
PS Vita naujienos ir diskusijos

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Taip pat kaip ant PSP, PSPDiSP
Redagavo GYNGA

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Tai su PSP gali naudoti kaip pc pulteli tik, bet streamint - ne. Arba kazka maisau :thumbup:
Redagavo GYNGA

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Galima streamint. Ivesk i youtube PSP Disp.
Redagavo GYNGA

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Tai PSP gali naudot ikaip ir PS3 pulteli, tik ant senu graju.. :DD

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Betai is to jokios naudos, nes PSP neturi 2analogu L3,R3,R2,L2 mygtuku
  Redagavo eimis1998

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Taigi, jau senokai nerašiau savo įprasto PS Vita naujienų posto. Nieko keisto, vasara ir naujų žaidimų išleidžiama nedaug, gandų irgi ne per daugiausia. Tačiau šiandien tokių rimtesnių ir įdomesnių gandų pasirodė, apie Japonijos Call of Duty - Monster Hunter. Kinijos forume/bloge A9VG pasirodė nuotraukos, kuriose neva Monster Hunter PS Vita žaidimas.














Tačiau šitie screenshotai ir foto kelia nemažai abejonių. Visų pirma HUD'as atrodo per mažas Vitos ekranui, ypač jei palyginsi su PSP MH žaidimais. Taip pat apatiniai icon'ai atrodo tarsi nukirpti. Galbūt jų apačia buvo pažymėta numeriais (kaip PC MMO žaidimų), kas išduotų, jog tai PC MH žaidimas. Plius screenshotuose matome užrašą, taigi screenshotai buvo paimti ne su PS Vita, o su PC.


Bet... Pats HUD skiriasi nuo visų ankstesnių Monster Hunter Hunter žaidimų. Taip pat grafika žymiai geresnė už PSP, PS2, 3DS ar Wii, ji yra arčiau PS3, X360 ar PC. Sakyčiau kažkas labai atitinkančio PS Vita galimybes. Mano minėti nukirpti icon'ai gali būti dizaino sprendimas (na tarkim renkantis juos jie pakiltų į viršų), o užrašas matomas tik screenshotuose, tačiau nuotraukoje, kurioje žaidimas matomas PS Vita ekrane, šio užrašo nesimato. Tai būtų galima paaiškinti tuo, kad screen'ams padaryti PS Vita dev kit'as (nes jie turi video išėjimą) buvo prijungtas prie PC ir tokiu būdu su fraps paimti screenshotai (nors pačioje nuotraukoje paprasta Vita, o ne dev kit'as). Belieka mažas HUD - na, galbūt tai irgi dizaino sprendimas, norint neuždengti gražaus Monster Hunter pasaulio dideliais užrašais ir rodmenimis.


Na tai tiek mano spėlionių, iš tikrųjų tai tie screenshotai uždavė dar daugiau klausimų ir dar labiau viską supainiojo. Manau arba čia tikrai MH Vita žaidimas, arba naujas Monster Hunter PC žaidimas, tik kodėl tuomet kažkas sugalvojo apgauti visą internetą ir parodyti jį ant Vitos - neaišku. Arba tiesiog viskas yra žymiai paprasčiau - Photoshopas






PS Store pasirodė PSN žaidimas Foosball 2012. Jis parduodamas su Pay Once Get Both programa (gaunate abi PS3 ir PS Vita versiją) ir kainuoja £5.49. Galite prieš tai išbandyti, yra demo versija.




Taip pat PS Store pasirodė iš iOS atkeliavęs puzzle žaidimas Puddle. Kiek mačiau šis žaidimukas kolkas yra tik US PS Store, tačiau vėliau turėtų pasirodyti ir EU regione. Kaina $7.99, yra demo




Sony tiesiai šviesiai pasakė, kad yra patenkinti esama PS Vita kaina ir labiau koncentruosis į gerų bundle'ų kūrimą vietoj kainų karpymo.


Visas straipsnis

When the PlayStation Vita first launched, many were quick to write it off once sales didn't live up to the hype the Vita received prior to release. This immediately led to rumors and speculation about price cuts for Sony's new handheld system.


Despite the rumors, Sony insists no strict price drop is planned for the Vita. Instead, the company is focusing on creating types of bundles "to give more value" - bundles like the recently revealed Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation bundle. Revealed at E3, this bundle will include a "crystal white" version of the Wi-fi model, the new Liberation game, and a 4GB memory card.


As for a price drop, Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida emphasized, "No, no strict price drop."


"In terms of numbers, it's kind of understandable how things are going," he said during an interview. "We have a list of things we have to do. People are giving us feedback every day."


Aside from bundles, Sony is hoping more games will attract more consumers.


"The number one thing we have to, as people are asking, is more games; more games from third parties and us," he explained. "We are working on both fronts. We are also catering to smaller indie developers doing PlayStation Mobile titles so more and more peopel can create smaller contents for PS Vita as well as smartphones."


"So the number one priority is to work on more content," he added. "We are happy about how the hardware and platform has come about. Our hardware teams are still working on system software improvements."


Yoshida noted the recent announcement of "support of PSone classics".


"That effort still continues," Yoshida emphasized. "Our network services teams are also working hard to get more services on PS Vita. We are working with the hardware guys to use Vita and PS3 in combination and making games that can work on both systems or use the Vita as a controller for PS3 titles."


We're already beginning to see some of what Yoshida is referencing. MLB 12: The Show had the ability for players to take their PS3 console franchise on-the-go via the Vita version, although consumers had to purchase both individual copies. Sony did lower the price on them, and run promotions, to encourage users to purchase both ones.


It was also announced at E3 that the upcoming mascot brawler, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, will also support cross-system play on the Vita and PS3 along with cross-save compatibility.


In the same interview, Yoshida confirmed that Sony is also "very happy" with how the PS3 is performing, in terms of sales, and sees no need for a price drop any time soon.

Redagavo GYNGA

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lenku top modelis Natalia Siwiec ..megsta PSV .. :D










..esi mazai zinoma..pasimk PSV i papludimi ..iskart pritrauksi demesi.. :)

Redagavo scalman

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Jeigu kas nors iš playmanų, esančių PSN UK regione, galvojat apie GTA trilogijos įsigijimą ant PS Vita konsolės, dabar tam pats tinkamiausias metas. Per PS VITA SALE kiekvienas iš šių žaidimų kainuoja po 3,99 GBP. Akcija galioja iki rugpjūčio 15 dienos :genius:


Pilnas PS VITA SALE žaidimų sąrašas




Redagavo chem232

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Kas meginos psv remote dekstop ir kaip jum veike, nes man rodo tik juoda ekrana?


Man veikia. Pabandyk išjungt Firewall/antivirusinę.

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Siaip idomi tema, ir idomu ka turit pasakyt siuo klausimu, nes as irgi nesuprantu.



You know, I really, really don't want to have to say this, but why have I seen no "Vita is DOOOOMMMMMEEED!!!!!! " articles on Kotaku, or any game news site for that matter? During the summer of last year, every major gaming site was jumping on the 3DS hate wagon, calling it a failure, stating it was doomed, etc. At that point in its life, the 3DS had sold 4-5 million units. Keep in mind that this was before the supposed killer apps came out, a decision I agree is utterly stupid on Nintendo's part. Still, everyone knew they were on the horizon, but continued to bash the system/Nintendo in their actions.


The Vita has been out for a longer period of time in terms of day one sales anywhere, has had at least 3 "Killer" games (Uncharted, Gravity Rush, and Persona 4: The Golden) be released in various regions, and the system has managed to sell anywhere from 50-66% of what the 3DS sold at this point in time. So why aren't we getting few, if any "Vita is a failure" articles? I mean, the general ideas I'm getting from the gaming media is to wait until the holidays before you can call it doomed. Why is everyone acting so hopeful for the Vita, but were constantly bashing the 3DS at this point last year?


I'm not trying to bash the Vita or praise the 3DS, as I have the later and am planning to pick up the former when Persona 4: The Golden comes out. I'm just asking a question that I don't really see being addressed. Maybe I've not been looking in the right locations or I haven't seen them, but I'm just not getting it.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Siaip idomi tema, ir idomu ka turit pasakyt siuo klausimu, nes as irgi nesuprantu.


You know, I really, really don't want to have to say this, but why have I seen no "Vita is DOOOOMMMMMEEED!!!!!! " articles on Kotaku, or any game news site for that matter? During the summer of last year, every major gaming site was jumping on the 3DS hate wagon, calling it a failure, stating it was doomed, etc. At that point in its life, the 3DS had sold 4-5 million units. Keep in mind that this was before the supposed killer apps came out, a decision I agree is utterly stupid on Nintendo's part. Still, everyone knew they were on the horizon, but continued to bash the system/Nintendo in their actions.


