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Taigi kalbam apie tai kas naujo ir tokio tikrai ipudingo yra,ar bus naudojama zaidimuose,apie tokius dalykus kaip fizikos,judesiu,augmenijos ar kitokius idomius ir naujoviskus varikliukus kurie tiesiogei gali ar yra naudojami zaidimuose

pradesiu nuo labai idomaus


Euphoria is a game animation engine created by NaturalMotion based on Dynamic Motion Synthesis, NaturalMotion's proprietary technology for animating 3D characters on-the-fly "based on a full simulation of the 3D character, including body, muscles and motor nervous system". Instead of using predefined animations, the characters' actions and reactions are synthesized in real-time; they are different every time, even when replaying the same scene. While it is common for current video games to use limp "ragdolls" for animations generated on the fly, Euphoria employs a more complex method to animate the entirety of physically-bound objects within the game environment. According to its web site, Euphoria runs on the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC hardware platforms and is compatible with all commercial physics engines.

NaturalMotion’s euphoria engine brings Dynamic Motion Synthesis live onto Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. euphoria is able to create truly unique game moments, which never happened before, and will never happen again - just like real life. We believe this is the biggest revolution in games since the introduction of 3D graphics.

kol kas si tikrai nuostabu naturalmotion varikliuka naudoja tik keli zaidimai,tokie kaip GTA IV ,bei Star Wars: The Force Unleashed ,bei naudos neuzilgo iseisiantis Red Dead Redemption,dar sutarti yra pasirase Lucas Art

taigi kagi sugeba sitas varikliukas,geriau nei bet kokie zodziai pasakys sie video...likau apsales siaip jau :D cia nera jokio motion capture


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Manau viena is geresniu fiziku padare atari su savo Alone in The Dark zaidimu, pasigrozekit:

Part 1

Part 2

Ir manau jog viena is geresniu cover system yra sukure Epic Games su Gears of War.

Crytek sukure viena yspudingiausiu varikliuku CryEngine 2:


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Manau viena is geresniu fiziku padare atari su savo Alone in The Dark zaidimu, pasigrozekit:

taip bet tai ka sukuri is anksto be jokiu galimu vairiantu yra ne tas pats kai tu negali nuspeti kas bus toliau,ar kaip elgsis personazas.butent kai tu sukuri situacija ir matai kaip viskas vyksta,o ne is karto sukuri ir situacija ir veiksma

krc video pilna apie situs ir tikrai labai idomus dalykas,kuri kol kas naudoja tikrai mazai kas

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taip bet tai ka sukuri is anksto be jokiu galimu vairiantu yra ne tas pats kai tu negali nuspeti kas bus toliau,ar kaip elgsis personazas.butent kai tu sukuri situacija ir matai kaip viskas vyksta,o ne is karto sukuri ir situacija ir veiksma

Na tada sitam reikaluj tinka Far Cry 2

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Na tada sitam reikaluj tinka Far Cry 2

taip tikrai tinka,ju Dunia varikliukas tiesiog nuostabus,bet cia kas lieca labiau aplinka,augmenija,o euphoria yra butent veikeju elgesiui ir judesiam,taigi sujungus kelis nuostabius varikliukus i viena zaidima gautum tikrai nerealu dalyka,juk visiem patiktu kad ju veikejas elgtusi randomai,na is anksto nenumatutai ,nenuspejamai,ir pvz jei tu jo nevaldytum jis pats savim pasirupintu,nes euphoria tai leidzia,ten tereikia tik sukurti situacija,ir stebeti kas is to gausis,labai idomu is tikro. cia pirmas sporto zaidimas kuris naudos Euphoria


kai pagalvoji tai visiem sitiem judesiam iki siol ir dabar dar naudoja motion capture,skiria tam daug laiko ir darbo,o cia nieko nereikia,varikliukas pat simuliuoja ivairiausias judesiu kombinacijas,veiksmus,o kas svarbiausia,motion capture yra is anksto sukurtas ir viskas,o cia viskas random,tuose video juk nieks neanimavo ne vieno ju veiksmo,viska daro patys pagal pasitaikiusi situacija


aisku geriau paciam viska ismegint Endorphin 2.71 learning edition


System requirements: Windows 2000 or XP, 512MB RAM, 1.7Ghz Pentium or Athlon CPU, NVidia GeForce 2 or ATI Radeon 7000 or higher.

