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Gal kas turit xbox title update 4 nes rašo kad su ja galima lošt per split screen ofline su botais

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Žiūrėkit , vat, nemuškit tik , bet gal atsakykit : kai per multiplayer tave pašauna bet ne iki galo pribaigia , tu nukrenti ir ten kažką rašo hold X... ir dar gali šaudyt nukritęs iš paprasto pistoleto. Tai pvz įmanoma dar atsigaut iš tokios padėties ? nes kad ir ką paspausčiau ankščiau ar vėliau numirštu (jeigu dar priešas gulinčio nesudorojo priešininkas :D )

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Žiūrėkit , vat, nemuškit tik , bet gal atsakykit : kai per multiplayer tave pašauna bet ne iki galo pribaigia , tu nukrenti ir ten kažką rašo hold X... ir dar gali šaudyt nukritęs iš paprasto pistoleto. Tai pvz įmanoma dar atsigaut iš tokios padėties ? nes kad ir ką paspausčiau ankščiau ar vėliau numirštu (jeigu dar priešas gulinčio nesudorojo priešininkas :D )

jei turi second chance perka ir esi ji istobulines iki second chance pro, tada tave gali prikelt tavo komandos draugai, pats atsikelt negali.

X jei laikai, tai nusizudai save, kartais to reikia, jei zaidimas greitas.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose


Black Ops PS3 patch fixes freezing errors, adds new Contracts

If you're a PS3 player troubled by Call of Duty: Black Ops bugs, take heart in the fact that Treyarch is listening to you. Particularly those of you troubled enough to submit a complaint to the government, we're guessing. Last night, the developer issued a new patch for Black Ops, fixing various freezing, "infinite loading screen," and other issues.


The patch also includes balance tweaks for weapons including the PSG1, silenced sniper rifle, RCXD, and AK47U, a new pre-match timer for system link and LAN multiplayer games, and some new Contracts, all of which you'll hopefully get to experience if the glitches are taken care of.



Hey PS3 gamers,


We are listening to you and we’ve been busy working on updates based on feedback from the community. We have already deployed a number of updates, and there will be many more to come. Stay tuned right here for all the latest info.


Patch 1.06 released at 2AM PST on 1/25/11. Treyarch is dedicated to ensuring the best gaming experience for the fans, and we’ve been actively working with you to continue to improve the game based on your feedback. As always, keep the feedback coming through the community forums.





1/25/11 (Patch 1.06)

New Features:

* • New contracts added to the rotation.

* • Added optional pre-match timer for LAN / System-Link games.


Issues Addressed:

* • Fixed freeze associated with larger games.

* • Improved reliability of players connections to one another.

* • Improved ability to bring parties to the game lobby. Late party joiners would try to connect to previous lobby host and be denied if new joiners trigger a lobby host migration.

* • Addressed an issue where the Host encounters and infinite spinning loading circle after a Host migration.

* • Fixed a timing specific, long/infinite loading screen when joining games (sometimes giving you “Error - Read error (0x80010713) on file <map name>").

* • Fixed a timing-specific freeze when host powered down during host migration.

* • Cleaned up the map search filter in the Community section (deleted unused entries).

* • Fixed Combat Training’s "USE FRIENDS" option for bots names.

* • Fixed issue with split-screen guest profile names being blank, resulting in matches never launching.

* • Instead of showing the generic “Player” for offline profiles in LAN, we now display the PS3 profile name.

* • Fixed Friends list appearing after viewing a Friends Playercard from the Leaderboards.

* • Fixed filter so players can now view Friends on Zombies leadboards.

* • Fix timing specific issue where the game can be put into slow motion.

* • Addressed "disconnected path" error when using the doors in Radiation after a host migration.

* • Fixed stability issues navigating lobbies after client on Split Screen Zombies quits out of a game.

* • Addressed issue/exploit when removing Counter Spy Plane effects with the Jammer.

* • Fixed a freeze when quickly loading maps one after another in private match.

* • Fixed issue where players get primary weapons in Second Chance.

* • Fixed “NEW” stamp not disappearing for Custom Slot 9 when highlighting the slot.

* • Removed water vision effect when respawning after dying in the acid pool in Radiation.

* • Several contract fixes.


Gameplay Tuning:

* • Second Chance – players that put an enemy into Second Chance are now credited for a full kill once that enemy dies. If another player kills the enemy while the enemy is in Second Chance, they will get assist credit.

* • Adjustments to the PSG1 with attachments.

* • AK74U adjustments.

* • RCXD adjustments.

* • Silenced sniper rifle adjustments.

* • Removed hit markers when shooting friendly equipment.



