu but normaliai? ar vis gi uzsiflagins konsole?

firmware nepraleis db ap 2.5, su lt+ bus viskas tvarkoj. tame ir esme flago, kad jei atmeta fw dabar ap 2.5 patikra ir flaga gauni. jei praeina flago negauni. skaitykit gi ka c4eva raso.


db kas mano kitaip galit paskaityt:

jei diske yra ap 2.5 mes viska sutvarkom jis atitinka orga bet vienintelis dalykas kad geimas keptas, taigi jo nepaleidzia nes nepraeina per firmware patikra kuri neatitinka nuo kernelio.

org fw valdomas pacio kernelio diskas idetas org ji skaito praeina, diskas neorg raso play dvd.

dvd rome visas patikras nustato kaip OK. bet kadangi tokios apsaugos priemimo nebuvo dvd firmweire ir nepraeina.


>> Latest updates about the upcoming iXtreme LT+ modified DVD FW from C4Eva on #FW@EFnet (IRC-transcripts):


[******] LT+ working great -- just played AC:B -- XVal still clean!

[c4eva] great to hear, ******!

[******] What fw is in testing atm c4eva? liteon, benq... ? all?

[c4eva] liteons, benqs!

[c4eva] just a few things more to test!

[*******] c4eva, have there been any changes to LT+ besides from the antipiracy stuff?

[c4eva] *******:yes, some major code changes!

[****] c4eva, does the new slims require additional hardware to flash?

[c4eva] ****:orig slim no

[*********] so if you are already banned and have lt+, you don't have to use ap2.5 ss right?

[c4eva] *********biggrin.gifo you want the ap25 backups to boot?

[c4eva] banned or not,if on latest dash,you need it

[****] what is the difference in this XBOX360 Fable.III.AP25.READNFO.XBOX360-iND and the one we already had, just says tested working

[******] the new rls contains the ap25 ss

[*********] [c4eva] once m$ have pushed the button on a slim 225 can you still flash the drive

[c4eva] *********:yes

[*********] [c4eva] so if m$ has pushed the button on your slim 0255 will that stop us reading the data eg key and so off if

[c4eva] *********:no

[******] +c4eva: 0225 locked flash... Is that stock? or does the lock happen when drive is detached/connected to a pc etc...?

[c4eva] ******:stock

[*****] c4eva: old games with wave 6 with ssv2 is it safe to play on LT+ ?

[c4eva] *****:yes,lt+ will protect you from ap25 violation ie wont happen

[c4eva] ssv2 to ssv3 was changed to ssv2+ap25 ss to accomodate more ap25 data if needed!

[******] c4eva: Is it possible for a your software to unlock flash for 0225? (i think i'm asking too much here :))

[c4eva] lt+ will protect you from ap25 violation ie wont log any violation!

[******] is it possible they add additional ap checks?

[******] that the fw doesnt know how to handle

[******] or would that require another update

[c4eva] in all cases ,lt+ will protect you from ap25 violation

[c4eva] ******:more time will be spent on 0225 when I have it!

[*****] +c4eva is there a 0800 updated firmware in the making for our drives to rip games with our PC's?

[c4eva] *****:team is working on it

[*****] c4eva, how confident are you that you could do some good with the ps3fw ?

[c4eva] *****:confident

[*********] Will lt+ allow games to run, even without ssv3. Or will they need rerippin. i don't us xbl so stealth isn't an issue for me.

[c4eva] *********:you will need ap25 ss still!

[***] any news on doing the slim drives

[c4eva] 9504 first,0225 later!

[****] ****** how long have you been playing LT+ online?

[******] several hours

[*********] What I still don't understand though, will you be able to create 'ssv3' from games that aren't ap2.5 atm, such as Black Ops? I mean i'd rather have ssv3 BO if possible, just in case a TU makes it ap2.5, or am I talking shizzle?

[******] played NFS for a few hrs yesterday and today, and AC:B

[c4eva] *********:lt+ will protect you anyway from ap25 violation anyway!