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taip tikrai tinka,ju Dunia varikliukas tiesiog nuostabus,bet cia kas lieca labiau aplinka,augmenija,o euphoria yra butent veikeju elgesiui ir judesiam,taigi sujungus kelis nuostabius varikliukus i viena zaidima gautum tikrai nerealu dalyka,juk visiem patiktu kad ju veikejas elgtusi randomai,na is anksto nenumatutai ,nenuspejamai,ir pvz jei tu jo nevaldytum jis pats savim pasirupintu,nes euphoria tai leidzia,ten tereikia tik sukurti situacija,ir stebeti kas is to gausis,labai idomu is tikro. cia pirmas sporto zaidimas kuris naudos Euphoria


kai pagalvoji tai visiem sitiem judesiam iki siol ir dabar dar naudoja motion capture,skiria tam daug laiko ir darbo,o cia nieko nereikia,varikliukas pat simuliuoja ivairiausias judesiu kombinacijas,veiksmus,o kas svarbiausia,motion capture yra is anksto sukurtas ir viskas,o cia viskas random,tuose video juk nieks neanimavo ne vieno ju veiksmo,viska daro patys pagal pasitaikiusi situacija


aisku geriau paciam viska ismegint Endorphin 2.71 learning edition


System requirements: Windows 2000 or XP, 512MB RAM, 1.7Ghz Pentium or Athlon CPU, NVidia GeForce 2 or ATI Radeon 7000 or higher.

Na man tai pat patinka sitas varikliukas, o kas puikiausia jis tiesiog nuostabei optimizuotas konsolems, vien gta 4 on PC kai lievai optimizuotas buvo.


Tas sporto geimas tai nerealus, Ea Sport toli iki tokio lygio. Jie ka moka tai tik Fight Night, daugiau nieko gero is sporto. Gal dar NHL, bet nba live tai shit palyginus su 2k.

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Na man tai pat patinka sitas varikliukas, o kas puikiausia jis tiesiog nuostabei optimizuotas konsolems, vien gta 4 on PC kai lievai optimizuotas buvo.


Tas sporto geimas tai nerealus, Ea Sport toli iki tokio lygio. Jie ka moka tai tik Fight Night, daugiau nieko gero is sporto. Gal dar NHL, bet nba live tai shit palyginus su 2k.

na ismeginau ta programa,reikia bisiki ziniu turet ir laiko,bet galima susikurt tokius mini zaidimus paciam,o kiek nustatymo galimybiu ivairiausiu,visi tie youtubes video ir sukurti su sita programa siaip. su tais endorphinais juk gali viska sukrut bet kokio zanro zaidima,jie viska moka,o kokias veiksm oscens galima padaryt,tokiu pavydetu net holivudo meistrai :)

gaila kad GTAIV tiek mazai galima pasinaudot sitom galimybem

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;) tokias veiksmo scenas panaudojus zaidimuose, butu tikrai nerealu. o juk cia sukurta namuose parsisiuntus mokomaja tos programos versija,tai ka galima padaryt su rimta tokia programa ;)


