
Mass Effect 3

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Info is GamesCom:

The CE Robot dog is possible to interact with aboard the Normandy, like having it follow you around, play fetch and it apparently has a story to it. No details on whether it's combat able or not though.


Character creator will get a lot more hair styles and facial features in ME3. So expect the hairstyles from the femShep competition to make it into the CC.


They are considering an Uber achievement for all three games. What that is exactly is they don't know, but they want to reward their long term fans.


All squad mates will get their story and closure for ME3 even if they might not be a permanent squad member.


We'll see more of the Yahg (The former Shadow Broker)


Not loyalty of people, but loyalty of races. Less focus on building loyalty with squad members and more on the various races. So expect previous loyalty and decisions to play a part in this.


XP system goes back to ME1. No details but they won't do the mission summary XP from ME2.


The fate of the squad mates will not always be up to the player and decisions that feels right can prove to be harmful.


The banter will be increased significantly since the squad member group is smaller this time.


The ending of ME3 will give closure to the trilogy so don't expect answers on post ME3 DLC until the game is out.


There will not be an SDK after Mass Effect 3.


Joker EDI romance is being "looked at".


Aside from the Krogan princess, we will apparently not see female counterparts of turians,

salarians and so on in ME3 either.


Mods for ME2 has to be remade for ME3.


Thane is still alive in ME3. (if he survived Collector Base)


Kelly Chambers will return.


Romance between Joker and Shepard is a case of "you have to play it to see it"


If Hammerhead or Mako returns it's closer to critical path missions. Don't expect

exploration using these vehicles.


The Normandy will be upgraded by the Systems Alliance, so resource gathering for the ship is not likely this time.


The geth quarian conflict will be concluded.


Existing music from ME1 and ME2 will make its way into ME3.


Side quests will pretty much always be in line with the critical path story.


Classes will get new powers with up to six different ways to customize each power


Squad mates appearances and armor will be possible to customize again.


Seems Cerberus will be a full blown antagonist and not possible to align with in ME3.


They have DECIDED about whether you'll get to see Tali's face or not.


There may be time sensitive story elements though it will be more focused ones like the Normandy crew.


ME3 will make you cry!


There will be a larger variety of environments compared to ME2.


Heavy melee will pretty much always kill a target, but defensive factors like armor, barriers and shields will affect the outcome. Also don't try to melee an Atlas mech.


There will be mini games though no announcements.


We may see Quarians without masks. Whether that would include Tali or not was left unsaid.


The choices you make in the trial at the beginning of ME3 will set the tone for the future in the game


James Vega's voice actor will be announced really soon and is apparently a closely guarded secret, since he's really awesome.


Indoctrination seem to play a role in ME3, possibly including party members.


Kal'Reegar will return in ME3.


They are discussing possibilities of missions that ties back to your background choice for Shepard.


You have a lot more romance options in ME3. Possibly not limited to party members.


You will be able to change class if you import your ME2 Shepard to ME3. Though you will have to start from Lvl 1 while kept class will get Import+ perks.


Legion will return with a larger role in ME3.


There may be a 'special' import for saves where Shepard died. The interest is clearly too big for them to simply ignore such a treat.


Miranda will be back and has unfinished business with Shepard.


Shepard's SPECTRE status will play part in ME3 and change things if you had the status reinstated in ME2.


Conrad Verner's back.


Normandy will be the SR-2 with an Alliance paint and some redesigned interiors. Joker will apparently be happy with it.


How many team mates you speak to at the same time aboard the Normandy depends on the context of the missions.


You'll have debriefings after each mission that are deeper than ME2, but you are still likely to only talk to the squad mates one on one outside of that.

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Multyplayer patvirtintas
Rumour becomes reality today, as Mass Effect 3's oft-mooted online multiplayer has finally been confirmed in Australian gaming magazine, PC PowerPlay , which features an article detailing the game's multiplayer having been on a trip to see BioWare. "That's right - Mass Effect 3 is getting multiplayer!" exclaims the magazine. "We travel to BioWare's office in Edmonton for hands-on time with the series' first foray into online gameplay, and chat with Mass Effect Series Producer and Mass Effect 3 Project Director Casey Hudson about the decision to go multiplayer in the epic battle for the galaxy." 'Fight alongside your friends' is the cover tagline too, suggesting that online co-op is indeed in the offing, much like Rage's Legend of the Wasteland co-op missions, as we suggested when a page from a South African mag emerged last week , advertising Mass Effect 3 listed online multiplayer among the features. It also appears that Mass Effect 3's co- op missions will be an entirely separate mode, that will in no way affect the core si
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Šiaip neturiu nieko prieš multiplayer mode, kol tai neveikia single player kampanijos kokybės. Vis dėlto paskutinė trilogijos dalis, kūrėjai nori, kad žaidėjai kuo ilgiau žaistų, kad ne taip greitai padėtų jų darbą ant lentynos. Jei pasistengs tai tikrai būtų smagus multiplayeris su tom visom veikėjų (ne tik žmonių) "customization", galbūt kiekvienas žaidėjas gaus po Normandy laivą (kaip SW:tOR), mapų įvairovė turėtų stebinti. Tikiuosi viskas bus gerai, ir ne bus kaip su Dead Space 2...

