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Alien Breed 3 Announced, Launching This Month

Though Alien Breed 2: Assault was released only in September, developer Team17 Software has announced that it's already lining up Alien Breed 3: Descent for launch this month.


Descent will conclude the top-down shooter trilogy with new weapons and enemies plus the opportunity to step outside the ship in what're called "breathtaking hull walk set pieces." You'll get to shoot lots of things, of course.


Alien Breed 3 will be released for PC, exclusively via Steam, and Xbox 360 on November 17, costing $9.99 (800 Microsoft Points). A PlayStation 3 edition will follow later.


gailiuosi, jog esu su ban'u

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Jei kam buvo gaila 1200pts, griebkite už 800!


Deal of the week: Shank



This week, Xbox LIVE Gold members can grab Shank for 800 points, a savings of 33%.

This special price will be available until until Monday, November 22nd

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Jeigu kas nors planuojate pirkti ką nors iš šio sąrašo:


Splosion Man, South Park Let’s go Tower Defense Play, UNO Rush, Perfect Dark, Snoopy Flying Ace, Defense Grid, Magic the Gathering, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Ikaruga, Fable II Pub Games, Braid, A Kingdom for Keflings, Rez HD, The Maw, Scrap Metal, Alien Breed Episode 1, Alien Breed Episode 2, The Dishwasher Dead Samurai, Duke Nukem 3D, N+.

tai lapkritis yra labai geras metas tai padaryti.


Daugiau informacijos:

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Wow...!!! Boulder Dash ateina į XBLA :thumbsup4:

Lietuviams jis gali būti labiau pažįstamas pavadinimu: Supaplex. Nors kiek pažiūrėjau - yra krūvos kitų klonų įvairiose platformose.


Daugiau info su screen'ais:


Šiaip viskas būtų gerai.. bet man pasirodė per vaikiškai nupieštas. Iš klasikinio žaidimo daro jie kažkokį klounišką popsą.

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Trials HD "Big Thrills" DLC Pack Due in December

The critically-acclaimed Trials HD is getting a chunk of downloadable content soon. Joystiq reports that the "Big Thrills" pack will hit on December 1 for 400 MSP ($5). The pack is composed of ten of the best and brightest user-created tracks for the game.


Developer RedLynx is also giving away free copies of the early Trials PC game, now called Trials Legends, by hitting Like on their Facebook page. If you haven't given the racing/puzzle hybrid a try yet, now seems like a good time to do so. Check out our review if you still need a little convincing.

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Oooo... labai faina, kad šitas pack'as bus jau kitą savaitę! Bijojau, kad nereiktų laukti kalėdų. Bus ką veikti iki BC2:Vietnam :dwn:


RLTV - Big Thrills Winners


Trumpas žvilgterėjimas į konkurso laimėtojus.


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Super Meat Boy's 'Sewers of Dross' DLC now available, Team Meat details five more additions


"Teh Internets" of Super Meat Boy got an additional 20 levels of precision platforming madness this morning, with "The Sewers of Dross." The free pack features Gish as the only playable character, leading the character-specific DLC charge for SMB. Free DLC chapters made specifically for Commander Video and The Kid will also be made available in early 2011, along with a "best of" user-submitted level pack, featuring 20 levels created by PC/Mac players.


Two non-character-specific DLC packs will arrive via "Teh Internets" in December: Meat Boy (a retro chapter "based on the best of the Meat Boy flash prototype") and I Meat Boy (a pack of remixed levels from the main game, made more difficult). As Team Meat's Edmund McMillen explains in the comments of the announcement post, some of these DLC packs will be available on PC and Mac as well, but some (TSoD, for example) won't make it due to exclusivity agreements with Microsoft -- Gish is exclusive to Xbox 360.

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Ženklios nuolaidos penktadienį.




Trials HD The Big Pack Regular Price: 400 Discount Price: 240 Savings: 40%




Monkey Island: Special Edition Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Monkey Island 2 Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Puzzle Quest 2 Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 800 Savings: 33%

Serious Sam TSE Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 600 Savings: 50%

Zombie Apocalypse Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Portal: Still Alive Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 67%

VooDoo Dice Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Mega Man 10 Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Magic the Gathering Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

Madden NFL Arcade Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50%

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Zombies and Pterodactyls 20XX (aka ZP2KX) is the latest Xbox Live Indie from Dishwasher dev


Dishwasher: Dead Samurai developer Ska Studios knows how to make a game stand out on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace; afterall, it's the same rule that applies to just about every successful video game in the history of the art form. Add zombies.


Ska's Xbox Live Indie debut was I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1 which, despite its humble origins and unique spelling, managed to sell 308K copies as of last August. At $1 a pop, after Microsoft's 30% cut, that leaves a healthy $215K – not a bad take for the one-person shop. For his Xbox Live Indie Games followup, Ska Studios' James Silva is playing fast and loose. Gone are the old days when it was as simple as making a game with zombies in it. That's just not enough anymore. Enter: Pterodactyls.


Zombies and Pterodactyls 20XX (or, as they'd like you to abbreviate it, ZP2KX) appears to be a multiplayer-focused title with staples such as jetpacks, capture the flag, deadly rainbows and Africanized bee-ammunition. And like Z0MB1ES, ZP2KX will be just $1 when it's released next week during the indie-organized (and seasonally co-opted!) "Indie Games Winter Uprising." Full press and trailer after the break.


visai smagiai ziurisi :thumbup:

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esme, kad vistiek traukti juos reikia is tos pacios vietos (XBOX LIVE), o ir temos tokiems niekuciams nera. Beja sitie INDIE zaidimai, kartais buna daug vertesni emociju, nei ARCADE :)

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esme, kad vistiek traukti juos reikia is tos pacios vietos (XBOX LIVE), o ir temos tokiems niekuciams nera. Beja sitie INDIE zaidimai, kartais buna daug vertesni emociju, nei ARCADE :)

Tas tiesa dėl emocijų. Tačiau man XBLA labiau patinka dėl: 1) achievement'ų (yra ko siekti) 2) dėl to, kad pirkti ir žaisti XBLA žaidimai matosi bendrame žaidimų sąraše.

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