trys nuostabios tehnologijos vienam zaidime, kas gali buti geriau,daugiau zaidimu kurie naudotu bent jau kelias is situ,ar bent jau viena euphoria,nes vis del to mes visi labiausiai demesi kriepiam i personazus,jei zaidimas nera shooteris,mum tikrai svarbu kaip kitas veikejas sureguos,o tai dazniausiai buna suksurta is anksto. su euphoria,niekad nezinai uz ko veikejas eidamas uzkliu,ar krisdamas uzsikabins,ar pan. pats meginau ta programa,ir per 10 min gali sudaryti situacia,paimti endorphina,uzkrauti jam begimo animacija,paleist ija,jis begs,tieosiog begs. bet ei jo keli pastatysim bet koki daikta,ar kliuti kokia pdarysim,jis uz jos uzklius ir pargrius,taciau jei idiegsi kita programa jam kad jis reaguotu i kliutis,jis tada reaguos,megins nepargriut,uzsikabint,atsistot.niekas am sito daryt neliepia,jis reaguoja paga lsituacija,ir kiekviena karta skirtingai. tokius dalykus idiegus zaidimuose,ypac tokiuose kur reikia bendraut ir saveikaut su kitais veikejais,ar daiktais,ar oro salygom,nesvarbu kas tai butu ,reakcia butu idomi ir manau patiktu labiau uz is anksto sukurta animacija.


What is DMM?


DMM (Digital Molecular Matter) is a technology to simulate "material physics", or the dynamic behavior of objects made of realistic materials. DMM handles soft-body, plastically deforming (e.g., bending metal) and breakable objects all within the same system. These capabilities distinguish DMM from rigid-body systems, which are limited to idealized rigid materials and are unable to simulate the deformation and fracture of real-world objects with the kind of kinetic fidelity that makes things seem real.


How it Works


DMM handles the simulation of diverse materials by using an advanced method from scientific computing called finite element modeling (FEM). Materials are represented in FEM by a set of "material parameters" that the simulation takes into account. A DMM content creator has complete control over these parameters to tune an object's material, being able to adjust, for example, how soft or rigid an object is and how easily it may fracture. Side effects such as having objects weaken and break after repeated bending occur naturally as an artifact of material settings. The DMM collision system is very robust and handles the collision of the complex shapes that arise from deformation and fracture.



DMM Products


The basic structure of a DMM object is a tetrahedral FEM mesh. The DMM authoring pipeline allows the creation and manipulation of DMM meshes with the ease necessary for production work. Tools are provided to automate creation of DMM meshes to match the shape of rendering geometry, and also to prepare rendering geometry for deformation and fracture.

aisku dauguma zaidimu naudoja savo variklius kurie buna visai geri,ir gali buti geri netgi dauguma prasmiu,bet vistiek vienas zaidimo variklis neatstos keliu varikliu panaudotu kartu,tada kiekvienas daro savo darba geriausiai ir turime geriausia rezultata visom kryptim

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PSLS Editorial: Pixel Counters Must Die


gal ines siek tiek daugiau supratimo,kodel vieni ar kiti zaidimai ant skirtingu konsoliu atrodo skirtingai,ar kodel kartais gauname ne vsiai toki vaizda kokio tikejomes

Halo 3 and Ghostbusters, despite being released years apart, have one thing in common. Both games were heavily scrutinized, criticized, and embarrassed by the media and gamers alike for running at sub-HD resolution. The lowest screen resolution that is accepted as High Definition is 720p, though 1080p is considered True HD by Sony and other various companies. And though these titles were attacked for not running at HD resolution (Halo 3 on the 360, and Ghostbusters on the PS3), developers actually run their games at sub-HD resolution all the time.


For proof of this, check out this link from the Beyond3D forums where a very popular pixel counter racked up some stats on our favorite game titles. Adjusting the native render resolution of a game is a very common phenomenon because of the surprising performance benefits and (if the developer is careful) lack of significant drawbacks. In fact, before the age of pixel counters, game developers had little to fear from the gaming community when it came to native game resolutions. After all, it’s not like Call of Duty 4 when running at 718p is any less fun than when it ran at 720p.


Pixel counting has become so widespread and obsessive that game developers have had to publicly respond and/or apologize to accusations of sub-HD gaming experiences, similar to what politicians undergo during sex scandals. It’s a ridiculous situation that is further compounded by the existence of side-by-side comparisons popularized by GameTrailers, and subsequently Lens of Truth. While I don’t blame the two sites for feeding the masses with what they desire, I find it equally important to educate gamers on the concepts that these sites are selling.


In order to give an unbiased and simple look at the consequences of different anti-aliasing levels and output resolutions, I created a 3D scene depicting a Ferrari on a city street. The car uses a procedural shader to simulate the subtle imperfections in the red paint, and the entire scene has ray traced shadows and reflections. Final Gather Radiosity was kept to a minimum of 2 bounces to stay close to the type of global illumination styles that PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games emulate.


Say a game developer was aiming for 1280 x 720 resolution with 4x AA, but was only achieving 20 frames per second due to a rendering bottleneck. Sure, they could (for example) drop some cool shader effects or decrease the lighting quality, but it still needs to stand up against other great looking titles on the market. There are some clever workarounds that are now possible due to the capabilities of the PS3 and 360, but with every workaround comes a price. An easy fix is to drop the resolution to 1138 x 640 (i.e. 640p) and simply upscale to 720p. Not only does the game run at 30 frames per second now, not a single shader or lighting effect had to be cut. Because of this, the visual drawbacks of upscaling aren’t all that bad. Some slight blurriness and aliasing compared to the original 720p output, but nothing noticeable by the average player.



But, as the charts above show, the most drastic performance benefits come from dropping the anti-aliasing level due to both computational and bandwidth requirements. Upscaling from a 4x AA image works at 640p, but does leave some subtle visual artifacts. However, dropping to resolutions significantly below 640p eliminates the benefits of anti-aliasing. And on top of this, low AA levels in conjunction with significant image upscaling leads to horrifically bad image quality. Included below is a diagram showcasing the size of all three frame buffers in respect to one another.


If faced with a drastic decision, it’s very tempting for the developer to drop the AA level of their game rather than the resolution due to the visual artifacts that arise when drastically upscaling images, as well as the huge performance benefit of going from 4x AA to 2x AA. Click on the images on Page 3 for a real world example of how upscaling can be a smart solution to achieving faster framerates, as well as what anti-aliasing does to both object edges AND texture quality.

These two images were rendered at 720p, and there is a huge gap in quality between the 1x AA and 4x AA settings, but not between the 2x and 4x AA settings. While 2x AA smooths out the edges of objects fairly well, the leap to 4x AA has the added benefit of cleaning up the texture quality. The 1x AA scene on the other hand looks absolutely vile, with object edges and texture resolution taking a significant hit.



The next two images were rendered with 4x AA, then upscaled with bilinear filtering. But even with the great upscaling, there’s still some very noticeable aliasing artifacts in the 540p image since pixels from the original image are being interpolated onto a larger canvas. Because of this, the 4x AA steadily becomes more worthless as the frame buffer is upscaled from an increasingly smaller resolution. The performance benefits aren’t as immediately noticeable as changing the AA level, but the visual sacrifices that come up upscaling are also controllable in smaller increments.


The smartest decision would be to keep the AA level at 4x and upscale from 640p. Most gamers would be hard pressed to notice the difference between an upscaled 640p and raw 720p image on their television screen, so long as 4x AA is being used. And should the game be running at a great framerate already at 720p, the developer would be able to increase shader effects and or lighting quality by a small degree by dropping the resolution to 640p, making the game look even better (and at sub-HD, no doubt).



Those who chastise games for running at a certain resolution and/or AA level should, after reading this article, be able to make a more educated guess as to why the developer chose those settings. And hopefully the scandal-like tone that surrounds such information will be more muted and understanding. It’s far more constructive to praise developers who do attain a high level of technical performance than to criticise those who fall short of our percieved goals. After all, there’s bigger things to complain about when it comes to videogames, like framerates…

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Best of Water-Simulation

50 CryEngine 2 Picu

na far cry 2 turi tikrai ne ka prastesni vandeni,tik aisku neturi jo tokio zydro ir tiek daug,na vis del to afrika.

