
Nintendo 3DS konsolės naujienos

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Kol kas zadama tik Japonijoj, bet tikimasi kad bus "lokalizuotas".. :thumbsup4:

Nintendo dar pristate labai idomu dalyka, kad pagerint zaidimo valdyma. Antras analogas, ir triggeriai. Siaip labai jau plytovai atrodo, bet bent jau is duobes lipa kad 3DS'a isleido tik su 1 analogu.. <_<



Add-ono kaina 10-20$.. Palaikys visus ateity iseinancius zaidimus kaip MGS, RE, ir Monster Hunter...

Taip pat sklinda gandai kad ruosia nauja 3DS modeli 2012-ais.. Iskarto su 2 analogais ir geresne batarke. Bet kaip ir sakiau, viskas gandu lygyje... O teisingiau vienas darbuotojas ar kas ten tai paskleide... Nu neaisku dar, bet built in dual analogs butu neblogai. Siaip greitai taiso savo klaidas Nintendo.. :kede:

Mario kart gameplay


Naujas Kid Icarus Uprising traileris


Pristatytas naujas Tekken'as, kuris atrodo bus isskirtinai 3D'ui


Rugsejo 30 europoj iseis metallic red 3ds'as, jau galima pre-orderint

asmeniskai graziausias is visu :]


Ilgesnis Revelations traileris



Kiek sako, tai tipo kurtas atskirai 3DS'ui... Bent jau tiek ;) Nebus eilinis nekokybiskas portas... Tures visus normalius game mod'us kaip Be a Pro ir panasiai


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  2011-11-02 11:45, 'HnrKS' parašė:


Į metų pabaigą, turėčiau gaut šitą aparačiuką :)

Skaityti daugiau  

Gerulis, geriausi zaidimai yra fule ir lenktynes. Visi kiti atsibosta perejus 2-3 kartus. Pvz new mario super bros perejau 3 kartus, ketvirto nesinori. :)

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The 3DS sold more in its first nine months than Wii did in the US, Nintendo has announced.

Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 are the fastest-selling games in the history of their franchises. They are the first 3DS games to sell one million units each in the US.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the 45th Wii game to sell more than one million in the US.

In the US, Nintendo ended 2011 with more than 12 million total hardware unit sales. More than 4.5 million units of Wii, more than 4 million units of 3DS, which went on sale in March 2011, and more than 3.4 million units of the DS family of systems were sold.

The Wii now enjoys an installed base of 39 million in the US. The DS, 51 million.

Nintendo said today Mario Party, Pokemon, Kid Icarus, Resident Evil: Revelations and Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater should ensure the 3DS continues to sell well in 2012.

"One of the strongest software line-ups in our history helped Nintendo have a great holiday season and to close 2011 with a full head of steam," Nintendo of America sales and marketing executive Scott Moffitt said.

"Not only have the new Mario and Zelda titles already broken records, but with strong reviews and satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences, all three are also shaping up to be the latest long-tail titles from Nintendo.

"Couple that with a massive first- and third party line-up in the first part of the year and the prospects for 2012 are extremely promising."

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A demo for forthcoming 3DS survival horror Resident Evil: Revelations is on its way, publisher Capcom has announced.

The sampler has already been made available in Japan, but Capcom USA VP Christian Svensson has now confirmed it's coming to Europe and the US too.

Speaking in a forum post on the Capcom Unity blog, Svensson wouldn't confirm a date, though seeing as the game is due on shelves from 27th January, it can't be far off.

"In the case of NA, we're awaiting our date confirmation and code approval from NOA (we have a tentative from them, but I'll have to keep you in suspense)," he wrote.

"When we have something more concrete to share, you won't be able to miss it on the Capcom-Unity blog."

It might not be the first taste the Resident Evil faithful have had of Revelations. A brief demo of the game was also included with The Mercenaries 3D last Summer.

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Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D will sneak onto 3DS on 8th March in Europe, Konami has announced.

Snake Eater 3D is an update of PS2 classic Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

The game comes with refreshed visuals and will be the second 3DS game in Europe to support the Circle Pad Pro expansion, which adds an extra slider pad to the handheld. The peripheral launches first with Resident Evil: Revelations on 27th January.

Konami has also added a first-person mode and a new over the shoulder camera, both missing from the original, as well as gyroscopic controls for traversing rope bridges.

You can even take photos of your surroundings to customise Snake's in-game camouflage.

A demo version of the stealth shooter was one of the first games shown for the 3DS at its unveiling at E3 2010. A special snake skin-themed 3DS was teased by Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima earlier this month.

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A major glitch in one of Mario Kart 7's tracks will remain unfixed, Nintendo has said.

Mario Kart 7 players discovered an exploit that enables racers to skip almost half of the Wuhu Mountain Loop course (named Maka Wuhu in North American versions).

By deliberately driving off of the track at a specific point near the course's start, gamers are sneakily returned to the track much farther on - near its final section.

But fixing the bug would give an "unfair advantage" to those with unpatched copies of the game, Nintendo decided.

"We are aware that it is possible to navigate a certain part of the track in Wuhu Island in a way that allows a large part of the course to be bypassed," said Nintendo spokesman Buddy Roemer in a statement to fans, posted by Sticktwiddlers.

"There are no plans to update the game to remove this shortcut as doing so would create an unfair advantage for the users of the original release of the game. Rest assured your comments have been added to our records for Mario Kart 7."

The track has become a favourite for online players who know the exploit, as it allows for an easy win against players unaware of the shortcut. A video of the illicit manoeuvre lies below.

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An officially-licensed Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D accessory pack launches in the UK on 24th February.

The Nintendo-branded box of goodies costs £24.99 and launches two weeks before the game itself, on 9th March.

