
PS Vita naujienos ir diskusijos

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Info apie Vita'os online'a:

Sony has revealed more information on PlayStation Vita's online modes Near, Party, LiveArea and Activity.


Near is like the Nintendo 3DS' SpotPass. It's "a location-based gifting system", according to Sony Europe manager of R&D, Phil Rogers.


"What Near does is it allows users to discover each other, leave gifts for each other and essentially find out more about games. You can see where people are in relation to your location, their five most recently played games and also gifts that they've registered. This is fairly cool because it exposes users to games they might not have heard of and you can see how popular those games are and how people are rating them," explained Rogers at the Develop Conference 2011.


Near's gifts don't settle in one place, "unlike another platform" - they follow you around as you "go about your daily life". Near allows one 100KB gift box per game. Boxes can contain multiple gifts but can't exceed the 100KB binary data size limit.


Rogers painted a verbal picture: "Imagine user A visits locations one to ten through that day, and they get home and sync with the server and it uploads to the Near server your ten locations that you've been to.


"User B comes along, does the same thing, but at some point in User B's day they passed User A's location five, which means they're now able to collect gifts that that user's dropped. That comes into the Near application and then in-game they pick up those gifts."


You can specify how many times a gift is picked up, how available it is from your daily locations in terms of relative distance, how long a gift lasts for, who can access the gift and the probability of finding it. A rare item might only be discovered by one in 100 people.


"You could have a rare ship and you could drop that and someone could collect that by using Near."

Phil Rogers, manager, Sony Europe R&D

Gifts can be more than simple items. "You can gift challenges," said Rogers, who used the example of a gift that challenges someone in WipEout, offering possible rewards if successful. You can even gift in-game items: "You could have a rare ship and you could drop that and someone could collect that by using Near," revealed Rogers.


Rogers said there will be functionality to write to a gift-giver and say thank you.


Party is "really good for having friends together to discuss games, chat about them and get into them", Rogers declared.


As on Xbox Live, Party is "platform-wide" and allows you and three friends to form a party that sticks together regardless of what you do on Vita. "You can chat across games through text and voice," explained Rogers.


"Cross-game voice chat," he reiterated, "it's there and it's on Vita."


You can also launch Vita games from within Party and your friends there can click a button and quickly join you.


"You can have different Party groups for different games or genres," expanded Rogers. "Maybe you've got a first-person shooter group that you can all chat and go into.


"The voice chat part you can override," he added, "so if in-game you've got your own teams for audio then you can override the Party chat and turn that off."


Party is integrated with friends lists but isn't compulsory for all games to include. "Games can choose not to," said Rogers.


LiveAarea and Activity: "The LiveArea is essentially where you go to launch your PlayStation Vita day," Rogers beamed.


There are three modes in LiveArea: Index, Live and Game. The top area you'll see is the content information zone, which is the "landing point for when you start any game on PS Vita". The communication zone is where you "comment on people's activities within the game as well as publish your messages".


"Activity is a way for players to discuss progress," explained Rogers. "The system automatically puts a few activities in there," he added, such as Trophies and ratings. "That encourages people to then comment similar to Facebook style."


"Publishers: it's important not to spam users too much and to use it sensibly."

Phil Rogers

LiveArea can be updated by developers and publishers. "When you ship the game it's got the standard LiveArea that you bake into the game card," said Rogers. But through updates "you can even customise it to the user" by pushing out different data.


Publishers can also "push data to users" by putting images on the LiveArea frontpage as well as announcements on the bottom part of the logo. "It's a good way to push DLC," said Rogers. "So there's new levels out, click, go to the Store." It's also a good way to push news about the game. But Rogers offered a word of warning to publishers that "it's important not to spam users too much and to use it sensibly".


LiveArea also has location features and allows pubs/devs to track Vita owners "either by GPS on the 3G model or triangulation of mobile phone cells".


"As well as that we work with Skyhook and they provide wireless access points around to keep a general idea of where you are," elaborated Rogers. "So even with the Wi-Fi-only SKU you can still have a vague concept of where the user is."


Exactly how developers will use all these different features, Sony doesn't appear to know. "We're generally open to innovation," admitted Rogers.

Redagavo FUZA

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Nutekėjo Electronic Arts žaidimų sąrašas, kuriuos jie ruošiasi išleist ir tarp jų buvo 7 žaidimai handheldams, tarp kurių yra Battlefield 3 ir Mass Effect 3. Dar neaišku ar visi šie žaidimai bus išleisti Vitai, bet manyčiau tie gerieji kaip BF3, ME3 ir NFS tikrai turėtų pasirodyt (FIFA 12 ir Maddenas jau lygtais ir taip jau yra paskelbti kad bus ant PSV).


Kuo toliau tuo geriau :lol:


Redagavo GYNGA

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Man atrodo, kad apsirikai nes šiuos žaidimus išleis ios platformai (iphone, ipod touch, ipad). Senesnės dalys fifa, Battlefield, nfs ir sims buvo išleistos, taip, kad per anksti dar kažką šnekėt, kol oficialiai nepatvirtinta.

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Samsung will manufacture the CPU for PlayStation Vita, according to a new report.


Japanese industry journal Semiconductor Industry News spilled the beans (via Andriasang).


The report said Samsung will use a 45 nanometer manufacturing process to make the Vita CPU chips.


There's no supporting evidence, but given Samsung's experience as a system on chip (SOC) maker for the smartphone industry, this seems like a natural fit.


PlayStation Vita uses an ARM Cortex A9 core (4 core) CPU.


PlayStation Vita has no UK release date nor official price. We expect to hear more at Gamescom in mid-August.

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Quick on the heels of yesterday's press release for MMA Supremacy, which indicated that PlayStation Vita is coming out this fall, news has emerged from the UK in the form of a flier, indicating that Vita might be coming out sooner than you think.


A reader sent us an advertisement from Blockbuster in UK, seen below, that dates both Vita models for European release on Friday, October 28th. The veracity of this ad is yet unknown -- definitely let us know in the comments if you think the ad is fake or not -- but we've reached out to Blockbuster in the UK for comment and confirmation. If the ad is indeed real, it's simply more evidence that Vita will be released in territories outside of Japan before 2011 ends.


Kazkaip labai jau nebetoli ta Vita, bet aisku puiku butu, greiciau isigyt butu galima :thumbup:

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jis pasirodys Spalio 28 diena...


Kolkas tikslios datos tik spejamos, žinoma tik tai, kad bus išleistas kažkur spalio - lapkričio mėn, nes vienoj parduotuvėj rašo, kad išeina spalio 28 d., kitoj lapkričio 4 d.

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gamespot online shope uzmaciau kad PS Vita preordai apie 20 svaru pigiau nei visur kitur. WiFi versija tik £209, o 3G - £244. gana maza kaina sakyciau. tai radau po siuo linku.


Bet tai šitam GameStope tai išvis nurodyta PSV release date tipo Rugsėjo 1-a :beta: čia jau kas kaip nori tas taip parašo, kiekvienoj pardėj vis kitaip :beta: gerai kad bent jau paskelbta kad bus išleistas dar šiais metais. Matyt bus kažkur apie lapkritį, o čia mėnesiu vėliau ar anksčiau tai mažai ką keičia.


Beje dar skaičiau naujienose, kad Sony indie devams skolina dev kitus tipo vienai studijai leidžia vieną žaidimą padaryt ir tada turi grąžint. Pavyzdžiui tokia žaidimų studija Rubicon patvirtino, kad gavo keturis PSV dev kitus ir kad išleis dabar Vitai žaidimą Great Little War Game, kuris Apple AppStore yra vienas iš populiariausių ir geriausiai įvertintų žaidimų. O tai reiškia kad bus dar daugiau įvairių paprastų žaidimų, kurių būtent ir trūko PSP kad jis įtiktų ne tik hardcore, bet ir casual mėgėjams. O kas svarbiausia tie žaidimai bus ir itin pigūs, nes nebus išlaidų dev kitam.

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Tikslesnė info apie Vita išleidimą,regis be 2012 pradžios USA ir Europos žemynas jos neišvys :thumbsup4:

UPDATE: Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer that Vita goes on sale in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan by the end of the year. It goes on sale in Europe, the US and the rest of the Asian territories "early next year".


ORIGINAL STORY: Sony executive Kaz Hirai has confirmed that the PlayStation Vita will launch in Europe and the US early next year.


It launches in Japan by the end of the year, according to MSN Money.


Apparently Hirai did not characterize the timing as a delay. He said Sony wants to be prepared with solid game software offerings timed with the hardware launches.


And there appears to be some doubt over whether Vita will launch this Christmas even in Japan.


Hirai was clear on one thing: Sony will not cut the price of the Vita – despite Nintendo's decision to slash the cost of the Nintendo 3DS.


"We packed so much into the device and made it very affordable," Hirai said. "There is no need to lower the price just because somebody else that happens to be in the video game business decided that they were going to lower their price."


Sony is yet to announce a UK price for Vita.

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Ech, gaila... :thumbsup4:(

Tikrai tikejaus jog isleis lapkriti-gruodi... Na beliko tiketis jog kaip jie ir sake, jog tai bus i nauda del launch titles..

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Tikrai gaila :|

Gerai tiems japonams, galės ansčiau PSV gauti :thumbsup4: Vietoj Japonijos geriau Lietuvoj prieš Kalėdas išleistų, juk pas mus Sony kokius 95% handheldų rinkos užima :thumbsup4:

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Sony patents gesture controls for PSV


Will they ever be enough of control systems?


Ok, so there are 10 buttons, two analogs, touch pad, another touch pad, voice recognition, motion sensors and here we go - another one way to control PSV! Sony registered a new patent for PlayStation Vita - gesture-based controls.


Check out these patent pictures, which describes the technology:



How finger tracking is showed on the screen



This picture reveals that the camera can track the distance between handheld and finger



This is not sperm. This picture shows multiple fingers tracking



This pic shows how the technology can be used in games.


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Bet Sony vistiek susimove kad neisles per kaledas, nes butent tada dauguma perka konsoles... O 3DS price cuttas po keliu dienu ivyks, o ant Kaledu dar pigiau kainuos, tai jei tarkim dabar 170 svaru kainuoja shopte, dar cuttas bus iki kokiu 140svaru, tai per kaledas gales uz kokius 120 paimt kas butu apie 500lt... Nebrangiau uz ta pati senuka psp brite.. Zodziu mano nuomone sony susimove su releasu..

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Bet Sony vistiek susimove kad neisles per kaledas, nes butent tada dauguma perka konsoles... O 3DS price cuttas po keliu dienu ivyks, o ant Kaledu dar pigiau kainuos, tai jei tarkim dabar 170 svaru kainuoja shopte, dar cuttas bus iki kokiu 140svaru, tai per kaledas gales uz kokius 120 paimt kas butu apie 500lt... Nebrangiau uz ta pati senuka psp brite.. Zodziu mano nuomone sony susimove su releasu..


Su releasu susimovė tai taip, tikrai nukentės pardavimai kažkiek dėl išleidimo po Kalėdų, o dar 3DS kainą nukirpo. Bet konsolė leidžiama 5-7 metams, jei bus gerų žaidimų tai pardavimai ir taip eis normaliai, vienas šventinis sezonas dar nieko nenulems. O šiaip abiems konsolėms releasas ne pats geriausias. Ant 3DS buvo labai mažai (gerų) žaidimų, kas privedė prie žymiai mažesnių paravimų nei tikėtasi. Jei Sony išvengs to ir Vitai susikaups geras žaidimų sąrašiukas išleidimo metu tai releasas dar gal ir normalus bus. Na bus matyt, aš tai galvoju gal reiks importint iš JP, jeigu turėsiu užtektinai pinigo ir nebegalėsiu sulaukt EU išleidimo :thumbsup4: tada kalėdų atostogos smagios būtų

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