
Battlefield 3

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Aš bent drįsčiau spėti jog trofėjų jie neturės. Kaip kiti "tikri" DLC bus tuose tai bus kažkokių. Na bus matyti.

Aš bent nematau reikalo mokėti 12lt už skin. Man svarbiausia kad gaučiau BF2 map for free (nors realiai už juos vis tiek sumoki) :D

Redagavo Agnusas

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Man svarbiausia kad gaučiau BF2 map for free (nors realiai už juos vis tiek sumoki) :D



Xbox atveju Karkand DLC kainuos turbūt pigiausiai 800MSP, kas yra 8€ = 27.62Lt = 6.9 svaro.

O BF3 Base vs. BF3 Limited skirtumas yra turbūt labai panašus :D

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Specact inžinierius tai atrodo badass. Jei kaina nesiskiria labai imkit specactus.

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Kad is amazon zaidimas tik 39 svarus kainuoja, nejau siuntimas taip brangiai atsieina?

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Kad is amazon zaidimas tik 39 svarus kainuoja, nejau siuntimas taip brangiai atsieina?


Man rašo virš 9 svarų siuntimą, kai "privedu" užsakymą iki pabaigos.

Jei siuntimas kainuotų padoriau - svarstyčiau šitą variantą.


Bet kuo toliau, tuo labiau linkstu prie Limited Edition'o (kur yra TIK +Back to Karkand) už 160Lt, nes:

- Už Dog Tag'us nematau prasmės mokėti.

- Physical Warfare Pack ir taip gausim 4free.

- SPECACT DLC kainuos tikrai pigiau nei 35 Lt (arba - ne daugiau).


Thumbs up?

Redagavo bat0nas

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Man rašo virš 9 svarų siuntimą, kai "privedu" užsakymą iki pabaigos.

Jei siuntimas kainuotų padoriau - svarstyčiau šitą variantą.


Bet kuo toliau, tuo labiau linkstu prie Limited Edition'o (kur yra TIK +Back to Karkand) už 160Lt, nes:

- Už Dog Tag'us nematau prasmės mokėti.

- Physical Warfare Pack ir taip gausim 4free.

- SPECACT DLC kainuos tikrai pigiau nei 35 Lt (arba - ne daugiau).


Thumbs up?


Tada reikia ir man pirkti geriau is Aciu uz atsakyma! :thumbsup4:

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Battlefield 3 beta system requirements


Given the proximity of the Battlefield 3 launch, the beta system requirements shouldn't differ much (if at all) from the final game. Don't throw out your GTX 560 between now and October!


Minimum System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-bit

Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz)

Memory: 2 GB

Hard Drive: 20 GB

Graphics Card (AMD): DirectX 10.1 Compatible with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 or 6000 SERIES, with ATI RADEON 3870 or higher performance)

Graphics Card (Nvidia): DirectX 10.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (Nvidia Geforce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 or 500 series with Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT or higher performance)

Sound Card: DirectX compatible

Keyboard and Mouse



Recommended System Requirements


OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Processor: Quad-core CPU

Memory: 4 GB

Hard Drive: 20 GB

Graphics Card: DirectX 11 compatible with 1024 MB RAM (Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950)

Sound Card: DirectX compatible

Keyboard and Mouse



Zinau kad buvo imestas linkas , bet nebuvo cia ideta

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Rugsejo 29 diena gauna visi


PC - PS3 - Xbox360


O Rugsejo 27 gauna Kas pirko Medal of Honor arba Preordino BF3 per Origin

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Rugsejo 29 diena gauna visi


PC - PS3 - Xbox360


O Rugsejo 27 gauna Kas pirko Medal of Honor arba Preordino BF3 per Origin


Eina sau, kai beta iseina kita ketvirtadieni, tai man ekskursija kita dieno po betos isejimo, negalesiu lost ta savaitgali. :lol: O ja reiks parsisiust per xbox kaip kokia demo ir lost?

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Eina sau, kai beta iseina kita ketvirtadieni, tai man ekskursija kita dieno po betos isejimo, negalesiu lost ta savaitgali. :lol: O ja reiks parsisiust per xbox kaip kokia demo ir lost?


Taip tu ji parsisiusi is Xbox LIVE Marketplace

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hebra sako xbox versija silpniausia is 3 , bet nereiskia kad blogai atrodo, toli grazu ne.


Today, at the Eurogamer Expo, I’ve been spending some time with all three versions of Battlefield 3. It’s not looking too shabby on any of the formats, but I thought I’d chime in with some thoughts about what the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC versions look like. A bit of subjective analysis, if you will. Here goes…




The PC version is, without a shadow of a doubt, the prettiest of the three formats. That is, of course, to be expected. It’s the lead platform, and the processing power of high-end PCs is quite remarkable these days. (Bear in mind that the game was running on top-spec machines with the latest nVidia video tech.) Textures are astonishingly crisp, even up-close, and while I noticed a tiny bit of pop-in, it’s a rare occurrence and by no means a real problem. The lighting and shadows are gorgeous, and the game world has a real sheen to it. The reflections are subtle, realistic, and wonderful.


It’s also extremely smooth, as you might expect, and the draw distance is great, with none of the foliage pop-in that the other two versions suffer from. The only real issue I noticed was that there was a teensy bit of tearing at times.




While nowhere near as gorgeous as the PC version, the PlayStation 3 version of Battlefield 3 is the prettier of the console iterations. It’s very crisp, very smooth, and textures only appear slightly blurred when close up. Trees sway nicely in the breeze, although they do suffer from some pop-in when viewing them from a distance, which can be a little bit offputting.


There’s also some quite noticeable texture pop-in, which is a little unfortunate. But the water effects are beautiful, the lighting and shadow effects are extremely strong, and overall it’s a lovely-looking offering.


Xbox 360


Alas, it’s the weakest of the bunch. That isn’t to say it doesn’t look nice. Even on Xbox 360, the Frostbite 2.0 tech is strong. Unfortunately, there was some noticeable framerate stuttering in larger outdoor areas during my time with the game. That’s the biggest hurdle Battlefield 3 Xbox 360 will have to overcome before release, lest it be a little annoying.


Lighting and shadows, as well as reflections, are decent but not quite as strong as the PlayStation 3′s, and nowhere near the level of the PC. There’s some foliage pop-in as well, along the lines of that in the PS3 version. Interestingly, texture pop-in seemed to be almost entirely absent, although said textures are markedly lower-res – disappointingly blurry when up close, in fact.

Sony prikabino reikiamus zmones, todel visus BF3 expansionus pradedant pirmu ,gaus savaite anksciau nei pc/xbox.


Battlefield 3 Expansions Hit PS3 First


The Xbox 360 might be getting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 expansion packs first, but the PS3 gets Battlefield 3's expansions first.


The publisher said today that beginning with Battlefield 3 expansion Back to Karkand, all "full-blown upcoming expansion packs" for the game will appear one week early exclusively on the PS3, "brought to you by Sony."

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Sony prikabino reikiamus zmones, todel visus BF3 expansionus pradedant pirmu ,gaus savaite anksciau nei pc/xbox.


Priklausomai nuo to, kokie bus achievement'ai pack'uose, įtariu, kad BF3 atveju lauksiu DOTW. Tai bus žaidimas, kuris bus ilgai žaidžiamas, ir plėšytis pirmomis dienomis - manau neverta. Nebent achievement'ai reikalaus to :thumbsup4: (tarkime į kokį pack'ą įdės Destruction v2)


BC2 atveju visi addon'ai 50% buvo nupiginti per pusantrų metų 3 kartus.




Nesuprantu, koks čia skirtumas savaitę anksčiau ar vėliau. Rimtai?

Redagavo bat0nas

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