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Nezinau man vis dar atrodo keista, perki ps3 ir dar perki iskarto hdd, ir gausis tas pats


neperki hdd. tada perki kita modeli su dideliu hdd jei tokio reikia.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nesuprantu kam tokio modelo reikia, uzteks isirasyt pora zaidimu kurie reikalauja yrasyt papildoma data y hdd, ir viskas labanktis, tada trini lauk, rasai kita ir taip be galo...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nesuprantu kam tokio modelo reikia, uzteks isirasyt pora zaidimu kurie reikalauja yrasyt papildoma data y hdd, ir viskas labanktis, tada trini lauk, rasai kita ir taip be galo...


o tai reikia viska susirasyt vienu metu ar kaip. kiek zaidimu losiama vienu metu? pc kad ir su vien tik SDD kokiu na kad ir minimaliu 80gb galima gyvent. aisku kiti ir su 500gb neissitenka. tai cia jau kaip kam. filma paziuri ir laikai puse metu tikriausia .. :melvin:

kuo maziau talpos ,tuo maziau galvos skausmos bei greiciau viska pasiekiama. be to nebuni toks kaupikas kuris viska kaupia kaupia ir nieko netrina. pamenu x360 su 20gb kai turejau..ok pilnai uztenka kad ir 10gb ju butu koks skirtumas. po to ps3 40gb fatas. irgi ok per akis .nieko daugiau nekisi juk ir ko nereikia nekisi.tik tai ka naudoji ,ka losi. aisku kai yra daug..250gb ..tai paziuri jau laisvos tik 90gb liko ..dzin ..bus gerai.. :happy:

nieks neleistu konsoles versijos,kuria nebutu galima lemme play that rage game..8gb install :lied:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

o tai reikia viska susirasyt vienu metu ar kaip. kiek zaidimu losiama vienu metu? pc kad ir su vien tik SDD kokiu na kad ir minimaliu 80gb galima gyvent. aisku kiti ir su 500gb neissitenka. tai cia jau kaip kam. filma paziuri ir laikai puse metu tikriausia .. :melvin:

kuo maziau talpos ,tuo maziau galvos skausmos bei greiciau viska pasiekiama. be to nebuni toks kaupikas kuris viska kaupia kaupia ir nieko netrina. pamenu x360 su 20gb kai turejau..ok pilnai uztenka kad ir 10gb ju butu koks skirtumas. po to ps3 40gb fatas. irgi ok per akis .nieko daugiau nekisi juk ir ko nereikia nekisi.tik tai ka naudoji ,ka losi. aisku kai yra daug..250gb ..tai paziuri jau laisvos tik 90gb liko ..dzin ..bus gerai.. :happy:

nieks neleistu konsoles versijos,kuria nebutu galima lemme play that rage game..8gb install :lied:


320Gb ps3, 7fb laisvos vietos. Filmu ir muzikos jame 0. Perejus zaidima - istrinu game data. Vnz ~290gb nepereitu zaidimu pas mane (retail/psn), nes ps+ gan normaliai duodavo ir dabar duoda. Tai as neisivaizduoju kaip su ~12gb hardu galima butu issiverst, ziurint, kad kai kurie zaidimai yra apie 18gb.
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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

320Gb ps3, 7fb laisvos vietos. Filmu ir muzikos jame 0. Perejus zaidima - istrinu game data. Vnz ~290gb nepereitu zaidimu pas mane (retail/psn), nes ps+ gan normaliai duodavo ir dabar duoda. Tai as neisivaizduoju kaip su ~12gb hardu galima butu issiverst, ziurint, kad kai kurie zaidimai yra apie 18gb.


Taip pat kaip su 4GB X360 arba 8GB Wii U. Daugkam tie GB tai tiesiog nieko nereiskiantis skaiciukas ir kai perkamas daiktas pagal kaina tai kitur nelabai ir ziurima, juolab kai nenusimanai. Finansiniu poziuriu toks PS3 modelis jau turejo seniai but isleistas konkuruot su 4GB Xboxu, o ar tau tu 12GB uzteks ar ne tai cia tavo bedos, gamintajoms svarbiausia parduot preke ir palenkt pirkeja i savo puse. Ir nesvarbu kad nusipirkes PS3 kita diena dar begsi pirkt HDD, nes netelpa dvi demuskes.
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Pvz as turiu tai 160GB modeli, bet jis tuscias. Isirasai 1 zaidima ir eini kol pereini. pereini trini ji nafig ir rasai kita ;D HDD tuscias ir man is esmes tu 12GB per akis. Va ka as tuom noriu pasakyt, kad kiekvienam pagal poreiki. :halone:


