
Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3 Info Blowout: Prone confirmed for consoles and more


In case you haven’t played Battlefield 2, you should know that going prone before your opponent resulted in you having an advantage over him. Since everyone mastered the art, the gameplay slowed down to a crawl and it was not fun at all. In Battlefield 3, prone is confirmed for consoles as well, and don’t take me wrong but most console multiplayer games are filled with campers.


I am really excited to play BF3 on my PS3 but giving the console players prone ability is not a wise decision at all. If Dice really wants to add prone, they should make sure that the animations are such that, it takes a while to get up. This ensures that people don’t abuse it.


Take a look at the video “Dolphin Diving” in BF2,DICE has confirmed that it won’t be possible to do so in BF3, but it was hilarious when people were abusing it.

bus mazdaug taip:


:) dolphin FTW!!


Alan Kertz, the design lead of Battlefield 3 has been interacting with the community quiet a bit since the game got announced. What’s his chosen medium of communication? Twitter ofcourse. He dropped a lot of interesting details regarding the game and we’ve all all rounded up for you.


These are all the features confirmed for Battlefield 3.


* Prone is confirmed for all three platforms

* Tracers are confirmed.

* MoH MP and BC2 used the same weapon and FOV systems… BF3 is an upgraded version

* You can expect awesome destruction effect and vehicle details in the game.

* Consoles will be able to get the Limited Edition too.

* Friendly fire is an option

* No grappling hook or zipline will be there in the game.

* Vehicle Infantry balance is a huge focus

* Pre-ordering automatically gets you the Limited Edition of the game without any extra-charge.

* Dolphin Driving is out

bent jau pazvengiau konkreciai is video su delfinu.. :)


Some of the Battlefield 3 developers took to Twitter to answer questions from fans and one of the topics was the multiplayer. Console gamers were disappointed to learn that while the PC version of Battlefield 3 supports 64 players, the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will only support 24 players according to details revealed from retail sites.


Senior Gameplay Designer Alan Kertz responded to a question about why the PS3 won't have 64 players by saying, "Of course, we didn't say "oh console players don't want 64 players.' Network performance and cpu/gpu power and memory."


However, the rumored 24 player limit may not be set in stone as engine developer Christina Coffin responded to our question about the console limit with, "we'll support as many as we can +maybe extra provided it maintains the integrity of the play experience."


No word on whether or not Battlefield 3 will come with dedicated servers for the PS3 or Xbox 360. That would obviously be a limiting factor.


PS3 or Xbox 360?


Another question posed to Kertz was whether or not the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions would be the same. It's too early to say what differences there might be according to Kertz. So probably best to wait a little while longer on that pre-order before making a decision.


Recommended PC Specs


While definitely not official, DICE's Johan Andersson recommends a Window 7 PC with a 64-bit processor and a video card that supports DX11. However, the Frostbite 2.0 engine is being built to scale based on the hardware.


Battlefield 3 is set to be released sometime this Fall. It goes without saying that more details on military shooter are coming in the big GameInformer cover story.


Update: I'm seeing a lot of comments about the Xbox 360 holding the PS3 back. Let's remember two things. 1) The 24 player limit may not be set in stone. 2) The Xbox 360 has had games in the past (Frontlines, Section 8) and one coming soon (Homefront) that supported more than 24 players. If there is any limitation on consoles than it is likely due to the demands of the Frostbite 2.0 engine which won't even support Windows XP and requires at least DX10 on the PC.

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Tiems, kas užsisakys BF3 dabar, gaus BF2 turinį nemokamai.

39-40 svarų kiek mačiau dabar pre-order'is. Gaila, nieko nežinau apie tuos BF2 map'us ir ar vertas tas žaidimas preorder'io.

Taip pat būtų įdomu žinoti, ar bus koks nors su žaidimus VIP kodas, kaip kad BFBC2 ar ne. Nes jei taip, preorderinti turėtų visai apsimokėti (gauni 2 DLC už žaidimo kainą).


The Battlefield 3 Limited Edition includes Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand at no extra charge.


