
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Uncharted 3 Beta Now Open for All




Naughty Dog has announced that the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta is now available for all players. The download is listed in the PlayStation Store and can be downloaded to play until July 14.


Until July 9, available gametypes will be Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Team Objective, Hardcore and Co-Op Hunter on the Airstrip and Chateau maps. Between July 10 and the beta's end on July 14, you'll be able to play Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Hardcore, Co-Op Adventure and Co-Op Arena on the Airstrip and Yemen maps.


The Uncharted beta was plagued with issues on its first day back on June 28, but all seems to be running smoothly now. Naughty Dog's Robert Cogburn said that the company couldn't have anticipated the problems, reports Beefjack.


"One of the hardest things in making any multiplayer game is stressing the system," he said. "Once the beta exceeded what we tested previously, a number of problems occurred we could not have anticipated. The main issue was how we were handling certain network traffic when a lot of people were online. The problem was found quickly and, given the talent of the studio here at Naughty Dog and throughout the rest of SCEA, we were able to figure out a solution and get patch 1.01 up really quick."

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Jau pradėjau lošt beta prieš kelias dienas ir nemažai, kas iš psn draugų list'o lošia, kadangi neturėjau pilno uncharted 2 ir čia tik beta tai, nežinau kokios šitoj dalį naujoves lyginant su praeita. Gan įdomi kovos sistema mp režime tik, nepatiko viena vieta, toje trasoje kur su lektuvu ir jį vejasi tipo blogiuku sunkvežimai, tai kaip kala iš vietos už lenktynines mašinas greičiau į prieki po to vėl pristabdo, įdomiai, bet nelabai tikroviškai, o šeip visur kitur klaidų nepamačiau.

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Beta versija gauna papildoma bonus "injekcija" ;)

Daugiau info
Naughty Dog's Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta just received a significant, somewhat superb injection of bonus content. The final 1.04 release sees the addition of two new maps and the unlocking of every game mode. Yes, this means that Adventure Co-op is back.


This gameplay mode follows the pattern set by Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, where a slice of the single-player game is repurposed into a three-player co-op experience. Here, a brand new Syria stage is showcased, kicking off with Nate, Elena and Sully pursued by helicopters before gaining access to a tower by locating hidden idols and placing them on unlocking pedestals. What then follows is a treacherous tower ascent where players move in and out of cover while using precision pistols to take out enemy goons at the top of the structure.


It's fast-paced, dramatic, beautifully paced and exhibits some superb use of light and shadow - the revised ambient occlusion tech is far more noticeable here, and there's a lovely light shaft implementation in play early on in the underground portion of the stage. Moving out into the level's main gameplay arena and we see a significantly larger, more wide-open environment than the three multiplayer focused arenas, with specific areas set up for sniping and close-quarters combat, plus there's a sub-boss character to take on too.

Co-op mechanics are along the lines of what we saw in Uncharted 2, with the players working together to shift objects, revive each other under fire and gather in allocated areas in order to kick-off cinematics. While these elements may sound rather simplistic, the core gameplay itself rewards good teamwork: guarding players going after the objectives, getting the balance right between dealing with enemies on the ground and eliminating snipers... the game is naturally set up for entertaining, strategic play.


The only criticisms we have of the Adventure mode concern the bugs we found: of our first six playthroughs, we only completed three of them. The others were cut short owing to game-breaking bugs. In one instance, one of the idols required to unlock the tower simply disappeared completely, making further progress impossible. On two other occasions, lifting the stone idol container caused the player to freeze, leaving you completely unable to progress. Of course, this is beta code, so we should expect some issues, but it was frustrating regardless.

The new 1.04 beta update also sees the introduction of a new multiplayer map, perfectly suited to the three-team Deathmatch mode also unlocked in the new code. Intricately detailed with an outstanding level of detail, the new Yemen map adds a degree of vertical gameplay to the existing formula. It's a multi-level stage with tall look-outs and connecting ziplines, plus some superb commanding views of the surrounding city.


Aside from the obvious sniping possibilities, the map also has some interesting qualities that allow for the equalisation of gameplay between lower-level characters and the more experienced Uncharted multiplayer masters: there's a lot of climbing involved in reaching the higher levels, and scaling ladders in particular leaves you wide open to attack with very few options once an opponent has his sights set on you. It's also an excellent level for stealthy hand-to-hand kills involving pulling players off ledges... there are certainly plenty of them.


