
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

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Na GTA: Vice City PS2 versija galima su Cobra USB pasileisti ant PS3 kuris savyje nieko neturi is PS2. Tai viskas imanoma, bet aisku cia jau dideles galvos paskaiciuos kiek i tai reiktu investuoti ir kiek tas apsimoketu. Bet siaip as taipat nelinkes tiketi PS3 emuliacija ant PS4. Arba kazkokiu palaikymu aplamai, bet kas zino...

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tikri ar netikri info leakai apie PS4 is naujo PSM3 zurnalo :


Details about PS4 from PSM3 Magazine


16.11.12 - The British magazine PSM3 has published in its latest issue a report on the PS4. In it, the magazine has compiled all relevant notifications to next generation console from Sony and talked to developers and other sources.


First The console does not mean PS4


* The PlayStation brand will be present in the device name, but not the 4th


* The number 4 in Japan is pronounced "shi". "Shi" also means death. Many hospitals in Japan have therefore no room with the number 4 or even a fourth floor - similar to a few high-rise buildings in the West no 13th Floor have.


* The code name of the console is - as reported - currently Orbis and could perhaps later be part of the final name.


Second Games of the first generation will look like the high-end PC demos on watchdogs and Star Wars 1313 or Square Enix's Luminous tech demo.


* PS4 demos to be shown by Sony at E3 2013th


Third PS4 games will not run well at 4K 'Ultra HD' resolution.


* The standard resolution of the PS4 should be at 1080p and 60 fps.


* If 4k can be used, then probably only for videos.


4th Used games are not readily run on the PS4.


* Sony is planning certain protections in the PS4, including perhaps an online pass or something similar.


5th The memory should be at 4GB to 8GB


The PS4 will probably have 4GB of memory, but in the end could have 8GB: If the Microsoft Xbox 360 successor have 8GB memory, then Sony would be put under pressure and should follow suit.


6th 16GB flash memory are planned.


7th The PS4 will not be backwards compatible with PS3 games.


8th Games need to be registered to PlayStation Network account.


9th The paid premium service PlayStation Plus will be an important pillar of the PS4.


10th Every PS4 should be shipped with a PS Move compatible controller and camera.


11th Classic games will be available via cloud gaming (Gaikai).


12th "In-Game" Advertising is to keep on the PS4 collection.


13th The console will use an AMD Accelerated Processor (4 cores). The chip carries the code name "Liverpool" and is produced in a 28-nanometer process.


14th The PS4 will cost about EUR 400 to EUR 500 in Europe, where Sony has here probably expect to lose.


Sony has not commented or confirmed the information.


Second Games of the first generation will look like the high-end PC demos on watchdogs and Star Wars 1313 or Square Enix's Luminous tech demo.

..tai butu labai gerai :spiderp:


butu nieko keisto visai jei PS4 jau turetu iskart ir klava savo




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kad jau ardymais siandia uzsiemiau tai paziurim kas gi naujo PS3 super slimo viduj. ogi dar mazesnis PSU,dar mazesne motina. visi cipai arciau vienas kito.kai kas pakeista i kitus. atmintis pakeista irgi. na bent jau man ps3 vidus kaip visada labai "sexy" atrodo kad ir ka sakyt :melvin:


stai kokios dalys naujam super slime:


Sony Cell Broadband Engine CXD2996BGB

Sony RSX CXD5302DGB 220B25NA “Reality Synthesizer”

Hynix 64MB (536,870,912 bits) H5RS5223DFR-14C GDDR3 SDRAM (x4)

Sony CXM4027R MultiAV Driver (CXM4027R 221N26E)

Panasonic MN8647091 HDMI transmitter

Marvell 88EC060 Fast Ethernet PHY transceiver

Samsung 1Gb K4Y12324TE-KCB3 DRAM (x2 for 256MB)

Sony CXD9963GB Southbridge

Sony CXD5132R-1 Blu-ray drive SATA controller

Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2 NOR Flash

Marvell Avastar 88W8782 WLAN system-on-chip (SoC)

Panasonic CR 2032 3V system battery

Sony IDT 9277BNLG 1133L

Winbond 25Q16CVY05 1221

Fairchild FDMF6823C Extra-Small, High-Performance, High-Frequency DrMOS Module (FDC25AV FDMF6823C)