The themed expansion pack features four legendary maps from Battlefield 2 boldly re-imagined with Frostbite 2 physics, destruction, and visuals. Completing the package are classic Battlefield 2 weapons and vehicles, unique rewards, new achievements/trophies, and more. For those who don't pre-order to secure the Limited Edition, Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand expansion content will be available for purchase approximately one month after the game's release.


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Paskaičius tas CoD jau toks toks for pussies pasirodo.

Jau ir BC2 lyginant su CoD yra gerokai vyriškesnis.


Įdomu, koks bus CoD kitas žaidimas.

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Paskaičius tas CoD jau toks toks for pussies pasirodo.

Jau ir BC2 lyginant su CoD yra gerokai vyriškesnis.


Įdomu, koks bus CoD kitas žaidimas.

Maybe again, for pussies? ^_^

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Kam sunkiai skaitosi skenuotas tekstas, tai štai išrankioti pagrindiniai faktai:


* Aiming for CY Q4 2011 release

* Concept for BF3 has been in the works for years, waiting on proper tech to seamlessly come together

* Frosbite 2.0 is the culmination of this tech, entirely re-written

* Lighting sounds neat, one "probe" contains more lighting information than an entire BFBC2 level.

* Level destruction is going to be "believable" but basically everything is destructible.

* Character animations powered by ANT, what EA Sports uses.

* AI characters and multiplayer characters have different animation setsNo more "gliding" animations that look off, animation realism is a focus

* Captured their own war audios (bullets, tanks, helicopters, etc) at different distances to ensure realism

* Better audio cues for certain actions, more easily able to listen for threats

* Plan on better, more immediate post release content

* More unlocks than BFBC2

* Dice trying to find a good balance between customization of your character and not having "pink rabbit hat(s)"

* 4 classes

* Will talk about squads "later"

* Looking into a theater mode but can't talk about it

* Will have co-op

* There will be a kill-cam but it can be turned off

* BF3's team is almost twice as big as the team for BFBC2

* They want the pacing of the single player mode to be balanced, with highs and lows. Makes the comparison to a song vs a guitar solo.

* Part of the single player mode takes place in Sulaymaniyah - Iraqi Kurdistan.

* "***" will be used often, so M rated for sure

* There will be an earthquake in a level. The destruction sounds very impressive. 7 story building collapses, looks very well done

* Significant narrative that goes with the SP mode

* More than one setting, you're not in the middle east for the whole game

* PC version is lead version

* Why 64 players for PC only? No complains from the console crowd.

* No mod tools at release. Maybe none down the line either. Frosbite 2.0 is complex and mods tools would have to be dumbed down, so does Dice really want to put their time to that or would it be better spent elsewhere?

* Original story, not based on Bad Company at all.

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Man idomu butu pasiziuret koks tas destruction 3 varykliukas bus

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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bc2 buvo nerealus,bc3 bus patobulimai laukia nerealus zaidimas,cod reik pamirst kas cia per zaidimas.

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susimaisei biskiuka dabar BF3 o ne BC3 ^_^


Naujausiame Gameinformer žurnalo leidinyje pasirodė naujos informacijos apie pirmojo asmens šaudyklę Battlefield 3.


Kaip teigia šaltinis, žaidimo koncepcija kūrėjų mintyse brendo kelis metus, tačiau jie laukė, kol pasirodys technologija, leidžianti kūrėjams realizuoti visas jų idėjas – šia technologija tapo šiuolaikinis varikliukas Frostbite 2.0.


Taip pat žurnale rašoma, jog PC žaidimo versija yra pagrindinė, nors ir konsolinės versijos bus ypatingai aukštos kokybės.


Kitos detalės:


• Tikroviškas apšvietimas

• Galimybė praktiškai viską sugriauti

• Už veikėjų animaciją atsakinga sistema ANT, naudojama EA Sports žaidimuose

• Veikėjams, valdomiems DI (dirbtinio intelekto), ir daugelio žaidėjų režimo modeliams parenkamos skirtingos animacijos

• Kūrėjai siekia maksimalaus animacijos tikroviškumo – personažai neslidinės

• Šūviai, technikos garsai buvo įrašinėjami įvairiais atstumais

• Kokybiškesnis įvairių įvykių įgarsinimas, leidžiantis greičiau įvertinti garso šaltinį

DLC palaikymas po žaidimo pasirodymo

• Daugiau atidaromų žaidimo bonusų nei BFBC2

• DICE bando išlaikyti optimalų balansą veikėjo išvaizdos nustatymuose, kad po mūšio lauką nelakstytų personažai su kiškio ausimis.

