
Battlefield 3

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PAX East 2011: Battlefield 3 Live Demo


You’re sitting in the back of a truck, across from your three squadmates who look exhausted and lost in thought. Their heads hang down, swaying and bouncing with their gear and guns as the truck rumbles along. Suddenly on of them speaks, “I just realized I forgot to pay my taxes.”


So begins the live demo for Battlefield 3 at this year’s PAX East in Boston.


Kevin O’Leary from DICE played the single-player demo in front of an audience of fans and media. Theoretically this demo was only supposed to be for members of the Gun Club, DICE’s community club, but no one in line was deterred and no one from DICE was actually checking. EA would be foolish to turn fans away and everyone knew it.


The demo was split into three parts. The first was almost identical to the Fault Line gameplay trailer that’s been making the rounds across the gaming blogosphere in recent weeks, but with an extended firefight at the end. The actual graphics are just as stunning as the trailer, so no graphical tricks were used in the video to make the game look better than it is, and this is still pre-alpha. The extended firefight shows off some of DICE’s new tricks.


The guns have a heft and kick as expected, but the physicality of the character is a pleasant surprise. At one point a rocket blows up a nearby car sending the character flying backwards. His arms and legs flail briefly into view before he hits the ground, and the effect is reminiscent of a backwards jump in Mirror’s Edge. DICE is obviously using what it learned in that game to make Battlefield 3 intensely personal. Even in this short demo there were multiple moments where the character was knocked off his feet, and every one looked powerful without being dizzying.


The second part of the demo had the squad on a rooftop dodging sniper fire, and showed off DICE’s attention to detail: The sniper hit a potted plant and sent a small puff of dirt into the air that then blew away. Next he hit a nearby pipe and steam rushed out, letting off a soft hiss as the character moved closer. But the most impressive new touch was the blurring effect that happened when bullets hit nearby. The screen went blurry with a fish-eye lens, as if the player was suffering from tunnel vision. It’s a scary effect that made me think he’d been hit, but without the telltale blood on the screen it was obvious he was fine. Instead of just using sound to signal that a sniper’s shot is dangerously close, this effects makes you feel how close the bullet is.


This part of the demo ends with the player shooting a rocket at the sniper’s building, and here it’s worth mentioning that Battlefield 3 uses the new Frostbite 2 engine. Instead of just taking out a wall like in Bad Company 2, this rocket takes out the entire side of the building. As the smoke clears I can see into multiple floors, and it’s obvious the sniper is gone.


The final part of the demo is a big battle, but the most noteworthy part came at the very end: The player jumped onto the back of a truck with a 50-calibur gun and started to unload on a street full of bad guys. Then someone shouted “earthquake,” and the ground cracked open. The truck was thrown into the air and the player fell off, again looking like a scene out of Mirror’s Edge, and when he stood back up the audience was rewarded with the destruction of a skyscraper that crumpled in on itself before falling towards the player. While this seems like scripted event, it successfully shows off the power of the Frostbite 2 engine and DICE’s attention to detail, and gives me great hope that I’ll be able take down things just as big in multiplayer.


The demo ended with a few quick clips of the game: Explosions, people shouting, gunfire; but the very last clip showed a scene of air combat in a jet. While Battlefield has always let you fly planes, this would be the first time they put you in a modern jet. There’s no indication that you’ll be able to do this in multiplayer, but it does prove that vehicles will still be a big part of the single-player.

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gan juokinga minti perskaiciau nuo treyarch:

Treyarch Says: " Frostbite 2.0 Is Visually Stunning " But Our Engine Can Be Updated To Those Things.

tai kam tada isvis kurt naujus engine reikia.visi galetu paimt ir updeitint esamus senus engine su naujausiom galimybem ir nieks nekurtu nauju..jei cia jie rimtai snekejo tai.. :D Redagavo scalman

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tegul parodo Multiplayer režimą, BF mažai kam įdomus tas singleplayer (atsiprašau jei ką įžeidžiau)

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gan juokinga minti perskaiciau nuo treyarch:


tai kam tada isvis kurt naujus engine reikia.visi galetu paimt ir updeitint esamus senus engine su naujausiom galimybem ir nieks nekurtu nauju..jei cia jie rimtai snekejo tai.. :D

Tai kodėl jie tada neupdeitino savo varikliuko iškart iki "maximum perfection" lygio ir kodėl nesusišlavus visų pinigų pasaulyje ? Tik tokia mintis..

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Yra žaidimai kurių laukiau ir laukiu labai 2011metais šis yra vienas iš jų. Man labai patiko Bad Comapny 2 šitas manau dvigubai labiau patiks.

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Yra žaidimai kurių laukiau ir laukiu labai 2011metais šis yra vienas iš jų. Man labai patiko Bad Comapny 2 šitas manau dvigubai labiau patiks.


Nebūk toks tikras.

Būta istorijoje žaidimų, kurių visi laukė, o gavosi totalus nusivylimas (kaip koks nors MoH'as pvz).

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Nebūk toks tikras.

Būta istorijoje žaidimų, kurių visi laukė, o gavosi totalus nusivylimas (kaip koks nors MoH'as pvz).


Aš pasitikiu DICE. Jį dar ilgai blizgins iki išleidimo, tad MP turėtų būt geresnis už BFBC2 arba bent jau panašaus lygio. Kiek skaičiau pasirodo tik šių metų Q4 :)

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On april 1st EA Store accidently revealed the release date of Battlefield 3. If we have to believe the EA Store it comes out November 2 2011. The release date is removed by EA.

And no, this is not a April 1 joke! So be ready to run to the stores on November 2 2011!


Source: EA Store

Na lapkriti visa laika zaidimu menuo daznai buna.

Redagavo MadenX

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Battlefield 3's exec producer Patrick Bach has described sandbox games as largely "hardcore, boring, hard to get into and not very popular." Ouch.


The EA man told Edge that his team has demonstrated its ability to create open world games in the past but, logistical problems (and, apparently, a certain development philosophy) have meant that Battlefield 3 will be a much more scripted, linear affair.


"I don't see it as an absolute goal for all games to be sandbox games. We've been building sandbox games for quite some time and we've got pretty good at it, but I don't see that as the only way of building games, because then we wouldn't build campaigns at all," he told Edge.


"In some cases they aren't, but in most cases sandbox games are hardcore, boring, hard to get into and they are not very popular.


"Just the fact that the environment can change dynamically creates a huge challenge for us when it comes to AI," he explained.


"[it] puts a lot of challenges to our AI code when it comes to finding new cover, reacting to the fact that it has disappeared, moving and flanking based on the new situation."


However the gameplay itself turns out, there's no denying that Battlefield 3 looks like an absolute gem. Have a look at the latest gameplay trailer and the many screenshots we nabbed from it for your scrutiny.

na tik reikia moket pateikt ta sandbox geima ir bus labai idomus. na borderlands kad ir tipo. ar kad ir karini shooteri galima laisvai padaryt tokio tipo,kai tu darai ka nori,tiesiog turi misijas ,gali bet kga jas pasimt ir ivykdyt. tuo paciu eini per tuo paciu gaetum laisvai isivelt i kovas be jokiu misiju noredamas. tik negautum jokiu bonusus nei ginklu nei soviniu uz tai. cia tik mano pamastymai aisku kiekvienas turi savo nuomone. bet turim puikiu pavyzdziu Fallout 3, Borderlands. o jei atimt beveik ta lvl kelima. pakeist ji i ginklu keitima i geresnius ir ju tobulinima. tas atstotu tariama rpg zaidimo puse.butu idomu visai manau. dabar kurt kiekviena shooteri pagal tuos pacius remus irgi..kiek galima jau..

tai tik mano nuomone kurios nereikia megint paneigt tikrai. tiesiog galima sukurt ir ka nors kito.F3 parode puikiai kaip tai galima.

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DICE: BF3 will have the emotion you get from Autolog


EA has been using Autolog in its racing games since Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - developed by Criterion with assistance from DICE - was released last year. Will DICE be adding similar features to Battlefield 3?


Speaking to, executive producer Patrick Bach teased that "without going into details with what we're doing with Battlefield 3, we are looking into ways of creating more social interaction with the people on your friends list and in the world. So you get the same feeling, the same emotion that you'll get from Autolog."


Bach also explained how Autolog, in its current iteration, wouldn't work in a FPS.


"Autolog is a very clever feature based on a few factors," he said, "but it's also based on that you can go in and beat a person on the same kind of foundation. You set the time on a track with a car that gets sent over me, that's now my challenge - can I beat you on that track with that car? In a first person shooter that's not how you actually how you play the game. If you shot ten guys, and that's sent over to me, do I then go into another game and shoot ten guys? There's obvious difficulties in translating that directly."


Battlefield has been using social-like features for a while now, such as collecting dog tags from enemies you melee kill. "We're shaping features like that to become more attractive and more interesting," said Bach. "I think Bad Company 2 was the first game where [dog tags] actually popped out and created this mass-market appeal, and [people] got all excited about something that existed before but never popped out in the way that it did."


"I wouldn't be surprised if you see something similar in Battlefield 3," Bach added.

autolog kariniam fps shooteri? jo EA visur prikis dabar jau jo matyt.


DICE targeting 30fps for Battlefield 3 on console


Battlefield's Brand Manager Kevin O'Leary has revealed that DICE is targeting "a constant 30fps" for the console versions of Battlefield 3.


"We always have a bare minimum of constant 30fps if not higher," said O'Leary talking to GamerZines earlier this week.


"It's always about that great quality experience, so if framerate is something that we see is lagging, we'll bring that back up."


Battlefield 3's closest rival Call of Duty has continued to output at a steady 60fps, while the most recent console Battlefields, Battlefield: Bad Company and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, have both rendered at 30fps.


Some gamers claim that a higher frame rate allows for more responsive controls and less input lag during intense multiplayer sessions.

Battlefield 3 console differences detailed by DICE


So far DICE has shown tremendous-looking Battlefield 3 running exclusively on PC. How will it look when it makes the leap to console? "What we're showing on PC might look better than on console," said DICE executive producer Patrick Bach to in an interview, "but what we'll show on console doesn't look worse than any other game out there. It's probably even better than every other game out there on console."


Bach explained how he feels people will react when they finally see Battlefield 3 running on 360 and PS3. "Most people will be very positive because they might be afraid that it won't look as good as other games and it will, and some people will of course be disappointed that it doesn't look like the PC version."


What will the console versions lack, then? "The higher resolution, the higher framerate, the anti-aliasing, the motion blur, stuff like that. We can't have it to the same quality on the console," says Bach.


Bach also explained the predicament for the Swedish studio. "The problem if you're setting a new bar is you're pushing yourself up. Of course there's a challenge by showing something that looks amazing on PC and then something that just looks great on console. I think the challenge is to beat ourselves. Of course, it's hard to do that because of the practical limitations of the consoles."


How does DICE feel about rival engine technology, then? "There's always competition to build not only the best game but the best technology, the best features," says Bach, "and you want to be the best at everything, of course, that's how things are being moved forward."


"We are not trying to build any of our old games, and we're not trying to build any of our competitors' games: we're trying to build our own Battlefield 3."

kosnoliu versija ne atrodys taip gerai kaip pc , bet ne prasciau negu kiti konsoliu shooteriai ,o gal netgi geriau. pagal kurejus. bet kad pasake ko konsoles negali naudot zaidimuose..taigi gali naudot konsoles ir AA ir motion blur ir stuff like that galetu jei labai noretu kurejai pritaikyt. idomiai jie cia taip kalba atsargiai apie konsoliu versijas.nesenai kalbejo kaip jiem gerai sekasi adaptuot engine ant ps3.


pagal saita is kur paimti screenai,cia xbox 360 screenai, speju kad taip nera.




















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pagal saita is kur paimti screenai,cia xbox 360 screenai, speju kad taip nera.


Ne xbox 360, o Adobe Photoshop :thumbsup4:, o jei rimtai kalbant sunku būtų patikėti, jog čia xbox 360 galimybės rodomos. Ps3 dar dar, nes mačiau kaip atrodo Uncharted 2 ar God of War 3, kurie palyginus su šitais paveikslėliais nublanksta. Apskritai, čia veikiau man primena CG filmuko kadrus nei gameplay'aus skreenshot'us. Reiks laukt galutinio produkto ir viskas bus aišku.

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Ne xbox 360, o Adobe Photoshop :thumbsup4:, o jei rimtai kalbant sunku būtų patikėti, jog čia xbox 360 galimybės rodomos. Ps3 dar dar, nes mačiau kaip atrodo Uncharted 2 ar God of War 3, kurie palyginus su šitais paveikslėliais nublanksta. Apskritai, čia veikiau man primena CG filmuko kadrus nei gameplay'aus skreenshot'us. Reiks laukt galutinio produkto ir viskas bus aišku.


Ne į temą

realiai cia yra jau pc maxintas kiek galima , ir visi tie treileriai aisku kad jau eina max kiek gali ir ko negali irgi dadeda matyt. tai kaip is pardziu Crysis 2 treileriais irgi atrode,aisku buvo pc ten bet kai isejo geimas pasirode kad konsoles beveik neatsilieka nuo pc. o cia pagal kurejus nei AA ,nei motion blur nei kutu dalyku nebus. na galima tiket kad bus vel didelis skirtumas. na jau BC2 gan gerai skiriasi pc maxintas nuo konsoliu. tai idomu kas gausis su situ konsoliu portu. galetu nedaryt visko ant dx11 , nes aisku tada kad konsoles atrodo prasciau daug, bet va kaip cryne3 padare pati engine kure ant dx9 galima sakyt tai visi efektai ir viskas ir liko ant konsoliu. bet cia jau ne i tema. tiesiog kai jau patys kurejai pradeda kalbet kad nebus labai gerai,tai ka galvot belieka.



speju kad tas pastatas kur sone stovi isvis net nesudulketu jei ji sprogdintum, nes na kazkaip visur rodo kas griuna ar dauzosi tai vis po viena. vienas pastatas ten ,kitas ten.

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Grafika tai fantastine. Veinas laukiamiausiu siu metu zaidimu. Labai jau idomu paziuret ka parodys tame 12 minuciu video :thumbsup4:

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    • Nekyla net menkiausios abejonės. Kalba kad pačios architektūros parengimo darbai baigti. Prasideda testavimas. 
    • "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip is konsoliu ir exlusive zaidimu "išeina iš konsolių excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip konsoliniu exlusivu. na bet cia gal neteisingai supratau.. tiek to o kas del naujos konsoles tai visai  tiketina data yra 2026. nes jei paziuret i praeiti tai konsoles ir leidziamos mazdaug kas 6-8 metus. garantuotai ir sony jau senokai tyliai dirba ties ps6
    • @WirmiS, aš taip ir nesakiau. Skaityk tiesiogiai - "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų", o ne "iš konsolių". Aišku kad Microsoft pasilieka konsolinių žaidimų rinkoje, tik jau nebekonkuros su Sony tiesigiai geležimi kas daugiau parduos konsolių exclusive pagalba. Ir ištikrųjų gali būti kad naują XBox išleis jau 2026 metais. Žiūrėsim. 
    • MS nepasake, kad iseina is konsoliu, netgi priesingai jie yra pasake, kad  jau dirba ties nauja, o taip pat experimentuoja su handheld'u. del isejimo is exclusivu tai kaip ir logiskas sprendimas. vienaip ar kitaip MS dabar vienas is didziausiu leideju.
    • Na lyginant su Civ V ir VI reikėtu pirmiausia pamimėti kad Firaxis jau kurį laiką niekuomet iš karto neišleidžia pilno žaidimo. Ne tą prasmę kad jis yra nefunkcionalus, bet dalis papildomų mechanikų dar bus ateity, būsimose expansion pakose. Be to visada išleisdama naują žaidimo iteracija paprastai apie 60% core mechanikų palieka senas, bet ~ 40% keičia. Ir tai imho yra gerai, nes priešingu atveju po n metų laukimo gautum seną žaidimą, tiesiog su nauja grafine išvaizda. Iš dalies Firaxis toliau stebi žaidėjį reakcija ir gali pastumti žaidimą ar į vieną ar kitą pusę kiek tai dar įmanoma. Na pagal tai ką dabar turim. Žaidimas yra pasikeitęs. Jis nėra labiau sudėtingas, sakyčiau tam tikra prasme kiek paprastesnis, negu ankstesnės versijos (ypač Civ 6) ir toks visas labiau tiesmukas. Kaip jau buvo ra6oma yra tik 3 epochos (kol kas) - Antika, Atradimų laikotarpis ir Modern. Manau ateittį tikrai bus dar ketvirtą epocha, pvz. Information Age, nes verrinant visą žaidimo eigą akivaizdžaii matosi kad truksta dar gabalo. Unitai baigėsi ties II Pasaulinio karo lėktuvais ir tankais - taip niekuomet nėra buvę, visada budavo Modern armor, reaktyviniai lektuvai ir t. t. Aš jau nekalbu apie Giant Death robots. Kaip jau sakiau tu iš esmės pasirenki lyderi su kurio eisi per visas epochas, o nacijos keičiasi. Bet tai atrodo tikrai organiškai ir savaip žavi. Keičiant epochą dalis nacijų pasirinkimų būna defaultiniai, dalį galima atrakinti, dalis lieka neįmanoma dėl pasirinkto lyderio. Bet kurio atvėju atrodo gan organiškai ir gerai padaryta. Šiaip žaidimas dabar toks vosas labiau atitinkantis "istorine realybe" taip pasakykikim. Iš dalies tai yra smagu iš dalies ne. Antikoje pvz tu gali rinktis iš riboto civilizacijš skaičiaus, kurios iš tikrųjų ir buvo Antikoje. Logiškai mastant JAV civilizacija nuo Antikos atrodo keistai. Bet tame buvo savotiškas prieš tai visų buvusių Civilizacijų žavėsis.  Bet pvz. jeigu lyderį pasirinksi Jekateriną Dydžiają, tai Rusija automatiškai atsirakins Modern Age pagal lyderį. Esu baigęs viena pilną patija. Tai atrodė maždaug taip - pasirinkau Cezarį ir Romenus, Exploration pavirtau Ispanija, Modern prancūzais. Laimėjau Domination victory. Buvo savotiškai linksma. Visas pirmas amžius yra praktiškai mokomasis.  Tave už rankos vedžioja aiškinant žaidimo mechanikas. Tikras žaidimas prasideda II etape. Bet ir pirmoje epochoje po senovei kokią vieną civilizacija (t. y. lyderį) galima išnešti iš žaidimo. Kariniai unitai negauna patirties, tik generolai (kurie pasilieka) ir nusiresetina su kiekviena nauja epocha, todėl kaip ankšęiau sutikti pirmikšti karį su kuoka prieš tanką jau neįmanoma. Religija dabar "išpjauta" dar labiau negu V serijoje. Religinės pergalės nėra. Veikia tik Explaration Age ir dingsta Modern. Tą prasmė kad miestai su religija pasilieka, bet ji nebevystoma ir jos negalima palatinti. Domination Victory jeigu teisingai žaisti dabar tikrai gan paprasta. Pirmame žaidime buvau ją pasiekęs, nepastatęs dar nei vieno lėktuvo, bet aviacija jau atidariau. Nereika užkariauti viso pasaulio, užtenka sukurti Atomine bombą. Kas liečia grafika, tai žaidimas atrodo praktiškai tobulai. Įsivaizduokit tą ramesnį V serijos istorinį styliu + graži 3D grafika iš 6. Dėmesys detalėms milžiniškas - pvz. Rusijos modern age pėstininkai ir atrodo kaip jos rodo su WW2 filmose - su durtuviniais šautuvais ir Maxim kulkosvaidžiais. Pranc0zų tankai atrodo kaip jų tikri WWI tankai ir skiriasi nuo kitų civilizacijų. Reziumuojant dabartinėje savo versioje yra tam tikra prasme supaprastintas, bet vistiek labai smagiai žaidžiasi. Manau kaip ir ankstesnės serijos būs n metų vystomas, sulauksim expansion pakų su mechanikų praplėtimų ir bus super. Tiesa labai gerai optimizuotas. Mano vaiko gan sename i5 ir GTX1070 pilnai veža 4K su vidutiniais/aukštais grafikos nustatymais. Vienintelio ko jam tikrai reika, tai SSD. Kol kas tiek.
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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