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2.80 engine update

pasirodo 2.80 updeitas slepia daugiau nei vien tik paprasta fw updeita,tai yra pilnavertis updeitas kuris liecia ir ps3 zaidimus,tai yra daugiau prieinamos RAM atminties,ka sekmingai panaudos Uncharted2

The real secret in PS3 firmware 2.80

Monday, 27 Jul 2009 10:14

[PlayStation 3]


The optional PS3 firmware update 2.80 actually included a very important improvement for game developers.


When PS3 firmware 2.80 came out it was unclear what had actually been included. The update was optional with the common and only log inclusion of "The playback quality of some PlayStation 3 format software has been improved."


Our friends at PS3Attitude discovered an increased character limit in chat, and TheSixthAxis found that the update was actually required for the console's music video application, VidZone. This was the first clue as to what the update actually included for PS3 developers.


It's now clear what was involved with the update; more RAM memory was made available, most likely due to the reduction of memory consumption for the console's Operating System (OS). How do we know? This information was provided by Sam Thompson, the producer of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, during an interview at this year's San Diego Comic-Con.


When asked what improvements had been made to Uncharted 2 since the game's multiplayer beta, Thompson told TQcast:


"Naughty Dog is constantly working to improve every aspect of the gameplay; be it animation, lighting, sound, texture fidelity. You know if you look at the game itself with the 2.80 engine update, you know we're adding more memory, so we get a lot more utilisation of the SPUs, so we increase our optimisation of the Cell processor as well."


"So we've got from the engineering side all the way up to texture fidelity, artists adding in even more...I mean there's really not a singular aspect that's not been improved in the game," Thompson added.


It's presumed that the 2.80 engine update Thompson refers to is Naughty Dog's improvements after the PS3's 2.80 firmware update, with the coincidence being too significant to ignore (though we're sure Naughty Dog has also gained back memory from their own engine optimisation). A reduced OS memory footprint is a common inclusion with PS3 updates and it's good to know that it's making such a positive impact with developers and their games.


For reference, the PS3's memory footprint was reduced to 74mb at firmware 1.80, so who knows what it is now. Sony might even be closing in on the Xbox 360's 32mb's.

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PS3, PSP Sales Down, PS2 Sales Up (?!)

By Luke Plunkett, 1:30 AM on Thu Jul 30 2009, 2,939 views (Edit, to draft, un-top, Slurp)


You know it, we know it: times are tough. And Sony, Sony definitely know it, with the company's freshly-released quarterly report highlighting declining sales for both the PS3 and PSP.


But good news first! In the first quarter of the 2008 fiscal year, Sony sold 1.5 million PlayStation 2 consoles worldwide. In Q1 2009? That number was up to 1.6 million! Nice to see a $99 price-point having an effect.


Things weren't so rosy for the PS3 and PSP, however. PS3 sales were down from 1.6 million in Q108 to 1.1 million in Q109, while PSP sales were...well, abysmal. Down from 3.7 million to just 1.3 million. Those numbers were so poor, in fact, that Sony singled the handheld out as a key contributor to a record loss in operating income for Sony's Networked Products & Services Group, which saw the division lose ¥39.7 billion.

ps3 bei psp pardavimai nukrito,o ps2 pakilo !!! :huh: na kaina daro viska $99 ,kai visur ekonominis nuosmukis

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pagal si kaip minima nuleakinta kalendoriu,matome kad GT5 vis del to minimas kaip december iseisiantis zaidimas :dwn:

aisku maybe its fake :help:

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Sony Finalizes Backwards Compatible Memory Stick XC With 2TB Maximum Capacity


Sony has finalized specifications of Memory Stick XC, which was also known back during CES 2009 as “Memory Stick Format Series for Extended High Capacity.” At that time, Sony had mentioned that this new Memory Stick would have 2TB maximum capacity, but details were rather scarce. A new page on Sony’s website has listed all of the details for the Memory Stick XC, which is really exciting especially considering that the form factor for these new flash cards are (on paper) the same as pre-existing memory sticks, which means that these high capacity juggernauts are most likely backwards compatible. The entire cast and crew are back, including Duo, Micro, and the HG variants. Additionally, the XC series also uses the much more efficient exFAT file system, while the PRO series uses FAT12/16/32. The 2TB Memory Stick Duo picture used in this story is a photoshop by yours truly, but this won’t be much different than the real thing. License agreements for the Memory Stick XC are now available to interested hardware manufacturers.


