
PS3 Move !

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cia pasireiskia totalus FANBOYizmas nebande nei vieno nei kito jau padare galutinius sprendimus.

cia pasireiskia uzsleptas fanboyizmas, nes savo nuomones isreiskimas ja pagrindziant negali buti vadinomas fanboyinimu. pasakiau savo nuomone ir vsio. neliudek kad bent jau is "isvaizdos" natal atrodo daugiau zadantis, o kaip bus istikro ir kas bus geriau suzinosim kai iseis. :)

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neblogas smugis Microsoftui,zinant kad Wii su visasi priedais kainuoja panasiai kaip ps3,zmogus pries pirkdamas pagalvos ar piurkti dvi konsoles ar imti ps3

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Tik tuom xboxas gali pasigirti, nes vadovaujasi taisykle ne kokybe, o kiekybe. Sony i si reikala zvelgia kur kas rimciau ir ta rimtuma mes matome ir matysime dar kelis metus

Ne į temą

Tau 43 metai?! Nejuokink tokio nuomones brukimo tikrai garbingo amziaus zmogus nedarytu,o gal ir klystu.

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Niekas nuomones nebruka, nes patys faktai kalba patys uz save, nes diskutuojame sioje temoje

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Jau tavo avatar'as tai ziaurus

O seip tai visai gerai dabar visos consoles tures judesiu valdomus zaidimus :thumbsup4:

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man tik va idomu kaip bus tas Move pritaikomas PC pvz,na dabar PS3 DS3 gali pilnai naudot kaip PC pulteli bei mtoion valdyma gali naudot,tikriausiai bus draiveriai ir sitam...o siaip i tema tai konsoliu karu man cia nereikia,jei galit eikit kur kitur kariauti :thumbsup4:

del pultelio isvaizdos,na nzn kam tas burbulas ten bet manau kai jis sveicia ir kai juo mosuoji,atrodo tamsoje ganetinai gerai.

del fps losimo tokiu budu,visai noreciau ismegint,tikrai.o jei sony dar padarytu kad ir senesnius zaidimus galetum su juo palost kazkaip,na suderinamuma padarytu,kazka kalbejo apie tai,tai butu saunu.

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Burbulas padarytas tikrai ne tam, kad TAMSOJE gražiai šviestų, ir atrodytų "genėtinai gerai" LOL :thumbsup4:

Kaip suprantu, eye kamera tiesiog geriau "pagauna" judesį ant ryškaus objekto. Kas bandė žaisti žaidimus su eye kamera, žino kokia ta kamera "išranki" apšvietimui.

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man tik va idomu kaip bus tas Move pritaikomas PC pvz,na dabar PS3 DS3 gali pilnai naudot kaip PC pulteli bei mtoion valdyma gali naudot,tikriausiai bus draiveriai ir sitam...o siaip i tema tai konsoliu karu man cia nereikia,jei galit eikit kur kitur kariauti :thumbsup4:

del pultelio isvaizdos,na nzn kam tas burbulas ten bet manau kai jis sveicia ir kai juo mosuoji,atrodo tamsoje ganetinai gerai.

del fps losimo tokiu budu,visai noreciau ismegint,tikrai.o jei sony dar padarytu kad ir senesnius zaidimus galetum su juo palost kazkaip,na suderinamuma padarytu,kazka kalbejo apie tai,tai butu saunu.

nemanau kad senus zaidimus galesi zaisti kuriuos daba turi ,bet kad kaikuruos senus perleis ant move tai taip tik juos reiks vel pirkti

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Arba iseis updeitas tam zaidimui ir galesim zaist , pamatisim su laiku kaip ten bus

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Burbulas padarytas tikrai ne tam, kad TAMSOJE gražiai šviestų, ir atrodytų "genėtinai gerai" LOL ;)

Kaip suprantu, eye kamera tiesiog geriau "pagauna" judesį ant ryškaus objekto. Kas bandė žaisti žaidimus su eye kamera, žino kokia ta kamera "išranki" apšvietimui.

Ash ir manau jog burbulas skirtas del presizishkesnio fiksavimo erdveje. Tereikia priisminti linksma natal istorija ish praejusio E3, kai vienas ish juodaodzhiu zhaidimu apzhvalgininku praktishkai negalejo juo naudotis, nes natal kameros beveik nefiksavo jo ranku judesiu. Buvo gan nemazhai pajuokavimu apie natal "rasizma" ir butinybe juodaodzhiams naudoti baltas pirshtinaites zhaidzhiant ;)


Mano nuomone, sony sprendimas del motion controller gerokai racionalesnis, nes nors natal ir yra revoliucinis sprendimas, techninis jo igyvendinimas yra ganetinai sudetingas su dabartine xbox konsole (shnekama, jog natal naudoja iki 30% cpu pajegumu), tad rimtu zhaidimu natal kolkas nepritaikysi, nes a) bus gerokai sumazhejes cpu nashumas b ) truks valdymo precizikos.

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Sony Says PlayStation Move Precise Enough To Play StarCraft

PlayStation researcher Anton Mikhailov, platform research manager David Coombes and developer support engineer Kirk Bender ran through a handful of demos for GDC attendees, some fun, others a low level technical peek behind the curtain of PlayStation Move. Some of the more interesting things Mikhailov and crew talked about were related to the motion controller's level of precision.


Mikahilov said the PlayStation Eye is capable of tracking the Move's movement to a precision of about one millimeter in the X and Y-planes. He showed this onscreen, zoomed down to the pixel level. On the Z-plane, Move's depth perception level of precision is about a centimeter. He further illustrated the Move's level of accuracy by mounting the controller on a tripod, eliminating the jitter we were seeing during on simple tech demo, which was actually coming from Mikhailov's hand.


Some of the Move's other neat technical tricks came in the form of combining face tracking with glowing orb tracking, the ability to detect facial features like glasses and a very rough estimate of a user's age. The most potentially interesting uses of Move's capabilities came in some very smooth, very accurate looking painting programs, the kind of thing that would be great for a graffiti themed video game.


But putting the Move controller's level of precision in terms most of the room could understand, Mikhailov said that they've been able to use the PlayStation 3 add-on as a device to control the PC version of StarCraft. While the company already has Move support working in the equally precision demanding SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, if it works well as a mouse replacement, it might be worth picking one up.

na apie ka ir buvo kalbeta anksciau kad motion valdyma galima pritaikyt RTS zaidimu valdymui,ka jie ir ismegino.visai idomu butu palosti pc rts zaidimus su tuo move kai iseis.nes tikrai bus pritaikomas ir pc kaip valdymo jau dauguma zmoniu pc jungia prie HD teliku ir naudoja wireless klava bei pele valdymui nuo sofos ar fotelio,o cia butu dar geriau nes nereiktu tos peles ant nieko deti,nereikia jokio pavirsiaus,butu galima valdyt peles kursoriu tiesiog rankos judesiu.taigi ne tik ps3 zaidimam bus geras dalykas. be to gal po move galetu daugiau rts zaidimu iseiti PS3.

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Two Surprise PlayStation Move Maneuvers


1) The XMB Maneuver — I watched a developer use the swinging motions of the PlayStation Move controller to swipe through the PlayStation 3's cross media bar, the menu interface that lets gamers find content and settings on their console. I saw this when a developer needed to restart a game of Move Party, a game that is played with one Move wand held in your hand. The Sony developer pressed the Move's PlayStation button, which produced the console's standard, overlaid menus allowing the player to quit the game. To swipe from a "no" to a "yes" response, the developer waved his Move hand and pressed a button. The game quit. To swipe through the XMB and restart the game, he waved his hand some more.


2) The Behind The Back Maneuver: "Launch-window" PlayStation Move game Sports Champions includes gladiator combat that is controlled by a person holding and gesturing with two Move wands. The player can use the wands to move a shield and swing a hammer, for example. But to make their gladiator taunt, the Sports Champion gamer must put his or her hands behind their back. When that happens, the PlayStation Eye camera that detects and tracks the sphere located at the tip of the Move wand can't see it anymore. The disappearance seems to be the prompt for the taunt. (Another possible example of this: In the Move rail-shooter called Shoot, the player can activate a slow-motion effect by spinning their body 360-degrees, a maneuver that might be using both the Move's gyroscope and the camera-blocking technique to determine that it was completed — though please note that that is unconfirmed conjecture.)

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Idomu kiek visas sitas kainuos, su kamera ir pan..

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Idomu kiek visas sitas kainuos, su kamera ir pan..



The Move will be available in three packages: a standalone Move (for consumers that already own a PlayStation Eye camera), a bundle that includes the Move and PlayStation Eye, and a hardware pack that includes the Move, PlayStation Eye and PlayStation 3 console.


While pricing details for the standalone pack and PS3 bundle are unavailable at this time, the Move + PlayStation Eye option will cost $99.

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