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na pagaliau ir Crysis gavo Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM) moda.atrodo labai graziai











efekto esme tokia kad visi pavirsiai igauna reljefa,tai yra auksti,gili,duodbes,iskilimus ir pan.

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Atrodo labai grazei, bet ten lagas ziaurus tam video. Ir Call of Juarez su DX10 irgi tapati ispausdavo su tom plytom.

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tas video cia ne prie zaidimo,taigi del lago nesvarbu,tik parodziau ka padaro tas "aukscio mappingas" .tai taip nauji zaidimai dauguma ji jau naudoja labai sekmingai,taciau kai kurie pvz gal ji naudoja tik sienom ar tik kai kuriem pavirsiam,o cia viskam kokiam zaidimo kietam pavirsiuj.siaip cryengine ja uir taip naudoja sita efekta,o cia kai psupratau bus tiesiog nauju hyperrealistiniu teksturu rinkinys,kuri irasius pakeis senas tikro dau idomiau kai toki efekta pritaiko tokiem zaidimam kurie jo neturejo niekada,atrodo kaip naujai perkurtas zaidimas.

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Is DirectX throttling Xbox 360 performance?


July 20th, 2009


It's often been said that one of the many advantages of working on console is that you have a fixed set of hardware to work with, that you can "write to the metal" and code to the "bleeding edge" of the spec. However, our sources suggest that this simply isn't an optionfor Xbox 360 developers. Microsoft doesn't allow it.


Suspicions were first aroused by a tweet by EA Vancouver's Jim Hejl who revealed that addressing the Xenos GPU on 360 involves using the DirectX APIs, which in turn incurs a cost on CPU resources. Hejl later wrote in a further message that he'd written his own API for manual control of the GPU ring, incurring little or no hit to the main CPU.


"Cert would hate it tho," he added mysteriously.


According to other dev sources, what that actually means in real terms is that circumventing the use of the standard APIs would result in a submitted game not ever making it past Microsoft's strict certification guidelines which state that all GPU calls need to be routed through DirectX. Compare and contrast with PS3 development, where writing your own command buffers and addressing the RSX chip directly through its LibGCM interface is pretty much the standard way of talking to the hardware.


So in real, practical terms, what does this actually mean? First of all, in many situations the CPU usage we're talking about here is not negligible, and in some cases could be the dividing line between a solid or an inconsistent frame rate. However, having control of your own command buffers as you do on PS3 offers up a lot more flexibility.


Let's say you're rendering a forest. Chances are that most of the same trees are going to be rendered from one frame to the next, with maybe a 10 per cent variance as the view changes. With Xbox 360, you'll be calling most of the same functions with the same parameters for each frame, while DirectX translates those into command buffers and feeds them to the GPU. With the LibGCM/PS3 approach though, you could build buffers for a set amount of trees across several groups. A simple check could discern if those buffers are still relevant for the next frame, and if so, they can be re-used, whereas with DirectX (and OpenGL for that matter) they will be regenerated anew for each frame.


Sounds cool eh? Well in this specific case, there are both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it's going to require a lot of memory, and that is in short supply on any console – especially on PS3. Secondly, some might call it a somewhat "cheap" optimisation. It'll up your maximum FPS, but won't do anything for the minimum – where optimisation is needed the most.


But the point is that this is just one example, and there are many cases where having the choice is a seriously useful option to have in the development toolkit.


If all of this sounds pretty harsh on Microsoft, it's worth noting that there is a ton of excellent reasons for standing by this requirement. It means that the platform holder can update the system software and hardware specification and ensure that all games past, present and future will work on all iterations of the console.


More than that, in the here and now, it can easily be argued that the implementation of DirectX is a key reason that the Xbox 360's tools and development environment are considered to be generally excellent. Not only that, but game makers are familiar with the standard, and code is easily portable to and from PC. A firm adherence to DirectX is also good news for gamers too: it makes the chances of full backwards compatibility on Xbox Next a far more realistic prospect...

taigi boxas priristas prie pc,kai ps3 turi daugiau laisves kurejam,iki siol visi tik varydavo kad zaidimai ant ps3 atrodo lieviau ir pan,kol niekas neisigilino ka galima is to gauti,ir stai pasrode nauja ps3 zaidimu banga ir kurejai dziaugiasi kad gali rasti kazko naujo,ir mum gerai. aisku visi moka zaidimus pritaikyt pc bei xbox,juk visada taip kure visi ir tai moka gerai,taciau vis daugiau kureju atsiliepia siltai apie ps3 galimybes,ir tai kad tenai galima dar kazka iskasti naujo,manau tas daug kam idomu.bent jau man tai idomu.kai kiekvienas naujas zaidimas iseina geresnis ir geresnis





With Blu-Ray Support by Toshiba, Xbox 360 Blu-Ray Add-On with Is Only a Matter of Time.


Microsoft Will Not Be Able to Omit Blu-Ray Format Support

[07/20/2009 04:35 AM]

by Anton Shilov


After Toshiba Corp., the developer of the HD DVD format, releases its Blu-ray disc player by the end of the year, Microsoft Corp. will have to follow and launch Blu-ray add-on for its Xbox 360 game console. The support of Blu-ray disc (BD) by Toshiba means that the format is finally becoming a de-facto standard for high-definition home video. Toshiba is the last major consumer electronics maker to support BD.


Microsoft has publicly stated that high-definition video downloads and streaming is the future of video delivering to homes. However, it also had HD DVD add-on for Xbox 360, hence, the company admits that physical media is still popular. Moreover, with all the consumer electronics making BD players, Microsoft also needs to provide such an option to its consumer electronics video-game platform: it is clear that there will be much higher demand towards Blu-ray hardware in the coming years.


In fact, Blu-ray Xbox 360 add-on will hardly become something completely extraordinary for Microsoft. Even when Microsoft released HD DVD add-on for Xbox 360 it implied that it could create a similar player supporting Blu-ray. Moreover, a year ago industry rumours emerged that Microsoft did have an add-on BD drive for Xbox 360 in the roadmap (Microsoft later denied the information). Windows 7 operating systems also supports burning of Blu-ray discs and recognize their file structure. Finally, in a recent TV advertisement Microsoft said that Blu-ray support is one of the advantages that certain Windows-based computers have over Apple Macintosh systems.


Earlier both Toshiba and Microsoft cited large license fees for BD technology. But earlier this year Panasonic, Philips and Sony, who own the majority patents for Blu-ray disc (BD) technology, started to work with other Blu-ray patent holders to establish a one-stop-shop license for BD products in a bid to lower the price of players and recorders. The fees for the new product licenses are $9.50 for a Blu-ray disc player (down from $30) and $14.00 for a BD recorder. The per disc license fees for Blu-ray disc will be $0.11 for a read only disc, $0.12 for a recordable disc and $0.15 for a rewritable disc.


The main reason why Microsoft is unenthusiastic regarding Blu-ray is mandatory support of BD-Java interactive technology and Sony’s reluctance to adopt competing tech called HDi that was developed by Microsoft. Even though Microsoft managed to push its VC-1 codec onto both Blu-ray and HD DVD markets, the company’s negative attitude towards Java prevented it from supporting the former standard in general. As a result, the company used to sell external HD DVD drive for Xbox 360.