[c4eva] i moved ssv3 into ap25 ss, left ssv2 alone!

[c4eva] ssv2+ap25ss=ssv3 basically

[******] c4eva, ssv3 will released into abgx 360 datebase?

[c4eva] new abgx will support ap25ss

[*********] is the beta testing going as planned? hiccups right?

[*********] no^

[c4eva] *********:none

[*****] c4eva, does our profile gpd's have any info written to them that flags the 360 for a ban or is it pourely the 360's NAND only?

[*****] i mean prior lt+

[c4eva] *****:there are better people to ask than me about that, but nand is the main target

[******] when will come LT+?

[c4eva] more testing is being done across regions, then good to go!

[********] so whats with the ap2.5 copy of fableIII that just par'd

[c4eva] it has ap25 ss included and tested with lt+ i'd assume!

[*****] so this was real? [====

[c4eva] *****:yes

[*****] c4eva have you looked at the SOny Blu-ray drives enough (as in for a long enough time) to notice if Sony are a little less cautious than MS is with their DVD drives?

[c4eva] *****:i have looked at them, obviously they are more advanced!

katik papostino


patiko c4eva'os paskutine eilute: is to isvest galim more advance console, more advanced disc drive ;D

Redagavo red-cat_eX

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Neseku cia tu naujienu apie sia nauja apsauga tai dabar tiesiai sviesiai paklausiu ar man su 1.61fw ir benq draivu galima sita apsauga apeiti (tarkim pachinant zaidimus) ar ne?

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Neseku cia tu naujienu apie sia nauja apsauga tai dabar tiesiai sviesiai paklausiu ar man su 1.61fw ir benq draivu galima sita apsauga apeiti (tarkim pachinant zaidimus) ar ne?

skaityk virsutini mano posta. NE!!!!!!!!!!! beto benq gaus kartu su liteon'u fw.

Redagavo red-cat_eX

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skaityk virsutini mano posta. NE!!!!!!!!!!! beto benq gaus kartu su liteon'u fw.

Na jei pas jį senas dashas, tai man atrodo jis gali pasidaryti tą update "bug" , kad pasileistų tie nauji games. :)

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Na jei pas jį senas dashas, tai man atrodo jis gali pasidaryti tą update "bug" , kad pasileistų tie nauji games. :)

esme kad netikiu :) beto jei neskaito tai nenusipelnes jis jokiu bugu :D - beto nieko nebeliko greit iseis ir FW

Redagavo red-cat_eX

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Čia vienas iš būdų (sorry, jei kas nors rašė apie jį anksčiau), kaip legaliai apeiti AP25 apsaugą.

Kas neturit kantrybės laukti LT+ - galite pabandyti.


Actually it's an ordered sequence of 3 updates to the kinect dash from the Kinect games. So it's safe, and it results in installing kinect with no AP2.5


Here's how (dont know if I can post it in this thread though):


Remember this method only works if you have not updated to the kinect dashboard, but still have the old one (9199) or earlier.


If you have a dash earlier than the 9199, update to the 9199 using THIS update


1-Install update Kinect adventure. Unzip the file UPDATE-KINECT-ADVENTURES.rar, place it on a pendrive formatted in FAT32, place it on the console and turn on.

The new dashboard will be the 2.0.12413.0


2-Delete the folder from the pendrive, and unzip the second file UPDATE-KINECT-ANIMALS.rar


3-Install update Kinect animals, in the same way as above.

The new dashboard will be the 2.0.12416.0


4. Install the this kinect update (it's the update from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)


And that's it. You can play to any game, old or new, AP2.5 and not.

And XVal still clean!

Redagavo bullka

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Bulka pagal sy gida as jau nuo vakar vakaro AC:B losiu. Viskas valit 100%. I activate.iso man reikejo, nes ant x1.6 nemato wave9 grajaus. Bet nfs siandien meginau jau patchines i wave3 be jokiu active iso ejo. krc pradziai reikia su active.iso kad galetum iki galo dasha updatintis o po to jau p* gali patchint geimus ;]

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