In all, the addition of Adventure Mode and the new Yemen map makes the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta absolutely unmissable if you have access to the PlayStation Network, proving that Naughty Dog has significantly improved its online offering while hinting at the excellence to come from the eagerly anticipated single-player game via the entertaining Adventure Co-Op offering. With the beta closing down on 14th July, it's a shame that there isn't longer to play the new content, so enjoy it while it lasts and check out the beta now.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Visas dalis pralose, tai ir sita reiks perlosti :thumbsup4: nes tikrai geras zaidimas bus ir yra. Isties is pirmo trailerio kaip pamaciau tai mane suzavejo labai, ta dykuma, grafika, grozis, nu viskas perfect :clap2:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Visas dalis pralose, tai ir sita reiks perlosti :clap2: nes tikrai geras zaidimas bus ir yra. Isties is pirmo trailerio kaip pamaciau tai mane suzavejo labai, ta dykuma, grafika, grozis, nu viskas perfect :P




jei gausiu įspėjimą, bent jau žinosiu už ką :thumbsup4:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Bet tai rimtai jau skaitai topicus ir visur tas pats veikejas "ziauriai geras zaidimas grazu", matosi grynai postus sk renka ;D

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    • @Javelin  tikiu,kad ras Ps5 pro pirkeju daug ir Lietuvoje Nemanau,kad labai dideli skirtuma jausciau grafikoje. Va jei 60 stabilus fps visuose zaidimuose,tada neblogai butu. Siaip ipratau ir prie 30fps dar nuo Ps4 ar x360 laikų svarbu tie 30 butu stabilus,"nesokinejantys" tai daugiau tai maziau- tas tai tragedija budavo.. Visuose zaidimuose su Ps5 renkuosi "performance" rezima,ir jauciu kad 60fps eina, stqbiliai (tikiuos ne placebo efektas įsijungia :D. )
    • Taip čia Sony gerai padirbėjo. Mano vaniline sukasi (ir tikios toliau suksis🤞) kaip bitutė. Prasiplėčiau SSD 1TB ir ramu. Šiaip manau nauji visų laukiami žaidimai gali būti tas Pro (kaip ir beveik visų konsolių)  pardavimo varyklis. Tokie kaip TLOU3 ar visų laukimas GTA6. Aišku eis ir ant Slim, bet kai tu gali gauti mėgstamo žaidimo Max grafika, tai veikia.
    • Sutinku. Mokant pinigus už galutinį produktą, norėtųsi, kad ir veiktų kaip tai deklaruojama.
    • @tymbarkFM Kai anonsavo PS Portal išvadinau ji visišku š, nes nepalaiko native žaidimų. Vėliau pagalvojau, kad gal man jo reikėtų ir man pavyktu su juo greičiau išvalyti backlogą. Deja, mano remote play testai su PSPlay ir Playstation Remote Play parodė, kad mano Telia duotas Wifi-4 routeris net su 5ghz kanalu + ethernet kabelis pajungtas prie konsolės yra per silpni. Internetas Telia 500Mbps, o routerio pats atsinaujinti nenoriu, nes bus problemos su televizija, o Telia siūlo visišką šlamštą keitimui. Aišku galima atidarynėti portus, daryti statinį ip, bet man kaip paprastam vartotojui per daug vargo, nes Telia užrakino routerį nežinomu slaptažodžiu (defaultinis neveikia).
    • Neseniai įsigyjau PS Portal. Galiu pasakyti, kad kai veikia, tai puikiai atlieka savo funkciją. Namuose su lokaliu Wi-Fi veikia tobulai, bandžiau TPS action-žaidimus (Assassin's Creed, Outlaws) - galima nors ir visą žaidimą pereiti, jokio diskomforto, pultelis kaip originalus DualSense, ekranas geras, ryškus, nors ir LCD. Bandžiau darbe su Wi-Fi - veikia beveik tobulai, atiranda retkarčiais kokybės kritimas, bet žaisti galima. Kas nepavyko, tai pasijungti per Hotspot iš telefono, bandžiau dukart - nepavyko net pasijungti. Va čia yra didžiausias trūkumas. Iki Portal pirkimo bandžiau per Remote Play žaisti iš planšetės, pririšant pultelį - tai galiu pasakyti, kad ekspirjensas geresnis nei su Portal ir vietos net mažiau užima nešiojantis. Tai realiai nelabai dar turiu kuo pagrįsti tokį pirkinį. 😅
  • 32 Dizainas

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    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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