The pack contains a variety of bits and pieces from manufacturer Hori, Nintendo Life reports. You get a khaki green 3DS pouch, a snap-on plastic case, a new retractable stylus plus camouflage-coloured stick-on skins.

It's not the ultra-rare 'snake-skin' Metal Gear Solid-themed 3DS available to a select few Japanese gamers, but it is a lot easier to get hold of.


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Pala pala... Čia tipo jei aš pirksiu Lietuvoje 3DS tai tipo gausiu 20 nemokamų žaisimų?

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Nintendo has announced a new side-scrolling Mario game for 3DS.

Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata described it as a "totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D".

It's a "key title" for the Nintendo 3DS, and launches in the next fiscal year - at some point after March 2012 and before April 2013.

The announcement came as part of a discussion of the Nintendo 3DS in 2012, and how it will continue its impressive sales momentum.

Iwata highlighted a number of 3DS games set for launch this year, including Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Tennis and Paper Mario, saying "we intend to release these various titles without any extreme interruptions".

He added: "A number of titles unannounced from third-party developers will be available.

"With the fulfilment of software, we are confident that we will be able to make the Nintendo 3DS active for the full year as the mainstream platform in the video game market."

Iwata said the 3DS communication features, such as StreetPass and SpotPass, will be "increasingly attractive" as the handheld becomes more popular. Nintendo is increasing the number of places you can SpotPass to help.

Nintendo also plans to "significantly" expand its digital business. The internet-connection ratio of the 3DS in Japan and the US is around 60 per cent, Iwata revealed - the highest among Nintendo's handhelds. The eShop is proving popular too.

"We are still in the first stage, but we are building the foundation little by little to expand our digital business."

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  2012-01-30 19:24, 'Dzu' parašė:

Fuza, jeičia atsakymas, nieko nesuprarau

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Ne į temą As ir neatsakinejau,cia 3DS naujienu tema,tai naujiena ir ikeliau :whistling:

The first two Game Gear titles to launch on the 3DS eShop will likely be Shinobi and Sonic Triple Trouble.

Both have just recieved fresh ESRB ratings (spotted by TinyCartridge).

Their launch will be the first time non-Nintendo platform games have become available on the 3DS Virtual Console.

Nintendo first announced it would start dusting off Game Gear titles early last year. Turbografx-16 games were also promised.

Sega has launched new games in both the Shinobi and Sonic series for 3DS during the past year, so it makes sense to start mining the back catalogue with these.

Both games were rated "E for Everyone", with Shinobi featuring "animated violence".

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  • Naujausios temos

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    • @Mldc Bus tikrai gerai. Aš irgi to nesuprantu jeigu veikėja moteris viskas jau woke ar juodaodis žmogus-voras (Miles Morales) nu tai b** pasidomėkit prieš rašant, pasiskaitytų knygas raganiaus atžvilgiu o juoduko voro komiksus tegul paskaito kuriems irgi n metų. Anksčiau nifiga niekam nerūpėjo, o dabar jau verkia nat kiekvieno kampo kaip ir dėl naujo Naughty dog žaidimo. Man kaip tik smagiau žaisti už moterį protagoniste visur kur tik galima imu moteris tiek AC tiek CP2077 ir pan.  
    • Dar kas keisčiausia, jog yra žmonių, kurie skundžiasi, jog The Witcher 4 pagrindinis personažas bus moteris ir dar netradicinės ji tokia knygose  šiaip aš toks esu labiau anti woke pažiūrų ir už žodžio laisvę, bet kartais, kai kurie anti woke žmonės nusivažiuoja ir žiauriai. Apskritai moterys kaip main personažai niekam netrukdė kaip Portal žaidimuose, trukdyti tik dabar pradeda, kai woke studijos užkrauna žaidimus ar filmus woke mintimis, vietoje stipraus personažo ir istorijos, ir kai dirbtinai kūrėjai savo pažiūras bando įpiršti, ko niekam nereikia, tada tai problema, o čia bet čia knygose taip, kurioms gal 30 metų...čia kaip tik respectina OG material. Tad kiek nesuprantu interneto liaudies, nes kai perspaudžia kur nereikia yra irgi blogai, nesvarbu kurioje pusėje woke ar anti woke. Dėl knygų tai gimtadienio proga gavau visas 8 knygas dovanu, tai kai rasiu laiko per pusmetį ketinu visas perskaityti būtinai. Dabar kaip tik The Wicher 3 per naujo pradėjau žaisti, nu tai ką...šedevras. Manau ir šita dalis neatsiliks, nesugadins kaip serialas visko, kur tik pasityčiojo iš knygų, žaidimų, vis tiek lenkai kuria, manau bus gerai.
    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
    • Kad normali ta išvaizda ir tikrai trailerio Ciri geriau atrodo, negu čia kažkokia aktorė su kuria lyginama ji internete, su kuria panašumų išvis nerandu. O dėl Witcher 4 kokybės, visi žinom, jog CD Project turi gabumų vis dar sukurti šedevrą, Cyberpunk gi sutvarkė ir jo expansionas žiauriai geras. Tikrai nedarys tokio disaster koks buvo su Cyberpunku, tad manau galim būti ramūs. O, kad Ciri bus pagrindinis personažas buvo aišku jau 2015 metais, nes visas Witcher 3 taip pastatytas su Ciri žaidybiniais intarpais, kad ji perims main protagonist rolę kitame žaidime. Ir knygose (kurias dabar visas skaitau po truputi) visa esmė kaip suprantu ir sukasi aplink Ciri, tad čia buvo tik laiko klausimas.
    • Nenustebčiau, kad čia ji ir yra, tik balsas kitos aktorės, kaip tą darė su Indy žaidimu, Indy - Fordas, balsas - Trojus
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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