* • Additional security feature updates.


12/22 (full patch 1.05)

* • Improved party reliability when leaving with party – an additional step in an ongoing series of party improvements continued in the next patch

* • Improved UPnP functionality – further expands the game’s capability to open NATs on routers with universal plug and play enabled

* • Enabled mute functionality in Playercards in the pre-game lobby

* • Enabled kick functionality in party and private match lobbies

* • Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would not always display properly when multiple players leave the lobby after a team split

* • Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would appear stuck on the countdown timer while waiting to balance teams


12/13 (full patch)

New Features:

* • Over 400 brand new Contracts

* • Practice Dummies (aka, AI bots) in offline Local Split Screen

* • A new camera editing mode in Theater called "Dolly Cam"

* • "Load Multiplayer by Default" option for the PS3


Issues Addressed:

* • Resolved several issues with parties getting disbanded unexpectedly.

* • Additional measures to prevent the “Transmission error” and other disconnects. This was most likely to occur with large parties where party members had mixed NAT types.

* • Updated handling for UPnP-enabled routers to improve matchmaking conditions where users had strict or moderate NAT types. Also added in-game communications so that all players are aware of their NAT type in the Player Match party lobby.

* • Addressed an issue with VOIP icons not appearing when USB headsets were plugged in prior to game launch.

* • Prevention of exploit that allowed players to keep custom classes and killstreaks after prestige.

* • Addressed an issue where Flak Jacket Pro would not always protect against ground fires left by Napalm Strikes.

* • Prevention of users losing their killstreak reward when switching classes at the start of a new round in round-based game modes.

* • Addressed an issue where the incorrect perks would appear when spectating another player under certain circumstances.

* • Added round start explosive delay to China Lake grenade launcher to give it the same round start limitations as other explosives.

* • Contracts will now reset when the player Prestiges.

* • Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions.

* • Prevention of Gunship and Chopper Gunner failing to give player full control under rare conditions.

* • Prevention of an issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific circumstances.

* • Additional security measures to enhance detection and banning capabilities.


Gameplay Tuning:

* • Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care Packages only, no other killstreak drops.

* • Added a negative influencer to all spawn points to decrease the chances of spawning near an enemy. This will further improve spawning protection on top of previous updates.

* • Additional sound mix tuning for Ninja Pro users – increased ranges and volume of enemy footsteps, and removed player footstep sounds on concrete material types.

* • Increased headshot multipliers for sniper rifles. Sniper rifles with suppressors equipped will now always be ensured one-shot kill headshots.

* • Subtle increase in sniper rifle accuracy when scoping in.

* • Added a render delay to the red diamond player indicators that appear when controlling the Gunship, Valkyrie Rocket and Chopper Gunner. When a player first spawns, this will not appear for a period of time.

* • Additional minor reductions in knife lunge.



* · Addition of Hardcore HQ & Hardcore CTF game modes to the playlists

* · Prevention of the ability to earn XP in Private Matches



* · Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causing good spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match

* · Experimental slight reduction in knife lunge range – this is a trial change

* · Prevention of Prestige glitching – trying to prestige from Combat Training will reset your stats but not give you prestige


11/17 (full patch)

* · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster

* · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions

* · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby

* · Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart

* · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games

* · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads

* · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)

* · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions

* · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect

* · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire

* · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses

* · Additional online security enhancements

* · Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends



* · Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions

* · Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree

* · Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3

* · Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out

* · Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2

* · Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location



* - Launch: User could access a small platform outside of the intended play space below the rocket gantry by jumping to a very specific location; now blocked from access

* - Launch: User could access a small area inside geometry at vents near Dom flag A by going prone and moving around in a very specific location; now blocked from access

* - Some users reported that weapon attachment challenges were not resetting after prestige; now all are guaranteed to clear as soon as selecting the prestige option



* - Online number counts were not updating properly; these are now reporting exact online numbers

* - Parties getting disbanded when host did not find a match quickly



* - Users’ rank and stats can get wiped under very specific conditions



* - Radar sweep when there are only 2 players left in One in the Chamber will stop functioning if the 2 players have multiple lives when the sweep starts

* - Crash when viewing content (films, clips, etc) in the Community & Recent Games menu



* - Villa: User can clip into rock at west edge of grid zone B2 and see through to the other side

* - Crisis: User can clip into LVT between grid zone A3 and B3 and see through to the other side

* - User can get an infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package' and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks (commonly referred to as the “care package glitch”) forum

Na ka geros naujienos :) po truputi juda ledynai :)

Redagavo audriuxs

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Kaip su tais servais ant Xbox 360? Neismetineja? Viskas normaliai su MP?