Sony SW3-302 system controller

BD7761EFV 224 T76

217 3536A

Texas Instruments PS53123

Intersil ISL6332 2 Phase VR11.1 Buck PWM Controller with Integrated

MOSFET Drivers with Light Load Efficiency

Sony IDT 4227ANLG

Texas Instruments PS53123

Sony Model APS-330 12V, 18A power supply

Delta Electronics KSB0812HE DC12V 1.65A fan

ir kaip tai atrodo:




ispudingai suspausta viskas



stai koks viso labo draivas







siai dienai pati maziausia PS3 motina










nauji Samsung 1Gb K4Y12324TE-KCB3 DRAM (x2 for 256MB)



Cell'as lieka Cell'u.jis su niekuo nesijungia





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butu nieko keisto visai jei PS4 jau turetu iskart ir klava savo


tai kad jau yra ta klavetura ant ps3 ,ir pagal tas nuotraukas inai labai panaši kuri jau yra ant ps3

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Resistance kolekcija Gruodzio 5. visi 3 zaidimai su visais DLC viename. $39.99. geri laikai kas tik dabar PS3 isigija, arba kurie nera megine siu zaidimu.dabar nemazai PS3 geru seriju po 3 eina.


This holiday season just got better. Resistance Collection is hitting stores starting December 5th for $39.99, and it makes a great gift for any shooter fan who hasn’t had a chance to experience one of the best FPS trilogies on PS3.


The collection includes


Resistance: Fall of Man

Resistance 2

Resistance 3


and all the DLC :


Resistance 2 Aftermath Multiplayer Map Pack

Resistance 2 Skin Bundle

Resistance 2 Wraith Skin multiplayer weapon

Resistance 3 Brutality Pack

Resistance 3 Survival Pack


Enjoy your Thanksgiving and keep an eye out for Resistance Collection starting December 5th!

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bet visos tokios kolekcijos tik USA būna

UK tokius galima nusipirkti tik Ebay

pagrindiniai saitai UK shopo nepardavinėja

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Canadian retailer Future Shop has revealed a BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition for the PlayStation 3 (as well as 360), which retails for $29.99 and is scheduled for release on November 30th, 2012 (it’s a Friday, so the date is likely a placeholder).


It includes BioShock 1 and BioShock 2, along with the following DLC and extra:


BioShock: Plasmids Pack, Challenge Rooms Pack, and Bonus Museum Level


BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Tester, Rapture Metro, Kill ‘Em Kindly, The Protector Trials and Minerva’s Den


Collectible sticker pack from BioShock Infinite’s world of Columbia

kol kas oficialiai nieko. bet zadama ir xbox versija taip pat.

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Sony Black Friday sales break 685,000


PlayStation 3 Black Friday bundle sales increased 15%, and total PS3 sales including hardware, software and peripherals, grew 9% over the same period last year. The Ultimate PlayStation Value Bundle, which included a 250GB PS3 and the Uncharted Dual Pack and inFAMOUS Collection for $199, quickly sold out at retailers across the US. In total, more than 525,000 PS3 consoles were sold in the US during Black Friday week.


PlayStation Vita is entering its first-ever holiday season and enjoyed very strong sales during the week of Black Friday. The Assassin's Creed® III: Liberation Bundle for $199 sold out at retail, highlighted by Amazon selling through its specially priced inventory in less than five hours. The Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified Bundle and Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Bundles for $199, respectively, were also very popular with gamers and sold out at retail during the week. More than 160,000 PS Vita units were sold during the week of Black Friday.



PSP jau 8 metai, bet PSP 3k vis dar amazonkej kabo uz $99 . nepakeiciamas daiktas geruliam psp zaidimam bei emuliavimui visko kas isleista iki ps2. nes tikrai nelosi GTA vice city naujo paskelbto ant touchscreenu. :yuno: tam reikia valdymo knopkiu bilekaip.

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PS4 Report: Sony Developing Modular DualShock Move Controller



Sony is developing a hybrid controller that combines the classic DualShock gamepad with the PS Move. Plans for the device came to light today when it was discovered that Sony had put together a patent for the controller.


Patented as the "Hybrid Separable Motion Controller," it features a modular design which incorporates both the DualShock design, seen on both the PS2 and PS3, with the Move, and allows it to be broken apart by the player and used in many different ways.


Illustrations within the patent (seen below the fold) show that the controller is made up of two separate portions which slot into each other. It is modular and can be reshaped into multiple configurations. It can be used as a regular controller, not unlike the existing DualShock 3, or reconfigured to become two separate Move sticks. Interestingly enough, the controller can also be configured as steering wheel.


Details for the device show that both sticks are equipped with a magnetometer, accelerometer, and an embedded speaker.


Interestingly, one of the illustrations shows that when the controller is split into two separate portions, each unit can be used as a hand in a first-person game.


Sony has yet to make any announcements for the device, but it's presumably being developed for the company's next generation PlayStation, which we're tentatively referring to as the PlayStation 4. It remains to be seen whether Sony will unveil the device as a core part of the next-generation console along with the PlayStation Move Camera.


It would make little sense for the developer to release a new console without also offering a new and improved controller that integrates all of its technologies.




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tai kad pacios move lazdeles jau turi visa ta valdyma. kam dar pultelis kad susijungtu I viena ir issiskirtu i du. :working: man move lazdeles patiko. rankose greit priprato ir veliau jau ju nejauti tik valdai. ir visai nenoreciau ju sujungti i viena :nsure: . keistas konceptas.

be to sake kad PS4 bus komplektuojamas jau su move valdikliais kartu.aisku gal tai bus jau tokia forma kaip cia matom.. bet nenoreciau kad tokia grazia visu DS forma suvarytu su tais burbulais. :stare:

del sito patento. cia mazdaug metu senumo. ir tai nera pirmas toks conceptas kazkokio ju pultelio. ir beja cia niekur nera sakoma dar apie joki PS4.kazkas isgalvojo ir dabar jau pasklido gandai. :badass: vienam delne laikydamas puse pultelio atpjauto nemanau kad sugebetum dar nyksciu ir analoga inirtingai sukiot ir kad tas puse pultelio isliktu stabiliai toj rankoj.butu gana sudetinga.

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tai kad pacios move lazdeles jau turi visa ta valdyma. kam dar pultelis kad susijungtu I viena ir issiskirtu i du. :working: man move lazdeles patiko. rankose greit priprato ir veliau jau ju nejauti tik valdai. ir visai nenoreciau ju sujungti i viena :nsure: . keistas konceptas.

be to sake kad PS4 bus komplektuojamas jau su move valdikliais kartu.aisku gal tai bus jau tokia forma kaip cia matom.. bet nenoreciau kad tokia grazia visu DS forma suvarytu su tais burbulais. :stare:


Tai gal ir burbulų dizainas bus pakeistas, pavyzdžiui porą LED mažų įdės. Nes tikrai juokingai atrodytų tie burbulai ant DualShocko. O šiaip visai gera idėja, jeigu Move ant PS4 bus integruotas tai kam dar atskirai tas lazdas daryt. Ir pigiau ir patogiau su tokiu dizainu.



del sito patento. cia mazdaug metu senumo. ir tai nera pirmas toks conceptas kazkokio ju pultelio. ir beja cia niekur nera sakoma dar apie joki PS4.kazkas isgalvojo ir dabar jau pasklido gandai. vienam delne laikydamas puse pultelio atpjauto nemanau kad sugebetum dar nyksciu ir analoga inirtingai sukiot ir kad tas puse pultelio isliktu stabiliai toj rankoj.butu gana sudetinga.

Nu tai gal jie susijungtų į vieną ir nereikėtų laikyt dviejų gabalų Redagavo GYNGA

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nauji ,galimi ,tiketini gandai apie PS4

This all comes from a tech site who claims to have an inside source over in Japan:


- Codenamed “Thebes” (not “Orbis”, as originally thought”


- Said to be a 28nm part, made at Global Foundries or IBM

- Most likely releasing Spring or Autumn 2014


Thebes .. :working:

del AMD APU jau manau tiketina, na ir dev kitas jau buvo paskelbtas. o del isejimo irgi normalu. 2013 parodys demuskes per parodas,tai po metu ir iseis mazdaug.

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.

  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos