
Mass Effect 2

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'Mass Effect 2 graphics upgraded for the PS3'




As we should all know by now, the Mass Effect franchise will be working its way over to the PS3 from the 360 and PC. While the console won't be getting the first Mass Effect, it will be receiving the second one (complete with a good introduction to explain the Mass Effect storyline).


BioWare boss Greg Zeschuk has stated to PSM3 magazine that the game will supposedly have upgraded visuals and a new feel when it lands on the PS3 next year. He says that the power of the PS3 is different than that of the 360, so they have been able to modify the game differently.


"The important thing is that, fundamentally, [PS3] has a very different architecture," Zeschuk started. "Visually, there are probably some changes - I mean, there are differences in the way the memory is allocated, and the graphical processor is all different.


"...It think it will play a little differently. I mean, right from the start, you have a different controller, and that alone will change the way the game feels... [but] we're not going to get pulled into the argument over which [console is] more powerful; at the end of the day, they both are, and we can do whatever we want on them."


Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 is set to be placed on store shelves in February of next year.

visi zino kas per zadimas,taigi tiesiog idomu naujienas paskaityt kas bus naujo ant ps3.kadangi xboxeriai laiko ji exclusivu vis dar.tai nauja tema manau bus geras dalykas atskirti kur xbox naujienos ,o kur apie ps3 versija kabama.

siaip zaidimas tikrai nepasidaro kitoks vien del kito pultelio kaip jie cis pakomentavo, kiek losiau multi zaidimu tai tiek ant vienos tiek ant kitos konsoles tai tas pats zaidimas.koks skirtumas pultelis.nebent jie rimtai ten jame kazka pakeis. gerai kad pastebejo kad CPU bei GPU skiriasi bent jau. o ne taip kai deda porta ,o paskui galvoja kodel cia taip nekaip gavosi.

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BioWare founders Dr Ray Muzyka and Dr Greg Zeschuk have discussed how they intend to introduce PS3 players to the lore-heavy Mass Effect universe.


In a new interview with PSM3, Muzyka and Zeschuck were asked what they were doing to bring PlayStation gamers up to date on the events of the first Mass Effect.


The dynamic duo replied by referencing a mysterious new aspect of the game referred to as a 'introductory module'.


"What we're providing is an introductory module. We haven't revealed the details of what that is yet, but it's going to provide a lot of information on both the context and setting of Mass Effect" said Muzyka.


The second game in the series was announced for the PS3 at EA's GamesCom presentation, sparking questions on how they intend to bring new players up to speed on the series.


According to Dr Ray the module will provide the context needed to enjoy Mass Effect 2 as a stand alone title.


"I think players are going to have a really good framing of the experience as a result, and they're going to know what they're heading into. Mass Effect 2 is a stand-alone experience, and this is just going to make it that much richer."


When quizzed on just what the phrase 'introductory module' meant, Zeschuk was coy as you like.


"That remains a mystery." said Dr Greg.

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Hm as maniau kad cia xbox 360 exclusivas

Šiaip Mass Effectai nėra exclusivai, nes jie ir ant PC buvo. BioWare nepriklauso ten Microsoftui, nes pvz. Dragon Age ir ant PS3 yra, tai kodėl Mass Effectas negali? :)

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New Mass Effect 2 PS3 details, new mission with 6 hours of playtime and more


Lots of new details have emerged about the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 through bioware’s official German social network website.


A Bioware representative, Nathalie Edelmann posted lots of new information about what PS3 gamers has in store in terms of content. According to her, these new detials come from ME 2′s producer Casey Hudson:


The game will have an interactive comic known as Dark Horse which will narrate the backstory of Mass Effect and allow the player to make decisions which will affect their playthrough during ME 2.


The three previously released DLC “Kasumi: Stolen Memories”, “Overlord” and “hiding the Shadow Broker ‘ will be included in the blu-ray.


A unique code will also come with the game which will allow you to access all the content released so far for ME 2.


Most interestingly, a new mission which offers about 6 hours of playtime will be included in the PS3 version.


These details are really neat and it looks like PS3 fans are in for treat when the game releases next year.

teisingai ,o kodel gi neisanduot bluray jei galima,sudes visus DLC ,bei dar +6val pacio story dasides. kiti zaidimai trunka maziau nei 6val. aisku yra ps3 zaidimai kurie ir 3.8Gb gali uzimt. atrodo prie sios ps3 versijos jie tikrai pasistengs. as visada galvojau kad ps3 versijos galetu turetu visus zaidimu ,beveik 2x zaidimo ilguma. aisku butu neteisybe ir kurejai tikrai turi daug daugiau zaidimo medziagos kuria norejo idet i zaidima,bet negalejo.

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Dievinu sita zaidima , zaidziau pc versija ir tikrai dar sulosciau ir sita. Jau , kai buvo paskelbtas ME2 sakiau , kad bus sis zaidimas multiplatforminis , nes juk leidejas EA , tik nemaniau , kad isleis taip velai , tikriausiai jie sia versija jau kartu su ME3 kuria. Idomu ar 'digital comic' bus pakankamai , kad atstotu visus ME1 ivykius , manau , kad ne, bet yra kaip yra , si zaidima zaisti niekada nevelu.

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* Casy Hudson calls the comic a save game generator.

* Nearly $100 of additional content, all 3 major expansion packs and over a doze on smaller Pieces of DLC altogether adds up to approximately 20 hours of additional gameplay.

* The PS3 version will also feature 3 years worth of engine updates and every patch release for the game.

* The developers promise that they are not taking any shortcuts” Oftentimes when you got to the PS3 you see stuff like down-resing and using a smaller than 720p resolution to try and get back some of the framerate. We haven't done that says producer Jesse Houston, we really wanted to try to make it as good, if not better than the Xbox version."


Mass Effect 2 will be released for the Playstation 3 in January.

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Bet tai vistiek kazkiek neteisybes dabar visam sitam reikale yra..

PS3 gaus updeitinta versija, 3 metu updatinta engina ir dar papildomu pricindalu.. o pc ir x360 ant slapios vietos paliks?


thats not fair...

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Bet tai vistiek kazkiek neteisybes dabar visam sitam reikale yra..

PS3 gaus updeitinta versija, 3 metu updatinta engina ir dar papildomu pricindalu.. o pc ir x360 ant slapios vietos paliks?


thats not fair...

Manau tai nebloga kompensacija ps3 turetojams uz ME2 laukima :D

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Bet tai vistiek kazkiek neteisybes dabar visam sitam reikale yra..

PS3 gaus updeitinta versija, 3 metu updatinta engina ir dar papildomu pricindalu.. o pc ir x360 ant slapios vietos paliks?


thats not fair...

Jie negavo Mass Effect tai uzjausk bent kiek :D

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Mass Effect 2 Demo Hitting European PlayStation Network December 22nd


Following the revelation of Mass Effect 3 this weekend, Electronic Arts has turned their attention to the PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2. Set to launch on the system in January 2011, a demo version of the game has been confirmed for next week.

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Bet tai vistiek kazkiek neteisybes dabar visam sitam reikale yra..

PS3 gaus updeitinta versija, 3 metu updatinta engina ir dar papildomu pricindalu.. o pc ir x360 ant slapios vietos paliks?


thats not fair...

su game of the year relyzu manau ir x'o versija gaus visa tai. zinoma zaidimo variklis gal bus neliestas,bet manau ir ps3 versija kardinaliu pakitimu netures.

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Butu gerai , kad demo versijoje parodytu kaip veikia 'comic book' kuris turetu apibendrinti pirmaja dali.

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