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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Kaip su tais servais ant Xbox 360? Neismetineja? Viskas normaliai su MP?

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šiandien nežaidžiau dar bet vakar, užvakar kiek lošiau, tai nebuvo nei vieno karto, kad išmestų ar kažkas nutiktų :)
Redagavo ValdemarasGe

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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Kaip su tais servais ant Xbox 360? Neismetineja? Viskas normaliai su MP?

kartais, bet labai retai, diskomforto nejuntama.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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Kaip su tais servais ant Xbox 360? Neismetineja? Viskas normaliai su MP?

nu siandien mane pora kartu jau buvo ismete... tris kartus host migravo...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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O gal zinot po kiek dabar eina naudoti Black Ops Xnox 360? :thumbup:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na ka naujas updatas neisprende neivienos problemos ps3. Connection porblems, pastovus host migration atsijungimai ir tt, lygiai taspats kas buvo.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

nezinau gal man sekasi bet man atrodo pagerejo nes nebeismetineja taip daznai....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

ar kam pavyko isigyti first strike zemelapiu paketa xbox'ams? kazkaip vis meta kvaila uzrasa, kad not supported in your location.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na ką.. įsijungiau po pertraukos pabandyti COD. Nuomonė nepasikeitė:

- Lagas, slideshow ir t.t. Fail

- Host migration ar kažkas tokio. Fail

- Sėdim po kelias minutes lobyje ir laukiame, kol žaidimas sustartuos. Fail. Aišku per tą laiką, kol laukiama, galima customaizinti ginklus ir pan. Bet šis featūras ir sukurtas matomai vaikams, kurie neturi, ką veikti ir ten customaizina viską iš eilės, belaukiant, kol įmes į žaidimą.

- Pabandom Singleplayer: ai geriau nebebandom... Niekada nesupratau COD žaidimų su nesibaigiančiais priešais, script, script, tarpinės scenos ir suscriptintas veiksmas trunka ilgiau, nei pats žaidimas ir t.t.


Vienu žodžiu - žaidimas matomai ne mano skonio.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stramingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažaiu. Todėl aš labai smarkia pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvaaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reika praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
    • Na xbox po truputi tampa ne konsoline, servisu. o kaip zinia kompanijos pinigus uzdirba butent is parduodamo softo bei zaidimu, o ne is gelezies. microsoftas susipirko developerius ir dabar tampa vienu is stambiausiu leideju. xbox tampa prieinamas visur: telefone, tv, amazon fire stick. bet kas kas turi prieiga prie interneto tampa xbox. zaidimu biblioteka? kokia jei beveik visi zaidimai skaitmeniniai. diskai tampa tik kaip raktas, kad galetum atsisiust zaidima. diske dabar tik dalis zaidimo arba tokia jo versija kurios be patcho nepazaisi. baigsis zaidimo licenzija, jis dings is online parduotuviu ir tas diskas taps bevertis. Kitas dalykas del gamepass. cia gi tas pats netflix tik skirtas zaidima. tai stabilios pinigines iplaukos microsoftui. vien kaip padidejo prenumeratoriu skaicius isejus naujam COD. plius MS nepamirso ir konsoliu, nors tai jau nera prioritetas. MS dirba ties kazkokiu nintendo switch "konkurentu". kas del series s. taip visi supranta, kad tai sioks toks stabdis, bet vistiek zaidimai ganetinai gerai sukas ant jo. didziausia problema, kad si konsoliu karta lyginant su praejusia yra labai labai silpna. tiek hardwaro patobulejimu tiek exlusivu atzvilgiu. tas pats ps5 kiek jau jis gavo tu exlusivu? tikru, o ne ps4 remasteriu? sony beveik nebeturi jokiu pranasumu tik savo varda ir zaideju prisirisima. tas pats sony zingsnis i PC rinka. tai labiau desperacija norint uzdirbti. playstationui 30 metu ir jie niekad neleido zaidimu ant pc. o dabar kaip viskas pasikeite. atsirado gamepass analogas, zaidimai ant pc. beveik nera exlusivu. o dar prisiminkim kaip visais budais sony stengesi pamaisyti MS isigyti Activision. kiek teismu, apeliaciju.... o paziurim i zaidimu kieki kuris iseis is MS.. ir jie iseis ant visu konsoliu. MS jau ruosias kastuveliu pinigeliam srebti.. ir kaip patys ms sneka, tai dar ne pabaiga su developeriu pirkimais... p.s. sorry, bet nenaudoju as lietuvisku raidziu
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos