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Įdomu kokia jo kaina bus lietuvoje, nes kiek pamenu vos tik pasirodęs PSP 1000 kainavo tikrai virš 1k lt, tai šitas gali siekti ir 1.5k

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Įdomu kokia jo kaina bus lietuvoje, nes kiek pamenu vos tik pasirodęs PSP 1000 kainavo tikrai virš 1k lt, tai šitas gali siekti ir 1.5k

beja ten atram video kaip matom kai pristato little deviants tai PSP2 buan pajungtas ant tu didziuliu ekranu,ir atroso tikrai high def viskas ir labai detalu, tai manau galim primest kad namie toki pasijungsi prie savo HDTV ir losi jau kaip normalia namu konsole.o pati PSP2 tada naudosi kaip valdymo pulteli , pats ziuresi i TV ekrana. aisku interneto narsymas taps pilnavertis pagaliau su visais touchscreen privalumais.o kadangi bus 3G tai interneta galesi turet bet kur su savim.

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Įdomu kokia jo kaina bus lietuvoje, nes kiek pamenu vos tik pasirodęs PSP 1000 kainavo tikrai virš 1k lt, tai šitas gali siekti ir 1.5k

Na visko gali buti, manau apie 2k net gali kainuoti, tu tik paziurek i sita technologija, skaityk uz ps3 geresnis, o pastarasis apie 1k kainuoja.

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Mano manimu jei handheldas kaip pavyzdis (NGP) kainuos 300svaru~ tai cia jau prasideda fantazijos, bet kai pagalvoji kiek aparaturos jame tai nebezinai ka ir galvot :?

Dar nepamirskim jog cia handheldas o ne console tolabiau jog viskas sumazinta ir detalies daugiau consoles nekainuoja tai kaina ir nebus kosmine..

Redagavo Sleepyfan

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Mano manimu jei handheldas kaip pavyzdis (NGP) kainuos 300svaru~ tai cia jau prasideda fantazijos, bet kai pagalvoji kiek aparaturos jame tai nebezinai ka ir galvot :?

Dar nepamirskim jog cia handheldas o ne console tolabiau jog viskas sumazinta ir detalies daugiau consoles nekainuoja tai kaina ir nebus kosmine..

tia jau tikrai, pagalvojus ko truksta pS3 ,tai PSP2 viskas yra ko is dalies truksta gal paciam PS3 jau. na aisku be zaidimu su situ galesi daryt viska katik imanoma daryt smartais,ar kitom nesiojamom konsolem, bet s usavo naujienom gaelsim daryt dar daugiau nei su paciu PS3, kad ir namie. pasijung prie HDTv pasileisk koki geima ir losk su visais touchvaldymais, sixaxis, kameros sukiojimais,GPS, kompasais ir pan dalykais ko PS3 net neturi. pvz interneta narsyt, ps3 turi ok narsykle ,bet sitas irgi tures ,ir gal net geresne nei PS3, aisku touchscreen narsymas tai tikrai yra daug geriau nei narsyt su pele.

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tia jau tikrai, pagalvojus ko truksta pS3 ,tai PSP2 viskas yra ko is dalies truksta gal paciam PS3 jau. na aisku be zaidimu su situ galesi daryt viska katik imanoma daryt smartais,ar kitom nesiojamom konsolem, bet s usavo naujienom gaelsim daryt dar daugiau nei su paciu PS3, kad ir namie. pasijung prie HDTv pasileisk koki geima ir losk su visais touchvaldymais, sixaxis, kameros sukiojimais,GPS, kompasais ir pan dalykais ko PS3 net neturi.

Bet isivaizdok situacija :thumbsup4: PS3 Slim 250gb 250svaru~

NGP [silpnesnis uz ps3 kazkiek] 300~ svaru nu ar gi ne vejei? xD

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Pagaliau ! Taip laukiau info apie naujaji PSP ir pagaliau sulaukiau.Pats dizainas atrodo labai labai graziai.O ka jau kalbet apie visas tas galimybes kurias cia pristate ir tikiu,kad cia dar tikrai ne viskas :thumbsup4:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Bet isivaizdok situacija :thumbsup4: PS3 Slim 250gb 250svaru~

NGP [silpnesnis uz ps3 kazkiek] 300~ svaru nu ar gi ne vejei? xD

tikrai ne vejai. tai paimk 3DS kaina ir palygink su Wii kaina. na ok 3Ds kaina del 3D ekrano ,daugiau nieko, tai cia nera 3D ekrano tas pigiau bet visa kita,juk cia yra visko ko galima sakyt nera PS3 paciam. is tikro PSP2 gali laisvai turet sie ktiek didesne nei pvz $250 . na juk 3DS tiek kainuojao kas ten? 3D ekranas. o cia viskas. juk kai PSP go tik pasirode uz $250 jis juk kainavo tada netgi daugiau nei PS3 .

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Bet isivaizdok situacija :thumbsup4: PS3 Slim 250gb 250svaru~

NGP [silpnesnis uz ps3 kazkiek] 300~ svaru nu ar gi ne vejei? xD

Gerai, dabar pridėk dar kiek kainuoja Move ir EyeToy ant PS3 ;)

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tikrai ne vejai. tai paimk 3DS kaina ir palygink su Wii kaina. na ok 3Ds kaina del 3D ekrano ,daugiau nieko, tai cia nera 3D ekrano tas pigiau bet visa kita,juk cia yra visko ko galima sakyt nera PS3 paciam. is tikro PSP2 gali laisvai turet sie ktiek didesne nei pvz $250 . na juk 3DS tiek kainuojao kas ten? 3D ekranas. o cia viskas. juk kai PSP go tik pasirode uz $250 jis juk kainavo tada netgi daugiau nei PS3 .

Del 250$ as nieko pries, bet jei jau 250svaru :?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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noretusi suprast daugiau is video,tau lauksim subu ar siaip daugiau info pvz daug kalbejo apie ta GPS paremta Near dalyka. ir siaip idomus dalykai visi ten. kaip matem tas golfo zaidimas jau iskart turejo is PSN pirkti naujas golfo aikstes ar pan kazka. ir siaip linksmi idomus zaidimai,ne vien hardcore.ten atrodo per ta Near rode kad pvz kai tu eini kazkur ir tavo PSP2 visus tuos taskus kur buvo kiti zaidejai su PSP2 uzfiksuoja ar pan kazka ,ir ten gali matyt kur jie yra ar kur tu losei pvz paskutinius kartus,gali gryzt i tas paciam vietas matyt. na vienu zodziu nepasiklysi, o kadangi japonai megsta ivairius dalykus kurie na randa nauju pazinciu ,tai manau cia kazkas tokio irgi na del bendravimo labiau vel.matem ten zinutes visokios issoka i ekrana kai gauni koki pranesima.taigi bendraut bus paprasta.


Del 250$ as nieko pries, bet jei jau 250svaru :?

pats tas,kaip jau sake nuspirk PS3 ir jam Move dar. ir pazek kiek kainuoja. bet netgi nelyginant su niekuo , 250 svaru normalu.juk gauni viska ka tik gali gaut su nesiojama konsole. na nzn fotkink ,filmuok jei nelosi, daryk bet ka.


NGP = Nintendo Got Pwned .. :thumbsup4:


galim primest japonijoj pardavimus kai jie isleis Monster Hunter ant PSP2 ..nes ji tikrai isleis. next gen monster hunter anyone?..

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Ko jūs įsivaizduojat tuos 1k lt? :thumbsup4: Aš tada jau geriau PS3 nusipirksiu, dėl to Sony tokios kainos PSP 2 tikrai nedės..

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nu va ir MGS


cia ne treileris ,cia tech demo,tai nereiskia kad tai realaus zaidimo vaizdai bet, kol zaidimas pasirodys gal tokie ir bus.


Lost Planet NGP



Epic Unreal 3, cia tas kur iPhone buvo pritaikytas.



lenkai deja neturejo geru kameru kad normaliai nufilmuot.


tie kas lose issako savo nuomone




There's something about the NGP that is simple, something that pops. Nintendo might've pioneered touch-based gaming, but Sony is taking it in an entirely different direction.


On the rear of the portable, there is a touchpad that is the same size as the screen. In the game demo I played of upcoming NGP title Little Deviants, players use the rear touchpad to manipulate cute balls around a lush cartoon landscape. But by pressing on the rear touchpad, it appears as though players' fingers stick up underneath the terrain, altering the landscape.

By pressing on the rear touchpad, it appears as though players' fingers stick up underneath the terrain, altering the landscape.


So by moving one's fingers around, the landscape changes as new mountains are formed. But, if players stop touching the rear touchpad, the landscape returns to normal. It's a lot like putting your hand under a table cloth and moving it around a table. The game's mechanic was compelling enough to help sway Sony into including the rear touchpad. The game does feel a bit like a tech demo for the rear touchpad, but not in a bad way. It also offers the interesting feature of being able to "pinch" the cute ball characters on the front touch screen, causing them to slingslot.


According to Sony's Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida, the hope is that developers will also use the rear touchpad as extra buttons or even shortcuts for commands. It opens up an entirely new way to game.



Even familiar moves in Uncharted, the second game I demoed, are given a new spin on the NGP. Using the rear touchpad, player brush their fingers up to have the game's hero, Nathan Drake, shimmy up vines. It feels a bit like you're massaging the NGP, and pressing up on the thumbstick probably makes more sense.


The addition of touch controls on the front screen worked well in Uncharted. Players can tap vines and ledges, causing Drake to jump towards them automatically. It makes the gameplay easier than the traditional Uncharted on the PS3, but it works. The touch feature that I liked the best in Uncharted was the ability to use a swipe motion on the front screen due to the close proximity of the thumbsticks. So controlling Drake and the camera with the two thumbsticks, and then using a swipe on the touchscreen felt very natural and hardly gimmicky.


And the dual thumb "nubs" made this Uncharted feel like...Uncharted. The addition of the additional thumb nub truly gives this portable a PlayStation feel, replicating the experience of using two thumbsticks like on the PS3 controller. It's not hobbled like the PSP, which only has one thumb nub.


In the demo, I played enemy AI seemed to be a bit lacking, as I easily snuck up behind an enemy, and pressed on him via the front touchscreen, causing Drake to shove him off a climb. No doubt the AI was dumbed down so people could easily experience the press commands.

The NGP does not produce PS3 level graphics, and Sony's Yoshida was quick to point that out: "It's close to the PS3."


While the game looks like it's a port of the first Uncharted, the game is actually a brand new title. Thus, it has new features, like the ability to have Drake snap photos. There is a camera icon on the screen that can be pressed, bringing up photo mode. The input for photo mode uses the gyroscope, so moving the NGP around gives a different view of the landscape. Pinching the screen causes it to zoom, and touching it snaps a photo. There is also a first-person sniper mode. I picked up a sniper rifle in the game, and clicking the left shoulder button took me into sniper mode. Aiming, however, was then gyroscope-controlled. Sony seemed unsure if aiming in sniper mode would only be gyroscope-controlled as the game is still in development.

PSP2, aka the NGP will, like it's predecessor, link up with the PlayStation 3 in a yet-to-be-determined way, according to Adam Grant. "Regarding connectivity with PS3, NGP will offer some great compatibility features with PS3 and we will announce further details when ready," he told the EU PlayStation blog.


The NGP will support PlayStation trophies, as well as run digital versions of existing PSP titles, minis, PS one classics and newly developed PlayStation Suite titles. Hideo Kojima said at the reveal event that his dream is "playing on your PS3, and when you go out, you put the game on your NGP, and when you come back home, you can once again use your PS3 and large screen TV."

taigi jau esancius PSP zaidimus paleis be jokio tikriausia ne emules budu ,o gal biski ir pagrazins. kas tikrai tikejaus kad jie dar specialiai neduos naujam PSP ankstesnio PSP palaikymo del to kad esama PS pdar labai gerai perka. na bet iki kaldeu dar daug laiko aisku. siaip dar buvo pranesta kad bus 3G versija ir bus be 3G. aisku ir kaina gal skirsis siek del PSP palaikymo tai smagu.aisku visu minis ,bei psone aisku tiktai is PSN kurie.



taigi paprasta valdyma gali atlikt ir su paprastom knopkem, nebutina touchint ekrana, bet gali




Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima took the stage as this year’s PlayStation Meeting to show off a tech demo of Metal Gear Solid 4 running on the PSP2, or NGP as it’s tentatively known.


While Kojima was keen to note that the demonstration was merely a test, not an actual product, it’s certainly a testament to the NGP’s capabilities. You have to take into account the demo was essentially a quick and dirty port of MGS4 with all original PS3 assets intact. Despite the lack of optimization, NGP runs it admirably.


“This game used the model data and environments from PS3, and it was exported directly to NGP,” said Kojima. Further, he shed light on his envision of cloud gaming, allowing for a seamless experience from console to portable. Players could start a game on PS3 and then continue their progress on NGP, for instance.


“This dream [cloud gaming] is going to come true in the near future. I am currently working on a new project for that dream.”

jei ta MGS4 demo buvo tik greitai permestas PS3 versijos portas, tai tikrai ispudingai PSP2 susitvarke su PS3 zaidimu galima sakyt.




It’s been revealed that Nihilistic Software will develop the upcoming Resistance title for PSP2.


The developer is currently in the process of making PlayStation Move Heroes for PS3 for a release later this year. The news comes via Resistance creator Insomniac Games on Twitter.


Insomniac also added that the game is also a new title in the series, not a port.


And according to Game Informer, widely renown PSP developer Sony Bend is the studio behind Uncharted for NGP.


Sony Bend’s previous work on the original PSP include Sython Filter and Resistance: Retribution.


Both titles were announced this morning for the new platform as part of a line-up of first-party titles, which also includes Killzone and LittleBigPlanet.

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Viskas ką šiandien pamačiau.. tai buvo daugiau nei tikėjausi.Tik va niekur nemačiau ir neradau kiek šis gėris turės laikinos atminties (RAM)?Koks jo bus vidinės atminties dydis? Ir ar bus pilnas naršyklės palaikymas su naujausiu integruotu Flash palaikymu? :lol:

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Viskas ką šiandien pamačiau.. tai buvo daugiau nei tikėjausi.Tik va niekur nemačiau ir neradau kiek šis gėris turės laikinos atminties (RAM)?Koks jo bus vidinės atminties dydis? Ir ar bus pilnas naršyklės palaikymas su naujausiu integruotu Flash palaikymu? :lol:

- 512MB LPDDR2 RAM (1GB devkits)- 16GB flash + SD slot

If there's one question that's left echoing through the game-o-sphere following Sony's announcement of their ambitious new handheld, it's the obvious: How much is this thing going to cost? Sony definitely isn't ready to tell us the price yet, but they're willing to admit that it's been a concern from the start.While speaking with Sony Computer Entertainment president of worldwide studios Shu Yoshida about the NGP, I asked if he was worried about the problem of pricing, given the powerful (and presumably expensive) technology that's built into the device. He responded by acknowledging that Sony is aware of price being an important issue:"From the very beginning of the project -- since 2008 -- pricing was one of the considerations that we had. Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value."I hope so too, but that's going to depend pretty heavily on what that price is, especially if we have to add in a payment plan for 3G coverage.Yoshida did provide one further hint to go off of as we begin speculating about the price. When I brought up the initial shock at the PlayStation 3 launch price, he laughed and assured me, "It's not going to be $599." Well, that's a start.

taigi nebus $599 . daugiau nieko neaisku. :(

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    • Kad šiek tiek pagyvinti forumą, norėčiau padiskutuoti su forumečiais ką manote apie XBox apskritai kaip gaming platformos ir pačių konsolių kaip tokių ateitį. Asmeniškai manau kad tą ateitis yra gan niūri ir kad ji tokia būtu nenuilstamai visos šios konsolių kartos laiką padirbėjo XBox vadovybė. Kodėl taip galvoju. Jeigu dar net XBox One (PS4) laiku, Boxas labai didėliai daliai žmonių (XBox nuo 360 laiku tikrai turėjo visą stiprią fan auditoriją) buvo geidžiama konsole, ne ką mažiau negu Playstation, tai dabar laikai pasikeitė kardinaliai. Xbox praktiškai neleidžia exclusive žaidimų, nemaža dalis žaidimų atsiduria GamePase Day1, GamePass yra tiek stumiamas per visus galus ir nori būti visur, kad žmonės realai neperka Microsoft žaidimu išvis - jų nereikia. Kam pvz. pirkti STALKER 2 , jeigu gali atrasti pati pigiausią GamePass  1 mėn.  (ar net gauti nemokamai) pereiti ir pamiršt. Žmonės visiškai nėra prisirišę prie XBox ekosistemos, nes ji sugriauta pačios XBox vadovybės dėka. Jie neturi nupirktų žaidimų bibliotekos, neturi sėkmingai bėga į Sony stovyklą. Aišku jus argumentuosit kad panašiau daro ir Sony. Taip, bet ne visai. Sony pradėjo leisti tam tikrus savo žaidimus Windows platformoje, bet ne XBox, nes iki šiol nori ir norės, kad žmonės būtu jų fanai, pirktų jų konsoles, jų geležį, įskaitant ir PS5 Pro už ~ 1000e ir liktu su Sony. Bet ne Microsoft. Manau net jeigu Microsoft ir išleis kitą konsolių kartą, jų niekam nereikės. Pats GamePass kažkaip tai gyvos, bet jau dabar kaip servisas yra pasikęs piką ir nesiplės. O reziumė būtu paprastas. Manau kad Microsoft tikrąją tą žodžio prasmę išdavė ir metė savo žaidėjus.           
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