
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

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Abudu - grazus :) nusipirkus toki playstationa reikia priderint kambario interjera prie jo :D idomu kiek brangesni..

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Abudu - grazus :) nusipirkus toki playstationa reikia priderint kambario interjera prie jo :D idomu kiek brangesni..


limited edition, kainuoja tiek pat, kiek RRP (JP only dazniausiai buna), turejau FF13-2 limited edition balta ta, bet pardaviau veliau uz brangiau, nereikejo antro:$

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Sony’s launch of the KD-84X9005, an 84 inch 4K, 3D, LCD TV.










Nū ką reikia taupyti pinigus :) Bet kol pereis visi filmai ar žaidimai prie tokios rezoliucijos tai dar teks pakentėti be tokiu rezoliucijų, per ta laika atpigs jie ir plius su plonės tie TV, nes dabar tikrai atrodo kaip karve, kaip sakoma kaip patys pirmieji LCD tv atsirado

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o man viena mintis del tu 4k teliku. pajung prie pc .ir naudok pilnai visa reza ant pc zaidimu. juk jie palaiko tokia reza . :megusta: bet per brangus malonumas kol kas. 3x full hdtv zymiai pigiau .

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Taip pajungus PC, išnaudotum ta rezoliucija žaisdamas bet tik ant žaidimu ir panaudotum ta rezoliucija dabar, bet tokios kaip konsolės žaidimai arba filmai tos rezoliucijos neišnaudosi pilnai, ką šnekėti kai dauguma žaidimu yra būtent ant 720p , Jau butu geriau jei visi jau eitu ant HD full 1080p ,bet deja po kol kas nera tiek daug


Bet yra ir po biškiuka daugėja jų

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Polyphony Digital confirmed to GTPlanet that they’ll be showing off Gran Turismo 5 at Sony’s “Dramatic 4K Experience” in Japan.


The game will be running at “4K resolution”, the new video standard which boasts four times the 1920×1080 resolution of current HDTVs, and is powered by four PlayStation 3 consoles.


4 x PS3 , 4x GT5 = GT5 4k :megusta:

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Brangiai kainuotu toks pajungimas, kiek atsimenu tai per kaš kure konferencija ir buvo pajunkta taip 4x PS3 ir 4x GT5

Ir manau kad paprasti mirtingieji taip nepasijungtu ir tai tik vienas žaidimas ta gali GT5 , gerai ps3 ir gt5 galima nusipirkti po 4 vienetus, bet TV toki tai neeiliniui žmogui, eilinis žmogus dar palauks kai kaina bus prieinama

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Brangiai kainuotu toks pajungimas, kiek atsimenu tai per kaš kure konferencija ir buvo pajunkta taip 4x PS3 ir 4x GT5

Ir manau kad paprasti mirtingieji taip butu pasijunge ir tai tik vienas žaidimas ta gali GT5


as pamenu jie buvo su 3x HDTV pajunge su 3 PS3 GT5. na gavo kaip ant pc eyefinity reza. bet cia visi ps3 I viena tv ... jauciu vaizdelis :sweet:

realiai jei PS4 nors 4 kart galingesnis,tai galima laukt ir 4k rezos. na sony visada su console ir savo TV stumdavo ir disku formatus.pas juos viskas surista. jei neturetu ka leist ant tu 4k teliku tau neleistu ju.bent jau logiskai mastant.taip buvo ir su BD diskais ir su 3d . dabar 4k eile atejo. pvz PS3 zaidimai ant PS4 eis ant 4k rezos emuliuojami. manau daug kas noretu tai pamatyt. :spiderp:

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bent jau logiskai mastant.taip buvo ir su BD diskais ir su 3d . dabar 4k eile atejo. pvz PS3 zaidimai ant PS4 eis ant 4k rezos emuliuojami. manau daug kas noretu tai pamatyt. :spiderp:


Tas tiesa kad Sony ir pramušė tuos dalykus BD ir 3D bet nesitikėjau kad taip greit jie pradės siūlyti 4k rezoliucija

Ne vien tik pamatyti bet išbandyti norėčiau

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buvo Sony HMZ VR akiniai. bet yra idomesnis dar daikciukas nei sitiek