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O as manau bus kaip su gow3. Dideli demesi skyre MP ir jis gavos netgi labai saunus, o SP gerokai prastesnis nei gow1 ar gow2 (Tiesiog nebera gow dvasios). IMO nereikia tam ME3 multiplayerio........ (bet $_$)

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Daugiau apie mp
BioWare has revealed the first official
details for Mass Effect 3's multiplayer,
which will take the form of 4-player co-
op missions playable via Xbox Live,
where players can choose from a
variety of classes and races to form an
elite Special Forces squad to fight
together and "liberate key territories
from enemy control."
Your progress in multiplayer will also
have a direct impact upon the outcome
of the single-player campaign, although
BioWare is keen to stress that you can
still achieve the "optimal, complete
ending" in Mass Effect 3 through just
playing the single-player portion of the
Also revealed is the Mass Effect 3:
Galaxy at War system, which as a bonus
to the campaign, enables players to
manage their war against the Reapers
using multiple methods, including 4-
player co-op. You'll be able to build
Shepard and his team's 'Galactic
Readiness', gathering people, resources,
weapons, armies and fleets through a
variety of platforms and interfaces, the
details of which are under wraps for
now. We imagine social networking will
probably play a part though.
There'll be character progression,
weapon upgrading and leveling up in 4-
player co-op too, as mentioned in a
series of FAQs regarding the newly
announced co-op mode posted on the
BioWare forums , which also addresses
a multitude of concerns, including
whether co-op will have any kind of a
negative impact upon the single-player
"We have always maintained that we
would only add multiplayer into the
Mass Effect series if it made sense and
did not compromise the power of the
single player campaign. Fighting together
against a common threat was the
multiplayer experience that made the
most sense for Mass Effect 3. The way
we have designed co-op as a way to
take control of key conflict zones in the
galaxy is a natural extension of the
premise of Mass Effect 3," reads the
FAQ post. "Our priority and focus with
Mass Effect 3 has and always will be to
deliver a complete and satisfying single
player experience."
Ane here's the final word on why
multiplayer won't affect the single-
player campaign in Mass Effect 3:
"BioWare is dedicated and focused on
delivering an engaging, fun, and action-
packed experience for Mass Effect 3,
one that lives up the BioWare standard.
To reach that level of quality, last year
BioWare opened a studio in Montreal
that is home to designers,
programmers, engineers, and other
developers. Both studios work together
as partners, lead by the core Mass
Effect team, unified in a single vision.
Under the direction of Casey Hudson
and other team veterans, both studios
make contributions to both the single
player and multiplayer modes in Mass
Effect 3. Rest assured that no
compromises were made to either of
these modes in the development of
Mass Effect 3."

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Mass Effect 3 Demo Planned for January

BioWare has confirmed that you'll be able to give a section of both Mass Effect 3's single-player and multiplayer a whirl with a demo to "give players a taste of what's to come", when the game launches next year.


The developer broke the news on its Mass Effect Facebook page: "It’s going to be a happy new year! Mass Effect 3 will have a pre-release demo in January 2012. The demo will have both single player and multiplayer sections, giving fans a taste of what’s to come on 3/6/12."


Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is called 'Galaxy at War' and will have you squirreling away resources for the ensuing war against the Reapers. You'll be able to play as a number of races, with customisable weapons and so forth. Mass Effect 3 is out on March 6th, 2012 in North America and March 9th, 2012 in Europe.

