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PS3's new 3D Mode Captured on Video, Coming in 2010 to All Existing Games

You know what's absolutely useless? A video of Wipeout HD being played in 3D, with some schmuck wearing 3D glasses and babbling on about how much fun he's having. Well, that schmuck is this Engadget editor, the video can be found after the break, and we've gotta say: we loved it. Especially for something like Wipeout HD, whose neon-infused tracks make for an almost too convenient example of rapidly approaching vanishing points, we'd say 3D could really be a quasi-"killer app" for consoles going forward -- especially if those fancy new motion controllers don't catch on for Microsoft and Sony. In many ways, 3D just seems to make more sense in a video game than for a movie, and the whole problem of finding content to deliver in the format has already been solved: a software update for the PS3 sometime in 2010 will enable it to provide a 3D viewing experience to "all" existing games on the system. We're sure there will be some exceptions, but it sounds very promising. The console itself pumps out a quite regular signal over HDMI, which the TV syncs up with your 3D glasses. A 200Hz TV, for instance, alternates 1080p frames, with 100Hz for each eye. Of course

, you'll need a brand new TV, but at least it won't be restricted to just Sony televisions. Start saving those pennies!

taigi pagal video info 2010 metais ps3 gaus softo updeitas kuris leis isigijus nauja 3D telika bei spec akinius zaisti visus ps3 zaidimus 3D

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ar tik man atrodo ar tas 3D yra truputi pervertinamas. Visi dabar del jo pasiute

o kodel pervetinamas? visai ne, ir tai zymei geriau negu tas Anaglyph efektas kur su akiniais po 20 min pradeda galva skaudet ir akis. cia atrodo tokie monikai PC geimeriam jau yra kuri laika,irgi spec monikas su spec akiniais kaip ir cia,taigi nieko cia stebuklingo,bet tai visai idomu,na pirma sony pradejo BD,dabar duos visiem 3D paragaut,pagal mane tai labai gerai, nes niekas kitas pirmi to nesiima daryti.sujungus 3D TV,BD bei ps3 manau bus visai geras dalykas nuo sony .kad ir tuos pacius filmus juk daug idomiau butu ziuret 3D,cia jau manau niekas nenugincys...

man visai idomu kartais koki pc zaidima palost su anaglyph efektu,svarbiausia idomu kad gali ir senus zaidimus palost taip,na beveik visus,visai idomu kai daiktai visi turi savo apimtis.

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Na, nera viskas taip gražu del to 3d:


O ir šiaip, kad megautis šią naujovę reikia tureti 100hz tv/monitoriu, o tokiu praktiškai dar nera (pati sony, regis planuoja išleisti tik kitais metais).

Redagavo Skeith
Lietuvi. Išlik lietuvių. Rašyk lietuviškai o ne kalbą

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Na, nera viskas taip grazhu del to 3d:


O ir sheip, kad megautis shia naujove reikia tureti 100hz tv/monitoriu, o tokiu praktishkai dar nera (pati sony, regis planuoja ishleisti tik kitais metais).

pas mane namie jau pusantrų metų stovi Sony 46" 100hz televizorius.

Sony x3500

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PS3's new 3D Mode Captured on Video, Coming in 2010 to All Existing Games


taigi pagal video info 2010 metais ps3 gaus softo updeitas kuris leis isigijus nauja 3D telika bei spec akinius zaisti visus ps3 zaidimus 3D

ar man pasigirdo ar neteisingai supratau,bet lygtai ten sake jog norint tai pamatyt reikia 200hz tv? po 100hz kekvienai akiai :)

Ne į temą

o tai jei kartais esi tik su viena akim :) tai pakaks ir 100hz gal ;)

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ar man pasigirdo ar neteisingai supratau,bet lygtai ten sake jog norint tai pamatyt reikia 200hz tv? po 100hz kekvienai akiai ;)

Ne į temą

o tai jei kartais esi tik su viena akim :) tai pakaks ir 100hz gal :)

kad matyti ta 3D efekta butent kad reikia ziuret su abiem akim.piratai netinka cia :):)

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pas mane namie jau pusantrų metų stovi Sony 46" 100hz televizorius.

Sony x3500

Tu maishai ivesties signalo dazhni ir galutini tv rodoma rezultata. Tavo tv gauna maximum 60 hz, ka poto padaro deka savo motion flow interpoliacijos algoritmu (z serijos modeliai turi net 200 hz), chia jau kita kalba. Del 3d efekto reikia "gimtojo" 100-120 hz palaikymo, kaip tarkim shiame monitoriuje:

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New High Resolution Image Enlargement Tech Coming to PS3/PSP

This new revolutionary tech is called the Gigapan. Say goodbye to your megapixels and say hello to gigapixels. These images made for Gigapan can be infinitely zoomed into over and over again. In the video they show a release calendar that can be zoomed into the dates, then inside those dates you can zoom to a video and watch it! Another fine example would be again zooming into the date box of the calendar, then zooming into a picture which then has a smaller picture of an HDMI cable. This is absolutely astonishing as from the top view of the calendar it is impossible to see the picture with the naked eye. Now do not fret that this is only on PS3, as is stated in the video, the PSP will also be receiving this tech in the future. There are so many possibilities with this tech, that its mindblowing. Watch the video below.


tik paziurekit i tas zoominimo galimybes :) GIGApixeliai !!

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PlayStation 3 - Physics Effects SDK

At CEDEC 2009, Sony Computer Entertainment exhibited the Physics Effects SDK. The Physics Effects SDK is a physics simulation engine optimized for the Cell Broadband Engine, which is provided as part of the PlayStation 3 SDK. Because the Physics Effects SDK is optimized for PlayStation 3, it can do physics simulations very fast, even though they are considered to impose a very high computing load. This could expand developers' scope to include even more complex physical phenomena and mechanisms in games.



PlayStation 3 Voice Recognition PSVR : DigInfo




Vision Library for PlayStation Eye : DigInfo




Sony motion controller opens door for Wii-to-PS3 ports



Here's something we're betting Sony will want to wish away using its "magic wand." Speaking with 1UP, Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi (Resident Evil 5) noted, "Speaking to other developers in Japan, I've heard a few of them say they were delighted by the Sony motion controller because they can just port over their Wii titles to the PS3."


We're going to be optimistic here and presume these devs are at least considering a fresh coat of pixels for their ports. It's probably of more concern that, outside of Nintendo's first-party offerings, we've yet to see many studios even get Wii motion control right. Somehow, it's hard to picture Sony saying, "Yes, we welcome your waggle-infused minigame compilations with open arms!" Then again, PS3 "does everything" -- maybe even Wii games.


PlayStation 3 Motion Blog

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SEGA leaks Sony's plans for PS2 and Dreamcast emulation on PS3

Tuesday, 22 Sep 2009 10:00


SEGA has let a pretty fat cat out of the bag by releasing confidential notes from a meeting with Sony Computer Entertainment America.


Sony wants to release all PS2 games on the PlayStation 3, according to a meeting between SEGA America and SCEA.


The meeting was held on August 5th, with comments regarding SEGA's PS3 and PSP releases, as well as Sony's plans for the console in the near future.


There's mention of a big announcement at the back half of this year, which we now know is the PS3 Slim and price cut. However, there's finally confirmation that Sony is interested in emulating all PlayStation 2 games.


The notes reveal that "SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN." Whether this will come as a case by case basis, like the God of War remastering, or that Sony is creating a universal emulator for all PS3 models is unknown. Grand Theft Auto Vice City is one of the titles mentioned.


Since this meeting was held in August of this year, the PS3 Slim and its hardware would have been in the company's mind - so there must be plans to overcome the difficulties of the missing PS2 GPU.


There's also mention of how these games would be marketed, with PS3 controllers shown in PS2 TV ads.


The link to this confidential information is now broken, but can be found via NeoGAF.


- Another exciting titbit is that SEGA could provide Sony with Dreamcast titles for the PS3.


The publisher has been tasked with providing SCEA a list of titles so that they can choose which games they're interested in having exclusively. It is further added that "if we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support."

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Yesterday at Tokyo Game Show 2009 Sony revealed the redesigned PS3 motion controller and launch titles, and today some video footage is available (below) of the wand being used for Resident Evil 5 and LittleBigPlanet.


The captions for each video are below, roughly translated as follows:


Over at the Tokyo Game Show, the presenters showed off Resident Evil 5 with the new motion sensing controller coming up for the PS3 - the 'wand'.


Fresh from the Tokyo Game Show, a video of LittleBigPlanet working with the upcoming PS3 wand has been show off.

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Sony Hologram Display Could Change Gaming




We know that Sony has pledged significant resources toward developing a mass-market 3D image standard, particularly in the realm of flat-panel technology. But standard TV is not the only place that the company has been researching 3D imagery. On October 22, Sony will reveal a prototype display in Tokyo that comes surprisingly close to emulating the holographic images found in science fiction visions of the future. The display, few details of which are currently available, will be shown on Thursday at the Digital Contents Expo in Tokyo.


A circular device that stands about 30 cm tall and the width of a music CD, the prototype can display images in full 3D, viewable from all sides. We don't yet know how this wizardry works, but we speculate that some combination of flexible OLED technology and mirrors are responsible for the effect. Right now the prototype can display images only in the relatively fuzzy resolution of 128X96 pixels, giving images a ghostly and translucent effect.


Sony expects that the display will eventually be used for things like advertising in public areas, medical visualization, or in the home to display 3D photos and content. There is not yet any talk of gaming applications, but the potential has our mouths watering. Imagine a future PSP shaped like a snow globe, in which images were conjured up in full 3D, with users controlling the action via touch input from the outside. Sony has already said that it intends to build 3D support into its PlayStation 3 games console, Vaio laptop computers and its Blu-ray movie players. This prototype moves our expectations to an entirely new level of awesome.

na Sony atrodo zengia labai didelius zingsnius i 3D era

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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
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    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
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