
TRON : Legacy

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vienas is laukiamiausiu mano filmu.. :thumbup:


Tron Legacy Set Interview: Jeff Bridges





In June 2009, I had the opportunity to visit the Vancouver set of Tron Legacy (you can watch our set visit preview video blog here). Over the course of the next few days I’ll be posting a few of the transcripts of the roundtable interviews that we conducted on the set with the cast and crew, with a lot more to come in a few months. After the jump you can read our roundtable interview with Jeff Bridges, who reprises his role as Kevin Flynn in the Tron sequel.


It’s amazing to see you back in this role.


Jeff Bridges: Isn’t it amazing? It’s been 28 years.


How has Flynn changed?


Jeff Bridges: Well, this is kind of a challenge for me because I don’t want to give too much of the — I don’t want to deprive anybody of the enjoyment of seeing the film with any kind of twists and turns. So I’m probably not gonna answer too many of the plot — too many of your questions about that because I want to make it fun for people without telling the whole plot. But it’s certainly a different deal. We made Tron, there was no internet, man. No cell phones. No laptops or any of that stuff. So it’s completely different world that we’re showing up in here and the look of the film it certainly, you know, benefits from that.


Is your character in charge of Encom?


Jeff Bridges: Well, see I don’t want to get too much. I don’t want to say too much of the story. We got to get a good thing to tell this folks. Something that we can present that addresses a little bit of what’s this about.


Are you the focus of the film?


Jeff Bridges: Am I the focus? I’m one of the focuses. I’ve been here the entire shoot. Garrett Hedlund is the protagonist in the story.


Which world do we meet you in?


Jeff Bridges: I can’t say. Isn’t that terrible?


What’s it like coming back to this character 28 years later? Is it hard getting back into his shoes?


Jeff Bridges: It’s not really, it seems like we had a long weekend basically because Lisberger who directed the first one is involved, very involved in this one which is great. You know, having the source of the material still engaged. I think it gave us all a lot of pleasure because he’s such a wild cat but it’s also kind of grounded in that first movie that was so unique and everything.


I heard that years before it came out I heard oh, they’re gonna do a Tron 2 and I couldn’t believe. I said you’re kidding me? Nothing happened and finally this came about and I was so pleased and we did kind of a hey, this is not that strange. The first time I heard about this the Coen Brothers did this where they shoot the trailer for a movie first without ever having made the movie in hopes to entice the financers. That’s what they did with this one, to really entice Disney to say oh, yeah we own this thing, we might as well do one of these. So the trailer came off well. We played it at Comic-Con and went over well.


Were you surprised at the reaction?


Jeff Bridges: Yeah, a little bit. I haven’t been to Comic-Con. I got to this one coming up but I hear it’s kind of a crazy thing.


Did you take photos on this set?


Jeff Bridges: You know I took a few but I’ve kind of lost the desire to do that for some reason. I think when I put a book out a few years ago, kind of a compilation book of these smaller books that I made as gifts for the cast and crew of these movies and once I put that book out I kind of felt like I hatched my egg. I made a few smaller books after that but I’ve noticed that my interest in documenting what it’s like making movies this would have been a great one to do it. I did a few but the light is so low that our wonderful director of photography Claudio Miranda, that I can’t get the right exposure on my camera, this wide luxe camera.


Have you seen the 3D footage of the light cycle stuff and what’s your reaction?


Jeff Bridges: It’s just great. I mean it’s, you know, better, more sophisticated, more refined. Joe, our director, was an architect. That’s where he’s coming from. It’s interesting different filmmakers where they come from and what they bring to the film and he’s an architect and so the film has a very, you know, heightened design feel to it. And he hired this wonderful production designer, Darren Gilford. And this is I think his first major movie. I think he did one smaller, independent film. And he is out of car design so it adds another thing. It’s not somebody, you know, who is an interior decorator. It’s car so the world has a really wonderful feel to it.


What was your reason for wanting to come back? Did it take persuading?


Jeff Bridges: Well, I got a pitch from Joe who by the way this is his first film. Can you imagine? I don’t know if it’s the most expensive ever made but it’s right up there. To have a first time guy. Got to give Disney credit for taking that risk. They were smart because he’s such a calm, can do guy. He’s gonna pull this off. He made this wonderful pitch on the story, where it was going and that was intriguing to me and he showed me his commercial reel. He’s out of commercials and I saw some of the technology that he had available to him, that he could use. And then it was basically the same reason that I did the first one. The first one was cutting edge technology at that time and this one certainly is for this time. And it’s a whole different way of making movies I hadn’t experienced. A little bit in Iron Man but nothing like this.


Why does Tron continue to resonate with people?


Jeff Bridges: I don’t know.


When was the last time you saw it?


Jeff Bridges: I didn’t see the whole thing in entirety. It must be I don’t know 20 years. I didn’t look at it before this. I saw little bits of scenes. Not all the way through. I remember the music of Tron was quite, you know, Wendy Carlos did a great score and that kind of — remember that opening shot of coming in. There are certain things like the light cycle ratio those were so kind of fun to watch. I don’t know if you guys have seen the cardboard Tron? Have you seen that? If you go onto my site on the stuff page I think you’ll see it. And it’s a little drawing of a guy in a Tron outfit in a cardboard box. And what he did was reconstructed every shot of the race using little cardboard figures and stuff. I mean he really got into it. That kind of thing has kept it alive and I suppose the video games have too.


You said once the thing you remember most about making the first one was this really uncomfortable dance belt, so is the same thing happening in this one?


Jeff Bridges: No dance belt, thank god. Here we have these wonderful suits that light up so they have their own kind of problems, you know, heating up and stuff like that but the suits are quite a bit different.


Are they using an LED light?


Jeff Bridges: Yeah, they’ve got all kinds. I don’t know all the technical stuff but these suits are amazing. You know, I was talking about the lighting being so low that they’re using. One of the reasons for that is so you can really see the suits and the suits can even light the other actors off your suits.


Tron Legacy Behind the Scenes


Tell me about Lisberger.


Jeff Bridges: Well it is a little bit strange. I’m excited because I think he’s gonna be in it somewhere in the movie. It will be fun to play with him. Just him being involved in it was a big plus for me. I think you asked what made me gave involved again. Another chance to work with Steve and do that. And Bruce too. Bruce is in it. Boxleitner.


Are some of the younger cast coming to you asking for advice, like, “How do I throw this disc?”


Jeff Bridges: No, I think we just used Frisbees in the old one. We were more sophisticated. It was pretty funky back then.






Tron: Legacy Movie Trailer - IGN Rewind Theater

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hell ye..... :) daft punk...



kaip save pasi Tronint...























ausines ir klava gal ir nieko dar. kiti tokie pigiai atrodantys disney matyt sumaste..nematau nieko kieto juose,kaip full body Tron costume....cia butu jega..arba salmas....









Daft Punk Tron Teaser 1


Daft Punk Tron Teaser 2


Daft Punk Tron Teaser 3


Daft Punk Tron Teaser 4


Daft Punk Tron Teaser 5


Daft Punk Tron Teaser 6

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Kodel pultelis turi buti laidinis???

na kas cia zino kodel.tiesiog bus...

dauguma is cia esanciu dar gime net nebuvo kai pirmas filmas pasirode.. :grt: siaip zada perleist ir orginala filma, gal kokia bluray versija sumastys su 3D rezimu ar kad ir HD kokybes butu irgi gerai.

as tai noreciau repliku tu daiktu is filmo,o ne kazkokiu kedu sviecianciu..cia biski i filma ne i tema visai, bet nieko.

beje del tu laidiniu pulteliu tai jie manau neturi teisiu leisti orginaliu pulteliu kopiju.nebent galetu tik korpusus isleist su apsvietimu tuo..butu cool.















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Last night, Disney previewed 20 minutes (and change) of Tron Legacy at a series of events dubbed Tron Night. The stereoscopic 3D preview played out like an extended version of one of the film's trailers, touching lightly on the plot, but giving more screen time to Tron Legacy's action sequences and its gorgeous neon visuals.

kazkas mate daugiau nei likusieji.20 min cool. bet apie tai geriau neskaityt jei nesinori susigadint to laukimo itampos iki filmo pristatymo. po Avatar ,tai bus sekantis filmas i kuri BUTINAI reiks eit i kino teatra ir aisku 3D. cia jau jokie dvdripai netiks niekaip.

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ziurejau neperseniausiai TRON 1982m, na pati pradzia man ziauriai lame atrode, bet po to kai biski daugiau istorijos parode, prasidejo normali vaidyba (tikram pasaulyje) nuo tada visai nieko ziurejosi. kazkaip ziuri ir tenka isivaizduot tuos spec efektus :thumbsup4:

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ziurejau neperseniausiai TRON 1982m, na pati pradzia man ziauriai lame atrode, bet po to kai biski daugiau istorijos parode, prasidejo normali vaidyba (tikram pasaulyje) nuo tada visai nieko ziurejosi. kazkaip ziuri ir tenka isivaizduot tuos spec efektus :thumbsup4:

as laukiu perdibto orginalaus filmo. jie kazka minejo kad gal isleis tipo remake versija orginalaus filmo,gal tipo su 5.1 garsu , vaizdo filtrais kokiais. na butu idomu.o naujo filmo tai muzika labiausiai iveza turbut,ir aisku vizualinis ispildymas visko.

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Just in time for Tron: Legacy, a Florida bike shop put together 10 custom-built, street-legal Tron Light Cycle lookalikes. For a cool $55,000, you could be riding one to the Dec. 17th premiere.


According to Jeff Halverson of Parker Brothers Choppers, each bike features a steel frame, fiberglass bodywork and a V-twin engine from a Suzuki TLR1000. Stopping power comes from a custom made friction drum that keeps the bike true to the look of Daniel Simon's latest Light Cycle design. Customers have a choice between actual gauges and an iPad dock that displays vital statistics on the iPad's touchscreen.


Though the bike looks like it drove straight off the movie screen, it's not a replica or recreation since the Light Cycles in both Tron films were virtual. "We basically used the images we could get off the web in order to make the bike," said Halverson. "Keep in mind, no one ever made this bike before."


The bike weighs 474 pounds and is just over 100 inches long and 23 inches wide. The rider sits (lies?) 28.5 inches off the ground. Halverson said that it rides like any sportbike, though we've gotta wonder with that huge front tire. Still, we'd welcome the chance to ride one to find out.


Four Light Cycles are still available just in case anyone has us on their shopping list.

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Gal kas matėt ar Maximoj yra pirkti Blu-Ray diske šis filmas 3D formatu? Nesinori į Klaipėdą važiuoti vien dėl to jog pažiūrėti ar yra lentynose dar užsilikusių. Užsimaniau n-tajį kartą pažiūrėti :)

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Iš Ebay nusipirk tikrai pigiai turėtų jau kainuoti, pats turiu 3d tikrai geras filmas

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Iš Ebay nusipirk tikrai pigiai turėtų jau kainuoti, pats turiu 3d tikrai geras filmas

Matai problema, kad man reikia būtinai su rusų dubliažu, o tokių vargu ar rasi ebay. Plius problema, kad šiuo metu negaliu nieko internetu pirkti, dėl kortelės problemų tai ten net nežiūriu. Yra šiaip pirkti tų Blu-Ray diskų Lietuvoje ir pliusas tas jog jie skirti mūsų rinkai ir yra su rusų kalba, bet pasirinkimas nedidelis. Mane nervina tokios situacijos, kai šika kūrėjai ant piratų, bet kai nueini į parduotuvę supranti jog neverta vargti, geriau jau s_634917_528a20ebbc677.png

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