Ai ir dar kai losiu tik exkliuzyvus tai isvis, praktiskai vos ne visi eina be instalu :o

Redagavo Deadalus

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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pas mane iš 500gb ps3 ,puse vietos kaip ir nėra jau, pagrindas muzikiniai klypai ir žaidimai, ir nesuku sau galvos dėl vietos

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pvz as turiu tai 160GB modeli, bet jis tuscias. Isirasai 1 zaidima ir eini kol pereini. pereini trini ji nafig ir rasai kita ;D HDD tuscias ir man is esmes tu 12GB per akis. Va ka as tuom noriu pasakyt, kad kiekvienam pagal poreiki. :halone:


Ai ir dar kai losiu tik exkliuzyvus tai isvis, praktiskai vos ne visi eina be instalu :o


PS + zaidimai uzima daugiau, negu 10gb ir ka daryt? Aisku kiekvienam, pagal poreiki, bet tie GB tikrai netrukdo :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tikrai taip.gandai buvo teisingi. ir koks grazus :megusta:






japonai raso 250gb ir 500gb . kitur dar vis raso apie 12gb kad prie jo bus galima pajungt tiesiog internal hdd papildomai. na kazkaip realiau atrodo 250 ir 500gb versijos.upgreidas nuo praeitu 160 ir 320gb modeliu.

bus ir AC3 bundle su 500gb modeliu ir 30 dienu PS+ voucheriu uz $300


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Official blog'ai irgi raso:)


PlayStation 3 offers the ultimate in gaming and home entertainment at brilliant value for money, and it’s now available in an eye-catching smaller, lighter new design.

Available from 28th September 2012, the new PS3 system comes with a whopping 500GB of storage and will be closely followed by a wallet-friendly 12GB version. The 500GB will launch as a bundle with FIFA 13 for around €299.99, with the 12GB priced around €229.99 standalone, and owners of the 12GB model will be able to connect a 5 inch SATA internal hard drive with use of an official Mounting Bracket, or opt for purchase of an official PlayStation 250GB internal HDD. So whether you’re after instant access to memorable, fun-packed evenings with the family, or want to load up your system with tons of fantastic entertainment, we’ve got the right PS3 for you.




To tie in with the launch, we are introducing PS3 Essentials, providing the best of PlayStation 3 at the greatest value yet. With a wide range of titles available, from Assassins Creed: Brotherhood to Sports Champions, there is truly something for everyone (see full list below).

These great games will be available at retail for around €19.99, with many titles available to download from PlayStation Store from around €14.99 (titles marked with an *).

So, with all the great games and features you love now wrapped up in a sleek new design, there’s never been a better time to get your hands on PlayStation 3.

1st Party Titles:

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune*

Resistance Fall of Man



Heavenly Sword


God of War III

LittleBig Planet*

Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction

ModNation Racers*

Sports Champions*

EyePet & Friends

Start The Party!

DanceStar Party!

Medieval Moves*

Move Fitness*

The Fight*

3rd Party Titles:

Assassin’s Creed II*

Assassin’s Creed*

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood*

Far Cry 2*

Prince of Persia*

Driver San Francisco*

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2*

James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game*

Prince of Persia – The Forgotten Sands*

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood*

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2*

Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X

Deus Ex: Human Revolution*

Tomb Raider: Underworld*

Just Cause 2*

Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Tekken 6

SEGA Mega Drive: Ultimate Collection

Sonic Unleashed

Virtua Fighter 5

Darksiders: Wrath Of War*

Homefront: Ultimate Edition*


Tokyo Game Show is always an exciting time for gamers everywhere, as we all look forward to new games and other news being unveiled during the show. This year is no exception. We are always looking for ways to create better experiences for our gamers, and to that end, we just unveiled a smaller, lighter PlayStation 3 at the show.




The new PS3 will be available in two different models, with 250GB and 500GB HDDs which will allow you to store even more of your digital life. It also features a smaller, streamlined design that will look great as part of any entertainment system. The new model is approximately 20% smaller and 25% lighter than the current PS3.

In order to maintain the superior gaming experiences that you expect from us here at PlayStation, we are always looking for ways to change and evolve with your gaming behavior. You might remember the smaller models that we launched for PlayStation 2 and PSP (PlayStation Portable), and we know that many of you love the opportunity to add these streamlined models to your home. Additionally, as developers continue to release deep and rich digital gaming content, providing an option for larger HDD is essential, especially for games with large DLC packs, and full game downloads, as well as personal entertainment content. The biggest and best games live on PS3 this holiday season, and the new PS3 is the perfect way to play.

We are also excited to announce that the launch of this new PS3 model will include incredible additional value. The 250GB PS3 will be available on September 25th for $269.99 (MSRP) as part of a limited edition bundle featuring UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception: Game of the Year Edition and a voucher for more than $30 worth of bonus digital content for the highly acclaimed digital title, DUST 514. This bundle offers more than $70 in total combined value.




The winner of over 60 industry and Game of the Year awards, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception will be re-released next week in an all new Game of the Year Edition, which includes 12 new multiplayer maps, over 40 multiplayer skins, Fort Co-Op Adventure, and Shade Survival Mode, a value of over $45 in bonus content. In case you somehow missed it, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception is the latest installment in Naughty Dog’s storied UNCHARTED franchise that chronicles the adventures of Nathan Drake. UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition is a great way to kick off your gameplay experience on the newest PS3 model.

UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition will also be available as a standalone title on September 25th for $39.99 (MSRP).

CCP Games’ DUST 514 brings intense infantry combat, large-scale warfare and deep character advancement to PS3 in an exclusive free-to-play massively multiplayer shooter. Set in, and integrated with, the massive universe of EVE Online, players wage war in the next generation of first-person shooters, where a single victory could prove the crushing blow to a galactic empire of thousands of online gamers. This bundle includes an incredible amount of bonus value – more than $30 in total.

For those of you who do not own a PS3 yet, or have been looking to add another PS3 to your household, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in before the next wave of blockbuster games launch this holiday season.




The new 500GB PS3 will be available in a limited edition bundle on October 30th in conjunction with the release of Assassin’s Creed III – one of the most anticipated games for this holiday season featuring four exclusive levels, only available on PS3.

PlayStation fans – let us know what you think of the new PS3 model. Stay tuned for more PlayStation 3 updates here on PlayStation.Blog!

EDIT: Nesuziurejau, kad link'us katik buvai papostines, neskubejau rasyt posto:D

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manau tiket reiktu japonu saitu ir tenai paskelbtais jau modeliais ir ju kainom



Baltas 250gb modelis. :megusta:

PlayStation®3 クラシック・ホワイト 250GB





Juodas 250gb modelis

PlayStation®3 チャコール・ブラック 250GB





juodas 500gb modelis

PlayStation®3 チャコール・ブラック 500GB




dezutes irgi sumazes . pati konsole kaip skelbiama bus 20% lengvesne ir 25% mazesne uz jau maza slima.






pasirodo kainos yra jau visu regionu:



•500GB launches October 30th for $299

•250GB launches September 25th for $249 ($269 bundled with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: Game of the Year edition)



•500GB launches September 25th for €299

•12GB (Flash Memory) launches October 12th for €229



•500GB launches October 30th for 29,800 Yen (tax incl.)

•250GB launches October 4th for 24,900 Yen (tax incl.)


europa tik gaus su flash memory versija. :megusta: dabar viskas aisku. jau Rugsejo 25 diena. :halone:


In addition, the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory offers opportunities to experience the world of PlayStation at an affordable price point. Users can also expand the storage capacity of the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory by connecting a dedicated HDD (250GB) to be released concurrently with the new PS3. In addition, a variety of accessories will be introduced by SCE to meet various kinds of needs from users including a vertical stand that offers more flexibility in how the new PS3 can be displayed.



be to su naujo PS3 modelio isleidimu PS Store zada keistis irgi.kad butu lengviau,paprasciau viskas pasiekiama prieinama.


Next month, the PlayStation Store will be getting a makeover. Sony is looking to tie-in the move with the launch of the new PlayStation 3 model.


The PS Australia site states:


“To tie in with the launch, PlayStation Store for PS3 is set to get a new look from October 2012 too, making it even easier for you to find and download the content you love from the comfort of your sofa.”


tiesiai is TGS 2012..nauji PS3 super slimai is visu pusiu. bei 2 naujos PSV spalvos



















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Mmm atrodo tikrai gerai, bus proga pasikeist labai jau garsiai snopuojancia (gal de lapkunumo) senute.

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PSP pirmukas mazina kainas ,bent jau jap




su cross-buy tarp PS3 ir PSV bus daugiau nuolaidu ,bet maziau zaidimu uz dyka



oficialus nauju PS3 shotai.priedo prie jau matytu














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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.

  • Naujausios temos

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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos