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Paskelbta nauja populiariosios karinės šaudyklės „Call of Duty“ dalis „Black Ops“. Naująjį žaidimą kuria ne serijos sumanytojai ir „Modern Warfare“ kūrėjai „Infinity Ward“, bet kita studija „Treyarch“, atsakinga už ne tokias populiarias ir prasčiau vertinamas dalis kaip konsolėms skirtą „Call of Duty 3“ ar 2008-aisiais pasirodžiusią „Call of Duty: World at War“.

Informacijos apie būsimąjį žaidimą atskleista labai nedaug. Žaidėjams teks elitinių specialių pajėgų kario vaidmuo ir reikės vykdyti slaptas misijas naudojantis neįprastais ginklais.

Veiksmas žada vykti įvairiose pasaulio vietose nuo įprastų Vietnamo džiunglių ir Kubos saloje iki Arktikos ledynų. Sprendžiant pagal pirmuosius klipe rodomus vaizdus, veiksmas turėtų vykti jau pasibaigus Vietnamo karui.

„Call Of Duty: Black Ops“ pasirodymo data nurodyta tiksliai – šių metų lapkričio 9 diena.


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The Cold War generates heat anew in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops, the latest title in a multibillion-dollar video game franchise.

Players spy on suspicious activity while piloting a Lockheed SR-71 recon aircraft over the Ural Mountains; on the ground, they tackle a radar station lodged in the lofty terrain, flurries whipping in the wind. You hear the click-click-click as your character adjusts the sights of his modified military crossbow to take out the enemies. A firefight ensues, then a dizzying rappelling scene and — guns blazing — a feet-first, window-shattering breach of a control room.

In an exclusive preview of one level, game developer Treyarch wanted to demonstrate "the game is epic in scope," says studio head Mark Lamia. In Black Ops, due Nov. 9 for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC (not yet rated), "our writers are focused on (a) story that has meaning and character and will be multi-threaded."

INTERVIEW: Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia

Treyarch's mission is to match the firepower of megahits Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2, the first games in the series to move beyond WWII. Activision publishes the series, which has totaled nearly $4 billion since 2003; Modern Warfare 2 has sold more than $1 billion since November 2009, and set a opening-day record for any entertainment launch with $400 million in sales.

Black Ops will be closely watched: It's the first Call of Duty since Activision fired the co-founders of the original developer, Infinity Ward in March Vince Zampella and Jason West have since sued Activision for royalties and rights to Modern Warfare, and Activision has countersued.

"We don't spend a lot of time thinking about what is going on outside of what we are doing in the studio," Lamia says. "The team is working extraordinarily hard to, after many Call of Dutys, really upping our game and making it the best we possibly can."

Treyarch uses motion-capture technology employed by James Cameron in Avatar. "Instead of individual motion-capture, voice-overs and then facial animations, we actually capture the performances of the actors," including more realistic facial muscle movement, Lamia says.

Moving the action to the Cold War "offered us diverse locations and conflicts," Lamia says. "We will stay true to the Call of Duty ethos of taking (characters) around the world and dropping them into hot spots."

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As dabar kai atsimenu vietnamo levelius COD:WAW dalyje, tai purtausi nuo visu saudykliu kur yra vietnamas :|

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Good news! Call of Duty: Black Ops OXM screens have been leaked and provide fresh information. Amongst the new information is the fact that - vehicles WILL return, there will be dedicate co-op with same levels, create-a-class 2.0 will allow improved customization and 'payback' will allow you to clear out a helicopter crew before jumping into the helicopter, take off and control it!

More from call-of-duty-black-ops-oxm-scans-and-info

- Vehicles will return, but “not in the way you remember them from WaW”. - There will be “dedicated co-op” with separate levels. Treyarch changed the subject when we asked about World at War’s hugely popular Nazi Zombies.

- A multiplayer beta’s being “considered”, Lamia told us with a literal wink.

- Treyarch will be improving mulitplayer by taking on feedback – even going so far as to openly acknowledge the under-the-map glitches that initially plagued World at War.

- Changes are being made to the matchmaking to “make it easier for [players] to get into games with their friends.”

- Multiplayer was up and running so early that some campaign levels were actually built from multiplayer maps.

- Create-a-Class 2.0 will allow you to customise yourself like never before. This should include kit and appearance items as well as perks.

- “Payback – This sees you clearing out a helicopter crew before jumping into the helicopter, take off and…you’re controlling it! It would be easy to slide into cynical gamer mode and expect to be relegated to mini-gun duty, but by god, you’re actually controlling the helicopter.” OXM

- “The evolution Treyarch has undergone between World at War and Black Ops feels very familiar. In fact, we don’t have to look far to figure it out. We saw this exact kind of “oh-ha!” corner-turning in game design and execution from this very franchise back when Infinity Ward leapt from A-list to the AAA-list between CoD2 and the first Modern Warfare.

“We’re all-in on this,” affirms Lamia, noting that for a studio who previously had three games in development at once, their entire 200-plus roster is now focused on Black Ops.” OXM

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  xNingenx parašė:

As dabar kai atsimenu vietnamo levelius COD:WAW dalyje, tai purtausi nuo visu saudykliu kur yra vietnamas :|

Skaityti daugiau  

nu jo , ten tai tikrai buvo ziauru, jau selindavau as ten pritupes o jie issoka is krumo ir kala, pora shuviu ir guli. cod:waw buvo vienas sunkiuasiu is visos cod serijos.

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nu jo , ten tai tikrai buvo ziauru, jau selindavau as ten pritupes o jie issoka is krumo ir kala, pora shuviu ir guli. cod:waw buvo vienas sunkiuasiu is visos cod serijos.

Tu matyt dar net ne ant veteran sunkumo žaidei... Ten jie net iš krūmų nešoka, o granatų lietum tave apmėto :D

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Four-player co-op is confirmed.

You'll play at least two characters in multiple international conflicts.

American and Russian black operatives have been consulted. Given the above points, we reckon that means you might play on both sides of the conflict

Exact setting dates haven't been revealed, but the game will play out over a long period of history.

As black ops teams were privy to superior intelligence and had free access to any equipmenent they wanted, weapons and ammo will be more varied this time around. A military crossbow has been confirmed so far, but it's not just for sniping. CoD:BO (unfortunately aromatic acronym) allows on-the-fly ammo changes for some of its weapons, so the bow can also be fitted out with exploding arrows.

There's also an AUG assault rifle that will take multiple attachments.

The SR-71 Blackbird is the new AC-130. During one level, the recon plane is used to observe terrain from above, with the player directing the squad below with a pointer in order to help them avoid enemy Russian convoys. Immediately after this, you'll take control of the squad on the ground.

Treyarch head Mark Lamia has said that the game is 'epic in scope', being focused around a story that 'has meaning and character and will be multi-threaded'. Perhaps more of an indication that Treyarch will be giving the Cold War an ambiguous, mutli-sided treatment?

CoD: BO is using the same full-actor motion-capture technology as Avatar. That means that not just gestures, but whole performances are captured, right down to facial expressions and line delivery. Expect some serious emoting this time around.

It looks like Treyarch is following Modern Warfare's lead in terms of big action movie set-pieces. Cliff-diving and rappelling through windows are already in.


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  SudraSkytaS parašė:

Tu matyt dar net ne ant veteran sunkumo žaidei... Ten jie net iš krūmų nešoka, o granatų lietum tave apmėto :spam:

Skaityti daugiau  

Perejau vakar WAW veterana. Uzsip... Su juo. Po bent 6 granatas pareina. Waw YRA SUNKIAUSIAS serijos zaidimas.

idomu ka jie cia zada padaryt. Tos masinos manau nera butinos. Nes biski tokia kopija is BF serijos. Ir man kazkaip neprikolas kai toks "universalus karys" is dzipo i tanka i sraigtasrni...

btw, waw buvo japonijoje o ne vietname. Truputi skiriasi :)

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  SudraSkytaS parašė:

Tu matyt dar net ne ant veteran sunkumo žaidei... Ten jie net iš krūmų nešoka, o granatų lietum tave apmėto :)

Skaityti daugiau  
Ne į temą nu jau nelaikyk manes atsilupiusiu, aciu :) ar pats bent jau surinkai visus trofejus ant jo? nes as tai jo, isskyrus ten kelis cooperative, nes nelosiau as jo LIVE

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nu jau nelaikyk manes atsilupiusiu, aciu ar pats bent jau surinkai visus trofejus ant jo? nes as tai jo, isskyrus ten kelis cooperative, nes nelosiau as jo LIVE

Ne į temą Viena iš pirmųjų 10 mano platinų... :D + visi trofėjai iš visų 3 DLC (vat su zombiais tai teko irgi nemažai pasikrušti...:D ). Galiu pasakyti, kad bent jau man, COD:WW buvo sunkiausia platina iš tų kurias esu surinkęs... Nors ir nereikėjo tiek sėdėti kiek prie kokio Demon's Souls, bet jau nervų sugadinau tikrai daugiau ;)

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Gražiai atrodo, bet man tik įdomu koks MP bus.... :D

Ne į temą P.S. o vat ta Xbox'o reklama gale, tai biški ne į temą....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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  SudraSkytaS parašė:

Gražiai atrodo, bet man tik įdomu koks MP bus.... :)

Ne į temą P.S. o vat ta Xbox'o reklama gale, tai biški ne į temą....
Skaityti daugiau  
Ne į temą siaip i tema,nes gali preorderint zaidima jau dabar butent xboxui.ta ir norejo jie parodyt. O treileris tikrai unreal,ar cia tik man jis deda MW2 per sona kaip reikiant? Bent jau nauji efektai,vizualiai daugiau visko kazkaip pamaciau,nauju judesiu,nauju ginklu,ir svarbiausia grazaus damage.
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