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Final Fantasy XIII

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Senesnis buld'as man graziau atrode.

tai jo ir manau viskas del to multikonsolinio dalyko,kaik uri vienai konsolei tai gali i ja ir susikoncentruot,o kai kuri tokiom skirtingom konsolem kaip x360 ir ps3 ir nori kad zaidimas ant abieju atrodytu vienodai,tenka kazka keisti,siuo atveju prastinti siek tiek,nors dar mes aisku nematem kaip atrodys paskutinis buildas,taciau vistiek atrodo labai gerai ir taip,gaila kad grindys tapo parastos ir ne tokios idomios kaip buvo pradzioje sugalvota.

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Kitase “aiming” for FFXIII 360 to ship on 3 DVDs

The 360 version of FFXIII will ship on multiple DVDs, producer Yoshinori Kitase confirmed to VG247 at GamesCom today.


“This is not the final count as we’re still working on it, but we’re aiming for about three discs for the Xbox 360 version,” said the developer.


Kitase went on to assure that the two versions will be practically identical, although he did concede that there are likely to be “subtle differences” between the two.


“The 360 version and the PS3 version should be pretty much equal, both in terms of content and the visuals as well,” he added.


“Since the hardware is different, there might be some subtle differences if you compare screenshots side by side, but the team’s being very careful about the compression of the data and the visuals, so that it’s exactly the same on both.”


FFXIII releases this winter in Japan and next year in the US and Europe.

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How do you think Final Fantasy XIII will affect the Japanese mentality towards RPG design?

Yoshinori Kitase: Japanese RPGs have traditionally always been command-based, and it’s all about really taking your time to strategise and work your way through the battles. That’s really what Final Fantasy has been as a series, but in XIII [there’s] more action. It’s still a command-based RPG at its core, but there’s a lot more speed, a lot more action – this might be the first step for the Final Fantasy series or Japanese RPGs as a whole to move out of the tradition solely command-based system into a more action-based system.

WTF !!!! , Kitase !!! Sis pareiskimas mane labai papiktino. Kokio velnio visi verziasi i action zanra , tai tikrai ne sprendimas padaryti zaidima geresniu, kaip pvz galeciau duoti FFXII , kurio musio sistema turejo daugiau minusu nei pliusu. Faktas, kad vis daugiau rpg igauna action elementu ir si tendencija vis dides , klasikiniu turn-based zaidimu bus vienas kitas ir tai liudina.

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WTF !!!! , Kitase !!! Sis pareiskimas mane labai papiktino. Kokio velnio visi verziasi i action zanra , tai tikrai ne sprendimas padaryti zaidima geresniu, kaip pvz galeciau duoti FFXII , kurio musio sistema turejo daugiau minusu nei pliusu. Faktas, kad vis daugiau rpg igauna action elementu ir si tendencija vis dides , klasikiniu turn-based zaidimu bus vienas kitas ir tai liudina.

na mana jau is square-enix neliko beveik ne laso tos kompanijos kuri kure ankstesnius ff ir kitus hitus,kol nesiverze i vakaru rink,viskas buvo gerai,po to gavom kelis nevykusius rpg ant x360,ir man jau tada toks jausmas buvo kad neatpazystu tu zmoniu visai.o del ff XIII tai jau buvo jis kazkada seniau uzvardytas kaip tas pasitvirtino. :) ka padarysi to buvo galima tiketis kai zaidima kuria visam pasauliui ir keliom konsolem,daro taip kad patiktu visiem,o ne tik ff fanam,bet ff fanam gali netgi nepatikti siaip toki pasikeitimai.manau jiem jau zaidejai tapo nebelabai svarbus kaip ir daugumai kompaniju.svarbu pinigai,svarbu tai kas gerai parsiduoda.

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GamesCon Info

* The Japanese PS3 version is 90% complete, while the 360 version is around 70% complete. I would gloat about it, but...


* Developers are aiming for a simultaneous release for both platforms outside of Japan, around USA-Spring 2010. Which means us PS3 users won't benefit at all from being further advanced in production.


* They are aiming to fit the 360 version on as few as 3 DVDs. Hope you like changing discs! Think of it as PS1 nostalgia.


* Both versions should be equal, both in terms of content and graphics. At least that's some good news for the Microsoft folks.

* Two new characters will be revealed soon: one is said to be a young, silver haired girl who wears a school outfit, the other will be Sazh's son (who apparently sports an afro, just like his Dad).


* A new area demoed: "Lake Bilge - The Waters Stilled" was revealed


* A new character play-system was revealed: "Paradigm Shift" lets you change the manner in which your party members act. Unveiled options so far include "Overwhelm", "Peacemaker", and "Aggression".


* The "Odin" summon was officially revealed: Lightning rides it while wielding Odin's sword.


* The English voice overs will be properly lip synced. Dual language options, however, are unlikely.