Sony Prototype-SR VR akiniai. jie skirtingai nei kiti. turi prieki kamera. ir jie sukombinuoja tavo realu pasauli I kuri tu ziuri.ji pilnai perkelia I ekrana ,bet po to padaro kazka baisaus su juo .. :gasp:


tu ziuri I paprasta balta kambari

Nuotrauka netiketai ..




tu gali realiai ziuret I tikrus zmones kurie realiai stove priesais tave ir juos matyt. po to ju nematyt , po to matyt kazka jau nerealaus ..gali galvot kad pasuksi galva ir viskas baigsis taip nebuna. cia kaip next gen augmented reality..tu negali atskirt jau to.


I began in a plain white room — no headset yet, just talking to a nice lady. It took a minute or two to get the thing on my head securely, which was done primarily by tightening a belt in the back. It took several attempts for the assistant to get the thing into position, thus exposing one of the more prominent problems with the device: this technology needs to be very precise, but precision is not Mother Nature’s specialty. Human heads, while usually within a certain size range, are different sizes and shapes, and the problem compounds when you factor in the nose and eyes. If this headset is out of position on your face — even by a millimeter or two — the view goes from crisp to blurry.


The HMZ has a nose piece, but this Prototype-SR doesn’t. Nevertheless, the amount of time it took for the crew to strap me in was alarming. Given my time limit with this thing, I eventually had to settle for a view that I didn’t feel was ideal. I had to angle my head strangely in order for it to sit on my face in a way that gave me a good view of what was in front of me. Even when I could get the thing into a good position for looking straight ahead, my peripheral vision suffered. The guide took a few steps to her left as I sat in the chair and watched her. She beckoned me to follow her. Moving my head to do so had to be done slowly. I got the feeling like an action situation — a quick shoulder check — might have caused the headset to slide out of position or fall off entirely. This was just one thing that makes the “Prototype” part of this headset’s name seem very appropriate.


The woman and her soothing voice led me all over the room. She then walked out and cued up a 3D trailer of the movie Biohazard 5, which was of course loaded with jump-toward-the-screen moments to show off the 3D effects. Trailer over, my guide returned and asked “How was it?” She said some things about the technology before falling ill, clutching her stomach and collapsing to the floor. She arose as a bloodthirsty zombie and lunged at me as the screen inside my headset cut to black.


The lights — the real lights — came on and the woman walked around the corner just as she had done 30 seconds earlier. At the time as well as my zombie encounter, I couldn’t tell if I was watching a pre-recorded movie or if the woman was actually in front of me, in real time. Either way, I was safe, with my cute guide and her soft voice back to show me something else. She asked me to follow her around some more. “Can you see me?” I confirmed that I could. She then faded from my view via some kind of teleportation, or so it seemed. She faded into view like a ghost might do, this time in front of my opposite shoulder. The heck?


She did it again and again, fading in and out, transporting from one side of the room to the other. Was I watching a recording again? She seemed to know what I’d be thinking and challenged by thoughts. “This is reality,” she said. She held her hand up and begged that I touch it. I slowly complied, half scared I might see my hand go right through hers. But it didn’t. I felt contact with her hand as I expected to. I half anticipated “I’m here for you, James. You see? I’m real.” to follow. I could see my own hand in front of my face, and yet, there were teleportations going on all around me. I wanted to cling to that hand — to hold it, to cling to my reality as it was being turned upside down. What the hell was going on here? This experience was getting awesome.


My guide left the room and introduced a violinist who would play a tune for me. I watched, enjoying the music, as she played while standing directly in front of me. She began to walk around the room while playing, and began to do the ghost thing that my guide had done a minute earlier. The music continued without interruption, but the violinist would disappear and reappear in different parts of the room, still in constant motion as she played it.


va cia tai rinkinukus ruosia Rockstarai :close:


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PS3 System Software Update (v4.30): View PS Vita Trophies on your PS3


Next Tuesday, 23rd October, we will be releasing a new system software update for PlayStation 3 (version 4.30). With this update, you will be able to view the Trophies on your PlayStation 3 that you’ve earned playing PlayStation Vita games. Now you’ll be able to show off your Trophy grand total to all your friends.

By the beginning of November, 2012, we will terminate the services available through the Life with PlayStation application. In conjunction with the termination, we will stop offering the Life with PlayStation application to new users with the 4.30 update. This includes the conclusion of our participation with Stanford University’s Folding@home, a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and studying the causes of a variety of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancers.

We’d like to thank the more than 15 million users that have participated in the program since it started on PS3 in 2007. PS3 users have donated in total more than 100 million computation hours to the Folding@home project to date, and as a result, contributed greatly to Stanford University’s Alzheimer’s disease research. Considering the contribution PS3 has made to the project, we decided the termination as a result of discussions with Stanford University.

Vijay Pande, Folding@home research lead at Stanford University, had this to say about your contributions:

“The PS3 system was a game changer for Folding@home, as it opened the door for new methods and new processors, eventually also leading to the use of GPUs.

“We have had numerous successes in recent years. Specifically, in a paper just published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, we report on tests of predictions from earlier Folding@home simulations, and how these predictions have led to a new strategy to fight Alzheimer’s disease.

“The next steps, now underway at Stanford, are to take this lead compound and help push it towards a viable drug. It’s too early to report on our preliminary results there, but I’m very excited that the directions set out in this paper do appear to be bearing fruit in terms of a viable drug (not just a drug candidate).”

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    • 🌟 **Prisijunkite prie GTPS3 nuotykių: jūsų galutinis Growtopia privatumo serveris!** 🌟 Ar esate pasiruošę pasinerti į gyvą pasaulį, kupiną kūrybiškumo ir begalinių galimybių? Neieškokite toliau — **GTPS3** yra vienas iš pirmųjų ir sėkmingiausių Growtopia privatumo serverių!  🌐 **Tyrinėkite unikalius bruožus:** GTPS3 yra ne tik bet kuris serveris — tai lobynas su **pritaikytais daiktais** ir **išskirtiniais bruožais**, skirtais pagerinti jūsų žaidimo patirtį. Nesvarbu, ar esate patyręs žaidėjas, ar naujokas Growtopia, mūsų serveris siūlo kažką kiekvienam! 💎 **Jaudinantys renginiai ir dovanos:** Prisijunkite prie mūsų **brangakmenių renginio** ir dalyvaukite jaudinančiose dovanose! GTPS3 visada vyksta kažkas, todėl tai ideali vieta bendrauti su gyvybinga bendruomene. 🛠️ **Tapkite mūsų komandos dalimi:** Ieškote būdo, kaip įsitraukti? Turime įvairių **moderatorių vaidmenų** ir daugybę kitų vaidmenų! Prisijunkite prie mūsų dedikuotos komandos ir padėkite mums sukurti svetingą ir linksmybių kupiną aplinką visiems žaidėjams. 🎮 **Kaip žaisti:** Pradėti labai paprasta! Apsilankykite mūsų svetainėje [](, kur rasite pamokas ir visą informaciją, reikalingą, kad galėtumėte pasinerti į veiksmą: []( 📢 **Prisijunkite prie mūsų bendruomenės:** Susijunkite su kitais žaidėjais ir sekite naujausią informaciją prisijungdami prie mūsų Discord bendruomenės []( Nepraleiskite progos patirti Growtopia taip, kaip niekada anksčiau! Prisijunkite prie GTPS3 šiandien ir atskleiskite savo kūrybiškumą pasaulyje, kuris priklauso tik jums. Tegul nuotykiai prasideda! 🌈✨ 🔗 **Nuorodos:** - Svetainė: []( - Discord: []( Linkime sėkmingo žaidimo! 🎉  
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    • Šiandien oficialiai konsolių serveriai atjungti.  Vienas geresnių BF buvo. Daug valandų praleista. Smagūs laikai nebus pamiršti. R.i.P 
    • Concord nuostolius reikia kažkaip padengti. 😀 
    • @Mantinijo Dingę ir pas mane 5 ir 20 wallet funds, realiai ps apps'ą tik dėl to naudojau Bet prikišo žaidimų už tuos taškus, bet per metus reiktų labai daug pirkti, kad surinkti tuos 17k pts     
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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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