
iXtreme 1.7

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"Don't worry, if the game has all the necessary stealth data, then iX1.6 will still use it, so if you boot a VERIFIED Wave4 game using this method, you should be just as safe as you were booting a verified wave 3 game."


Cia kalba apie active.iso :)

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Aciu uz atsakymus :) Dabar viskas aisku nes ce kai isklausai kiekvieno nuomone susipini visiskai :)

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Looks like we were wrong in assuming that iXtreme v1.51 was fully compatible with 4th Wave PFI/Video. Turns out that only Hitachi iXtreme v1.51 will boot 4th Wave backups, and BenQ/LiteOn/Samsung iXtreme v1.51 will NOT boot 4th Wave. It would have been fully compatible if only the Video data had changed but not with the change in PFI (capacity). So currently the only safe option for booting 4th Wave backups on a BenQ/LiteOn/Samsung drive is to use iXtreme v1.6 and the one shot boot disc.

cia is http://www.abgx360.net/

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Nu man svarbiausia kad pagrindiniai game eitų dar ant wave3, o tokie kaip rave o rama tai vistiek nelošiu ir neįdomu, o kol kas dar eina vis wave3 :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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kaip naudotis tuo activate iso? irasity i atskira dvd dl ir diek kiekviena karta pries uzleidziant zaidima ideti ji

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Tai garantuotai koks MW2 ar AC2 bus wave 4..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Tai garantuotai koks MW2 ar AC2 bus wave 4..


nu kai iseis tai ir pamatysi, nieks tau anksciau laiko tiksliai nepasakys.

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Nu jeigu vis del to su gerai patikrintu rip'u ir activate.iso yra saugu losti tai gal nieko tokio...

Redagavo Flipex

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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kaip naudotis tuo activate iso? irasity i atskira dvd dl ir diek kiekviena karta pries uzleidziant zaidima ideti ji

The disk is available here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ed5xr and needs to be burned to a DUAL LAYER disk, but entirely on the first layer (do not set a layerbreak and when imgburn prompts, tell it to burn to the first layer only)

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"Cars Race-O-Rama is the first game to have a Wave 4 video partition on the disc containing the new 8498 NXE update. The iXtreme v1.6 firmware properly fails when checking CRC for this new video partition type, so to boot this game you need to load the iXtreme activation disc first. In case you don't have the activation disc it is included as activate.iso in the original iXtreme v1.6 firmware release, EurAsia members can find it here in the download section. Alternately activate.iso can be downloaded from within the JungleFlasher tool. Another option is to downgrade the firmware to a previous version of iXtreme where CRC is ignored, but then there's a risk when using Live. The strict disc checking implemented in iXtreme v1.6 is there for a reason. Read on for an extensive Wave 4 guide written by Kushan @ abgx360.net...



Wave 4 and YOU v1.1 by Kushan



A n00b's guide to everything Wave4



What IS 'Wave 4'?



A regular, retail Xbox 360 disk is split into several sections or 'partitions'. One of these partitions is known as the 'video partition'. Before March 2009, this partition simply contained a video that would play if you inserted the disk into a regular DVD player, the video would basically tell you that you were an idiot and need to put it into an Xbox 360 to play it.


One of the ways Microsoft can detect you being a dirty, filthy pirate is to scan this video to make sure it matches with what is supposed to be on the disk, so to protect you, the firmware itself does a quick checksum of it and if it doesn't match with known video data, it wont boot. Every now and then, this video changed, with each change being called a 'wave'.


Normally, system updates (dashboard updates) are stored on a different part of the disk, taking up about 8Mb of space, however in November 2008 Microsoft launched the 'NXE', a completely new Dashboard for the system. Along with the new dash came Avatars, making the whole update substantially larger (somewhere in the region of 130MB). This meant the update wouldn't fit on the disk in the same partition that previous updates were located and so instead the update was placed within the video partition. This was known as 'wave 3' and hit around March 2009.


As Microsoft now distributes new Dashboard updates in the same partition, each time the 360 gets a software update, we will see a new 'wave' a few months later. There was a Dashboard update in August 2009 and that is now being distributed with the latest games. This is known as Wave4. Its identical to Wave3, except the video partition now contains the August 09 Dash update. The first known game to have this was Cars Race-o-rama.