Neither Microsoft nor Toshiba has yet publicly announced support for Blu-ray. However, if Toshiba jumps on the bandwagon of the format, it is more than likely that Microsoft will follow. At the end, it is about giving its clients options to choose from: some people will be satisfied with 1280x720 (720p) resolution movies available from Xbox Live services, but others will want to watch movies in higher quality with 1920x1080 (1080p) resolution. In fact, Microsoft will not be able to omit BD support on its next-generation video game console since next-gen games will require a lot more space on the media and it will hardly be possible to download all titles from the Internet and then keep them on consoles’ hard drives.

na Toshiba dar laikesi kazkaip,taciau na niekur nedingsi,sony inese BD niekas netikejo kad ju reikes,dabar jau visi dziaugiasi BD diskais,tai niekur nedings ir Toshiba.nezinia ka darys MS,kai nauji zaidimai prades reikalaut tokiu mastu kaip iD Tech5 variklis,o ir daugiau,nebus galima verstis su tais DVD diskais toliau,win7 pilnai palaikys BD ,MAC jau palaiko,PS3,liks tik x360,kurie tikrai negales isleist naujos konsoles versijos su imontuotu BD ,nes tada dabartiniai vartotojai liktu ant ledo,teks jiem isleist BD prieda,koks buvo HD matysm,bet vien tai kad jei tai bus priedas ,reiskia bus papildomos islaidos.matysim. Redagavo scalman

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    • Nekyla net menkiausios abejonės. Kalba kad pačios architektūros parengimo darbai baigti. Prasideda testavimas. 
    • "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip is konsoliu ir exlusive zaidimu "išeina iš konsolių excliuzivų karų" suprantu kaip konsoliniu exlusivu. na bet cia gal neteisingai supratau.. tiek to o kas del naujos konsoles tai visai  tiketina data yra 2026. nes jei paziuret i praeiti tai konsoles ir leidziamos mazdaug kas 6-8 metus. garantuotai ir sony jau senokai tyliai dirba ties ps6
    • @WirmiS, aš taip ir nesakiau. Skaityk tiesiogiai - "išeina iš konsolių ir excliuzivų karų", o ne "iš konsolių". Aišku kad Microsoft pasilieka konsolinių žaidimų rinkoje, tik jau nebekonkuros su Sony tiesigiai geležimi kas daugiau parduos konsolių exclusive pagalba. Ir ištikrųjų gali būti kad naują XBox išleis jau 2026 metais. Žiūrėsim. 
    • MS nepasake, kad iseina is konsoliu, netgi priesingai jie yra pasake, kad  jau dirba ties nauja, o taip pat experimentuoja su handheld'u. del isejimo is exclusivu tai kaip ir logiskas sprendimas. vienaip ar kitaip MS dabar vienas is didziausiu leideju.
    • Na lyginant su Civ V ir VI reikėtu pirmiausia pamimėti kad Firaxis jau kurį laiką niekuomet iš karto neišleidžia pilno žaidimo. Ne tą prasmę kad jis yra nefunkcionalus, bet dalis papildomų mechanikų dar bus ateity, būsimose expansion pakose. Be to visada išleisdama naują žaidimo iteracija paprastai apie 60% core mechanikų palieka senas, bet ~ 40% keičia. Ir tai imho yra gerai, nes priešingu atveju po n metų laukimo gautum seną žaidimą, tiesiog su nauja grafine išvaizda. Iš dalies Firaxis toliau stebi žaidėjį reakcija ir gali pastumti žaidimą ar į vieną ar kitą pusę kiek tai dar įmanoma. Na pagal tai ką dabar turim. Žaidimas yra pasikeitęs. Jis nėra labiau sudėtingas, sakyčiau tam tikra prasme kiek paprastesnis, negu ankstesnės versijos (ypač Civ 6) ir toks visas labiau tiesmukas. Kaip jau buvo ra6oma yra tik 3 epochos (kol kas) - Antika, Atradimų laikotarpis ir Modern. Manau ateittį tikrai bus dar ketvirtą epocha, pvz. Information Age, nes verrinant visą žaidimo eigą akivaizdžaii matosi kad truksta dar gabalo. Unitai baigėsi ties II Pasaulinio karo lėktuvais ir tankais - taip niekuomet nėra buvę, visada budavo Modern armor, reaktyviniai lektuvai ir t. t. Aš jau nekalbu apie Giant Death robots. Kaip jau sakiau tu iš esmės pasirenki lyderi su kurio eisi per visas epochas, o nacijos keičiasi. Bet tai atrodo tikrai organiškai ir savaip žavi. Keičiant epochą dalis nacijų pasirinkimų būna defaultiniai, dalį galima atrakinti, dalis lieka neįmanoma dėl pasirinkto lyderio. Bet kurio atvėju atrodo gan organiškai ir gerai padaryta. Šiaip žaidimas dabar toks vosas labiau atitinkantis "istorine realybe" taip pasakykikim. Iš dalies tai yra smagu iš dalies ne. Antikoje pvz tu gali rinktis iš riboto civilizacijš skaičiaus, kurios iš tikrųjų ir buvo Antikoje. Logiškai mastant JAV civilizacija nuo Antikos atrodo keistai. Bet tame buvo savotiškas prieš tai visų buvusių Civilizacijų žavėsis.  Bet pvz. jeigu lyderį pasirinksi Jekateriną Dydžiają, tai Rusija automatiškai atsirakins Modern Age pagal lyderį. Esu baigęs viena pilną patija. Tai atrodė maždaug taip - pasirinkau Cezarį ir Romenus, Exploration pavirtau Ispanija, Modern prancūzais. Laimėjau Domination victory. Buvo savotiškai linksma. Visas pirmas amžius yra praktiškai mokomasis.  Tave už rankos vedžioja aiškinant žaidimo mechanikas. Tikras žaidimas prasideda II etape. Bet ir pirmoje epochoje po senovei kokią vieną civilizacija (t. y. lyderį) galima išnešti iš žaidimo. Kariniai unitai negauna patirties, tik generolai (kurie pasilieka) ir nusiresetina su kiekviena nauja epocha, todėl kaip ankšęiau sutikti pirmikšti karį su kuoka prieš tanką jau neįmanoma. Religija dabar "išpjauta" dar labiau negu V serijoje. Religinės pergalės nėra. Veikia tik Explaration Age ir dingsta Modern. Tą prasmė kad miestai su religija pasilieka, bet ji nebevystoma ir jos negalima palatinti. Domination Victory jeigu teisingai žaisti dabar tikrai gan paprasta. Pirmame žaidime buvau ją pasiekęs, nepastatęs dar nei vieno lėktuvo, bet aviacija jau atidariau. Nereika užkariauti viso pasaulio, užtenka sukurti Atomine bombą. Kas liečia grafika, tai žaidimas atrodo praktiškai tobulai. Įsivaizduokit tą ramesnį V serijos istorinį styliu + graži 3D grafika iš 6. Dėmesys detalėms milžiniškas - pvz. Rusijos modern age pėstininkai ir atrodo kaip jos rodo su WW2 filmose - su durtuviniais šautuvais ir Maxim kulkosvaidžiais. Pranc0zų tankai atrodo kaip jų tikri WWI tankai ir skiriasi nuo kitų civilizacijų. Reziumuojant dabartinėje savo versioje yra tam tikra prasme supaprastintas, bet vistiek labai smagiai žaidžiasi. Manau kaip ir ankstesnės serijos būs n metų vystomas, sulauksim expansion pakų su mechanikų praplėtimų ir bus super. Tiesa labai gerai optimizuotas. Mano vaiko gan sename i5 ir GTX1070 pilnai veža 4K su vidutiniais/aukštais grafikos nustatymais. Vienintelio ko jam tikrai reika, tai SSD. Kol kas tiek.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos