
iXtreme LT (Lite Touch)

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Man ir kaskas netaip cia :) tipo kazkoki specialu key uzdes ir visi pirkt tures? :)

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Oh.. Piratai skaitosi :) Tapo tokie patys vagys kaip ir MS

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Ir nieks nepirks tada jau geriau visi su senu 1.61 sėdės ramiai. Nes fleshinimo kaina gausis kosminė. Ir manau čia scamas.

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* Now talking in #fw

* Topic is '| ? list | ixtremelt.com confirmed fake | Dark_Void_XBOX360-SPARE | Divinity_II_Ego_Draconis_NTSC_XBOX360-GameStop | JungleFlasher v0.1.69 beta (x64 support) @ h'

* Set by Iriez!wario@staff.xbins.org on Fri Jan 15 05:56:54



EDIT: Ta prasme fake, kad reikės mokėti už iXtreme LT. Nepagalvokit, kad pats iXtreme LT fake. :)

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EDIT: Ta prasme fake, kad reikės mokėti už iXtreme LT. Nepagalvokit, kad pats iXtreme LT fake. :)

Tai bet vistiek jei bus LT tai kažin ar ilgai išsilaikys su išsisukimu nuo banų..Ir šiaip jau po truputį tampa scamu...

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isislaikys, sitie checkai atejo su nxe kartu, ir juos iskniso, ryskiai su naujuoju homebrew "veju". taigi turetu ilgam pasiteisint LT.

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iXtreme LT will release shortly as promised for free. Unofficial files are incomplete and unsafe. Protection was to prevent unofficial use!

Oj kokia puiki naujena, visdelto bus for free!!! Ir tikiosi laukt ilgai jau neliko.... :rolleyes:

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iXtreme LT To Be Released Shortly - For Free

>> From team-xecuter.com:

We have supported C4E and Team Jungle for some time now and it is so ridiculous to us when we see so much garbage and drama being posted around on different forums. First we see some sites trying to sell iXtreme LT for stupid amounts of money, then the price goes in half then it doubles then it shows as out of stock? Then of course everyone bitches about C4E even though this wasn't his idea and these guys also forget that the iXtreme firmwares are his work and no one else's - he owes nothing to no one. He should be lauded with credits and support not with bitching and whining, I'm surprised he even bothers any more but we also know how much he loves to do this work. It really is pathetic to see some fools post crap like that, but i guess the console scene never changes does it.


Now we see attempts at "cracking" a pre-release demo version of the LT firmware and people trying to gain credits and "pats on the back" for this work. All we can say is - we've looked at both firmwares - the real Lt and the leaked one. Take our advise - don't use the leaked incomplete version and connect to Xbox Live.


We developed bios's for many years and know how much time and effort it takes to do this kind of work - we fully support C4E in all the work he does and as members of the scene we thank him for it.


Anyway the guys at Team Jungle have updated their Twitter page with this info:

"iXtreme LT will release shortly as promised for free. Unofficial files are incomplete and unsafe. Protection was to prevent unofficial use!"


Maybe you should start giving a few posts of appreciation - then maybe you will see Benq, Samsung & Hitachi versions too - because they won't come from anyone else we can assure you of that much.

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nu va nereikes tu 100$ moket. Ziuresim kiek live atsilaikys (tikekimes negreit ms uzrauks LT) :)

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tai kas gal jau isbandet? nes xbox-sky maciau yra imesta...

arba gal fake ten...

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Tai kad dar niekur apie tai nėra jokiu žinių

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kol neisejo po pranesimo is teamjungle - tol ir neimkit! bukit protingi ir kantrus!

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.