Now, its important to remember that iXtreme was designed to PROTECT you and part of that protection is the 'video partition' check. When this video partition changes, the firmware doesn't know if its just a new 'wave' or if its a bad rip and thus opts to not boot it.


When wave 3 hit, iXtreme 1.51 was quickly released to tackle the problem. This was a temporary fix only, the firmware simply does not do the video partition check and thus boots ANY wave, up to wave 4 and beyond.


However, this in itself is 'unsafe'. If the disk is fine, then you'll be fine, but if the video partition is in any way corrupt, iXtreme 1.51 will still boot it and thus you could be detected by Microsoft and banned. This also is not helped by the fact that some impatient, idiotic people decided to 'patch' Wave3 games with Wave2 data in order to get iXtreme 1.5 or below to boot it. This is a great way to get yourself banned and thus iXtreme 1.6 was created.


ix1.6 will only boot games that have the CORRECT video partition, up to and including wave 3. This means that if you have a Wave 3 game that was patched with a Wave 2 video partition (aka a great big bullseye for Microsoft to target), iXtreme 1.6 will not boot it but ix1.51 will.



Will I need a new firmware to play Wave 4 games?



IF you are on iXtreme 1.5 or below, Wave3 games will not boot for you and thus Wave4 games will not either. In this case, YES you need to update your firmware!


IF you are on iXtreme 1.51, then ANY wave will boot fine, including Wave4 however you must be EXTRA careful as you are not protected against corrupt or incorrect video partitions. This is one of the many reasons to always use abgx360. If a game is fully verified, playing it on iXtreme 1.51 is just as safe as playing it on iXtreme 1.6 - this includes Wave4 games.


IF you are on iXtreme 1.6, you can ALSO play Wave 4 and above games, however you need to use a special activation disk to do so. This was added to the firmware specifically for this eventuality - the disk activates 'one-shot-boot' mode, essentially it allows iX1.6 to boot any game you insert in the drive, even if its not properly stealthed. You simply insert the disk into the drive, let it spin up (it will say 'Play DVD'), then swap in your Wave4 game. You will need to do this each time you want to play a Wave 4 (or above) game. Don't worry, if the game has all the necessary stealth data, then iX1.6 will still use it, so if you boot a VERIFIED Wave4 game using this method, you should be just as safe as you were booting a verified wave 3 game.


The disk is available here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ed5xr and needs to be burned to a DUAL LAYER disk, but entirely on the first layer (do not set a layerbreak and when imgburn prompts, tell it to burn to the first layer only).


A new iXtreme firmware will eventually be released with strict wave4 support (no activation disk needed), however some time needs to pass before this happens. Although Cars: Race-o-Rama was the first game to appear in the wild with Wave 4 video, it was not necessarily the first game to be pressed with it. Also, during a wave transition there are often a few exceptions to the process which also need to be known about. There will be no timeframe for this, so do not ask.



What about abgx360? Will that need to be updated?



abgx360 v1.0.1 (latest as of time of writing) does not recognise a 'wave 4' image and will report a POSSIBLE corrupt/bad PFI/Video partition, however the program is actually still completely compatible with Wave 4 games. Once a Wave4 title is verified, abgx360 will still download the .ini from the database and fully check out the image. If the image matches and the game is verified, then it has also passed the stealth checks and thus it is as safe to play as any wave3 or wave2 game.


abgx360 v1.0.2 will be released with full Wave4 recognition in a similar manner to the new iXtreme; that is once the transition date is known and any exceptions are noted."

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kazkuriam forume skaiciau kad jau daro ix1.61 tad reikia palaukt kol pasirodys nes kitaip nepazaisim naujasniu geimu cia bus tas pats kaip ir su wave 3 buvo tad ner cia ko nervuotis visviena xakeriai padarys savo :D

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Nu laukiam kas čia bus :D

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zodziu jeigu esi normalus zaidejas ir tikriniesi savo rls su ABGX tai viskas bus gerai. bet jeigu esi totalus idiotas besimetantis bet ka i xboxa tai gali betkokias tas FW leist vistiek prisidrbsi. as pvz. niekada nelosiu zaidimo online pries isleidimo data ir niekada nesiburninu pilnai nepatikrinto ripo ir sedziu saugus. as gan laimingas su 1.51 nors kaip implerio quote sakoma jinai tipo nesaugi

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