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Co-Op hands on
The controversy and negativity that surrounded the announcement of Mass Effect 3’s co-operative multiplayer still hums and echoes in the darkest corners of the internet. “It’ s not needed!” “Why do developers have to ruin great single- player games!?” “What are EA and BioWare smoking?” All valid questions and statements for anyone who’s been misinformed or who hasn’t really read up on why and how Mass Effect’s 3 co- op has been put in and what BioWare hopes to achieve with it. In truth, the ‘Galaxy at War’ aspect of Mass Effect 3 sounds like a mouth-watering prospect on paper, but then again so did the Max Payne movie. In order to put fears to rest and give you the skinny on whether it it’ll live up to its billing, we went hands-on with it recently to put the mode through its paces. For those not up to date on Mass Effect 3’s co-op, in a nutshell, it'll have you and three mates battling it out against 11 waves of varying foes in key strongholds across the galaxy to assist Shepard in his war against the Reapers. Firstly, it’s entirely optional and not necessary if you want to achieve the “optimal” ending; and secondly, it’s been made by an entirely new studio (BioWare Montreal) with only guidance from the Mass Effect team, meaning your single-player game shouldn’t suffer as a result. Now that that’s out the way, let’s get into the nitty gritty. Players can choose characters from one of six races: human, Krogan, Asari, Drell, Salarian and Turian (what, no Quarian?! What the hell BioWare?!) each of which have their own special abilities to separate them from the others and have certain classes to choose from. For instance, the Asari come in two forms: Adept and Vanguard, because of their biotic strengths. Unfortunately for us and our timing, we were stuck with a female human character – which incidentally is the only species with a male and female to pick from – who specialised as a Sentinel. Unlike the single-player game, because you have no squad members to choose from, the special abilities are mapped to the directional-pad to use – we had three: push, warp and tech armour. Setting up on a map called “White” – which we’re pretty sure isn’t the final name of said map and if it is, creativity’s obviously dead at BioWare – we took the battle to an icy-landing pad of sorts with various warehouse style interiors – you know, your traditional Mass Effect combat setting where crates are as common as stupidity is in this day and age – to fight 11 waves of indoctrinated Cerberus soldiers. With alleyways surrounding a jet-fighter of sorts that acted as good cover on the landing pad, the four of us huddled round and proceeded to fortify ourselves in a protectable position. The objective of the game is simple: kill any enemy combatant that crosses your path, earn money and complete all 11 waves that get progressively harder. In short: it’s ‘Horde’ but in the Mass Effect universe. It’s not just about straight up killing though and it’s not always as simple as that, as BioWare throws mandatory objectives into various waves (such as hack a computer, which acts much in the way as a territory or king of the hill game mode would play out) and they even throw much bigger beasties your way, for example, in wave 5 or 6 we faced off against a huge Atlas mech, which requires teamwork to takedown. It’s a matter of making use of your powers and weaponry then, topping up ammo at the red crates dotted around the map should you run out. It wasn’t long before that initial notion of teamwork went out the window though, as the landing pad seemed rather quiet and our bloodthirsty team went looking for blood. That in itself was a mistake, as splitting up from the rest of the team means you’re vulnerable should you find yourself in a spot of bother and get downed. Unfortunately for me, my teammates went too far away at around wave 7 or 8, as they were inundated with Cerberus troops and I subsequently was the last man standing. It’s a matter of fighting through to the end of the wave so they respawn or lying down and admitting defeat and starting the wave again. That wasn’t about to happen! Using the walkways around the side of the landing pad, the 10+ playthroughs of Mass Effect 1 & 2 to date started to really come in handy. Using cover and a combination of some carefully swerved biotic powers and shotgun shells I was able to pick off the remaining 10 or so troops one-by-one and then it was time to rinse and repeat. And therein lies Mass Effect 3’s co-op’ s problem… the combat in Mass Effect to-date, although much stronger in Mass Effect 2, has always taken a back seat to the story, the squad management and interaction, and the dialogue; none of that which is present here. It’s all rather soulless and repetitive, and if I’m being perfectly frank, it’s rather boring as well. Look, now we totally understand why BioWare has shoehorned co-op into Mass Effect 3, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it. Unfair to say shoehorned? Not at all, because that’s how it plays. While the combat itself isn’t that bad, it only goes to highlight the weaknesses when the game relies on its third-person shooter mechanics. It feels like they’ve taken out what makes Mass Effect what it is today just as an excuse to promote longevity. Of course, we’ll reserve final judgement until next March, but unless things drastically changes in the meantime, we suspect that the finished article will be as soulless and shallow as we experienced with our hands-on recently. Thank goodness that Mass Effect 3 is all about the single-player then, because otherwise we’d be up shit creek without a paddle. Mass Effect 3 is scheduled for a March 6th and March 9th release in North America and Europe respectively.

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It turns out that Xbox Live users

who have gained access to the Xbox

Live Dashboard Preview have had an

additional surprise waiting for them in

the shape of a Mass Effect 3 demo


The planned Mass Effect 3 Private Beta,

which isn't supposed to go live until

January 2012, has been leaked onto the

Xbox Live Dashboard Preview program,

and by the looks of things, it appears to

be a massive error that someone at

BioWare is going to get a serious

beating for, as the textures are clearly

unfinished or missing and the game

looks to be in an unpolished state.

That hasn't prevented some industrious

scamps downloading the 1.81GB file to

try out the Mass Effect 3 Private Beta

though, snapping a load of images from

it in the process. There's one below that

we've nabbed off NeoGAF , where you'll

find a whole lot more to boot. Tread

carefully if you want to avoid spoilers


Apparently the leaked Mass Effect 3

demo also shows elements from the

single-player campaign, including 'Action

Mode', 'Story Mode' and 'RPG Mode',

with each offering varying gameplay.

Action Mode emphasises action and

combat, Story Mode keeps the combat

simple and places the onus on the

chatty bits, while RPG Mode is the full-

fat experience with normal combat

difficulty and all the usual story and

talkie trimmings. Interesting...

Mass Effect 3 is out on March 6th, 2012

in North America and March 9th, 2012

in Europe.


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O as manau bus kaip su gow3. Dideli demesi skyre MP ir jis gavos netgi labai saunus, o SP gerokai prastesnis nei gow1 ar gow2 (Tiesiog nebera gow dvasios). IMO nereikia tam ME3 multiplayerio........ (bet $_$)


Nemanau, kad jie maziau demesio skirs SP. Igi nekūrė visos istorijos penkis metus, kad nesamone paliktu ant galo ;). Tuo labiau niekas nevercia zaisti MP. Ji tik idejo, kad daugiau zmoniu sudomintu, net ir tuos, kurie nelose pirmu dvieju daliu.

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