
Devil May Cry

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Rebootas, ne priešistorė. Tas pats kas Batman filmai seni ir Batman filmai C.Nolano.

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Na tikėkimės geriausio ir sulauksim antros bei trečios dalių, vis tiek tikiu,k kad per šią istorija kažkaip jie sugebės grįžti prie originaliojo Dantės.

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Išbandžiau demo. Na, sena gera taškyklė. Tik, kad atmosfera pati kažkokia kitokia pasirodė. Gatvėse lakstai kažkokiose, ryšku visur. :D Taip pat priešai labai įdomiai padaryti, mindfuck visiškas. :) Bet vėl geras žaidimas bus tikrai.

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Aš sakyčiau jog DmC yra žaidimo priešistorė, kadangi rašoma, kad Dantė yra jaunas vaikinas kuris neturi jokios reputacijos. Bei žino, kad jis nėra žmogus, tai pat kaip ir nėra demonas



Tad sakyčiau, jog tą Dantę kurį visi taip mėgstame galime dar išvysti, sakyčiau, jog tai priklausys nuo šio žaidimo pasisekimo, jei žaidimas bus vykęs manau, kad gali būti trilogija, ir capcom grįžimas prie originaliojo Dantės.


Ismok skaityti angliskai, nes cia belenkokia nesamone parasei, visiskai ne taip rasoma.

Na tikėkimės geriausio ir sulauksim antros bei trečios dalių, vis tiek tikiu,k kad per šią istorija kažkaip jie sugebės grįžti prie originaliojo Dantės.


Ir kartoju 10 karta visiem, nesulauksime jokio susiejimo su tikruoju Dante. Ir cia nera jaunesnis ar dar koksnors Dante is seno zaidimo.

PATIS KUREJAI PASAKE: Cia yra zaidimo rebootas. Tai reiskia, kad perkuria zaidima, panaudoja tokius pacius veikejus daug maz, panasia istorija ir t.t. Tiesiog pergamina zaidima. Ir sitas DMC neturi NIEKO bendro su senu Devil May Cry. Tai lyg skirtingi pasauliai, SKIRTINGI ZAIDIMAI ffs... Pasigooglinkit kas yra reboot ir suprasit. Nes jau atsibodo aiskint kiekvienam atskirai.


Nors esu labai didelis fanas senojo Devil May Cry, bet ir sitas neblogai atrodo. Tikrai zaisiu, nes patinka man tokie ir uzjauciu dmc tai reikia ir sia versija isbandyti. O mano nuomone tai galejo nauja pavadinima sugalvot ar jau blogiausiu atveju ir ta DMC kaip ir sitas, bet galejo pakeisti vardus, visokius ginklus ir t.t. Ir butu visi prieme kaip nauja gera zaidima, bet cia viskas aisku. Jie padare reboota ir nori DMC zaidimo tiesiog labiau i ateiti veiksmas vyksta.

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nu man reboot visai patinka,gal net daugiau už preitas dalis įdomiau atrodo,nes spalvingesnis, nebe toks blankus. Kamera geresnė,viskas nuosekliau ir sklandžiau atrodo.

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Šiandien pirmą kartą išbandžiau šį žaidimą , ir jis man paliko didelį įspūdį . Visų pirma , pats gameplay'jus daug geresnis už praeitas dalis , kaip cookeris minėjo , kamera žymiai geresnė , bet kas labiausiai man patiko , tai pats Dantė , naujasis veikėjas , man jis žymiai geresnis už buvusį , jis išsiskiria savo charakteriu , mėgsta pajuokauti . Na , kol kas žaidžiau nedaug , bet kiek žaidžiau , man patiko , tikiuosi ir toliau viskas bus tobula .

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Na laukiu pc versijos,kuri net visai greit išeis! net 25 dieną :) Ir šis DMC turbūt geriausias dalykas atsitikęs Capcomui paskutiniu metu, nes kritiškai gerai įvertintas (nu dar RE: Revelations). Dmc įvertinimai svyruoja nuo 7-9.


OPM: 8/10 - DmC remains an expansive, gleefully freeform, deliciously brutal carnival of violence from start to finish. Okay, so it has been made a tad more accessible, but fear not -the streamlining aims to provide greater access to the series' complex, tactical, showboating delights, not erode them.


Edge: 8 - Any lingering concerns you may have about Ninja Theory's restyled Dante will fade within the first few hours. This, despite involving surely the most controversial haircut in videogame history, is still a Devil May Cry game, and a good one.


OXM: 9/10 - The combat system is deep, satisfying, and just welcoming enough to let you in, before losing the smile, slapping your face and making you pay attention. Ninja Theory has bottled Danté's soul, and given him an excellent new life.


GamesRadar: 4/5 - DmC's gameplay speaks for itself. It's challenging, accessible, and experimental in all the right ways, while retaining the top-notch combat that put Dante on the map in the first place. Sure, it's not without its shortcomings, but DmC easily ranks among the action game elite.


TheSixthAxis: 7/10 - It's obvious why long time fans of Devil May Cry had concerns about the reboot of the series but Ninja Theory have done a lovely job with taking over the reigns. It's certainly not without its issues, and at this stage in a generation you feel like a game should probably be wielding more graphical clout, but the game's combat more than makes up for it. It's simply brilliant.


Destructoid: 9/10 - A hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.


Eurogamer: 8/10 - Ninja Theory has succeeded in revitalising a classic series, but DmC is almost a classic in its own right. Don't think too much about the lows, because the highs here are so very high, and show without question that Capcom has faith in the right developer. Ninja Theory has absolutely nailed the leading man and the combat system - by far the most important things - and DmC is clearly a labour of love, a tribute as well as a new beginning.


GameSpot: 8/10 - With assured storytelling, great combat, and imaginative design, DmC: Devil May Cry is a more-than-worthy reboot for a classic franchise.


VentureBeat: 85/100 - A gleefully brutal combat system and the patented bad attitude bring the sexy back to mass demon extermination... overall the team at Ninja Theory did Dante proud. Here's hoping they get a crack at perfecting the formula in a sequel.


Xbox360Achievements: 9/10 - A bright new beginning for Dante, Ninja Theory's DmC is a triumph and a positive first step towards things to come. Capcom's most successful collaboration with a western studio to date, DmC is also Ninja Theory's finest game. SSSensational.


VideoGamer: 8/10 - DmC is a game that's more respectful to the ethos of the series than its narrative canon, and as such it's more sure-footed in its systems than its storytelling.


NowGamer: 9/10 - Ninja Theory's reboot of Devil May Cry is better than anyone expected, ourselves included, and if it doesn't sell well because of some misplaced nostalgic love of the franchise then we're seriously very worried for the games industry.


T3: 4/5 - Dante may be a bit of a prat, but controlling him is as fun as ever and DmC: Devil Cry remains faithful to the series' most important requirements: it plays like a dream and it looks so damn cool.


The Sun (don't they hate videogames? Oh well): 9/10 - DmC is as good, if not better than any Devil May Cry title before it. With a hard-hitting story, creative, engaging combat, and overwhelming energy, DmC is kicking off 2013 in rip-roaring, high-octane fashion.


Metro: 8/10 - An almost entirely successful reboot that still offers deep and flexible combat but in a more accessible and approachable form - and really, the new Dante's not that bad.


Guardian: No score - but gets a thumbs up - Chaining together some of the more navigation-oriented skills can require overly precise timing, leading to frustrating repeats of platform-esque sections. Nonetheless DmC remains a fantastic, refreshing effort that even the early naysayers will enjoy immensely.


Polygon: 8 - The game's tone falls apart as it fluctuates between deadpan and dopey, but the action never falters. Fights are fast, intense and fun, and they're aided by a world where nothing is what it seems and nothing stays the same for long. I just wish Ninja Theory had matched the mesmerizing level design with a character who I actually want to spend time around.


Eurogamer: 8/10 - Ninja Theory has succeeded in revitalising a classic series, but DmC is almost a classic in its own right. Don't think too much about the lows, because the highs here are so very high, and show without question that Capcom has faith in the right developer. Ninja Theory has absolutely nailed the leading man and the combat system - by far the most important things - and DmC is clearly a labour of love, a tribute as well as a new beginning.


ShopTo: (No score - but gets a thumbs up) - When DMC: Devil May Cry was first revealed fans of the series certainly made their feelings clear about certain points, however thanks to its excellent production values, high paced action and sense of humour, Ninja Theory's title is as good as any which bare the Devil May Cry name.


Strategy Informer: 8.0 - For my reckoning, Devil May Cry fans do not have anything to fear. DmC does a fantastic job of being immediately recognisable as a game belonging to the franchise, while also providing an experience that will introduce those unfamiliar to it. It's sleek and cool, providing a frantic and flowing combat system that underlies and defines it from the get-go. Dante doesn't just look cooler, he plays cooler, and this may well be the series' finest hour.


Digital Spy: 4/5 - Fortunately, while it lasts, DmC: Devil May Cry is a hugely entertaining game with a tight story and unbeatable action. Any fears that the new-look Dante can't fill his white-haired predecessor's boots are soon dispelled, although the incredibly deep combat system is the real star of the show. On this early evidence, 2013 is shaping up to be a great year for hack-and-slash enthusiasts.


IGN: 8.5 - Long-time Devil May Cry fans unsure of Ninja Theory's treatment can abandon their fears. DmC hurls Dante into a newer, better world, complete with a glorious combat system and enough style to make old Dante proud. This is digital action at its finest, steeped in the blood of angels, spiced with gunpowder, and garnished with a middle finger.


Push Square: 8/10 - DmC: Devil May Cry is a successful reboot, and one that's worth experiencing regardless of whether you're a long-term fan of the franchise or not. The gameplay is more accessible than its peers, but that's no bad thing, and there's still plenty of depth and challenge on offer to delight hardcore players. Where the title disappoints is in its narrative, which, despite some excellent performance capture and voice acting, fails to ever really get started. Look past the undeveloped themes, though, and you'll find plenty to like here, even if it is a bottle of peroxide short of its predecessors.


The Telegraph: 5/5 - DmC: Devil May Cry is a phenomenal action game and Ninja Theory's reinvention of its hero Dante is an unexpected triumph.


EGM Now: 9.5 - DmC is everything a reboot should be-confident, thoughtful, and brazenly unafraid to sacrifice a few sacred cows along the way. For all the backlash they've had to face, developer Ninja Theory has delivered the most polished, refreshing, and memorable hack-and-slash experience in recent memory.


GameInformer: 9.0 - The last few missions aside, the mechanics, gameplay, and environments in Devil May Cry are exactly what I wanted. A reboot is a chance to revitalize a flagging series, and Ninja Theory has done that with a striking vision for the DMC universe and top-notch combat. Maybe this version of Devil May Cry will need rebooting in another 12 years, but for now, I can't wait to see what's next for Dante.


SciFi Now: 4/5 Let's bask in the fact this is a stylish, compulsive and fun to play return to form for the series. The original and the incendiary Devil May Cry 3 are still the best, but that's no knock on Ninja Theory, who have delivered not only their best game (and one which is a giant improvement over Devil May Cry 4), but an action title worthy of the name Devil May Cry. Sniff!


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Esu įsitikinęs, kad kitose dalyse grįš senasis Dantė, kadangi kas perėjote visa žaidimą turbūt pastebėjote, kad jo plaukų spalva pakito.

Redagavo Džekeris

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Esu įsitikinęs, kad kitose dalyse grįš senasis Dantė, kadangi kas perėjote visa žaidimą turbūt pastebėjote, kad jo plaukų spalva pakito.


Ne į temą

Negi taip sunku uždėti spoiler tag'us?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Esu įsitikinęs, kad kitose dalyse grįš senasis Dantė, kadangi kas perėjote visa žaidimą turbūt pastebėjote, kad jo plaukų spalva pakito.




Naudojames galva pries rasydami... :unhappy:

Redagavo S1mmas

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Tikrai geras zaidimas ir vertas demesio, dziaugiuosi, kad Dante siek tiek pasikeite nuo to kai ji pirma karta pristate, negalejau pakesti tos emo isvaizdos. Tai pirmas mano zaistas DMC ir tikrai paliko gera ispudi

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