
Xecuter NAND-X

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First of all let us congratulate the winner of the product naming competition. Well done to xellaphan from New Jersey, USA for giving us the simple and yet obviously descriptive XECUTER NAND-X. Probably the easiest $1000 that guy has ever made :) There were several thousand entries so thanks to everyone that gave it a go. Thanks also for giving us the chance to give a little back to the scene members. Sure you get the complainers and the trolls but luckily they are a lonely minority. The majority give great feedback and also give us many ideas to implement into products. There were many cool ideas in there for future products – if we ever use someones idea we will definitely make sure it’s rewarded. If you don’t like the name – then you can send a complaint email to wedontcare@team-xecuter.com :)


Now, for several weeks we have been discussing our toying with 360 homebrew and we were asked by many forum members to design a high quality USB NAND programmer and JTAG connection kit in all all-in-one package. There are quite a few good kits already available on the market but there wasn’t one that gave a complete professional solution so that’s where the XECUTER NAND-X comes in. Based on the proven and excellent NAND PRO USB Programmer designed by illustrious scene member Tiros, we have developed a very tight package that gives you everything you need without having to use any other parts or self-made cables and kits – and certainly without breaking the bank! Not only do we provide one of the fastest 360 NAND programmers currently available, but we have designed a very simple connection system using our popular and much used quicksolder PCB breakout boards – and as a bonus we have also integrated a programmer so you are able to update the firmware of the ARM Controller to make sure you can keep up to date with future new features and upgrades. We’ve also included an optional pin header cable system just like the old XBOX LPC Days :)


Naturally, we will also be offering all of the NAND & JTAG Connection Kits seperatley for bulk installers – and the price of these will be very cheap, much like the LT Switch deals. Also included is the ability to program the onboard ARM controller so it is future proofed for any firmware updates. So you can be sure that you will have the ability to stay on top of new features or improvements in the USB flashing code.


So why buy Xecuter ? With over 10 years of hardware and software development experience in the video games industry, and over 180 products manufactured and distributed globally, Xecuter are the brand that you can rely on to bring you quality, innovation, affordability – and most importantly – TRUST. All our products are backed by a resellers warranty. We take pride in our product and we stand by everything we do. There is only one thing more important than the product and that’s keeping you the customer happy. Our award winning factory ensures the most stringent quality control procedures so you can be sure of the very highest standards. We have also invested heavily on cost effective measures enabling us to pass savings on to you, the customer.


Here is a brief run down of the NAND-X’s features:


* Fast USB 360 NAND Programming

* Rock Solid 60Mhz ARM Controller

* Easy Install System for both NAND and JTAG

* Includes Quick Solder Connection Kit For NAND

* Includes Quick Solder Connection Kit For JTAG Hack (All Version Motherboards)

* Includes Optional Pin Header Connection Kit For NAND

* Includes Optional Pin Header Connection Kit For JTAG Hack (All Version Motherboards)

* Built-in Programmer For Future NAND-X Firmware Upgrades (Windows App Available)

* Designed For Additional Add-ons

* Proven Technology – Based On NAND Pro Design

* 100% Compatible with NAND Pro v2.0e

* Rock Solid Design – Tested by many JTAGER’S

* High Quality & Trusted Xecuter Design

* Complete with ALL cables required including USB

* Multiple NAND & JTAG Connection Kits Sold Separately for Bulk Installers (Will be cheap – like LT Switch)

* Affordable – We Provide You With More For Less !


Production has now begun so we expect retailers to begin receiving stock at the end of March / beginning of April. RRP is set at around £24.95 / $34.95 however we are told that there will be some of our resellers doing a special promotional price of just £19.95 / $29.95 for the first couple of weeks so watch out for those promotions! Full installation diagrams and instructions will be available shortly. If you do see one of our resellers offering pre-orders, only do so after you have seen the installation diagram because some people always try to make trouble on some forums talking trash like we are trying to hide something. Don’t listen to idiots – trust 10 years of skills from guys who actually know their stuff. The install points are the same as all current methods (NAND points J1D2, J2B1, & JTAG points J2D2, J1F1), we’re preparing some nice tutorials right now.


This is a picture of our original prototype unit that we posted on the forums a few weeks back. naturally a lot has changed as this is about 5 weeks old but we’ll get some nice images together for you over the weekend ;)


Truth be told we are having a blast with homebrew. It’s like the old days again and this is only the beginning :) For the last couple of months now some of our old team members from the XBOX 1 glory days have begun to stir and there are now 14 New projects currently in development at our factory so you can be sure of many new and exciting products to get your teeth into in the very near future :)


Thanks to the following who are actively involved in the 360 Homebrew scene. These guys deserve all your support !!


Tiros (Nand Pro), Redline99 (Xellous), Free60 (Xell), TeamXBR (XBReboot), KrK / Team 360h (ISO2GOD), Team XeDEV (XM360, XeXmenu, NXE2GOD, QuickBoot), Axc97c (Freestyle 360 Dash), Ski-lleR (IngeniouX 360 Dash) and of course xboxhacker.org, xbox-scene.com & maxconsole.net. Apologies if we have missed you from this list – let us know if you would like your work promoted !


* Share/Bookmark

Saltinis: http://team-xecuter.com/xecuter-nand-x/


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ka manau? manau baltarankiam berniukam bus kaiptik... o tie kas turi bent kazkiek smegenu ir siokias tokia rankas nepirx o pasidarys usb spi programeri...35$ brangoka paciam galima susirinkt uz 35-40lt

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na tai zinoma... bet mano nuomone maloniau yra paciam pasigamint ir beja pigiau (aisku nevisiem taip)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kazkur buvau skaites, kad jis 16mb nanda nuskaito per mazdaug 49 sekundes. Cia manau jis tiktu tiems kurie tyngi palaukt 5min su paprastu USB SPI flasheriu...

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