
6.20 exploit (taip nulauze)

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kada bus ant psp versijos 6.20 nulauzimas? :D

Praneš gi, viską parašys, kai tik bus nulaužiamas brite su 6.20 versija, skaityk tema gi, neparaše, kad nulaužta, tai reiškias dar nenulaužta. :D

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Praneš gi, viską parašys, kai tik bus nulaužiamas brite su 6.20 versija, skaityk tema gi, neparaše, kad nulaužta, tai reiškias dar nenulaužta. :notworthy:

Cia visi kalbat apie brite 6.20 versija ir t.t, o galima paprasciau tam kartui(PSP pirkti pries 1-2metus, ju dabar daugiausia savininku): 2004 (OFW iki 5.50) su TA88V3 mocia - ar jau yra budas normaliai atsilauzti, kad butu galima ir tinkle zaisti?

Jei galima, butu visi dekingi uz nuorodas.

(Toks atsakymas, kaip skaityk forumuose netenkina, nes dvieju metu forumus skaityti uzima laika ir kiek suprantu cia stengiasi viska glausciau pateikti paprastam vartotojui, todel ir megstu si tinklapi)

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su TA88V3 motina pilnai nulauzt neimanoma, bet gali leist iso ir homebrew ir t.t. su chickHEN jei tavo OFW 5.03 arba zemesne, taciau negali isjungt psp, tik ant sleep rezimo, nes reiks is naujo viska nulauzinet, taciau tai nera itin didele problema, tai turi ir pliusu, kadangi tu nelendi i flash'a, o chickHEN'as veikia is RAM'o, net ir stipriai sugrybaves neuzbrick'insi savo psp:)

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su TA88V3 motina pilnai nulauzt neimanoma, bet gali leist iso ir homebrew ir t.t. su chickHEN jei tavo OFW 5.03 arba zemesne, taciau negali isjungt psp, tik ant sleep rezimo, nes reiks is naujo viska nulauzinet, taciau tai nera itin didele problema, tai turi ir pliusu, kadangi tu nelendi i flash'a, o chickHEN'as veikia is RAM'o, net ir stipriai sugrybaves neuzbrick'insi savo psp:)

stipriai sugrybaves gali bricka parnest, siaip nepatinka kad sitoj temoj man cia klausineja ;D ar ta galima ar ta, cia bendra tema siaip visom neflashinamom motininem psp nuo ta88v3 iki GO... siaip vel jie apmire ten ir nieko nepasako naujo kas vyksta bet kai pajudes ledai iskart pranesiu ;] tikiuosi pareis sita naujiena jums kartu su KH BBS (ta prasme iki vasaros ;])

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Isejo naujas exploitas kuris tinka visom firmware. Bet, tai nedidele naujiena, nes vistiek nieko gero su juo nenuveiksi, siuo metu. Veikimo principas tas pats: uzloadini modifikuota save, tik sikart ne ant Patapon 2 zaidimo o ant Splinter Cell Essentials.


Redagavo Jazas

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Isejo naujas exploitas kuris tinka visom firmware. Bet, tai nedidele naujiena, nes vistiek nieko gero su juo nenuveiksi, siuo metu. Veikimo principas tas pats: uzloadini modifikuota save, tik sikart ne ant Patapon 2 zaidimo o ant Splinter Cell Essentials.

todel ir nepostinau, beto ka svarbiausia nepaminejai, kad kas turi SCE tas geriau ji pasilieka, ir kas dar galvoja kad reik pasirupint tai greiciau is psn siuskytes kol neuzlope exploito. :wacko:

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Half Byte Loader R79

kaip apzadejau atnaujinsiu sia tema kai jau bus reikalas.

taigi half byte loaderio naujas relyzas, leidzia dar daugiau programu, homebrewu tiek psp su 6.20 tiek go ;] dabar emuliatoriai nuo scummvm iki sega genesis. Beto galit paisleist DOOM ;DDDD ok eikit pazaist ;] tikiuosi taip neuztruks jum laikas kol pagaliau gausim real deal... ;]


PS: nepamirskit yra 6.20 cfw bet jo negausim tol kol neiseis 6.30 taigi ;/// geriau tenkinkimes kazka daranciais negu turinciais bet neduodanciais.

Redagavo red-cat_eX

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Half Byte Loader Revision 83


Half Byte Loader (HBL) revision 81 83 for all PSP (PSPgo too!) models running firmware 5.00 to 6.20. Much has improved since we last covered m0skit0, Wololo, n00b81 and ab5000’s HBL. I’m talking mad compatibility with plenty of homebrew and emulators.


nezinau kuo geriau nuo praeito ,bet siaip mazdaug tas poats viskas,gal daugiau homebrew palaiko ir emuliu.o siaip uztenka ir to jau.kad visa semules ir homebrew pasileist and pspgo. its cool..

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Half Byte Loader Revision 83


nezinau kuo geriau nuo praeito ,bet siaip mazdaug tas poats viskas,gal daugiau homebrew palaiko ir emuliu.o siaip uztenka ir to jau.kad visa semules ir homebrew pasileist and pspgo. its cool..

jap cia lygis nebedaug liko turbut ir iki iso loaderio ;]

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Vis tiem, kam nedashunta.


I was of course expecting it from the start, we’ve received lots of help and great feedback when we released the Half Byte Loader for Patapon, but as usual there’s also a minority of people (who tend to believe they speak for everyone) who are dissatisfied with the idea that the Half Byte loader doesn’t run isos.


The idea is floating on the internet that I am against iso loaders, and that it is why there is no iso loader available for HBL. This is wrong in many ways.


First, I am not especially against iso loaders. I am against piracy but I believe those are two separate things. The fact that they are associated together is not directly my concern. What is true though is that I don’t care about isos. Actually I don’t use my PSP to play commercial videogames, or so rarely that I’m usually fine with the UMD format. In other words, I don’t mind if people code a HEN or an ISO Loader for the patapon exploit, but I won’t work on that myself because I don’t care. So people who contact me with (generally stupid) ideas on how to load ISOs can stop right now, I don’t even read those emails.


Secondly, it is not “because wololo or m0skit0 or ab5000 are against isos on their exploit” that no iso loader is made available through the Patapon exploit. It is because it is not technically doable. Loading isos (probably) requires kernel access and the Patapon exploit is a user mode exploit. Of course, if someone wants to prove me wrong and code an iso loader in user mode, please feel free to do it, I’ll be sure to test it and confirm it.


Finally, ALL videos I’ve seen on youtube so far claiming they have a HEN or an ISO Loader running through the patapon exploit or the Half-Byte Loader are fakes. The only true publicly known (but not available) HEN for the new PSP Models that I know about is the one showcased a while ago by Davee and Team Typhoon. And as many people know, Team Typhoon took the decision to not release this HEN.


Well, the conclusion is “stop believing everything you see on youtube”. A Mobile phone can’t bake popcorns. HBL Can’t run isos.

trumpai lietuviskai:

ten rasoma, kad kurejas nera nusistates pries iso, jam paciam buvo idomu ar tai eitu padaryt, bet jis naudoja umd, ir nekurs iso loaderio, nes nenori, beto paleist iso reikia prieit prie kernelio, half byte yra tik user mode exploitas, bet kas nori ir padarys tai gali duot jam patestuot. dar raso, kad visi video youtubej feikai, kaip as visada sakiau yra lauzta 6.20, bet jos nusprende neleist kol pasirodys 6.30 (papildyta info truputi). ir dar rase kad maziau tiket tuo ka matot youtubej. Telefonas negali kept popkornu, half byte loaderis negali paleidinet iso.

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Vis tiem, kam nedashunta.

trumpai lietuviskai:

ten rasoma, kad kurejas nera nusistates pries iso, jam paciam buvo idomu ar tai eitu padaryt, bet jis naudoja umd, ir nekurs iso loaderio, nes nenori, beto paleist iso reikia prieit prie kernelio, half byte yra tik user mode exploitas, bet kas nori ir padarys tai gali duot jam patestuot. dar raso, kad visi video youtubej feikai, kaip as visada sakiau yra lauzta 6.20, bet jos nusprende neleist kol pasirodys 6.30 (papildyta info truputi). ir dar rase kad maziau tiket tuo ka matot youtubej. Telefonas negali kept popkornu, half byte loaderis negali paleidinet iso.


Tai kaip suprantu dar laukt ir laukt :thumbup:((((

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Half Byte Loader revision 85


For those keeping an eye on the development of the Half Byte Loader project, here's the latest stable release of the said homebrew, courtesy of wololo, m0skit0 and ab5000. Just a little refresher for anyone asking, the Half Byte Loader project is an open source Homebrew Loader for the Sony PSP that allows you to play homebrews on any PSP, including the PSP Go, running on firmwares up to 6.20.


Developer's note:



After discussing with the other devs, we’ve taken the decision to revert an important change from the HBL. Basically I wasn’t satisfied with the changes made in revision 80. They are good changes for the future of HBL, but they were too experimental for now. For these reason, the project is now split into two versions. We will try to keep the trunk version roughly operational, while the “p5″ branch will contain experimental developments. When we are satisfied with the experimental stuff, we will merge them back into the main project.


Anyways, it means more headaches for us with several versions to maintain, but hopefully more stability for the end users from now on. Revision 85 is basically revision 79 + all the important bug fixes from revisions 80 to 83 + a few extra fixes. There is no compatibility changes, but I’m happy to say that this is now the version I recommend to use. It fixes some issues with Wagic, Daedalus, gpsp, that appeared in revisions 80~83. It also fixes the issues with the power button (sleep mode)

siaip nieko naujo.stabiliau veikia tas ant ko anksciau pakibdavo ar kitokiu bedu budavo,dabar tipo pafixinta.

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