Update: There seems to be some confusion amongst the Internet about this story. A 2 TB maximum capacity doesn’t mean that you will see a 2 TB Memory Stick XC next year. That is probably years away – however, it does open the door for 64GB, 128GB, etc; a natural progression to the 2 TB limit is to be expected.


The new nomenclature (to further confuse consumers):


* Memory Stick XC Duo

* Memory Stick XC-HG Duo

* Memory Stick XC Micro (M2 XC)

* Memory Stick XC-HG Micro (M2 XC-HG)


The specifications (click to enlarge):



This information is a Sony Insider exclusive, brought to you here first. Thanks to whomever anonymously sent this to us.

taigi jei dar ir nepamatysim 2TB mc kitais metais,taciau atsiranda galimybes artimiausiu laiku iseiti 64GB, 128GB MC



Rugpjucio 19 -23 dienomis vyks geimeriu svente GamesCom 2009,kuriame pasirodys nemazai naujienu,kai kuriu nauju zaidimu zaidziamos versijos,bus paskelbta nemazai naujienu is didziausiu zaidimu leideju bei is paciu konsoliu puses,taigi ka zadama parodyt GamesCom 2009



Namco Bandai


* Dragon Ball: Raging Blast (Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3)


* Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo (Wii)


* Katamari Forever (PLAYSTATION 3)


* NARUTO Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising (PSP)


* SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP)


* TEKKEN 6 (Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3)


* We Cheer 2 (Wii)


* ACTIVE LIFE: Extreme Challenge (Wii)


* Dead to Rights: Retribution (Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3)


* Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked (Wii)


* Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao (Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation Network)


* Magnacarta 2 (Xbox 360)




Square Enix


* Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Augustus 28, 2009


* Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP) - September 4, 2009


* Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Xbox 360) - 2010


* Final Fantasy XIV (PS3, PC) - 2010


* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Wii) - Winter 2009/2010


* Front Mission Evolved (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - TBD


* Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - Autumn 2009


* Mini Ninjas (Wii, DS, PS3, Xbox 360, PC)


* Nier (PS3, Xbox 360) - 2010


* Order of War (PC) - September 18, 2009


* Pony Friends 2 (Wii, DS, PC) - Winter 2009


* Supreme Commander 2 (Xbox 360, PC) - 2010






* Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (PS3, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360, PC)


* Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (WII, PS2, PSP)


* DanceDanceRevolution series (WII, PS2)


* Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)




1C Company


* Captain Blood (Xbox 360, PC)


* King's Bounty: Armored Princess (PC)


* Men of War: Red Tide (PC)


* NecroVisioN: Lost Company (PC)


* Rig'n'Roll (PC)


* IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey (Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, NDS)


* Majesty 2. The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (PC)


* Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad



Update: Update:




* Heavy Rain


* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


* God of War III




* EyePet


* Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time


* SingStar


* Buzz!


* White Knight Chronicles


* DC Universe Online


* Gran Turismo (PSP)


* Invizimals(PSP)


* MotorStorm: Arctic Edge(PSP)


* LittleBigPlanet(PSP)


* Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier(PSP)


* SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3(PSP)


* Gravity Crash (and more PSN games)


* VidZone(APP)


* PlayStation Home(APP)








* Bakugan


* Band Hero


* Blur


* DJ Hero


* Guitar Hero 5


* Modern Warfare 2


* Tony Hawk: RIDE







* Army of Two: 40th Day


* Battlefield Bad Company 2


* Brutal Legend


* Command and Conquer 4


* Dante's Inferno


* Dead Space Extraction


* Dragon Age: Origins


* FIFA 10


* Mass Effect 2


* My Sims Agents


* Need For Speed: Shift


* Need For Speed: Nitro






* The Beatles: Rock Band


* The Saboteur


* Tiger Woods Online



aisku cia ne viskas ka ten pamatysim,bet po renginio gausim nemazai naujienu,info,video,screenu. ir viska suzinosim tada

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Japan Still Lovin' The PS2, Still Buyin' Gundam

By Michael McWhertor, 12:30 PM on Thu Aug 13 2009


The power of the PlayStation 2 and the appeal of Gundam is still strong in Japan. Or at least the fan base of each is, as PS2 software sits atop this week's weekly Japanese software sales chart.


SD Gundam G Generation Wars was Japan's bestselling game this past week, a new debut in a long list of new debuts that likely put a smile on Namco Bandai executive faces. The Gundam game was one of four new titles from Namco Bandai to secure a spot in the top ten, including Tales of VS., Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes and the Wii version of SD Gundam G Generation Wars.