• 4 personažų klasės

• DICE galvoja apie teatro režimą (angl. theater mode)

• Pilnavertis kooperatyvus režimas

• Atjungiama kill-cam kamera

• Už Battlefield 3 atsako dvigubai daugiau žmonių nei už BFBC2

• Vieno žaidėjo režimo kampanijai taip pat skiriamas didelis dėmesys

• Vienoje misijoje žaidėjas apsilankys Irako mieste Sulaimanijoje

• Vietovės bus įvairios, Jums nereikės praleisti viso žaidimo Artimuosiuose Rytuose

• M reitingas


Maža to, paaiškėjo, jog pasirodymo metu nebus redaktoriaus, kurio galime neišvysti ir po žaidimo pasirodymo. Esmė tame, kad Frostbite 2.0 – labai galingas varikliukas, todėl vartotojišką redaktorių reikėtų supaprastinti. Kol kas DICE nesiryžta tvirtai atsakyti, ar imsis tai daryti.


Battlefield 3 laukiamas šių metų ketvirtame ketvirtyje. EA Store tinklalapyje jau galima atlikti išankstinį Battlefield 3: Limited Edition užsakymą.

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German magazine Gamestar did their own interview with DICE on the upcoming Battlefield 3, and they’ve released some screenshots in the progress. We can’t say whether these are pre-rendered or in-game shots, but they look as one might expect BF3 to look.


The screenshots come from magazine scans done by German BF3 fan site Battlefield-Inside, the magazine is slated to hit the stands tomorrow. The screenshots appear to be form the single-player campaign.












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na ka visi to laukem...pirmas gameplay video


ir kodel nerode kai griuna tas pastatas jau maciau kad norejo rodyt...vis nukirsdavo geriausias na cool..nauja BF3 video rodyma mada dabar su ta muzika ir su tais triuksmais, kai tipo rysys trukineja. irgi idomu aisku.

is tikro campaign nes tikiu kad cia rodo butent story, tikrai primena BC2 ,na stilium ir kad 4 zmoniu komanda ir aisku engine stilius islikes toks ir nesumaisysis su kitais shooteriais. bet detales labai visos cool.kas vyksta aplink ir kiek visko,ir particle efektai ,dumai ir pan. viskas cool..o dar kazkas kalbejo kad SP galetu nebut isvis jam..



jei kam idomu idemiau isnagrinet ir isiziuret i tai kas buvo treileri tai Cia 38 screenai is treilerio


DICE: Battlefield 3's rivals are 'treading water'


DICE has warned its rivals in the military shooter space that it's "here to win" with Battlefield 3 - and accused some of its competitors of "treading water".


The studio sent out a gameplay trailer of the game this afternoon, which has already set the internet ablaze with positive comments.


It also confirmed plans for pre-order incentives and a Limited Edition of BF3, which is set to release for 360, PS3 and PC in the autumn.


"We are gearing up for a fight and we're here to win," said Karl Magnus Troedsson, General Manager, DICE.


"Where other shooters are treading water Battlefield 3 innovates. Frostbite 2 is a game-changer for shooter fans. We call it a next-generation engine for current-generation platforms."


Executive producer Patrick Bach added: "We wanted to create the most immersive and emotionally powerful Battlefield game ever and we needed new technology to deliver on our vision.


"Battlefield 3 preserves the franchise's signature sandbox style and even brings back classic fan favourites like jets, going prone and 64-player multiplayer on PC."

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As snekejau kad galetu ir nebuti SP, Nes kol ant PC buvo BF tol neturejo SP, Bet va su konsolem ir prasidejo BF ir atsirado SP (aisku gerai)

Ne į temą

Tai dabar davolnas esi kad SP yra, scalman Galesi MP nezaisti ? :)
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