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koks ledas, des i du dvd 9 , nuzteks bus 3, jau pamairsai gal kaip ant ps one buvo ff 4 cd, taspac bus ir ant boxo, tam jie ir isleido instalinima i hdd, susiinstalini ir losi su vienu disk , kame bedos? kaip ant pc buvo ut 2004 4cd?, bedu buvo? ne , tai ir nekiks to blu ray, nes tame ps3 jis vos sukas, 2x, ir reik instalint, ir viska, mgs4 po kiekvieno capterio , instalina dafiga laiko ir blem turi ziuret kaip sneikas ruko, aciu as geriau per x vienu kartu viska suinstalinsiu, negu pobiski. sh tas blu ray, talpa ir viskas, o va kaip buvo cd ir dvd, tai dvd rode talpa, greiti, ir svarbiause didesnius atsparumus, o daba ant ps3 ibreziau kz2 diska ir fsio , nenuskaito.... papoliravau , tai isvis ate diskui , net neatpazysta, o taipat dvd visus atgaivinu.

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koks ledas, des i du dvd 9 , nuzteks bus 3, jau pamairsai gal kaip ant ps one buvo ff 4 cd, taspac bus ir ant boxo, tam jie ir isleido instalinima i hdd, susiinstalini ir losi su vienu disk , kame bedos? kaip ant pc buvo ut 2004 4cd?, bedu buvo? ne , tai ir nekiks to blu ray, nes tame ps3 jis vos sukas, 2x, ir reik instalint, ir viska, mgs4 po kiekvieno capterio , instalina dafiga laiko ir blem turi ziuret kaip sneikas ruko, aciu as geriau per x vienu kartu viska suinstalinsiu, negu pobiski. sh tas blu ray, talpa ir viskas, o va kaip buvo cd ir dvd, tai dvd rode talpa, greiti, ir svarbiause didesnius atsparumus, o daba ant ps3 ibreziau kz2 diska ir fsio , nenuskaito.... papoliravau , tai isvis ate diskui , net neatpazysta, o taipat dvd visus atgaivinu.

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ne visus zaidimus gali suskaidyt i kelis diskus,jei jau kalbi apie psx tai beveik visi zaidimai kurie buvo keliuose diskuose buvo rpg,kur toki dalyka labai lebgva panaudot kaip disku keitima,bet tikrai ne open world zaidimui,niekas nekisa bluray,jis pats ateis su laiku,del greicio skaitymo tai ziauriai nusisneki.taip jis sukasi ps3 vos 2x greiciu,bet uati ir tyliai dirba,ne taip kaip 12x ant boxo kaip traktorius,o skaitymo greitis ne ka boxo didesnis,ir jis nera pastovus,na jei tau geriau klausyti ta burzgesi visa laika zaidziant tai jo gal geriau,bet tikrai greitis skaitymo ten nera didesnis labai.del instaliavimo tai vienas mgs4 beveik ta ir naudoja,kiti zaidimai eina normaliai,be to instaliavima kol kas palaiko tik ps3,boxas kad turi ta galimybe tai cia tik del to kad neklausyt traktoriaus BD jau ir taip aisku kad jie pakeis DVD visiskai,o kad mum cia bepigu kalbet apie boxo zaidimu kepima ir kaip mum reikia kad butu dvd kad galetume nieko nepirkt o viskas keptis tai cia kita sneka.del ibrezimu,tai pamegink boxo zaidima nors biski ibrezt ir paziurek kaip ji gerai tada skaitys,su ps3 nei vienu zaidimu nebuvo jokiu problemu.

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boxas ta talpa gali lengvai panaikinti, geimu atsisiuntimu, gales kad ir 1TB det, po nnex bus suportinimas multiple disk install, ir berods 2 disk game bus fm3. ant ps3 nesvaik dauk geimu , kopina instalina ir tt, net ut3 ir tam reik 228min, o kad loadintu norm reik 4-5 gb , ir taip su visais mano geimais sikyrus kz2 , x taip sunkei skaito kai subraizai, bet kz2 ant ps3 galiu mest i siukslina nes jam amen, o ant boxo subraizitu ne amne , nes su tuo instalu i hdd , visisaki sujobintus diskus sukisa.

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boxas ta talpa gali lengvai panaikinti, geimu atsisiuntimu, gales kad ir 1TB det, po nnex bus suportinimas multiple disk install, ir berods 2 disk game bus fm3. ant ps3 nesvaik dauk geimu , kopina instalina ir tt, net ut3 ir tam reik 228min, o kad loadintu norm reik 4-5 gb , ir taip su visais mano geimais sikyrus kz2 , x taip sunkei skaito kai subraizai, bet kz2 ant ps3 galiu mest i siukslina nes jam amen, o ant boxo subraizitu ne amne , nes su tuo instalu i hdd , visisaki sujobintus diskus sukisa.

Ne į temą

kaip ten tu tuos disku taip suvarai nesuprantu? metai ant zemes,ar naudoji vietoj padeklo puodeliui,cia jau kad suvarai tai tik pats kaltas,ar tau cia pliusas kad skaitytu suvarytus diskus? :D kad boxas palaikys didesnes talpos HDD nereiskia kad zaidimai bus pardavinejami tik skaitmeniniu budu,cia tau ne psp.zaidimu loadingu greitis ne ka skiriasi ir irasius ta zaidima i HDD siaip nuo ps3,tai cia tik esme kad nesinaudoja dvdromas ir tyliau tada dirba, ps3 ir taip super tyliai dirba,jokiu problemu,instalina ka reikia pirma karta idejus zaidima,kame cia bedos,nematau jokio reikalo instalint zaidimu i ta HDD jei galima ir taip lost,o kad tures boxui isleist BD prieda tai cia manau tik laiko klausimas kada.sakai siustis zaidimus? niekad nebus pilnu zaidimu atsisiusti xbl,tik arcade ir pan dalykai,cia jau gali nesvaigt.boxas su instalu gali sukisti tik toki zaidima kuri gerai perskaito,jei jo jau nepersktaio tai jo ir nesuinstalinsi.zaidimai ir toliau eis diskuose kaip ir ejo,bet kai iseis RAGE ir prades eiti tokio masto zaidimai,tai manau mazai kas nores ziuret palankiai i boxa ir galvot puse metu kaip ta zaidima suskaidyt i dvd diskus

ir neverta toliau cia gincytis,nes nematau del ko

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o koks cia gincas? cia diskusijos, ant xbl nebus pilnu x360 game? :trikampis: nu cia jau apsitriohlinai , jei nezinai tai neteig, geriau 3 kart paitikslink ar tikrai, o poto rasyk,
va net visa pilna vidio , suradau , ten aiskei parodo... taip ir turi but, it tobuleja, nebereik jau tu disku, nereik moket perpardavinetojams uz game, ar kitoms trecioms salims... ir gali padaryti geima kad ir 1TB ir ka blu ray? kist i sikna ji, dar tokiu krizes laikotarbiu blu ray :D

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kol konsoles tures draivus,tol zaidimai eis ir diskuose taip pat o tai reiskia kad reikia maziau fantazuot :D 1Tb zaidimai... sekmes juos siunciantis :D


Crysis at 6,400 x 4,000: Ultra High-Res Gaming with 25.6 megapixels


taigi zmones paleido Crysis su 6.400 x 4.000 rezoliucija ant paprasto monitoriaus :trikampis:



aisku cia screenai ne 6.000 x 4.000. daugiau screenu ir kelis tikrus 6.000 x 4.000 screenus galima rasti CIA

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dedia, aisku noriu siust internetu, kam man jis reikalingas (internetas) tas geimu siuntimas tik pradzia, kuo toliau tuo giles, nes kam man atsistot, eit i parde , pirkt game, jei as galiu iskart ten nusipirkt, dar kol islies ta game, ir tt, kol atkeliaus, ten tuojpat imes ir turi, netu yra net po 100mb, kad ir su 2mb netu as , geima turesiu uz 30min, tu nesupranti , dedia , tu old school , tau diskai ir viskas, neisivaizduoji ,dedia, gyvenimo be disku, jie stabdo, kam man reik eit pirkt filma, laukt eileija, kai bus ant x instant 1080p filmai, iskarto , ziuri iskrat, niekur eit nereik, nereikia moket trecioms salims. tu to nesupranti cia revoliucija, kaip ,kad kiekvienas neta turi, nes be neto ragas, taip ir su diskais nafik ju, (pvz kam reik laiskus siust paprsatu pastu , kai yra email?) taspac ir su diskais, paziurek kokie tai metai 2009 tai ne 2000 m , dedia, kai ps2 valde , vien del dvd, nes dvd , filmai diske , vau , kaskas nerealaus.....

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dedia, aisku noriu siust internetu, kam man jis reikalingas (internetas) tas geimu siuntimas tik pradzia, kuo toliau tuo giles, nes kam man atsistot, eit i parde , pirkt game, jei as galiu iskart ten nusipirkt, dar kol islies ta game, ir tt, kol atkeliaus, ten tuojpat imes ir turi, netu yra net po 100mb, kad ir su 2mb netu as , geima turesiu uz 30min, tu nesupranti , dedia , tu old school , tau diskai ir viskas, neisivaizduoji ,dedia, gyvenimo be disku, jie stabdo, kam man reik eit pirkt filma, laukt eileija, kai bus ant x instant 1080p filmai, iskarto , ziuri iskrat, niekur eit nereik, nereikia moket trecioms salims. tu to nesupranti cia revoliucija, kaip ,kad kiekvienas neta turi, nes be neto ragas, taip ir su diskais nafik ju, (pvz kam reik laiskus siust paprsatu pastu , kai yra email?) taspac ir su diskais, paziurek kokie tai metai 2009 tai ne 2000 m , dedia, kai ps2 valde , vien del dvd, nes dvd , filmai diske , vau , kaskas nerealaus.....

Ne į temą

sakau maziau fantazuok biski ir bus ok,o nuo to kad tu taip nori tai niekas nepasikeis,ar irgi noreciau daug ko,skaitmenine zaidimu prekyba prades sony su psp,ir tai vis dar palaikys zaidimus ir UMD reiskia negales leisti didesnes talpo zaidimu nei telpa i UMD,ar tu bent jau supranti ka kalbi pats.logiskai pamastyk,as tau ir sakau kol konsoles tures draivus tol eis zaidimai ir diskuose,idomu ka veiks tada visos tos zaidimu perduotuves jei sugalvos matai ir pardavines zaidimus tik digital formatu :trikampis: .biski daugiau domekis tuo kas vyksta ir kas gali buti ateiti ir maziau fantazuok.tas nepasidaro per diena,nei per metus,bet tas prasidejo jau su psp,matyt mazai skaitei temu nes as jau apie visa tai kalbejau,tai nenoriu kartotis.

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o koks cia gincas? cia diskusijos, ant xbl nebus pilnu x360 game? :trikampis: nu cia jau apsitriohlinai , jei nezinai tai neteig, geriau 3 kart paitikslink ar tikrai, o poto rasyk,
va net visa pilna vidio , suradau , ten aiskei parodo... taip ir turi but, it tobuleja, nebereik jau tu disku, nereik moket perpardavinetojams uz game, ar kitoms trecioms salims... ir gali padaryti geima kad ir 1TB ir ka blu ray? kist i sikna ji, dar tokiu krizes laikotarbiu blu ray :D

jei viena konsole su 20 gb drivu gali nusipirkt uz 600, tai pagalvok kiek kainuos 1 TB konsole?? cia ne kiekvienas sugebes ja isigyt.... tai ant xboxo tu ilgai negalesi siust zaidimu.

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jei viena konsole su 20 gb drivu gali nusipirkt uz 600, tai pagalvok kiek kainuos 1 TB konsole?? cia ne kiekvienas sugebes ja isigyt.... tai ant xboxo tu ilgai negalesi siust zaidimu.

Ne į temą

wtf? as ilgai? :trikampis: pasmane daba 120gb , ir kai bus 1TB jamsiu ,kad ir 10000$ kainuotu , ir AS <AS AS tikrai galesiu siusti

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Best of Crytek: 446 amazing CryEngine 2 Screenshots

taigi visa kolekcija geriausiu screenu paimtu is ivairiu Crysis modu,galima netgi pamegint veliau parsisiust ir ismegint viena ar kita Crysis moda,nes yra tikra idomiu modu,visiskai pakeicianciu pati zaidima.

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NVIDIA Launches The World's First Interactive Ray Tracing Engine


SIGGRAPH 2009, NEW ORLEANS—Aug. 4, 2009— NVIDIA, the leader in GPU computing, today introduced the NVIDIA® OptiX™ ray tracing engine, part of a suite of application acceleration engines for software developers. NVIDIA acceleration engines make it easy to incorporate valuable, high-performance capabilities into applications, while simultaneously reducing development time.


NVIDIA application acceleration engines unveiled at Siggraph 2009 include:


* NVIDIA® OptiX™ engine for real-time ray tracing

* NVIDIA® SceniX™ engine for managing 3D data and scenes

* NVIDIA® CompleX™ engine for scaling performance across multiple GPUs

* NVIDIA® PhysX® 64-bit engine for real-time, hyper-realistic physical and environmental effects


As the world’s first interactive ray tracing engine to leverage the GPU, the NVIDIA OptiX engine is a programmable ray tracing pipeline enabling software developers to easily bring new levels of realism to their applications using traditional C programming. By tapping into the massively parallel computing power of NVIDIA® Quadro® processors, the OptiX engine greatly accelerates the ray tracing used across a spectrum of disciplines, including: photorealistic rendering, automotive styling, acoustical design, optics simulation, volume calculations and radiation research. Application developers are utilizing the OptiX engine to redefine what’s possible for designers, engineers and researchers.


“In one year, NVIDIA has gone from proving interactive GPU ray tracing is possible, to making it available to all,” said Jon Peddie, founder and president of Jon Peddie Research. “Intricate design tasks, such as examining the play of reflection and refraction across surfaces and within glass, can now be examined in real-time by utilizing the OptiX acceleration engine running on Quadro processors. This is a phenomenal milestone for developers and designers alike.”


“Thousands of applications are being created today that harness the phenomenal power of GPUs, a clear sign that GPU computing has reached a tipping point. The world of computing is shifting from host-bound processing on CPUs to balanced co-processing on GPUs and CPUs,” said Jeff Brown, general manager, Professional Solutions, NVIDIA. “NVIDIA application acceleration engines arm developers with the tools they need to further revolutionize both real-time graphics and advanced data analysis.”


The NVIDIA SceniX scene management engine provides the interactive core for demanding real-time, professional 3D graphics applications. Whether used in leading products such as RTT DeltaGen, Autodesk Showcase and Anark Media Studio, or in scores of in-house tools used for advanced visualization, simulation, broadcast graphics, medical imagery, and energy exploration, developers look to the SceniX engine for the interactive framework to manage 3D data and convey results in real-time at high fidelity.


The NVIDIA CompleX scene scaling engine enables applications to maintain interactivity when working with extremely large and complex models. By automatically utilizing the combined memory and processing power of multiple GPUs within Quadro Plex visual computing systems, applications that utilize the CompleX engine enable users to explore and visualize all their data in full context, instead of piecemeal.


The NVIDIA PhysX 64-bit physics engine brings hyper-realistic, real-time physics to professional applications. Already a proven and popular solution within the computer games industry, the 64-bit version of PhysX will permit more accurate calculations on far larger data sets for engineers, designers and animators wanting to interrogate their data, model physical properties and breathe life into their work.


“The SceniX acceleration engine has been a critical part of our success in the automotive styling industry,” said Christian Matzen, COO, ICIDO, a global leader in virtual engineering solutions. “Based on the ease of integrating OptiX within SceniX, and its stunning visual results, we plan on delivering interactive ray tracing to our design customers later this year.”


“The CompleX engine is essential for our application to accommodate the massive data sets of customers like StatoilHydro,” said Thorolf Horn Tonjum, Director of R&D Stormfjord, a Norwegian development company serving the visualization needs of the energy industry. “By using the SceniX engine to power our scene graph, we easily incorporated the CompleX engine to keep navigation smooth for 10 GB scenes, and the PhysX 64-bit engine to study the challenges off shore oil rigs must face. These engines from NVIDIA accelerate not only our product, but also our time to market.”


NVIDIA will be showcasing the new suite of application acceleration engines this week at the SIGGRAPH 2009 conference and exhibition in New Orleans; booth #2101. For more information on NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH, visit:


Pricing and Availability

NVIDIA application acceleration engines are available from the NVIDIA Developer Zone at no charge. The SceniX and CompleX engines can be downloaded at The OptiX and PhysX 64-bit engines will be available in fall of 2009. Interactive ray tracing examples using the pre-release OptiX engine can be downloaded at and run on NVIDIA Quadro FX processors.

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Global Illumination on the CryEngine 2: Pictures with impressive light effects


While Crytek works on its Ego Shooter Crysis 2, which develops on basis of the CryEngine 3, Modder try the optimum quality from the Cryengine 2 rauszuholen.


The German developer Crytek work ELT at present at a new lighting technology, which is used for the first time into Crysis 2. As this technology, which calls itself “Light Propagation volumes” and among other things with “global Illumination” (global lighting) to the course comes, in motion out-looks, we could already take in form of some CryEngine-3-Videos in inspection. Thus mainly the quality of the light effects is to be improved. Now a Modder started working named “Xzero”, in order to represent such diagram effects on basis of the CryEngine 2. As the pictures show in our gallery, that succeeded to the programmer also very well. “Xzero” looks up-to-date for a Coder, which is to tackle a play with him together in the Tomb Raider or Uncharted Style. We are extremely strained, which comes there still to us and you hold in this connection naturally up to date.


Unigine Heaven DirectX 11 benchmark


net Dx9 gali naudot steel paralax ir padaryt visus pavirsius reljefinius siaip jau,o cia tipo dx10 to negali ...bulshit



Nvidia GTC 2009: GT300 "Fermi" architecture unveiled by Jen Hsun Huang



Nvidia GTC: Impressive new physx demo




NVIDIA gears up for 3D Blu-ray nice and early


The folks at Engadget were lucky enough to have recently gotten a taste of NVIDIA's 3D Blu-ray ecosystem on one of Acer's upcoming LCD beauties, the 120Hz NVIDIA 3D-ready 24" G245.




During their demo session they also learned a bit about the 3D Blu-ray format which is a backward compatible 1080p source, but uses the new MVC-AVC format to provide a 3D image for both the software and decoding hardware that is able to make use of it.


As far as supporting NVIDIA cards go, the GT 220 and GT 240 can make use of 3D Blu-ray, with NVIDIA's upcoming Fermi cards carrying support as well. It's been said that supporting software won't be an issue with all the main mobs (Arcsoft, Core, Cyberlink and Sonic) all nodding their heads to prepare for 3D Blu-ray titles and have support in time for shipping next year.


Blu-ray 3D good news, and very bad

Last week the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) settled the full specification for 3D on Blu-ray players and similar devices. That’s the good news. But there’s bad news as far as viewing 3D content is concerned.


The BDA specification, which represents the work of the leading Hollywood studios and consumer electronic and computer manufacturers, enables the home entertainment industry to bring the stereoscopic 3D experience into consumers’ living rooms on Blu-ray disc (BD), but will require consumers to acquire new players, high-definition TVs and shutter glasses.


“Throughout this year, movie goers have shown an overwhelming preference for 3D when presented with the option to see a theatrical release in either 3D or 2D. We believe this demand for 3D content will carry over into the home now that we have, in Blu-ray Disc, a medium that can deliver a quality Full HD 3D experience to the living room,” said Victor Matsuda, chairman of the BDA global promotions committee.


The specification allows every Blu-ray 3D player and movie to deliver full HD 1080p resolution (1920x1080, progressive scan) to each eye, thereby maintaining the industry-leading image quality, which further distances Blu-ray from high-definition options provided by internet-based services. The BDA spec is display agnostic, meaning that Blu-ray 3D products will deliver the 3D image to any compatible 3D display, regardless of whether that display uses LCD, Plasma or other technology and regardless of what 3D technology the display uses to deliver the image to the viewer’s eyes. The compulsory thing for stereoscopic 3D is that those screens should support 120Hz or higher refresh rate.


The specification supports playback of 2D discs in forthcoming 3D players and can enable 2D playback of Blu-ray 3D discs on the large installed base of Blu-ray Disc players currently in homes around the world.


The BDA spec comes nicely ahead of January’s giant CES technology show in Las Vegas.


The bad news, and we might learn more at CES, concerns the cost of viewing Blu-ray discs. While Sony, Panasonic and LG have all promised they’ll have 3D sets available shortly in 2010 (LG says it expects to sell 400,000 3D sets next year), it seems that suitable 3D specs will cost users in the region of $75-$150 each!


XpanD, a 3D specs manufacturer, says two sets of its 3D glasses will be bundled in with most 3D TV sets, which is sensible. But they are fragile beasts, and sofas being what they are we humans will sit on them, or the dog will chew them up. XpanD’s models are active shutter devices which need re-charging after about 250 hours (via a USB connection). But lose one, or have friends over and it could be an expensive evening’s viewing.


While few manufacturers are actively promoting retail sales of the rival Polarising specs, they can be ordered in bulk (1000 sets) for as little as $15 a unit.


Mitsubishi Offers Two 3-D-Ready HDTV Lines

HDTV sets are moving into a new direction, or dimension. The next major update to home theaters, coming in 2010, is 3-D technology. In fact, some HDTV 3-D sets are already on the market, and Mitsubishi has two 3-D-ready Home Theater TV lines ranging is size from 60 inches all the way to 82 inches. The 737 and 837 Home Theater TV series are DLP sets with 1080p resolution, and play high-definition 2-D content as well as 3-D content such as the upcoming Blu-ray 3D discs, content servers, and video game systems.