The Vita has been out for a longer period of time in terms of day one sales anywhere, has had at least 3 "Killer" games (Uncharted, Gravity Rush, and Persona 4: The Golden) be released in various regions, and the system has managed to sell anywhere from 50-66% of what the 3DS sold at this point in time. So why aren't we getting few, if any "Vita is a failure" articles? I mean, the general ideas I'm getting from the gaming media is to wait until the holidays before you can call it doomed. Why is everyone acting so hopeful for the Vita, but were constantly bashing the 3DS at this point last year?


I'm not trying to bash the Vita or praise the 3DS, as I have the later and am planning to pick up the former when Persona 4: The Golden comes out. I'm just asking a question that I don't really see being addressed. Maybe I've not been looking in the right locations or I haven't seen them, but I'm just not getting it.


BS, pilnas internetas "Vita is dead in the water" straipsnių. 3-4 mėnesiai po išleidimo į dieną po kelis būdavo, dabar aprimo. Šiais laikais nė viena konsolė be to nepraeis jeigu neparduos pusės milijono konsolių per mėnesį. Esu tikras, kad kažką panašaus mačiau ir tam pačiam Kotaku, jeigu šitas žmogus viso to nepastebi ir jam dėl to labai liūdna - tai yra jo problema.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

BS, pilnas internetas "Vita is dead in the water" straipsnių. 3-4 mėnesiai po išleidimo į dieną po kelis būdavo, dabar aprimo. Šiais laikais nė viena konsolė be to nepraeis jeigu neparduos pusės milijono konsolių per mėnesį. Esu tikras, kad kažką panašaus mačiau ir tam pačiam Kotaku, jeigu šitas žmogus viso to nepastebi ir jam dėl to labai liūdna - tai yra jo problema.


Nu gal, nes as siaip irgi nelabai pastebejau. :cute: Nors per daug ir nesidomejau.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nu gal, nes as siaip irgi nelabai pastebejau. :whistling: Nors per daug ir nesidomejau.


Aš ir norėčiau nepastebėt. Paskaityk didžiuosius žaidimų naujienų portalus, kur suplaukia naujienos ir straipsniai iš viso interneto. Bloga jau pasidaro, tas pats per tą patį eina.


Why I’m Buying a PS Vita and Why it Will Fail

Why the Playstation Vita Is Destined To Fail

The PS Vita Has Seen Better Weeks. Now, It Looks Kind of Screwed - Kotaku

Sony in Big Trouble with PS Vita

Nintendo 3DS Continues To Kill PlayStation Vita, Plus 50% Of Top Twenty Games On Nintendo 3DS

Sony's PS Vita Already Doomed? Devs Bailing Out?

Isn’t It Time for a PlayStation Vita Price Cut?

Is a PlayStation Vita Price Cut Imminent?

Will PlayStation Vita be a 'car wreck'?

PS Vita to “Die a Horrible Premature Death,” says Developer

Is the PlayStation Vita doomed?

Handhelds are Doomed. Oh Wait, They Aren’t. Just the Vita is.

PS Vita - West Launch Doomed?

We Searched For A Single PlayStation Vita In A Room Full Of Handheld Gamers - Kotaku

Why the PS Vita will fail

Is the PlayStation Vita Dead in the Water?

When Will Sony Cut The Vita's Price?

PlayStation Vita: Time For A Price Drop

Why the PS Vita sales drop is not something to worry about

Sony Shafted Us All - Why I Won't Buy A PS Vita (yet)

Another Sign The Playstation Vita Needs a Lower Price?

Is The Vita Failing Right Before Sony’s Eyes?

PlayStation Vita - Doomed to Fail?

3 Reasons the Playstation Vita is Likely to Fail

He Says the PlayStation Vita is Already Dead - Kotaku

A few games that could have saved the PlayStation Vita



Redagavo GYNGA

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Damn, negraziai atrodo. Bet esu nusiteikes pozityviai ir tikiu kad bus kaip su 3DS. Vienintelis dalykas, kuris man nepatinka PS vitoj tai jo intergracija su PS3, jeigu as neturiu PS3 tai su dauguma zaidimu ir aplamai paciu Vita as negalesiu isnaudoti visu galimybiu, o uz tai ko negalesiu isnaudot nenoriu moketi papildomai. O be sito tai visai osom atrodo. Kaip Vitai sekas Europoj ir USA nezinai?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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