Plenty of new titles made appearances throughout the Media Create sales chart, including Magna Carta II (another Namco Bandai game), Square Enix's Blood of Bahamut, EA Sports Active and Red Faction: Guerrilla.


01. SD Gundam G Generation Wars (PS2) - 175,000 / NEW

02. Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) - 137,000 / 657,000

03. Dragon Quest IX (DS) - 136,000 / 3,517,000

04. Tales of VS. (PSP) - 133,000 / NEW

05. Tomodachi Collection (DS) - 92,000 / 602,000

06. Wii Sports Resort (Wii) - 73,000 / 902,000

07. Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes (PS2) - 52,000 / NEW

08. SD Gundam G Generation Wars (Wii) - 35 / NEW

09. Irodzuki Tingle no Koi no Balloon Trip (DS) - 33,000 / NEW

10. J-League Winning Eleven 2009 Club Championship (PS2) - 33,000 / NEW


11. Magna Carta II (Xbox 360)

12. Blood of Bahamut (DS)

13. Puyo Puyo 7 (DS)

14. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (the Best) (PSP)

15. EA Sports Active (Wii)

16. Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Oosouji (DS)

17. Penguin no Mondai x Tenkuu no 7 Senshi (DS)

18. Armored Core Portable 3 (PSP)

19. Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer (DS)

20. Boku no Natsuyasumi 4: Seitouchi Shounen Tanteidan, Boku to Himitsu no Chizu (PSP)

21. Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (PS2)

22. CR Shinseiki Evangelion: Saigo no Mono (PS2)

23. Wii Fit (Wii)

24. Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360)

25. Pro Yakyuu Spirits 6 (PS3)

26. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

27. Pokemon Platinum (DS)

28. Hayarikami 3 (PSP)

29. Red Faction: Guerrilla (PS3)

30. Red Faction: Guerrilla (Xbox 360)


taigi skirtingai negu pas mus,pas japonus Ps2 vis dar perkamas ir visa dar zaidziamas,ir jam visa dra kuriami zaidimai,ir ne siap sau ,o taip perkami kad nusluoja savo kely tokius super hitus kaip Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) ar Dragon Quest IX (DS) .keista bet pas juos taip yra

as pvz irgi visai nesupykciau jei dar sukurtu nauju zaidimu tokiu kokie buvo MGS3,FF X,XII ,ar kitu.tikrai dar juos palosciau,bet deje mum to niekad nesulaukt.dabar visi sulinde i next gen,uzsikase darbais,taciau zaidimai deje neina jau tokie geri kokie ejo tais gerais laikais.

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PSP Minis Documents Leaked: Sony Learning From Apple's Mistakes

By Luke Plunkett, 3:30 AM on Mon Aug 24 2009


Pocket Gamer have got their hands on some developer documents for Sony's PSP Minis program, which reveal that - in one key area at least - lessons have been learned from the way Apple have done business on the iPhone.


While Apple's App Store has been lauded for its variety and scope, it's often criticised for the way in which applications are approved for sale, a process which is neither transparent or consistent.


This means some content that violates other people's IP can make it onto the App Store while others do not. Or some games that contain offensive material are cleared while others, seemingly more innocent, are refused.


Sony's PSP Minis program will differ from this in that it will remove the "requirement for content approval", meaning games only need to be tested to see if they work, not if they're somehow suitable.


Which is how it should be! It's the developer's place to decide what's suitable (and face the music if its not), and it's the market's place to decide whether they want to buy it or not. The platform holder, well, they should just be allowed to get on and provide the hardware.

taigi visiskai nauja psp rinka PSP MINIs. atrodo kad gali buti labai rimtas dalykas :)


Sony boss reveals plans for PlayStation


The Times was the only UK publication at Gamescom in Cologne last week to speak with Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kazuo “Kaz” Hirai. We met up with him the morning after he had taken the stage to announce the new PlayStation 3 Slim, and half an hour before he was due to fly back to Tokyo.


Portions of this interview have appeared in other stories from Gamescom (see below left), but we thought he had so many interesting things to say that our chat deserved reproducing in full. So here it is. Our questions are in bold, with his answers beneath.


The obvious question is, why a new PlayStation 3 now?

Well, it's closing in on our third anniversary in November in America and Japan, and we felt it was the right time to kind of pass on the benefits of the fact that we've been able to reduce the number of components and their sizes.


And we wanted to pass the cost savings on to our consumers, in the new price point as well. We also felt it was the right time in terms of the great line-up of software titles we have coming out.


We wanted to make sure we had a great line-up of software, a new form factor and a new pricing point as well.


Is the new machine really an admission that sales of the existing PS3 have been disappointing?

If you look at the growth of the installed base, it is slower than the PS2 was but it's pretty much on track with the growth that we had with the original PlayStation.


We also always look at our business as being a 10-year lifecycle for all of our platforms. It's kind of difficult to say whether a platform has been successful or not going into our third anniversary. The fifth anniversary and beyond is when we really start to say how's our trajectory looking?


In retrospect, do you wish you had packed less into the PS3?

Had we done less, I think we'd have gotten into a situation where, especially with the way technology ramps up, it would have been very difficult for us to embark on a 10-year life cycle with this particular console.


I think that because of all the things we were able to pack into the platform - Blu-ray's a great example - we were able to make sure we could take advantage of some of the great services we are offering.


Those things aren't possible if we didn't put that kind of power into the platform.


A marketing person once told me that the most difficult thing to sell is a Swiss Army penknife, because it does everything. Do you think you made the same mistake with the PS3?

Right. That was more of a marketing issue than anything else. When I came back to Japan in November 2006, one of the first things I did was to go out with a very clear message that said the PS3 is first and foremost a video game console, before we talk about any of the other great things it can do. I think the PS3 had a bit of an identity problem.


We focused therefore in the first year and a half or so on talking about the great games and also we sent that message to all of our development partners.


I think we've done a pretty good job of doing that, which is why we've got this great raft of software coming into this holiday season. Once we've done that, then we can talk about all the other things that it can do in terms of the non-game video content, whether it's the video delivery service or the catchup TV service or the movie rental service. But none of that makes much sense unless we can say first and foremost it's a great video game console.


It’s well known that Sony loses money on every PS3 it sells. Will that still be the case with the new machine?

If you're just talking about the hardware alone, the quick answer is yes. That makes good headlines, but I don't actually know that that's the true nature of the business that we're all in, whether it's PlayStation, Xbox or the Wii. I think the better indicator is to look at the business as a whole platform, to ask: are you profitable in terms of the hardware, software and peripherals. And the answer t o that question is yes on a gross profit level since the last fiscal year.


Is PS3 the machine to turn Sony around?

It's not just the PlayStation business, but overall. It's some of the other businesses that I'm managing now at the Networked Products and Service Group level, but it's also a combination of the cost reductions that we're now embarking on on a corporate level, including the Bravia business, I think all these things need to come together for us to be seen and perceived as having turned a corner. It's not just one business. It's not just the PlayStation business, it's not just the TV business, it's a combination of all of the things that we're involved in.


Will PlayStation thinking infiltrate the rest of Sony?

This is one of the things that Howard has tasked myself and Kunimasa Suzuki to do at NPSG, where the majority of the sales and visibility, if you will, comes from the PlayStation business. Since I manage both there's obviously going to be a bit of a ruboff from how I run the PlayStation business. and how that's going to impact how Kuni's going to be running the Vaio business, and because of the cross-pollination that I wanted I've asked Kuni to become second in command at SCE. So there's a lot of cross- pollination going on at management level.


I certainly wanted to make sure that the kind of corporate culture, the atmosphere if you will, the kind of information sharing, the openness that I think I've been able to impart on SCE, I want to make sure that that culture extends to NPSG, and by extension if it's a culture that breeds success, then it should naturally extend into other parts of Sony as well.


Nevertheless, as a company that also owns a film studio and a music label, the digital age must present as much conflict as opportunity? How can Sony reconcile its two roles?

There's always been that difference of opinion or perspective, and that's bound to happen, because on the one side you're coming from software, from the other side you're coming from hardware.


There is always going to be that, but I think it depends on the management of the organisations to really harness that energy and conflict in the right way or to exacerbate the situation. I'd like to think that because we at SCE are one of the very few companies within the Sony group, probably the only one, that deals in both hardware and software under one roof, we have that conflict built in.


It's part of our culture to manage that conflict and to manage it in a right way, so that it becomes a positive rather than something that takes down the organisation. I'd like to think the folks at SCE have a lot of experience and knowledge about striking a balance between the two and hopefully we can impart that across the wider Sony group as well. Sony needs to get to the point where we're not talking about hardware or software, but about a total consumer experience. We don't talk about hardware and software at SCE. We talk about how we can bring the best consumer experience under the PlayStation umbrella. Nobody questions whether we're a hardware company or a software company, and that's the way I think Sony needs to move as well.


What are your own personal criteria for a successful gadget?

Ease of use. One of the standards is how many times I have to look at a manual. I look too for industrial form factor and design. Does it look nice and does it function very well?


Talking of form and design, I see you’ve ditched the Spider-man typeface from the new PlayStation…

We wanted to make sure that we set a new direction for the PS3. The PS logo with the capital P and small S has always been our logo, has always been synonymous with video games and I wanted to reset the thinking. Also internally I wanted to send the message internally that we are resetting the thinking, going back to our roots. What better way to do it than by resetting the logo? That puts the entire organisation on its toes. On a practical level, when you have PlayStation 3 spelt out, the aspect ratio was such that if you wanted it on a billboard it became tiny. It didn't work in terms of visibility.


In the meantime, Nintendo has done more to popularise video gaming than any other company.

It's a very astute observation, but it doesn't take in history. The most successful console is still the PS2 and it's still going strong. I think that's the console that really broke the barrier from video games being just for video gamers into more of a mass market on a global basis. Nintendo's obviously done a great job in following that mass acceptance.


But there is a new constituency of video game players. How will you make sure they come to the PS3?

First and foremost it needs to be done through compelling video game titles. That is a two-pronged strategy where we always need to make sure that the platform is perceived as a videogames platform. Once you increase the installed base you cannot say, OK we're not going to do any more games for the hardcore gamer. You lose them, you lose the whole foundation. A great example is games like God of War. Those games we will continue to do.


Titles like Singstar and Buzz are great examples of family type games. Number 2, I think that the accessibility of the PS Network and all the different content that we offer and will bring in the future - people who realise that it's a great console to have for all the other things it offers. It's a great entrance into the PS3 for some people and once you've got one, why not try video games as well? I think that's more of a long-term proposition. But since we're on a 10-year lifecycle, it's the sort of thing we'll be looking at in a couple of years.


And what about the “magic wand” motion control system you have shown glimpses of here and at E3? When will we see that in stores?

We are slating it for spring of next year. One of the things is that we just don't want to put out the controller. We need a great software that supports the controller at launch. It's something that we've been working on for the longest time.


Finally, the PSP Go is coming in October, and has no drive for UMD disks. Do you think physical media such as DVDs and even Blu-ray have a limited time left?

No. Perhaps we can sit down three years from now and have a beer, or two or ten, while we wait to download 40 gigabytes of data for a full ps3 game. That's still going to take a lot of time. We're in over 100 countries and there are areas where consumers still don't have access to the type of broadband that we have. The death of physical media is a very nice conclusion, that seems to be nice to say, but it’s not something we're going to see soon. We are committed to the PSP 3000 and the UMD business. A lot of people like to speculate that we're getting out of that business, but nothing could be further from the truth. We're not going to deprive consumers in all those other countries.

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Su PS3 Slim paskelbimu Sony pristate ir naujaji PS3 logo. Spiderman'o font'a pakeis futuristiskesnis ir bent mano akiai zymiai stilingesnis font'as.








Stai kaip atrodys busimoji PS3 deze ir zaidimu virseliai su naujuoju logo


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CEDEC 09: Sony Demonstrates Photo and Facial Recognition Technology


Sony Computer Entertainment demonstrated its facial recognition library for the PlayStation Eye libface at the Yokohama-based 2009 CESA Developers Conference (CEDEC), explaining the basic concept of photo recognition and processing technology and how it is applied onto the library.


Photo processing in general are used in retouching or editing a photo on software such as Adobe Photoshop. However, in video games, they are generally used to find certain characteristics in a photo.


In the demonstration, they showed a close-up photo of a red flower in an open field. Using a convolution filter, they showed how an image can be softened (low-pass), sharpened (high-pass) or detect edges (sobel/laplacian) and a pyramid filter was also shown to demonstrate noise reduction.


Next, they showed three images and ran a comparison match to see which two photos were identical. If they match, the screen would essentially all turn black giving a value of 0. Now this is all just talking about still images. All of the above are utilized in tracking movement, a girl stood in front of the Playstation Eye moving her hands.


Now imagine a sequence of photos as frames from each fraction of a second. It would then run a comparison match in each frame and the difference would then appear on the screen, while the immobile portions would be all black. You can then use pyramid and convolution filters to reduce noise or create conditions for edge detection.


In addition to comparison match, pattern matching can also be integrated. In each frame, it would perform a local search and try to find the same pattern within the area. This time a circular mascot was added on the application. The girl would now use her hands and arms to hold this mascot and carry it around. In the demo, a close-up shot of the mascot was shown on a different part of the monitor to see how it performs a local search.


As for facial recognition, the technology may be familiar to many as it has now become a feature in most digital cameras. The process of facial recognition can be divided into four steps. The first, which also takes the most amount of processing time, is face detection. A detection box of at least 20x20 pixel would sweep across the entire space.


It would detect based on age, nationality, as well as the orientation and direction of the face in the frame. There are no limitations as to how many faces it can detect, however, this would also mean more processing time. The second step would be to find face parts on each individual's face, usually in four parts: the left and right eye, nose and mouth.


The third step would be the alignment, it would look for 50 different points for details and characteristics of the individual's face. Lastly, both the attribute (i.e. specific age, facial expressions, etc.) and face recognition are processed. In order to speed up the face detection process, reducing the scale of the photo and performing a local search or an overall search using tracking, block matching, background subtraction and other methods.


With libface, one or more SPU can be used in face processing. For example, setting the parameter to 47 pixels would take 58 milliseconds with one SPU. With multiple SPUs, the process can be sped up and reduced to 15 milliseconds.


Or you can set the parameter to 80 pixels to easily capture more faces within the space. Changing the parameter allows you better detection also in regards to the distance between the user and the PS Eye.


Some applications such as avatar-linked facial recognition and pattern recognition were briefly shown. With the former, it would find the alignment of each user's face, so if the user smiles, the avatar on screen will also smile likewise.


The latter is used in mini-games such as "Smile Competition". Users would smile in front of the camera and whoever scores higher wins the match. Although the application focuses on facial recognition, this can also be used in detecting specific objects through higher level detection algorithms.

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From Sony: 3D Bravia TV, film downloads for PS3 and PSP



BERLIN--We're here at IFA at the Sony press conference, where Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer reckons the "3D train is on the track--and we're the ones to drive it home." 3D is Sony's big push, but we're more interested in the announcement of a movie-download service for PS3 and PSP, via the PlayStation Network.


Sony has announced its first 3D-compatible Bravia LCD TV, to arrive in 2010. It promises a high frame rate and 1,920x1,080 pixels per eye to give what Sony describes as "high-definition, high-quality 3D images." 3D-enabled Blu-ray players are set to follow and even the PS3 will be involved.


We're shown the trailer for 3D movie "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs," which includes burgers falling from the sky straight at the camera.


From the sample footage shown off here, live football looks like rubbish, unless players run right up to the camera, but games and nature programs look great in dimensional triplicate.


After Sony's recent restructuring, Sir Howard on Wednesday also unveils a new global motto for the company: "Make Dot Believe." Who's Dot? Sir Howie's grandma back in Wales? Oh, hang on, sorry, it's "Make.Believe."


PlayStation Network's video-delivery service for Europe will allow you to download and rent moviefilms to PS3 and PSP, and transfer them between the two.


PSN has all the major studios on board: Sony, Warner Bros, Universal, Paramount, Disney, MGM, Lionsgate, and local networks. It'll kick off this November.



God of War Collection PS3 No. 1 in retail demand


Advanced sales for the Sony Corp.'s God of War Collection for the Playstation 3 ranked as the top product in the Movers & Shakers division at on Wed.


On Wed., God of War Collection ranked No. 1 in the Movers & Shakers Video Games division.


Additionally, it ranked No. 118 overall in Amazon's Video Games division.


The God of War Collection will include reworked versions of God of War and God of War II on a single Blu-ray disc.


Both titles will carry a resolution of 1280 x 720 and a yield 60 frames-per-second graphics engine.


God of War Collection will carry a retail price of $39.99.


Sony in 2010 will release the third entry in the franchise, God of War III.


Sony in Aug. price cut the current 80GB SKU to $299.99, while the 160GB SKU was price cut to $399.99.


It announced the new PS3 Slim model at the Gamescom 2009 conference in Cologne, Germany.


The PS3 Slim is 33 percent smaller and 36 percent lighter than the current model.


Additionally, it uses 33 percent less power than the prior version.


It sells for $299.99.


The PS3 Slim currently holds the No. 2 rank at Amazon's game division.

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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
    • So, so. Tokia europetiška Stellar Blade versija (bent jau taip pasirodė). Pasižiūrėsim kas išeis.
    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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