
8001050F Klaida! Svarbu

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The bugs afflicting the PS3’s older non-slim models may be as serious as some had feared: Sony is warning users not to use their PS3s, and hints that lost trophies and save data may be permanently lost.


Quote Sony:


As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.


We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.


Errors include:


• The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.


• When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following

message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been

signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.


• When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears

on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install

trophies. Please exit your game.”


• When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the

Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date

and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”


• Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the

PlayStation Store before the expiration date.


We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours.


In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.


As mentioned above, please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.


If any of these errors result in an unrecoverable system with no PSN access, and consequently no ability to apply software updates, Sony may have a major recall scenario on its hands.

Redagavo Skeith

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The bugs afflicting the PS3’s older non-slim models may be as serious as some had feared: Sony is warning users not to use their PS3s, and hints that lost trophies and save data may be permanently lost.


sako kad jau kai kuriem veikia kas turi 80 fata, manasis ps3 40gb ir dar vis neveikia:(

Redagavo ViPeRkillz

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Kaip jau sakiau kitoj temoj, turetu viskas buti gerai jeigu trofejai su syncinti...

Beje, dar vienas bajeris buvo, man dinamines temos neveike. Kai nuejau i Settings>Themes rodo kaip Corrupted Data.

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[8:03pm] <Pirathonite> They say once the clock hits March. Because the clock is supposedly at 2/29/2010

[8:04pm] <Pirathonite> And thats what the issue is.

[8:04pm] <Skeith> Because of February days shortage...

[8:04pm] <Skeith> But why now?

[8:05pm] <Skeith> In the last couple of years wasn't there a short february already?

[8:05pm] <mthe1337one> pretty sure there has

[8:05pm] <rbell0661> maybe 2010 feb shortage?

[8:05pm] <mthe1337one> well that's the point Skeith's trying to make

[8:05pm] <mthe1337one> ps3's been around for a few years already

[8:06pm] <mthe1337one> in which that time, there have been a few february's

[8:06pm] <Skeith> Yeah

[8:06pm] <rbell0661> idk maybe a virus?

[8:06pm] <Skeith> Weird that it came up now

[8:06pm] <rbell0661> who knows

[8:06pm] <mthe1337one> there's no excuse for ps3's to be "epic failing" right now

[8:06pm] <Skeith> yeah...

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lol klaida mėnesiuos arba virusas gadina nervus žmonėms. Tikiu, kad greitai viskas susitvarkys, bet vistiek :D

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Jei jau sukūrei NET atskirą temą šios klaidos "garbei", tai galėtum bent lietuviškai porą žodžių parašyti. :D Kas supranta angliškai, manau jau nuo pat ryto seka visas naujienas susijusias su šiuo error'u, ir nieko naujo čia neperskaitys (juo labiau, kad visuose saituose ir forumuose ši info dubliuojama :D ). Tad užtektų ir linko į kokį rimtesnį forumiuką ;) O už lietuvišką info tau daugelis būtų dėkingi ;)

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kas en nesupranta , tai vat nemeginkit ant savo fat consoliu paleisti zaidimu kure palaiko trophy sistema, nes ismes error ir prarasit visus trofejus, ir negalesit losti zaidimu kure palaiko trofejus... rodis lentele error viskas... lost galima dbr pokolkas tos kure neturi trofeju sistemos ( koks debilas cia delioja minusus ?)

Redagavo misteris

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Jei uzsyncinti trofai bus viskas gerai. As beveik visada pries isjungdamas PS3 nakciai syncinu, tai man ne problema.


Negalesiu zaidimu kurie palaiko trofejus zaist? :D

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Jei uzsyncinti trofai bus viskas gerai. As beveik visada pries isjungdamas PS3 nakciai syncinu, tai man ne problema.


Negalesiu zaidimu kurie palaiko trofejus zaist? :D

Eksperimenta buvau padares idejau Killzone 2 ismete p*** error trophy. Rodo ta error viskas nei paleisi nei ka. ir visi trofejai man dingo, tai gerai kad kito acc ismeginau o ne ant pagrindinio...

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Nu tai as ta pati su FIFA 10 padariau, ir ant pagrindinio acct, bet kadangi as buvau uzsyncines, tai tie trofejai dingsta tik nuo mano PS3, o jie Sony servuose issaugoti.

Ir Sony pasake, kad stenksis per 24 val viska sutvarkyt, tai pataisys viska ir vel eis visus game lost, ir atsiras Trophy Collection visi trofai kai uzsyncinsi (jei buvai uzsyncines pries luzima).

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PS3 clock bug apparently squashed; games are playable


We've apparently made it through the worst of the storm, friends. We've received a number of tips informing us that the internal clock bug that was affecting non-Slim PS3s for the past 24 hours has been fixed, rendering all games playable once more. We tempted fate shortly after receiving these reports by testing out a few of our PS3 Phat units and can confirm that they're running games just fine. Additionally, our "lost" Trophies appear to be properly re-synced to our PSN accounts.


The extent of the damage incurred during the bug-out is unknown, but will likely surface in the next few hours. No Joystiq staffers lost any of their hard-earned Trophy data, but we're an awfully small sample group for a problem that affected every living being on Earth. We'll be updating this page as we know more -- click past the jump for additional information.


Q. Is it safe to turn on my PS3 now?


A. Right now, it appears the answer is "yes." The PlayStation Network is online and fully functional for owners of the PS3 Phat system, and games appear to be running problem-free.



Q. Do I have to download a firmware update?


A. Nope. It should just fix itself automatically, whether you're online or not.



Q. My trophy data for (insert game name here) is gone!


A. Protip: If you lost any trophy data during the downtime, there may be a way to salvage it. Start the game for which you're trying to restore trophies. This should create a trophy data set on your PS3, which you can sync with the server. Our Heavy Rain trophies had vanished, but this trick brought them back from the dead.



Q. The time and date on my PS3 are wrong. How do I fix it?


A. Under Settings on the XMB, and under the Time/Date settings, you should be able to set your console to automatically sync the time and date via the internet.

Kiek supratau tai tipo sutvarke ,galima jau zaist atrodo veikia be problemu

Einu isbandit ar tikrai veikia

Patikrinta ir veikia 99.99% :D

Redagavo narkata

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PS3 clock bug apparently squashed; games are playable

Kiek supratau tai tipo sutvarke ,galima jau zaist atrodo veikia be problemu

Einu isbandit ar tikrai veikia

Patikrinta ir isbandyta, jau veikia :D

Redagavo narkata

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viskas veikia jau neber tu error sony sutvarke

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viskas veikia jau neber tu error sony sutvarke

nemanau kad sony kanors padare :D tiesiog kompo laikas pasikeite y kita diena, butu ydomu biosu data paziureti ten turbut dabar tik kovo 1 isauso

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  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
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