Further info was revealed through twitter: Klee Kuo, a North American Square Enix employee, had a lot of interesting things to say during the conference. Here's a few of the more relevant tweets:


"Odin summon in FFXIII looks even better than Shiva. Watching the ride transformation in Gestalt mode never gets old"


"Just got a sneak peak of two new FFXIII characters! Sazh has a son? And who is this cute new female character?? Interesting..."


"Hint: Name of new female character in FFXIII was mentioned in past trailers"


"Screenshots of both new characters in FFXIII will be revealed next month! I don't want to spoil their names right now =p"


"Who's interested in JP voices for NA/EU versions of FFXIII? It's been a hot topic during the past two days of interviews :)"


"Sweet! English VO for FFXIII is complete"


"I am totally blown away by summons in FFXIII. Which one will appear next? Ifrit? Bahamut?:)"


"Expect unique level up system in FFXIII like Sphere Grid in FFX and License Board in FFXII"


"Paradigm Shift on top of ATB in battles is going to be interesting. Command based RPG incorporating lots of action and player strategies!"












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Na atrodo tikrai super, tiktai tikiuosi kad visuals nebuvo vienintelis aspektas prie kurio taip dirbo kurejai... Kas liečia kovos mechanika, man visai tiko ir ff12. Gambit sistema toli gražu nebuvo didžiausias minusas (man ji apskritai nebuvo minusas) žaidime. Žiovuli keliantis siužetas ir kažkokia politine pasakaite su praktiškai neegzistuojančių character development, va kas privedė iki to, kad tai buvo pirmasis FF kurio aš nebaigiau, nors ir buvau jau praktiškai prie paskutinio boso durų...


Man asmeniškai irgi nelabai patinka, kaip Kitase bando vaikytis vakarų madų :/ Na Blogiausiu atveju lieka dar FF13 Versus, bet naujasis Square-Enix tikrai kolkas atrodo nekaip (Infinite undiscovery ir Last remnant anyone?). Na bent Sega ir Mistwalkers dar nenuklydo i lankas...

Redagavo Skeith
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Crystals - Everything boils back down to Crystals. Fal'Cie are created by crystals. Each crystal is unique in the way it draws and exerts power which affects the animals(monsters) differently by giving them different appearances and abilities. Fal'Cie are formed from crystals.


Fal'Cie - God-like machines created by a more supreme being formed from the crystals which when formed reside in them. They are worshipped as god's because of the things they offer.

They can brand people with the power of the crystals so they can perform focuses. They can even create large floating cities in the sky.


l'Cie - On a mission for the Fal'cie, because of the powers branded from Fal'Cie they can use magic. The brand they have is inside them. They are feared by society and thus are killed/hunted down like dogs. To become an l'Cie is considered a curse.


Focus - It is a mission given to l'Cie from Fal'Cie. Time is limited for completing a focus. Failure to complete a focus makes the l'Cie a Cie Corpse.


Cie Corpse - The process is that the l'Cie loses all humanity within them and crystals begin to cover and twist their body, the person becomes a crystallized monster/creature.


Cocoon - A floating futuristic technological paradise from the monsters that roam Pulse below, made to protect humanity. It could be considered a low hanging moon. The inhabitants live inside the shell. There is a lake below Cocoon which the water has changed into a crystal-like matter, due to an ancient construct falling in it. Order is kept by the Holy Government.


Pulse - The world below Cocoon where all the monsters roam freely.


Holy Government - A theocracy which rules Cocoon, led by their leader Cid, said to quarantine and exile anyone who was influenced from the outside (Pulse.) The l'Cie are see as enemies to the Holy Government. PSICOM is it's military force.


PSICOM - The military force consist of: Soldier's in full body armor, monsters summoned from interdimensional portals, automated machines(robots), and military airships.




Team Nora - Resistance group to holy government founded by young people from a village at the outskirts of cocoon that battled the monsters that appeared there. The Holy Government claimed they were affected by Pulse, hence the resistance. Gadot, Lebreau, and Maqui form the team with Snow. Gadot is a man with orange hair and dark olive skin. Lebreau is a black haired woman who has a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder. Maqui is a young man who wears goggles. Gadot and Lebreau are said to be childhood friends of Snow.


The l'Cie


Snow Villiers - Leader of Team Nora, said to share a common interest with Lightning. Their relationship is to said to be "unique". He is shown to be a strong man able to carry two people while runnning.

His Eidolon is Shiva.


Lightning - Former soldier of PSICOM, in terms of personality she is seen as a cold person. Her rank is specified on the shoulder plate on her left arm.. She was chosen by the Fal'Cie to "bring the end of the world" (destroy Cocoon and take down the Holy Government). Her weapon is a combination of a gun and a sword, and she can also manipulate gravity with a device on her thumb.

Her Eidolon is Odin.

Sidenote: she seems to take most of Snow's word's with a grain of salt. I suppose she is more of a person of action rather than words.


Oerba Dia Vanille - Said to be of royal descent. The fur sash she wears is apparently from a bear she killed herself. Her personality is that of an optimistic person, who carries a heavy burden in her heart. Her weapon is a fishing rod inspired weapon with multiple hooks at the end to hurt on the reel in.

Her Eidolon is suggested to be Carbuncle.


Sazh Katzroy - Friendly, cheerful and quick to banter but also can give a mature perspective on matters. He is described as a middle aged man that carries a small chocobo in his fro (Chocofro). Uses two pistols. Has connections to Lightning's military past.


Hope Estheim - Hope is one of the few that were banished from Cocoon to Pulse. He is the youngest of the characters in Final Fantasy XIII, since he is only 14 years old. He has silver hair, and has a hatred for Snow, because his mother fought alongside Snow to protect Hope and died in battle. Uses dual boomerangs.


PSICOM Personnel


Jihl Nabaat - A Colonel, in charge of daily policy and strategic command of PSICOM soldiers. Jihl graduated first in her class and quickly advanced to her current ranking. Jihl is described/known to be cruel, heartless and intelligent. She has both personal and political reasons for opposing Lightning's group. She views l'Cie as sub-human.


Yaag Rosch - A Lieutenant Colonel and Jihl's right hand. He is not as talented as Jihl and had a long and painful time in the military academy. The scar down his forehead is to represent the harsh training and fighting he has undertaken. He was however Lightnings superior during her service. He puts the peace of Cocoon above all else, so Lightning and crew are viewed as threats, he is very passionate about his service to Cocoon. He will often fight front-line leading his forces on the forefront.

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High-Res (1920×1080) CG Comparison: FFXIII vs. FFVII AC













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    • @Javelin  tikiu,kad ras Ps5 pro pirkeju daug ir Lietuvoje Nemanau,kad labai dideli skirtuma jausciau grafikoje. Va jei 60 stabilus fps visuose zaidimuose,tada neblogai butu. Siaip ipratau ir prie 30fps dar nuo Ps4 ar x360 laikų svarbu tie 30 butu stabilus,"nesokinejantys" tai daugiau tai maziau- tas tai tragedija budavo.. Visuose zaidimuose su Ps5 renkuosi "performance" rezima,ir jauciu kad 60fps eina, stqbiliai (tikiuos ne placebo efektas įsijungia :D. )
    • Taip čia Sony gerai padirbėjo. Mano vaniline sukasi (ir tikios toliau suksis🤞) kaip bitutė. Prasiplėčiau SSD 1TB ir ramu. Šiaip manau nauji visų laukiami žaidimai gali būti tas Pro (kaip ir beveik visų konsolių)  pardavimo varyklis. Tokie kaip TLOU3 ar visų laukimas GTA6. Aišku eis ir ant Slim, bet kai tu gali gauti mėgstamo žaidimo Max grafika, tai veikia.
    • Sutinku. Mokant pinigus už galutinį produktą, norėtųsi, kad ir veiktų kaip tai deklaruojama.
    • @tymbarkFM Kai anonsavo PS Portal išvadinau ji visišku š, nes nepalaiko native žaidimų. Vėliau pagalvojau, kad gal man jo reikėtų ir man pavyktu su juo greičiau išvalyti backlogą. Deja, mano remote play testai su PSPlay ir Playstation Remote Play parodė, kad mano Telia duotas Wifi-4 routeris net su 5ghz kanalu + ethernet kabelis pajungtas prie konsolės yra per silpni. Internetas Telia 500Mbps, o routerio pats atsinaujinti nenoriu, nes bus problemos su televizija, o Telia siūlo visišką šlamštą keitimui. Aišku galima atidarynėti portus, daryti statinį ip, bet man kaip paprastam vartotojui per daug vargo, nes Telia užrakino routerį nežinomu slaptažodžiu (defaultinis neveikia).
    • Neseniai įsigyjau PS Portal. Galiu pasakyti, kad kai veikia, tai puikiai atlieka savo funkciją. Namuose su lokaliu Wi-Fi veikia tobulai, bandžiau TPS action-žaidimus (Assassin's Creed, Outlaws) - galima nors ir visą žaidimą pereiti, jokio diskomforto, pultelis kaip originalus DualSense, ekranas geras, ryškus, nors ir LCD. Bandžiau darbe su Wi-Fi - veikia beveik tobulai, atiranda retkarčiais kokybės kritimas, bet žaisti galima. Kas nepavyko, tai pasijungti per Hotspot iš telefono, bandžiau dukart - nepavyko net pasijungti. Va čia yra didžiausias trūkumas. Iki Portal pirkimo bandžiau per Remote Play žaisti iš planšetės, pririšant pultelį - tai galiu pasakyti, kad ekspirjensas geresnis nei su Portal ir vietos net mažiau užima nešiojantis. Tai realiai nelabai dar turiu kuo pagrįsti tokį pirkinį. 😅
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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