For 3-D content display, the sets require nVidia GeForce 3D Vision glasses, which are available through a partnership with nVidia. The television has an IR emitter, which provides a hardwire communication bridge between the set and content source like a media server. The IR emitter then sends a signal to the 3-D glasses to sync them to the independent left and right signals being displayed on the TV. As there are currently limited players of 3-D content for home use, a Mitsubishi representative at a local press event in New York City this week said he could not factually answer how many sources can be connected to the set at a time.


The nVidia GeForce 3D Vision glasses are required to get the full dimension viewing

The 737 Series offers sets ranging from 60 to 82-inches in size with suggested retail prices ranging from $1,499 to $4,199. The 65" set sells online at for $1,399. The same size set in the 837 Series lists for $1,869.99. The Mitsubishi WD-82837, an 82" set, is available for $3,999 (links below). To promote 3-D-Ready technology Mitsubishi will have demo stations at retailers across the U.S. with sets from the Home Theater Television lines and nVidia glasses for consumers to experience the technology first-hand. The manufacturer already has demo fixtures at 150 stores nationwide. "The challenge? Customers are still skeptical," said Michael Press, senior sales specialist at Mitsubishi. "Customers need to see it for themselves."


Mitsubishi plans to make an official announcement at the Consumer Electronics Show next month in Las Vegas to outline its efforts to make its current television models compatible with future formats to ease the 3-D transition.

NVIDIA’s DirectX 11 Architecture: GF100 (Fermi) In Detail






The GF100 features 768KB unified level-two cache as well as a rather complex cache hierarchy. In addition, many other GPU-compute areas of performance are improved over NVIDIA’s current Tesla architecture GPUs, GT200. The GF100 hardware can sustain peak Single Precision (SP) and Double Precision (DP) FMA instruction throughput. Atomic instruction throughput is maximized over the current generation and Fermi is backed by ECC which is absolutely necessary for GPU computing. This all comes together to support a new type of multi-threading technology which improves the efficiency of the 512 cores working together. The entire Fermi family is compatible with DirectX 11, OpenGL 3.x and OpenCL 1.x application programming interfaces (APIs). The new chips are finally in mass production using 40nm process technology at TSMC.


To summarize, Fermi GF100 has:


* 512 CUDA cores

* 16 Geometry Units

* 4 raster units

* 64 texture units

* 48 ROP units

* 384-bit GDDR5


To improve anti-aliasing image quality, the GF100 introduces a new anti-aliasing mode: 32xCSAA. nVidia’s previous strongest edge AA mode was 16xQ, but this is now bested by 32xAA

32xAA = 8xMSAA + 24xCSAA.


In addition to improving image quality, anti-aliasing performance has also increased. When it comes to AA, the most obvious area to target is the ROPs, and that’s exactly what nVidia has done. The GF100 has 48 ROPs, up from 32 ROPs on the GTX285, which is especially helpful for portions of the scene that cannot be compressed.


Each ROP is also faster and more efficient than on previous generations, so it can do more work per cycle. This includes improvements made to the compression technology.


It’s clear that nVidia has invested a lot of resources and design effort into trying to make the GF100 the fastest single GPU to date. In addition to a very clear focus on improving GPGPU performance and usability, numerous enhancements to image quality and performance for gaming purposes have also been made.


It’ll be very interesting to see how the card performs in actual gaming situations, and more importantly, how it compares to ATi’s current single GPU flagship, the Radeon 5870.


We are looking forward to bringing our readers the latest news about the Fermi GF100 and we will be testing its performance and image quality in gaming. There is much more to be revealed about NVIDIA’s new GPU. Stay tuned. The graphics wars are heating up and it is getting very interesting again.





"Structure Procedural System" tech demo


The recently revealed New York City setting for Crysis 2 was met with just a touch of disappointment. "What of the open environments?!" commenters cried. Well, if Crysis 2 uses this tech, I don't think openness will be an issue.


Reader Jay tipped us off to this "Structure Procedural System" tech demo, which can generate building interiors dynamically, without overtaxing the memory of, say, the non-upgradeable consoles that Crysis 2 is coming to. And since this system was developed by Crytek programmer Marco Corbetta and 3D modeler Miragoli Gianluca—who doesn't work at Crytek to the best of our knowledge—it's not out of the question.


If Crytek can apply some of those fancy graphics to a system like this, we might not be too unhappy to shoot up Crysis 2's concrete jungle.

taigi gan neblogas tech demo,sistema gal iatkurti pilnus pilnai visais pastatais pagal GPS ,realsu atkurimas ir realus pastatai.gana idomu tai ir ne zaidimas,bet pritaikyt sia sistema juk butu galima manau...tuo labiau kad tai sukure buves Crytek programuotojas .idomu..aisku to Crysis 2 gal ir nepamatysim bet atrodo idomiai...


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atsisiunciau ta endorphin 2.5 pazaidziau ir uzkniso. Baisiai sudetinga :)

nu bet visai sauniai galima sukurt trumpus kaskadinius filmukus...aisku nera lengva ,bet paprastus veiksmu padaryt gana nesunku ,kaip begima ,sokima per kokia plytu siena ar pan.. :)






Acer Brings 3-D Projectors to the Home




Gadget Lab editor Dylan Tweney and I may just be getting old, and therefore easily impressed by new-fangled technology, but we agree on one thing: 3-D projectors kinda blow our minds.


They’re magic-lanterns. How can a lot of light spilled on a wall give giant, deep 3-D image, with all the clever eye-trickery that entails? The answer is, of course, electronics. although that doesn’t make the trick any less wondrous. In fact, it’s all done with mirrors.


Acer’s two new 3-D projectors use a combination of DLP chips and high refresh rates to ensure that they can keep up withy the 3D action. DLP uses tiny mirrors which flip and move to reflect the light out and onto a screen. The H5360 offers 720p hi-def and HDMI with its 120Hz refresh rate, while the cheaper X1261 has just composite and S-video, with similar video specs. Both are “3-D ready”.


This means that you’ll need some extra hardware to actually watch 3-D movies. This comes in the form of NVIDIA 3-D Vision, a combination of spectacles, a compatible graphics card and a computer. This hardware does the actual 3-D processing, but crucially syncs with the display in order to send the right image to the right eye.


This last is the real trick for 3D projectors. They need flip those tiny mirrors fast enough and accurately enough to keep up with the wireless active-shutter glasses that make sure your eyes are seeing different things. Everything else is just light on a screen.


I’m seriously thinking about buying a projector to replace our old 12-inch analog TV (Spanish TV switches over to digital this month). And after seeing all the 3-D movie demos at CES this year, I’m totally sold. In fact, give it a year and you probably won’t be able to buy a non 3-D projector.


The H5360 is $70 and the X1261 $580.

pats svarbiausias dalykas manau yra kaina,uz HD 3D projektoriu tik $580 ..wau!!


H5360 Product page [Acer]

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    • Nekyla net menkiausios abejonės. Kalba kad pačios architektūros parengimo darbai baigti. Prasideda testavimas. 
    • "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip is konsoliu ir exlusive zaidimu "išeina iš konsolių excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip konsoliniu exlusivu. na bet cia gal neteisingai supratau.. tiek to o kas del naujos konsoles tai visai  tiketina data yra 2026. nes jei paziuret i praeiti tai konsoles ir leidziamos mazdaug kas 6-8 metus. garantuotai ir sony jau senokai tyliai dirba ties ps6
    • @WirmiS, aš taip ir nesakiau. Skaityk tiesiogiai - "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų", o ne "iš konsolių". Aišku kad Microsoft pasilieka konsolinių žaidimų rinkoje, tik jau nebekonkuros su Sony tiesigiai geležimi kas daugiau parduos konsolių exclusive pagalba. Ir ištikrųjų gali būti kad naują XBox išleis jau 2026 metais. Žiūrėsim. 
    • MS nepasake, kad iseina is konsoliu, netgi priesingai jie yra pasake, kad  jau dirba ties nauja, o taip pat experimentuoja su handheld'u. del isejimo is exclusivu tai kaip ir logiskas sprendimas. vienaip ar kitaip MS dabar vienas is didziausiu leideju.
    • Na lyginant su Civ V ir VI reikėtu pirmiausia pamimėti kad Firaxis jau kurį laiką niekuomet iš karto neišleidžia pilno žaidimo. Ne tą prasmę kad jis yra nefunkcionalus, bet dalis papildomų mechanikų dar bus ateity, būsimose expansion pakose. Be to visada išleisdama naują žaidimo iteracija paprastai apie 60% core mechanikų palieka senas, bet ~ 40% keičia. Ir tai imho yra gerai, nes priešingu atveju po n metų laukimo gautum seną žaidimą, tiesiog su nauja grafine išvaizda. Iš dalies Firaxis toliau stebi žaidėjį reakcija ir gali pastumti žaidimą ar į vieną ar kitą pusę kiek tai dar įmanoma. Na pagal tai ką dabar turim. Žaidimas yra pasikeitęs. Jis nėra labiau sudėtingas, sakyčiau tam tikra prasme kiek paprastesnis, negu ankstesnės versijos (ypač Civ 6) ir toks visas labiau tiesmukas. Kaip jau buvo ra6oma yra tik 3 epochos (kol kas) - Antika, Atradimų laikotarpis ir Modern. Manau ateittį tikrai bus dar ketvirtą epocha, pvz. Information Age, nes verrinant visą žaidimo eigą akivaizdžaii matosi kad truksta dar gabalo. Unitai baigėsi ties II Pasaulinio karo lėktuvais ir tankais - taip niekuomet nėra buvę, visada budavo Modern armor, reaktyviniai lektuvai ir t. t. Aš jau nekalbu apie Giant Death robots. Kaip jau sakiau tu iš esmės pasirenki lyderi su kurio eisi per visas epochas, o nacijos keičiasi. Bet tai atrodo tikrai organiškai ir savaip žavi. Keičiant epochą dalis nacijų pasirinkimų būna defaultiniai, dalį galima atrakinti, dalis lieka neįmanoma dėl pasirinkto lyderio. Bet kurio atvėju atrodo gan organiškai ir gerai padaryta. Šiaip žaidimas dabar toks vosas labiau atitinkantis "istorine realybe" taip pasakykikim. Iš dalies tai yra smagu iš dalies ne. Antikoje pvz tu gali rinktis iš riboto civilizacijš skaičiaus, kurios iš tikrųjų ir buvo Antikoje. Logiškai mastant JAV civilizacija nuo Antikos atrodo keistai. Bet tame buvo savotiškas prieš tai visų buvusių Civilizacijų žavėsis.  Bet pvz. jeigu lyderį pasirinksi Jekateriną Dydžiają, tai Rusija automatiškai atsirakins Modern Age pagal lyderį. Esu baigęs viena pilną patija. Tai atrodė maždaug taip - pasirinkau Cezarį ir Romenus, Exploration pavirtau Ispanija, Modern prancūzais. Laimėjau Domination victory. Buvo savotiškai linksma. Visas pirmas amžius yra praktiškai mokomasis.  Tave už rankos vedžioja aiškinant žaidimo mechanikas. Tikras žaidimas prasideda II etape. Bet ir pirmoje epochoje po senovei kokią vieną civilizacija (t. y. lyderį) galima išnešti iš žaidimo. Kariniai unitai negauna patirties, tik generolai (kurie pasilieka) ir nusiresetina su kiekviena nauja epocha, todėl kaip ankšęiau sutikti pirmikšti karį su kuoka prieš tanką jau neįmanoma. Religija dabar "išpjauta" dar labiau negu V serijoje. Religinės pergalės nėra. Veikia tik Explaration Age ir dingsta Modern. Tą prasmė kad miestai su religija pasilieka, bet ji nebevystoma ir jos negalima palatinti. Domination Victory jeigu teisingai žaisti dabar tikrai gan paprasta. Pirmame žaidime buvau ją pasiekęs, nepastatęs dar nei vieno lėktuvo, bet aviacija jau atidariau. Nereika užkariauti viso pasaulio, užtenka sukurti Atomine bombą. Kas liečia grafika, tai žaidimas atrodo praktiškai tobulai. Įsivaizduokit tą ramesnį V serijos istorinį styliu + graži 3D grafika iš 6. Dėmesys detalėms milžiniškas - pvz. Rusijos modern age pėstininkai ir atrodo kaip jos rodo su WW2 filmose - su durtuviniais šautuvais ir Maxim kulkosvaidžiais. Pranc0zų tankai atrodo kaip jų tikri WWI tankai ir skiriasi nuo kitų civilizacijų. Reziumuojant dabartinėje savo versioje yra tam tikra prasme supaprastintas, bet vistiek labai smagiai žaidžiasi. Manau kaip ir ankstesnės serijos būs n metų vystomas, sulauksim expansion pakų su mechanikų praplėtimų ir bus super. Tiesa labai gerai optimizuotas. Mano vaiko gan sename i5 ir GTX1070 pilnai veža 4K su vidutiniais/aukštais grafikos nustatymais. Vienintelio ko jam tikrai reika, tai SSD. Kol kas tiek.
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