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Final Fantasy XIII

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PS3 versija 1280 x 720 2 x MSAA





Nu nežinau, nežinau, nelabai aš čia tikiu, dar ta pelė, ar tik nebus šiti screenai padaryti pajungus prie pc per tv plokste. Kažkam matyt labai parūpo sukelti karą tarp žaidėjų.

Don't take these screenshots as any indication of how the 360 version looks - we've played it and it looks a lot better than this! We'll bring you the inevitable retraction and next set of screenshots (third time lucky?) when they arrive.

Redagavo drake345

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na screeenu dabar jau pilnas interas,tik nemanau kad ne vieni is ju nera tikri,dabar va kazkas paskelbe kad X360 versija bus tik 576p reza,taigi net ne HD,taciau na MW2 kiek zinau buvo tik 600p irgi rezos.siaip reza ne viska pasako,cia jau aisku tas,bet kad x360 gai turet mazesne reza ir pvz prastesnes teksturas kai kurias tai tas visai tiketina,taciau ar del to zaidimas pasidaro prastesnis? tikrai ne. nes ne rezoliucija ir ne teksturos zaidima daro geru ar blogu.

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na screeenu dabar jau pilnas interas,tik nemanau kad ne vieni is ju nera tikri,dabar va kazkas paskelbe kad X360 versija bus tik 576p reza,taigi net ne HD,taciau na MW2 kiek zinau buvo tik 600p irgi rezos.siaip reza ne viska pasako,cia jau aisku tas,bet kad x360 gai turet mazesne reza ir pvz prastesnes teksturas kai kurias tai tas visai tiketina,taciau ar del to zaidimas pasidaro prastesnis? tikrai ne. nes ne rezoliucija ir ne teksturos zaidima daro geru ar blogu.

Vistiek deja koks buvo kuriamas iki sukurimo ant SexBOX 360 versijos paskelbimo - žaidimas jau nebus. O gaila...

Kai pagaliau išvystisim šį žaidimą ir ant BOX ir ant PSthree - tai galėsime sulyginti. O internete FanBoyizmas deja peržengia jau visas ribas ir net nežinai iš tikro kur teisybė, kur melas...

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Square Enix’s upcoming Final Fantasy XIII is, of course, going to be one big, long game. I expect that, you expect that. Now, Square Enix is giving us a number.


FF13 will lock in at least 60 hours of your time in the first playthrough. Motomu Toriyama, who’s heading up the project, tells Kotaku:


… the size of the entire game is considerable. Just running through the main story takes experienced players over 50 hours. For the first time, I think it’s possible to play through in full in about 60 hours or so.


That’s for the storyline alone. For completionists, who look for details and run through as many sidequests as possible, we’re probably looking at nearly 100 hours of gameplay.


Not too bad.


Final Fantasy XIII will be released on December 17 in Japan, and March 9 in North America, Europe and Australia.

na tikrai netrumpas gal ir visai zaidimas, na 10 val atmetus cutscenu,dar jei bosai su milijonais HP dar tiem po pora valandu kiekvienam atmest.visada nekenciau tu ilgu ilgiausiu kovu su bosais.del tokiu dalyku daugeli jrpg numeciau ir daugiau nebeemiau i rankas.

dar reiktu atmesti tas valandas kurias praleisi leveli keldamas,kovos viena po kitos ir pan,pacios istorijos ne tiek daug ir liks,na istorija daugiau bus cutscenose manau.tiesiog manes pradejo nebedomint SE zaidimai visai jau,aisku nesakau nieko apie FF ,bet na tai ka jie padare ant next gen iki siol tai tik s**** kruva ,daugiau nieko.

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Final Fantasy XIII 32 hours to hit Disc 3


We've been rinsing out the rather cool and eagerly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII for the last few days now and are having a great time battling monsters and seeing the story progress along with its characters. Playing the Xbox 360 version has meant that there have been two occasions where a disk swap has been in order.


This is due to the game's reliance on storage space hungry CGI scenes (of which there are quite a few). However, much has been said about the game length and we can confirm that there's well in excess of 40 hours, and the figure given by Square of a 60 hour game, is definitely accurate.


We reached disk 3 in around 32 hours of casual play (that's battling often, a few retries and searching most areas, but skipping some encounters) and can confirm that the last four chapters offers more out and out action, piling on loads of extended hours. It's not unusual for RPGs to have such great length, but at least fans can rest assured that there's enough bang for their buck when the game releases on the 9th March 2010. Compared to other single player games, Final Fantasy XIII certainly delivers when it comes to game length.


We can also confirm that once you hit the 35 hour mark you'll reach an open world section of the game where you can grind to your heart's content, undertake missions and free-roam an open area filled with mystery and intrigue. If you're to gain some of the max out skill achievements then spending time here is going to be fruitful.

taigi zmones lose x360 versija , 3 zaidimo diska pasieke per mazdaug 32 valandas,ir kaip jie patvirtino kad mazdaug po 35 zaidimo valandu,ir jau esant tam 3 diske pasieki tokia zaidimo vieta kur buna soks toks open world mapas,kura gali laisvai ji tyrinet,ir keltis lygi.

taigi zaidimas netrumpas tikrai. :D

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Final Fantasy XIII 32 hours to hit Disc 3

taigi zmones lose x360 versija , 3 zaidimo diska pasieke per mazdaug 32 valandas,ir kaip jie patvirtino kad mazdaug po 35 zaidimo valandu,ir jau esant tam 3 diske pasieki tokia zaidimo vieta kur buna soks toks open world mapas,kura gali laisvai ji tyrinet,ir keltis lygi.

taigi zaidimas netrumpas tikrai. :)

Tai jo, sako tik pradžioj ten gal pirmi penki ar keturi chapteriai ten pasakoja kaip kiekvieno veikėjo istoriją todėl jie linijiniai yra.. Poto kaip ir open world, o perėjus last boss, užsisavinus, atsiloadinus gali toliau lošt prieš boss ir laisvai klajot

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Tai jo, sako tik pradžioj ten gal pirmi penki ar keturi chapteriai ten pasakoja kaip kiekvieno veikėjo istoriją todėl jie linijiniai yra.. Poto kaip ir open world, o perėjus last boss, užsisavinus, atsiloadinus gali toliau lošt prieš boss ir laisvai klajot

na ir iki paskutinio boso gali paklajot irgi,manau cia tam kad leveli pasikelt,nes kitaip jo neiveiksi jauciu :) .

na jei idomios vietos tai idomu gal visai ten pasitrint,taciau jei tik del nuobodaus lvl kelimo tai matysim jau neuzilgo iseina,visai neuzilgo :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na ir iki paskutinio boso gali paklajot irgi,manau cia tam kad leveli pasikelt,nes kitaip jo neiveiksi jauciu :) .

na jei idomios vietos tai idomu gal visai ten pasitrint,taciau jei tik del nuobodaus lvl kelimo tai matysim jau neuzilgo iseina,visai neuzilgo :)

Seven days left iki relizo. :)

C'mon - negaliu sulaukti :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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blyn pzda kiek man dvd reik pirkt 15lt :) atseis ff13

na verta koki kart nors viena pereit :) bet ff visi skirtingi visos dalys kitam pasauli visos dalys turi savo veikejus laika, istorija kiek supratau per advent child ziuredamas... ;] taip ?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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blyn pzda kiek man dvd reik pirkt 15lt :) atseis ff13

na verta koki kart nors viena pereit :) bet ff visi skirtingi visos dalys kitam pasauli visos dalys turi savo veikejus laika, istorija kiek supratau per advent child ziuredamas... ;] taip ?

Turi pratesimus tik FF VII (Crisis Core, Beyond Crisis, Dirge Of Cerberus ir anime Advent Children ir Last Hope) ir FF X (FF X-2)


Pasakykit man aišku jeigu aš klystu (pagal atmintį čia man)

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Turi pratesimus tik FF VII (Crisis Core, Beyond Crisis, Dirge Of Cerberus ir anime Advent Children ir Last Hope) ir FF X (FF X-2)


Pasakykit man aišku jeigu aš klystu (pagal atmintį čia man)

na manau tu teisus,taciau tiesioginis pratesimas yra tik X-2,nors ir tas jau turejo pakeista kovos sistema bei skirtinga taktika.o visi tie FFVII pratesimai,tai tie keli zaidimai tik tiek kad yra susije su FFVII bet visi zaidimai visiskai skritingu zanru,ir skirtingai zaidziami,taiciau be gali idomus zaidimai aisku kam idomu suzinot buvo viskas kiek galima apie FFVII veikejus ,ju praeiti ir ateity.

be to pamirsai paminet Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel ,tai anime kuris buvo sukurtas pagal novele,labai idomu paziuret ir suzinot daugiau apie Denzeli.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na manau tu teisus,taciau tiesioginis pratesimas yra tik X-2,nors ir tas jau turejo pakeista kovos sistema bei skirtinga taktika.o visi tie FFVII pratesimai,tai tie keli zaidimai tik tiek kad yra susije su FFVII bet visi zaidimai visiskai skritingu zanru,ir skirtingai zaidziami,taiciau be gali idomus zaidimai aisku kam idomu suzinot buvo viskas kiek galima apie FFVII veikejus ,ju praeiti ir ateity.

be to pamirsai paminet Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel ,tai anime kuris buvo sukurtas pagal novele,labai idomu paziuret ir suzinot daugiau apie Denzeli.

Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel - klausimas toks. O jis kartais nemegėjiškas buvo, nes kažkaip negirdėtas man iki šiol ?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel - klausimas toks. O jis kartais nemegėjiškas buvo, nes kažkaip negirdėtas man iki šiol ?

Ne į temą


Final Fantasy VII On The Way To A Smile Denzel Ova SUB

cia jei nori gan geros kokybes ta anime gali tiesiai is neto paziuret su eng subais.


Ne į temą

tikrai nemegejiskas,tai yra OVA is Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete Blu-Ray kas turi ta diska,tai sitas Denzelio epizodas yra tame diske,siaip yra siustis atskirai LM kokios nori kokybes iki pat 1080p. na tikrai idomus dalykas.sitas anime sukurtas pagal viena is noveliu parasytu FFVII tema.

On a Way to a Smile is a collection of seven short stories written by Kazushige Nojima the scenario writer for the RPG Final Fantasy VII and its spin-off movie Advent Children. Each story takes a look at how the characters have been doing in the two year gap between the end of the original FFVII story and the beginning of the movie Advent Children. The collection started off on the internet where the very first story Case of Denzel was initially split into four chapters, the first being published onto the official Japanese FFVII: Advent Children website on September 5th 2005, a week before the release of the long anticipated CG movie. Over the two weeks that followed up until the movie's release, the remaining chapters were also uploaded.


Later, a second story Case of Tifa followed but was not uploaded onto the web. Instead, it was published in print in a book entitled "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - Prologue" on the same release date as the movie. This story mainly focuses on the relationship between Cloud and Tifa.


Eventually, over two years later, a third story "Case of Barret" was released with the North American Limited Edition package of the movie on February 20th 2007. Picking up from the start of the the "Case of Tifa" story, we see how Barret is off to settle with his past and go in search of a new energy source for Planet, leading neatly into his entry in the movie itself.


On the very same day of Advent Children Complete's release on Blu-ray on April 16th 2009, a hardback copy of the On the Way to a Smile stories was also released containing revised copies of all three stories released so far as well as four new ones Case of Nanaki, Case of Yuffie, Case of Shinra and Case of Lifestream.

taigi viso yra 7 noveles parasytos apie skirtingus FFVII veikejus,bet tik ta viena novele apie Denzeli yra isleista kaip OVA.


is zaidimu dar yra vienas zaidimas mobiliakam Dirge of Cerberus : Lost Episode -Final Fantasy VII toks pat zaidimo stilius kaip ir PS2 zaidimo Dirge of Cerberus.

be to apie noveles ,tai yra The Maiden who Travels the Planet novele parasyta to pacio Benny Matsuyama ir buvo isleista FFVII Ultimania Omega knygoje,cia jei nori yra pirmos noveles dalies vertimas i anglu kalba


"The Maiden who Travels the Planet". This story written by Benny Matsuyama focuses on Aerith as she travels the Lifestream and is set about midway through the original FFVII game. Although not written by the original FFVII scenario writer Nojima himself, the work was under the supervision of Square-Enix. Before the release of FFVII:AC, Nomura had approached the staff of Bentstudio and said he wanted a new book made for FFVII so that fans can enjoy the game once again. As the original game is now obsolete (unless you check some old second hand stores), this was probably the best thing to do. Besides an in-depth walkthrough of the game, this 592 paged book contains huge amount of details about FFVII such as detailed analysis of the story and locations, original concept art along with an introduction to the recent Compilation of FFVII series.

be to cia yra labai geras saitas ir yra jame visu noveliu megejiski vertimai i anglu kalba ir siaip daug visko idomaus.


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